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Not very impressed with the initial draft of your assignment. Don’t think it is worthy of turning in?

If you are looking to tweak your paper at the last minute, Believe it or not, a few simple tips can help you upgrade your assignment and make it even more impressive. My Assignment Services can help you upgrade your assignment with just a few simple and quick tips. With these simple tweaks, you can elevate your writing and create a meaningful narrative sure to touch a chord with the grading faculty. University papers are an important component of your academic curriculum. Here are some simple tips to enhance and augment your assignment paper.

20 tips to upgrade your assignment

Get an Inch Closer to Scoring Your Desired Grades

Scrutinize your paper for grammar, meaning and spellings

Start by checking your paper for any grammatical, spelling, punctuation or syntax errors. Regardless of the objective of your academic assignment, it is crucial to submit a paper which is completely devoid of any grammatical errors or mistakes. Perhaps the most fundamental rule of university assignments, it is still the most vital rule. It is also advisable to use grammar correcting software applications to ensure that your paper is completely free from any kind of grammatical mistakes and errors.

Create a sequential narrative

Writing in a narrative form lends comprehensibility and clarity to your paper. A robust narrative not only gives an insightful and engaging description of the subject but also captures the imagination of the readers and sequentially takes them through the various parts of the discipline in a coherent and logical manner.

Pay Special attention to sentence structuring

Do you feel that there is something off about your assignment paper. you may not be able to identify the problem but it is obvious that the language is not on point. Awkward sentences are not grammatically incorrect but they have been constructed in an utterly illogical manner which makes them sound tricky and lumbersome.


Reading through high quality resources is a great way to enhance your understanding and knowledge about an academic discipline. Performing a thorough research before you set out to write reflects in the quality of your writing.

Paraphrase correctly and coherently

Inappropriate paraphrasing can cost you your grades. If you have taken inspiration from the works of other authors, it is important that you paraphrase correctly and logically. Paraphrasing does not mean merely rewording the text. It is important that you add value to the information.


Technical jargon related to your discipline can immediately make your paper appear more impressive and sharp.

Parts of speech

using parts of speech such as pun, metaphors, similes and allegories can immediately lend a greater academic value to your papers. Effective use of parts of speech can help you immediately upgrade your paper and make it sound more scholarly.

Citations and Referencing

It is a widely followed scholarly practise to give due credit to the original author of the work that has been used to draw reference. It is important that the citations are placed in the required referencing styles as per the university guidelines.

Creating a smooth transition between paragraphs

Ensuring that there is a smooth transition between the different parts of your assignment is important to lead the reader on the next part of the paper logically.

Prepare ahead of time

Your grading faculty is most likely a seasoned academic who has acquired grading experience over years of assessing assignments and essays. It is important that you start well ahead of your submission date to make sure that you can carry out at least a few revisions before turning in the final draft. You can also get the help of an assignment writing service.

Ask your peers and friends for their opinion

It is always a wise and sensible move to get another opinion on your paper. ask your friends or seniors to grade and assess your papers. This could help you view your work from a different perspective. Getting a friend to go through your paper before submitting it could help you see mistakes that you are likely to ignore otherwise.

Create a strong introduction

The introduction to your assignment is the most important part of your assignment paper. your introduction must provide a clear, descriptive and logical picture of the subject in question.

Read back to yourself

Reading your paper aloud to yourself before turning it in can help you identify the areas that do not sound as clear as the others. This simple exercise can help you understand if your paper needs improvement.

 Effective Communication

Effective communication relies on the clear use of language, and other symbols that are properly understood. A truly effective communicator must first understand the audience's level of education in order to ensure that the intended message is being received by the audience. Are you finding it difficult to come up with an idea? We can help you. We provide expert Academic communication Assignment Help services to make your life easy.


There is no doubt that humour can immediately give your paper an edge. If you can tickle your professor with a witty joke slyly hidden between the narrative of your assignment, you are more likely to score that straight A.


Adding infographics, diagrams and images can help you create a clear description of numbers, figures and statistics related to a subject. Adding infographics helps you engage with the reader and helps you capture the imagination of the reader.

assignment at the last minute

Go through some samples before you set out to write

Reading a few sample papers before you set out to write your own will give you essential perspective on approaching the particular type of paper that you have been assigned.

Write with an open mind

It is important to write with an open mind. While writing an assignment, remember that it is vital that you offer a unique perspective with your writing.

Look for ways to find your creative spark

An assignment paper isn’t all about factual information related to a subject. Readers look for a fresh point of reference. Try to provide a novel perspective with your writing. Try to find inspiration in things that interest you.

Writing an assignment paper is a thoroughgoing task

Remember that rushing with your assignment at the last minute is most likely to reflect on its quality. It is a thorough going task that needs to be started well in advance.

To make your writing more relevant and relatable, it always helps to stay abreast of ongoing social and political issues and movements around the world. Incorporate recent events in your content. Writing about trending issues immediately improved your content. Just keep these simple tips in mind when you set out to write your next assignment. with these easy uncomplicated tips, you can easily put together an intelligible and high-brow assignment paper even at the 11th hour. Happy Writing!

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About the Author



Jacob is an erudite professional who has a strong command of the concepts involved in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Being a reputed economist in Australia for the last seven years, he provides online tutoring sessions to students worldwide. This is due to his love for teaching that he has always been available to cater to queries in different areas within the broad paradigm of economics. For the same reason, he has joined hands with My Assignment Services to provide expert consultation to students who find it challenging to deal with their university assignments.


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