The companies and organisations operate around a set of legal rules that are termed as ‘corporate law’ or ‘commercial law’ or ‘business law’. The focus of the business law is to oversee the commerce, transactions, and the sale of good and services. Not only this, but the law also holds a watchful eye over the businesses and the people who are participating in these activities. Did you know that when you are studying commercial law, you are actually studying civil law? Yes, it is a division of civil law. There are a variety of topics on the spectrum of commercial law –

  • Taxation law,
  • Finance and banking,
  • Securities and deviations law,
  • Corporation law,
  • Trade practices law, and others.

What Actually Comes in Assignments?

You are looking for what type of questions are framed in a commercial law assignment. For that, we need the help of a business law assignment sample. Check it out below. sample fdn121 The first few things that you should identify reading this question should be –

What Exactly is a de Facto Relationship?

When two people of same (or opposite) sex are living together in a relationship without getting married or being related by the family are said to be in a de facto relationship. But the prime question that arises is that if this actually useful or not.

What Commercial Lawyers Actually Do?

There are days when you ask yourself that what am I even doing here or am I enrolled in the right course. We are sure you too had such alone talks with yourself. But, the most important is the one that you have when you get an assignment that is too rude on that gentle brain of yours; “Am I ever going to use this in the future as a lawyer” and we understand perfectly your desire to kick the heavy task off your desk and play Fortnite with your bros.

Let us tell you, as a law assignment help provider, that you are going to use each and everything that this assignment is teaching you in your future as a commercial lawyer. The commercial lawyers have to –

  • Navigate the clients through the business world
  • Solve the problems that your client faces in a business

To solve these issues, you need to develop the understanding and a Yoda like knowledge of following topics –

  • Globalisation
  • Deregulation
  • Tax reforms
  • Shifting trade relationships

Exemption Clauses – The Iceberg to Your Titanic

The commercial law and others laws have several areas that are sometimes quite hard to understand and get by in the assignments. Fear not because our law assignment help experts explain the exemption clauses to you. Keep in mind that this little thing may be insignificant when you are writing the answer, but the exemptions can topple your entire assignment down if not accounted for. Every single contract that is ever drawn has some loopholes and situations that are exempted. These are called exclusion clauses. A few standard form consumer contract terms are not under the radar of the unfair contract terms that –

  • Define the primary subject matter of a consumer contract,
  • Set the upfront price that is payable under the contract or
  • Are exempted by the law of the Commonwealth/state/territory

The consumer contracts that are excluded are –

  • Some shipping contracts
  • The contracts that act as the constitution of the company
  • The contracts that are covered under Insurance Contracts Act 1984

Any clause that gives this feeling is an exemption clause.

Terms That Define the Main Subject Matter of a Contract

Defining the main subject matter means that you are totally aware of what good/service is being offered and that you are purchasing it with your full knowledge. Under this situation, you cannot say that you were a victim of the unfair means. Once you have purchased something, you cannot challenge that the term was not fair. This is because prior to the purchase, you all the right and choice to make or not make the purchase.

Terms That Set The ‘Upfront Price’ Payable Under the Contract

You cannot challenge the price that is being asked of you after the contract has been drawn as unfair terms. This is because you already knew what you are going to pay for the purchase before the contract was entered into. Okay, upfront price, what is it? Upfront price is the money that the consumer agrees to pay, under the standard form consumer contract, for the supply, sale or grant of the good/service under the contract. nintendi switch

Terms That Are Required or Permitted by A Law

The unfair terms laws are not applicable to the terms of contracts that are needed by the law. Additionally, they are also not applicable to the terms that are permitted by the law of the Commonwealth, the state or of the territory.

Some Shipping Contracts

  1. Contracts of marine salvage or towage
  2. Charter party of the ship
  3. The contract for the carriage of goods by ship

The shipping contracts are subject to a detailed legal framework that deals with maritime contracts.

Constitutions of Companies, Managed Investment Schemes or Other Kinds of Bodies

The unfair contract terms laws are not applicable to the contacts that act like the constitution of the companies, managed investment schemes or some similar body. The constitution is defined under the Corporations Act 2001.

Insurance Contracts

The contracts under Insurance Contracts Act 1984 is exempted. However, private health insurance contracts, insurance contracts of state and Commonwealth government and reinsurance contracts are not under the eye of the Insurance Contracts Act. As a result, they are not exempted from unfair contract terms laws. For a more comprehensive guidance of the commercial law, consumer law and the exemption clauses that exist in these laws, the students might need guidance and law assignment help. My Assignment Services offers you that guidance from the desks of law assignment experts. Talk to them for consultation by making a request, send you assignment query to us by writing to or send the questions.

About the Author

Rick Frederick

Rick Frederick

Rick is a report writing professional who began with guest lectures at the The University of Manchester in 2010. With his passion for learning and reading, he received the best researcher of the year award in 2015. He is committed to boosting student success inside and outside the educational institutions. Rick joined My Assignment Services in 2014 and is now leading two of the company’s major projects.


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