The 300578 course at Western Sydney University is a course that is studied by a large number of students. This course focuses on the business development of the students. The most common type of assignment help sought out in this unit is a project management assignment help. The answers to this assignment are given below -

Question 1

Explain what effort is. Our project management assignment help experts explain effort as the amount of work required to complete any given task. It is also described as the individual-hours, individual days, weeks, month or also years. Elapsed time is referred to the time between allocating the task and the accomplishment of the task. It is important for completing the project within the deadline. The delivery status and deadline in project planning are estimated from the efforts and elapsed time. The profitability of the project also depends upon the deadlines as they regulate the pricing of the contract. In this assignment, you have to discuss the factors that reduce the availability of the staff in an organisation. The crucial factors identified by our experts for 300578 assignment answers are -

Working environment

It involves long working hours, poor facilities of transportation for employees, non-availability of working from home.

Organisation’s infrastructure

This factor involves unavailability of safety standard, more injuries at workplace, poor infrastructure.

Massive workload

It includes a lack of training for the new employees, a huge workload, and lack of communication channels. Once you have laid down the factors affecting the working space, propose a solution as well that will improve your 300578 assignment answers. The amendments can be -

Working arrangement

The working condition at the workplace can be changed accordingly such as changing working hours, availability of work from home, relaxation time, providing facilities for transport.


In order to prevent injuries at a workplace, the adjustments should be done such as improve the accessibility to the locations, specially design the furniture according to the nature of work, and the safety features for the workers.


Appropriate training should be provided to the employees, travelling should be reduced by introducing other means of communication, the workload should be organised according to the capabilities of the workers.

Question 2

As the question says, you need to analyse what factors are affecting the estimation and how these factors affect the estimations. Our experts writing 300578 assignment answers lay down the factors as -

Smart People

It is very important to have an effective team. For example, the core staff, expert resources, suppliers and the stakeholders work together in order to complete the project successfully. All these people perform their duties and responsibilities and share similar goals.

Open Communication

Having open communication helps in collecting useful information which directly links with the success of the project. Communication must be focused within the organisations.

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Macey is turning every marketing assignment into a success story with innovative, strategic, and visionary work. After completing his marketing MBA, Macey got placed into Woolworths, where he played a leadership role as a research analyst. Correspondingly, he was individually assisting students until he read about My Assignment Services, where the great stories begin. He later got his recognition as a marketing and media relation expert, and his collaboration with My Assignment Services put all the students on the path of long-term success.


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