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Our favourite narrator of all time is Morgan Freeman who is most popularly known to be the voice of God in various series and movies. But his talent is not only limited to that. Yes, Morgan Freeman sent us some really amazing narrative essay topicsthat I thought of sharing with you guys.

Narrative Essay - What Is It?

The first secret of identifying superb narrative essay topicsis to know what a narrative essay is. According to the conventional definitions, the narrative essay is the one which tells a story. Very well, then. It is obvious then that the topics you choose are in a story form. Essay writing and creative writing are brothers, that I guess we all can agree upon. Therefore, you always must take charge of exploring the wide ocean of narrative essay topics. The farther you can travel, the more you will be able to identify information to be written in the essay.

Topics are also affected by the course you are in

That is too obvious, I guess. It is quite natural that if you are enrolled in a nursing course then you are not going to choose narrative essay topicsthat resonate with business management. You have nothing to do in those territories. Yet, you will find a lot of students who are worried about how should they choose their topics. For them, I have only one suggestion. You need guidance from a professional essay writer.

Choosing narrative essay topics

The hardest part about writing a narrative essay is choosing an experience that means something to you. Although it's refreshing to not have to stick to harsh criteria while writing, it can take some reflecting in order to choose a topic that can be told with enthusiasm to a room full of people. Here are a few tips to follow while choosing narrative essay topicsthat would make for a great story.

Look into the past

Search in your previous life, life before university, about the tie when your life had so many fun things. Things that helped you grow from an external or internal conflict. If yes, then this is the opportunity where you will seize the moment. This is the time when your narrative essay topicstalk about how you have changed as a person. Tell the story in detail. Explain how the event affected you and what changes did you experience. Do not forget to mention what you learn from the conflict and how did this conflict changed your perspective towards others.

Cultural issues are loved narrative essay topics

When you are an international all alone in a big bad world filled with strangers, you miss home. The major reason for this low feeling is the shift in culture that you experience. When you are writing a narrative essay, it is a good strategy to explain what cultural changes did you undergo. Narrative essay topicsdiscuss if you have ever felt secluded or out of touch from the around you. Tell if you have ever felt alienated simply because your traditions are different than those of others?.

Tell a grateful story

It is in the blood of humans to undermine what they have. Narrative essay topicswhich explore the area of when you realised how lucky you are when you were in the presence of someone who had much less than you are a hit. Maybe you've been around someone who suffered from a health condition or didn't have a healthy relationship with their family. This can make us aware and make us come to appreciate our own luxuries. Trust me, professors love such narrative essay topics.

Be personal and emotional

If you feel that a story that you have to tell is too personal, you can always make it anonymous and narrate it from a different point of view. If you feel that your story is too difficult to tell in front of a room full of people, you can act like a 'friend' of the person who has dealt with the hardships. You will have narrative essay topicsand a story as well.

Share new experiences

Maybe you travelled to a different country and experienced interactions with people from a unique culture. This is a great way to write a narrative assignment. Use it to talk about privileges you may have in your own culture in comparison to others. You can acknowledge standards in different countries and compare them to the ones within your own. Isn’t it a great idea for narrative essay topics?

Some sample narrative essay topicsfor you.

  1. The most embarrassing experience of your life.
  2. The time when you had a frightening experience.
  3. The most unpleasant memory of your life
  4. What does success mean to you?
  5. The best memory of your childhood.
  6. Your favourite childhood game.
  7. If you could relive one day from your past, which one would it be?
  8. Your childhood idol.
  9. What did you dream of when you were young and how has it changed?
  10. The best birthday surprise you have received.
  11. Do you idolise any teacher from school?
  12. How did your school helped in shaping who you are today?
  13. Did you love maths in your elementary school?
  14. Your first girlfriend/boyfriend and how did you break up?
  15. The most severe fight you had with someone?
  16. If you could be friends again with someone, who would that be?
  17. Your childhood celebrity crush.
  18. What matters more to you, loyalty or love?
  19. A difficult decision you made.
  20. What is the most rebellious thing you did?
  21. What is the most shocking thing you ever learned by eavesdropping?
  22. Do you have morality conflicts?
  23. Your 5 favourite movies and why.
  24. If you could be one character in real life, which one would you be?
  25. A talent that you have always wanted to have.
  26. Your favourite star you’d like to meet someday.
  27. Which superhero do you idolise?
  28. If you could be a TV character, which one would you choose?
  29. The one dream destination you would like to visit.
  30. What is your best vacation destination?
  31. The most unexpected place you met a friend.
  32. A memorable trip.
  33. The first day of moving into the dorm.
  34. If you were invisible for a day.
  35. If you could bring a comic book character to life, who will it be?
  36. If you could talk to one dead person, who will it be?
  37. What would you do with the money if you were filthy rich?

Here are a few narrative essay topicsthat you can write upon for your narrative essay.

Narrative Essay Writing Help

Writing a narrative essay is a task that not every student loves. Yet, it holds significant importance in academics. Therefore, a lot of students look for a narrative essay writing helpfrom the experts. The experts at My Assignment Services are a team of professionals who hold a significant experience in academic research and assignment writing. We have aided hundreds of students in submitting narrative essays, choosing the best narrative essay topicsand writing their essays. Send your assignment question to our expertsand we will help you out by giving the best and unrivalled essay writing help.

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About the Author



Jessica is a prolific academic writer known for aiding students in their academic assignments covering a wide range of subjects like nursing, management, economics, law, and more. Having over ten years in the industry, she has provided students with assignment writing help and guidance over a plethora of complex concepts that form significant sections of the assessment tasks. Being an avid reader and engaged in various research fields, Jessica has also been an academic research associate with My Assignment Services since 2015.


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