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A deadline can be like a dark cloud hovering over your head or an alarm waiting to go off. Okay, not to be that dramatic but deadlines management does make you feel anxious often, and you can be enjoying your afternoon when you are reminded of an approaching deadline. You can panic or try your best to work within the time you're left.

Keeping track of your due coursework might help you cope with the deadline induced anxiety, or you can just try your best not to procrastinate. I understand that procrastination is something that can happen unintentionally. With many devices and hundreds of apps, it is easy to lose track of time.

 But, you must focus on your final goals and the aftereffects of not meeting deadlines. Also, it is your responsibility as a university to keep up with your task. Read forth to learn effective deadline management skills to help you get things done way before the deadline.

tips to get your assignment done before the deadline

How to Get Your Assignments Done When the Deadline Is Weeks Away?

Often deadlines can be a bit too much to handle, and when you've got many of them, your professors keep assigning you knew tasks every other week. A pile of reading material, essays, revisions for quizzes and other coursework might seem too much, and It is a common trait to stress over deadlines.

Did you know that the first-ever written evidence of the word ‘deadline’ was in a report compiled by Col. D.T. Chandler in 1864?

So how does one develop deadline management skills? Well, suck skills take discipline and management and here’s how you can do it as well:

Start Early

Most of us procrastinate even starting our assignments, but an early start allows you to draft your work well before the deadline, giving you plenty of time to reread and make changes if necessary.

Plan Ahead

Note this down, highlight it/underline it, "planning ahead is the key". Make a checklist list of your tasks for deadline management, including their set deadlines, and rank them according to the approaching deadlines. After that, give chores and create targets, such as writing a specific number of words.

Find Your Study Space

We all have different methods to concentrate and varied choices for studying locations. Some of you might prefer studying in a library, on campus, in your room, or a cafe. It's critical to find the right study environment so that you can concentrate on performing your best.

Write Something

Doing this may seem eccentric to a few of you, but when you're having trouble starting a project, jotting down anything even loosely related to the work will assist your mind in brainstorming on how to begin the assignment efficiently.


You need to strike the right balance. While it is essential to study diligently and put effort, taking pauses is also important since it helps your mind to take a rest! Permit yourself to have some time off work to relax and avoid undue stress; it may or may not help write your assignment any simpler, but you still have some time.

When you feel the need for added assistance in completing your assignments on time, you can enrol here to get the best assistance from experienced professionals. Our experts can help you edit or proofread your assignments hours before the deadline. Fill out the enrollment form to get quick and easy management assignment help.

How to Deal with Anxiety When I Have Multiple Deadlines Approaching?

Students feel anxious about their multiple deadlines, exams and, of course, maintaining a good grade. Whether it is self-imposed deadlines or the one that is assigned with your coursework, working within a timeline can cause unneeded stress. You may require stress-management methods or just something to uplift your mood.

A few tips and tricks that might help you do the same:

Create Smaller Goals

You can lessen the deadline stress by setting tiny objectives that add to your broader goals. Smaller goals will allow you to concentrate on one small task at a time, and soon your tasks will be completed. Consider calculating how long each task will take to accomplish to verify you have time left to finish before the submission day.

Learn Organisational Skills

Organising your tasks can help increase your overall productivity while also reducing your stress levels. You can first get the needed material for your assignment, notes, books, and other research material in one place. Make a to-do list including details such as priority and the required resources.

The Marine Corps abides by a seventy percent rule; if they have at least 70% of the resources to get a plan to work, they execute it. It implies that you are seventy per cent sure that you can achieve your goal. - Forbes

Find Positivity

You can cultivate a more optimistic outlook when accessing your deadline management skills by thinking about the good part and everything you have done now. You may also visualise how chores will turn out. Doing so will help you remind you of your duties at hand and toward the outcomes, which may lift your spirits.

Focus on What You Can Control

A few of you might be going through deadline anxiety due to factors beyond their control, such as tech problems and especially if it's a group project. You can reduce stress by concentrating on the parts of the project you are tasked to complete. Your commitment and responses are two aspects of a project that you can manage. You can at least feel relieved about your input in the assignment, which might help you calm down calmly and think rationally.

Reduce Your Distractions

Try to remove as many distractions as you can from your workspace to help you focus better on your task. Reducing distractions will increase your efficiency and help reduce deadline induced anxiety. Also, get rid of clocks from your working space or set the alarm for breaks so you can focus without constantly calculating the seconds to your deadline.

Feeling anxious due to deadlines is common, but the key is not to let such worries hostage you to the fears of missing deadlines. It is important to focus on your goals and work on prioritising your tasks. The nearest deadline comes first, and you should stop worrying about the other ones.

The time you spend worrying over the deadlines will add to the time it will take to get something done. Procrastination is a trait that no one can escape, yet it is important to work on your assignments when you have time, so you don't have to worry about deadline management. Beating procrastination will keep anxiety further away from you.

How to Get Assignments Done Right Before the Deadline?

Now, for the ones who have their deadlines knocking on their door, and yes, it's here, and you can only make do with damage control. Such a thing can happen, and it can be due to various reasons like procrastination, health issues, revising required in your completed assignments, ect.

A deadline can be a negative inspiration for completing your work. Still, it's way better than having no inspiration at all. Quote by Rita Mae Brown

Whatever you might face, your deadline is here or almost here. There are only two options in such cases, either complete it or ask for an extension. When you think that you won't be able to finish your work before the deadline, you can ask your professor for an extension via email.

Honestly, state your reason and ensure that you will submit it within the new deadline. You may or may not get an extension; it depends on the university guidelines or the professor. The ones who plan to get their work done without applying for an extension, and you can do it if you have a bit of your work done.

Also, you can get help from your professors, mentor, or peers to complete your assignment. The time it might take you to ask for an extension and wait for the approval mail might be the time you can get your work done. You can also get help from our experts to get help with last-minute submissions.

what to do if miss a deadline

The Deadline Management Skills We Learnt Are:

Deadlines can be quite scary, and it is often that most of you believe that they will go away after you finish your academia but deadlines are also imposed in professional environments. When you step into the professional world, there are different kinds of deadlines that you'll deal with.

As long as you have things to complete, there will be deadlines; the only way to deal with them is to get past them by completing your work on time. There's no way around it. You can get things early if you start early. Prioritising your work will help you keep up with the various deadlines.

Your workspace/environment also affects your productivity; distractions are the biggest instigator of procrastination. You are checking your phone, and next, you notice it's already two hours since you abandoned your work for texting. Get rid of distractions and stop procrastinating.

The nearing deadline can make anyone anxious; you might be working on one of your assignments and don't even realise that the deadline for another assignment is approaching fast. Panic ensures when your deadline is just days or worse, hours away. If you are going through something similar, you can enrol to get lightning-fast management assignment help for revising, editing, proofreading, or plag check your assignments.

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About the Author



Jacob is an erudite professional who has a strong command of the concepts involved in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Being a reputed economist in Australia for the last seven years, he provides online tutoring sessions to students worldwide. This is due to his love for teaching that he has always been available to cater to queries in different areas within the broad paradigm of economics. For the same reason, he has joined hands with My Assignment Services to provide expert consultation to students who find it challenging to deal with their university assignments.


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