Change starts from a single individual, and we need to reflect on our behaviours to ensure the same. The reflexivity population might be the most effective way to ensure their safety and inclusion. As a community and as individuals, it is our responsibility to reflect on our social conduct to understand the various cultures better. 

Cultural safety is the most important step for ensuring inclusion for the cultural minority. Reforms to ensure cultural safety and cultural competency are recommended for effective and visible inclusion. Cultural safety should encompass standards that clarify a practical approach to equal healthcare delegation and workforce development. To understand the apparent context of cultural safety, it is important to understand why there’s a need for it?

Nearly 32 per cent of the Indigenous people who were denied or did not try to access health facilities was due to cultural and language barriers, instances of discrimination and stereotyping. - ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

The aboriginal population in Australia feel culturally unsafe due to the prevailing discrimination and racism. Other causes of social inequalities faced by the indigenous communities are a disparity in access to basic services like education, health care, housing, leisure, ect. Such unfair distribution is the access to power, resources, the economic sector and various other social policies. 

Let's learn more about cultural safety and how it can be implemented. Read forth to get more references for reflexivity for aboriginal essays.

reflexivity in cultural safety

What is Reflexivity?

The term reflexivity might be quite new - coined in the 1990 - but it is widely used in sociology. It is primarily concerned with social conduct - various everyday life practices in different cultures, foods, tattooing, clothing, etc. It has become nothing more than just a word used by the informed to sound smart than its implementation in modern culture.

The word ‘reflexivity’ originates from the adjective ‘reflexive’, which means to reflect on oneself. Many understand the meaning of this word, but they have two distinct translations - one is a physical reflection (when light falls on an object) and the other is concerned with one’s consciousness. 

In Canadian med schools, "transcultural nursing" is one of the popular theoretical approaches to intercultural skills instruction. It contrasts with the modern issue of cultural safety in various respects, including its genesis. - NAHO (National Aboriginal Health Organisation)

In hindsight, both the words are encompassed in reflexivity for Aboriginals. A person reflects their perception of other cultures - they develop a prejudice or get intrigued. Both scenarios need reflection to understand the deep-rooted history and the meaning behind all the practices and beliefs of a specific culture.

Hence, it means reflecting ‘on’ and ‘upon’ something. The same is true in a psychological context; people need to reflect on the cultural understanding of their own culture and further reflect or positively approach people of different cultures. We’ll discuss cultural reflexivity in-depth in the next section.

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How do you Reflect on Cultural Safety?

Cultural reflexivity is different and more effective when compared to other cultural meditation methods as it is easy to teach and ensures a better understanding and cultural inclusion. Cultural reflexivity for aboriginal communities isn’t a societal-level realisation of safe cultural practices. Rather, it is a multi-step process for self-reflection. 

Even before the age of reflexive modernity, there have been several examples of cultural reflexivity throughout history. The epitome of this is our primitive ancestors; they survived among different tribes and adapted to the changes on their own accord. On the other hand, the native North American communities failed to adapt to the colonials and went extinct. 

Only 6% of homes in Aboriginal communities have good infrastructure to store, produce, and prepare meals, such as shelves, counter space, refrigeration, and a working burner and wash. 

Modernisation brought two-fold developments in society. People either stripped themselves of their ethnic roots or started addressing issues in cultural inclusion. People have become rather rational in cultural acceptance. Call it rationalisation or reflection, people accept their incompetence of cultural understanding is miles better than discriminating. 

The bottom line is that reflexivity for the aboriginal essay isn’t about a specific group of people or geographical location; it concerns every individual’s self-reflection on cultural acceptance. Modernisation has made people more accepting of different cultures right through their academic curriculum and cultural safety training at the workplace.

principles of cultural safety

What are some Reflexive Practices for Ensuring Cultural Safety for the Aboriginal Community?

The fundamentals of cultural competence are not focusing on the cultural practices and beliefs of any ethnicity other than their community and origin. Whereas, Cultural safety is about assessing one's own ethnic heritage and attitudes while being broad-minded and flexible in people's perceptions of various cultures. 

Some people may not be apt at English speaking, or their daily cultural practices are not the same as yours but accepting them regardless is the key. Here are a few practices that ensure cultural safety through reflexivity for the aboriginal communities:

  • Reflecting on one's ethnicity and roots than comparing it with others
  • Open communication with no judgement and clear values offer leeway for cultural appreciation
  • A liberal approach to the culturally minor will develop trust among different communities
  • Addressing cultural stereotypes and discarding them entirely is a part of the reflexivity
  • Engaging in an active two-way conversation regarding all the issues in the different communities free of any social orders and long-prevailing prejudice
  • Lastly, it is very important under the context of culture shock as it differs based on different nationalities, age groups and communities. 

Did you know that the phrase "cultural safety" was coined in New Zealand in the 1980s about the Maori communities’ dissatisfaction with nursing treatment? 

It's much more difficult to comprehend that our own culture strongly influences how we act, think, and feel. However, in the extremely diverse surroundings in which we all work and live, the value of cultural safety in our job cannot be overstated. Cultural safety is not only about a specific group of people. It includes all the minorities around the globe, and reflexivity for aboriginal essays might be the key to helping everyone fit in just right.

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Ellis Smith

Ellis Smith

My name is Ellis Smith and I am an MBA graduate and a senior management consultant. My strategic insights and leadership skills have contributed to the streamlining of several operations in the organization I have worked in. I helped companies to achieve their business goals and now I am working as a full-time academic writer to help students achieve their academic goals.


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