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There are a lot of students who search for Oxford referencing generator online which will help them create a citation easily. The students also look for such services because they do not have enough time to spend and write the reference list themselves. But, there are several advantages and disadvantages that accompany an online Oxford referencing generator. Here I have laid out a few of both faces so that you can know better for yourself if you should go for such services or not.

Let us talk bad first so that you can rejoice with good later. The disadvantages of using an online Oxford referencing generator are -

The citations may be wrong

Yeah, no kidding. There are a number of instances when the citations generated by the free tools like Cite This For Me and others is wrong. Take a look at the example below. I am using an Oxford referencing generator to cite an article titled “What is Mental Health” published on by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services on 29 August 2017. The circled information is needed to cite this website. Here is what Cite This For Me gave me. Cite This For Me is an alleged renowned and “trustworthy” Oxford referencing generator. As evident from above, the citations that you so easily are not always right. Imagine if you had pasted this citation in your assignment, what would the professor do? I know what my professor did. He would send an email to any student who used to use online Oxford referencing generator saying “You have failed to meet the correct referencing guidelines specified in the assignment. As a result, you will lose the 10 marks specified in the marking rubric for using an incorrect citation format.” You don’t believe me that one can lose grades due to this, right? What is wrong with online Oxford referencing generator. How is the professor going to know how many marks to deduct? For you, here is a screenshot from a nursing assignment that our experts solved a few weeks ago. If I can read correctly, it says that 20% marks of the assignment value relies on the academic standards, i.e. referencing.

Oxford referencing generator does not teach you anything

Referencing is an art, a skill that requires meditation and sacrifice. Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit. But it is not easy to learn to reference. On top of that, when you are using an online assignment help provider’s service, you do not have any way of checking if the citations are as per the format or not. Chances are that they are also using an online Oxford referencing generator for your assignment. That is not what you are paying for, right? For the lack of a better example, I am showing you the results of an APA referencing. Just imagine that it is for Oxford referencing. This is what the University of New South Wales say for APA referencing of a book. This is what a referencing generator gave me. See the difference? Yes, the title of the book is not in italics and it only says the country, not the city. Would you know this difference if you were simply using an online Oxford referencing generator? No. You will blindly copy it, paste it, save it and submit it. What would you do if the assignment help provider does the same? You do not know what is the correct referencing and you will believe what is given to you. This will lead to loss of grades, you valuable grades. Oxford reference generator is not something you should be totally dependant on.

Enough with the bee-ching. Do you want to know what are the advantages of using an online referencing generator?

It saves time. A lot of time.

That is what every single human wants. They want to save time and energy at every task, except one which requires high energy performance over a prolonged period of time. Oxford referencing generator simply asks you to input the details, hit the generate button and voila. What an easy way to get things done. Why would anyone waste their time by hopping from web page to web page and writing the correct reference list themselves? The students want nothing else but to wrap it up as fast as they can. And online Oxford referencing generator aids them exactly in achieving this.

The students can create a reference list and then paste it in the assignment.

Yes, that is a feature that comes in handy when you have 20 or 30 different sources to cite. All you need to do is add them in the Oxford referencing generator and it will automatically create a complete list. You can pick up this list and paste as it is in the assignment. Nothing more. Easy, convenient and fast. Simply copy and paste this bibliography at the end of the assignment. Isn’t this what all students dream about the night before the deadline? #HailOxfordReferencingGenerator

What to do when you need additional help despite using Oxford referencing generator?

You come straight to My Assignment Services. Our team of professionals have written as many assignments as you have not seen in your life. Just kidding. But they have written a lot of assignments. So we know what needs to be done. Where you are wrong and if the reference list is right or not. After all, a human expert is always better than Oxford referencing generator, isn’t it? What are you waiting for then? Send it to our experts for review now. Right now.

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Jacob is an erudite professional who has a strong command of the concepts involved in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Being a reputed economist in Australia for the last seven years, he provides online tutoring sessions to students worldwide. This is due to his love for teaching that he has always been available to cater to queries in different areas within the broad paradigm of economics. For the same reason, he has joined hands with My Assignment Services to provide expert consultation to students who find it challenging to deal with their university assignments.


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