If you think you are the only one facing issues writing a lengthy assignment, well, truth be told, your professor might also be struggling to grade lengthy assignments. You are one of the many students required to write a thousand word report or an assignment. On the other hand, your professor has to grade tons of lengthy assignments.

If you consider both the cases, your professor has it just as bad. But, the good thing about assignments is that they don't have to be given out with a long deadline or even have to be worded in thousands of words to be effective. Universities are now including more frequent short assignments that are easy to comprehend for students and professors alike.

Somedays, we will find the right words to finish our writing, and those words will be simple. Quote by Jack Kerouac

The rubrics for short writing assignments are different compared to long assignments. You are expected to incorporate your concept comprehension in your writing and deliver what is needed in fewer words. Also, keep in mind that it doesn't apply to a thesis or dissertation writing; such assignments are something you can't write in a few words.

five great benifits of writing short lenght assihnment

What Are Some Short Assignment Examples?

Such assignments aim to make students write their assignments on their own rather than referring to research papers or previous assignments. You might find writing too many assignments burdening, but in hindsight, short assignments make learning more effective, and you'll be able to remember more of your curriculum. So what would be considered a short writing assignment? Here are a few to begin with:

Short Essay

A short essay can be based on any topic from your curriculum; it can be a small section or a whole chapter. A short essay is also given out for students to practice their writing skills.

Book/Chapter Summary

A book or chapter summary can also be included in short assignments as they are worded in not more than 500-700 words. A summary is not necessarily an essay; you might have to write one for your professors to understand your comprehension level.

News Report

Keeping up with the latest updates and trends in your area of study is important for university students. You must stay to learn of all the world's current events; professors often assign students to write a news report of recent research or discovery in the body of knowledge.

Tip: Always proofread your paper before submitting it; even get a second opinion from your peers to make sure it doesn't seem rushed or unclear.

Critique Paper

A critique paper is similar to a summary, but the only difference is that you critique the work. Such a report includes appreciation as well as improvement areas. It is an important assignment commonly given out as per the rubrics for short writing assignments.

Reflection Paper

You might be assigned to write essays on your understanding of the concepts or review your key learnings. Reviewing your learnings is also known as reflection writing. Especially students pursuing implied courses - medicine, engineering, or law - must write one.

Free Writing

Another effective way for a professor to review a student's learning is through a reflection journal. A reflection journal includes students' notes, chapter reviews, and more. But, such writing is freer styled than following a specific structure or word limit. You may add in your clustered or brainstorming notes.

University-level concepts are undoubtedly more complex than a high school, yet it doesn't imply that the assignments have to be difficult or lengthy. It is beneficial for both the student and the instructor to consider giving frequent assignments that students won't have to go to lengths for and deliver original papers.

University assignments come in all shapes and forms, from essays to lengthy theses you won't be able to skip any. The chances of students struggling with their assignments are huge as it can happen due to many reasons - not understanding the assignment, referencing troubles, or a lack of resources. You may be going through something similar and get assignment writing help from experienced experts at affordable prices. Fill out the enrollment form to get started.

Why Are Short College Assignments Better than a Lengthy One?

Short assignments have several benefits - better comprehension, writing practice, and more. A few of such are:


Short assignments help students to summarise their learnings and the core concepts. Doing so helps them gradually review and revise their entire curriculum. It is effective for future exams as they don't have to cram their excessive curriculum in one night but rather learn gradually and effectively.


Knowing the concepts by heart encourages students to participate actively in classroom learning. Short assignments increase learning effectiveness. Thus, students prompt questions in class and know each of the concepts they're currently learning rather than putting that in the back of their minds to get back to it later.

Creative Responses

The rubrics for short writing assignments aren't as strict as it requires a less bounded and more personalised approach to the assignment. Students can write their assignments as per their understanding and develop different solutions to the same assignment. It encourages students to deliver creative responses as per their understanding.

Freewriting is a technique that many authors use before starting with actual writing as it improves creativity and just helps manifest your thoughts on a paper. - Grammarly

Collaboration Opportunities

Assignments with a low word length provide leeway for collaboration between two or more disciplines. Students can not only work on one assignment at a time but explore more than one course in a single task. Add vocabulary practice in a history paper, for example.

Focus on the basics

When the length of the paper is short, students and professors can focus more on the basics of writing - grammar, vocabulary, spell check, etc. - to help students improve in more areas than just subject-specific concepts.

You may get more regular tasks to deliver, but you will better understand various concepts. Improving basics will help students become more aware of the importance of their foundation knowledge. Such practices are also useful in a professional setting.

Types of shorts assignments

What Are the Basic Rubrics For a Short College Assignment?

The rubric for all Australian institutions is HD (High Distinction), D (Distinction), C (Credit), P(Pass), and F (Fail). Yet, the marking rubric for a short assignment is divided into further categories:

  • Focus on the paper’s purpose is justified or not
  • The clarity in presenting the main idea of the paper
  • The structuring/organisation of the paper, if it is according to the subject requirements
  • The content’s originality and if the presented arguments in the paper are well-executed
  • Not all assignments require researching, yet it is important to add correct information with references.
  • Style
    1. Sentence structure
    2. Vocabulary and tone
    3. Other details - examples used and descriptions
  • Correct grammar is of absolute importance in short assignment writing as it focuses mainly on students' writing.

These are the criteria that students must abide by for their short assignments. The compliance and effective execution of all these results in the student getting grades ranging from HD to F. You are required to fulfil all these regardless of the assignment being worded in fewer words.

Did you know that ACARA (Australian Government and all state and territory Governments) are responsible for curating the curriculum for schools and universities across the nation?

Short assignments are an effective way for students to go back to their basics and improve their writing and comprehension. Professors can also effectively grade their student's development/improvement throughout the semester through regular short assignments rather than just lengthy ones. Assignments can be challenging regardless of the length, and the prime reason for the same is a lack of academic resources. Fill out the enrollment form to get free of cost access to the world's largest repository of academic resources. Our experts provide assignment writing help through all the steps of your assignment through live guided sessions. Place an order to get started today

About the Author



Jacob is an erudite professional who has a strong command of the concepts involved in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Being a reputed economist in Australia for the last seven years, he provides online tutoring sessions to students worldwide. This is due to his love for teaching that he has always been available to cater to queries in different areas within the broad paradigm of economics. For the same reason, he has joined hands with My Assignment Services to provide expert consultation to students who find it challenging to deal with their university assignments.


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