It may be possible that when you first arrive in a new location and institution, things don't always feel right. The course may not be appropriate for your ideal career, you may be looking for a completely different study route, or you may simply no longer like the course.

It's fine if you've commenced your course in Australia and don't think it is the appropriate fit for you. Changes in courses are a possibility for international students in Australia, but there are a few things to consider before making this decision. When moving to a new city, institution, or course, you must make sure that your new plan better fulfills your long-term goals, whether they are related to your future career, education, or personal ambitions.

You Won’t Believe Changing a Course in Australia is This Easy

You must contact the Department of Home Affairs if you decide to change your institute or course in Australia at any time. Here are a few pointers to help in changing courses in Australia for students:


Once you've chosen to go ahead with your plans, you may start your research or even go to the institute you want to go to and think about student facilities, student support services, student dynamics, and other aspects that affect your well-being as a student.

Thorough research pays off in the long run, allowing you to make more informed decisions in the future. It's also important to remember that the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students must recognise your new field of study (CRICOS). To see a list of Australian university courses and accredited Australian education providers that are available to international students, go to CRICOS' official website.

Check the Transfer Policy

Make absolutely sure you've signed a document acknowledging your acceptance of your present institution's transfer policy. You must also fulfill your responsibilities as a student. Check your institution's transfer policy to see if you're qualified for a refund, either in full or in part.

Seek Assistance

The major responsibility of a university's student adviser is to care for students' welfare, resolve their problems, provide aid, and refer them to the appropriate department for assistance. Student advisers fully support international students in Australia.

They've also dealt with requests to transfer to a different institute or change their topic of study. In general, they provide a thorough explanation of the policies that apply to your requests.

Review Your Visa Conditions

Your Australian student visa allows you to study, work, and reside in Australia as an international student. Without a valid student visa, you are not permitted to study in Australia. As a result, changing your course or institute necessitates knowledge of your visa's criteria and requirements.

You can look at the Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) for more information. It streamlines the visa application procedure for international students.

Consult Your Counselors

There are education counselors hired by institutions to handle the student recruiting and enrolling process. Thus counselors are well-versed in complex policies and processes. They also offer assistance with financial aid and scholarships. From the different possibilities offered, you can select the best one. 

Will Changing Course in Australia Affect My Visa?

If there are any modifications to your course or duration, you must notify the DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection). If you are no longer enrolled in the course for which you were selected, your student visa may be canceled. Visit the DIBP website for further information.

can you change course after 1st year

Your Primary Course and How You Can Enroll to a New One

The main course in which you are enrolled is your primary course. In other words, the highest AQF level course for which your student visa was awarded is your Primary course.

If you're enrolled in a package of courses, your student visa was issued for the highest level programme you're enrolled in.

For example, if you are studying Cert III and IV in Commercial Cookery as well as the Diploma of Hospitality, the Diploma of Hospitality is your core course.

Our experts who provide academic writing help say that you will not be awarded a new confirmation of enrollment if your education provider does not give you permission to leave. If you disagree with your education provider's decision, you can file a complaint with an external dispute resolution body like the State or Territory Ombudsman or the Overseas Student Ombudsman. You cannot study a new course if you have completed less than six months of your primary course, and your course will not allow you to leave it.

New Student Visa Requirement

You can only switch to a course with the same or higher educational level as your current primary course. As a result, you will not be able to switch from a bachelor's degree to a vocational degree. If you wanted to change your major, you'd need to obtain a letter of release and then apply for a new visa. 

Each semester, your Australian institution will specify a deadline on which you can make changes to your enrolment without incurring financial penalties where you need to pay fees for a subject or course you did not complete. This is commonly known as the 'census date,' and it occurs a few weeks into each semester. You will be charged the full cost of each subject you picked in that semester if you change your course after this date. You may be eligible for a partial or full refund if you modify your course or subjects before this date.

Concluding Sentences

If you're considering transferring to a different institution, talk to your present one about the process. If you have not completed at least six months of the major course of study (at your current university) for which your visa was obtained, the new institution will most likely refuse to enroll you.

If you want to switch institutions before finishing the first six months of your main course of study, you must first get permission from your current institution. To apply for a letter of release from your present university, you'll need a letter of offer from the new institution.

Remember, help is just one-click away. My Assignment Services is one of the leading providers of academic writing help through guided sessions in Australia. We offer academic guidance as well as assistance with changing courses in Australia. If you are facing trouble in any of the academic areas, feel free to take assistance from our teams. We have experienced mentors who have been guiding international students for more than a decade. Experience world-class help for writing assignments for any course in Australia. Simply fill out the form and we will connect with our experienced subject experts.

My Assignment Services have experienced writers for writing assignments for any course in Australia. Those students who want to assistance with changing courses in Australia can contact with our subject exerts.

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Jacob is an erudite professional who has a strong command of the concepts involved in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Being a reputed economist in Australia for the last seven years, he provides online tutoring sessions to students worldwide. This is due to his love for teaching that he has always been available to cater to queries in different areas within the broad paradigm of economics. For the same reason, he has joined hands with My Assignment Services to provide expert consultation to students who find it challenging to deal with their university assignments.


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