Since the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, there has been no dearth of legislations, statutory provisions and enactments to enforce the rights of creative people over their work through intellectual property law. These rights make up the different kinds of intellectual property rights. In loose terms, Intellectual property rights can be understood as the rights of a person over their creative work. My Assignment services has a team of IPR experts having years of industrial exposure in the application and scope of IPR. They can provide complete Intellectual Property Law Assignment Help to students to help them write scholarly research papers.

Subsequently the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1971) led the baton for intellectual property legislation around the globe and led governments and international organisations to make a concerted effort in the direction of a uniform international intellectual property law code.

Intellectual Property Law: Purpose

However, the real definition of creativity and the scope of the rights over one’s creative work varies across the world. However, there is worldwide consensus over the type of intellectual property rights over creative work. Here are the three broad categories of rights.

The objective of intellectual property law: the purpose of intellectual property rights is to foster creativity and promote new creations. The secondary purpose is also to create a stable growth environment for creativity. the purpose of promoting intellectual property rights is to assure artists and persons involved in creative avocations that they can exercise control and make decisions regarding their creative work.

Intellectual Property rights Law

The BLB3129 intellectual property law program offers the students a valuable insight into the purpose of legislations with regards to intellectual property rights. The course strives to understand the purpose and the goal behind intellectual property legislation and litigation in light of the global requirement for innovation and technological advancement. The experts at My Assignment Services can provide the students with comprehensive Intellectual Property Law Assignment Help to assist them in putting together noteworthy research papers on IPR.

 The principal objective of IPR is to encourage creativity, inventiveness and innovation. Intellectual property rights are formulated with the intention of incentivizing artwork and invention. The ultimate purpose of providing creators with a right over their creative work is to facilitate innovation to promote development and economic growth across the world.

The WIPO or the world intellectual property organisation is widely regarded as the most profound milestone in the realm of intellectual property law. What started out as a multilateral agreement between many nations agreeing to share common standards and protocols in defining the purpose and scope of IPR law, later went on to become a United Nations system in the year 1974. It is after the inception of WIPO that the notion of “IPR uniformity” was formalized. IPR uniformity as a concept became a part of international discourse after the formation and WIPO.

Intricacies of BLB3129 program

The BLB3129 program: the program offered by the Victoria University in Melbourne is a sui generis academic program that introduces the students to the intricacies of intellectual property law and the rationale behind the protection of creativity. It also allows the students to understand the rising global need for IPR protection in all industrial spheres. The principal kinds of intellectual property rights are; Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks and Copyrights, trade secrets. Although these are the most widely applied copyrights. There are several industry specific copyrights as well such as geographical indicators.

The program familiarizes the students with the meaning and purpose of Copyrights, the inalienable nature of copyrights as well as the scope of copy rights in protecting artistic work. The program also helps the students understand the limitations of copyrights.

The scope of Copyrights: The academic program helps the students in understanding that copyrights are exclusive in nature. They are assignable and are given to the originators for a set period of time usually a certain number of years, after which the copyright expires. Copyrights include the right to publish, record, print, perform, film, the creative works of literary or musical artists. Therefore, copyrights can be defined as the statutory and legal right that accrues upon a creative piece of work. This means that in the simplest terms, copyright is the right to copy the work for which you seek to own the copyright. The implication of copyrights is that a person can only reproduce the work over which they own certain copyrights that have been assigned to them by the original creators and owners of the work.

The scope of Trademarks: This is a specific intellectual property that entails a distinctly relatable sign, symbol, artwork, pattern, or creative design, or a creative expression of any kind which segregates a certain product or service from other products or services. It is interesting to note that the trademarks that are used to secure the rights over services are usually called service marks. Trademark laws are more or less uniform all over the world to aid consistency in business practices all over the world. 

The scope of Patent: A patent is a kind of intellectual asset that provides its proprietor the legitimate right to prohibit others from creating, applying, or marketing an inventiveness for a confined duration of times in trade for distributing an enabling public declaration of the novel invention.

The scope of Trade secrets

Trade secrets are a kind of intellectual problem that includes methods, systems, rules, designs, tools or collections of knowledge and data that have intrinsic economic purpose because they are not commonly understood or immediately ascertainable by others, and which the proprietor uses objective criteria to remain confidential. In any field, these codes are attributed to confidential information.

The exact semantics in which a trade secret is described differs by jurisdiction, as do the specific kinds of knowledge which are susceptible to trade secret protection. There are three constituents which are general to all such descriptions:

A trade secret is an erudition that

  • is not commonly known to society;
  • deliberates financial profit to its owner because the information isn't openly understood; and
  • where the owner performs conscious attempts to preserve its secrecy.

In international intellectual property rights law, there are three factors that explain a trade secret under article 39 of the Agreement on trade-related aspects on intellectual property rights, commonly referred to as the TRIPS Agreement.

About the Author

Rick Frederick

Rick Frederick

Rick is a report writing professional who began with guest lectures at the The University of Manchester in 2010. With his passion for learning and reading, he received the best researcher of the year award in 2015. He is committed to boosting student success inside and outside the educational institutions. Rick joined My Assignment Services in 2014 and is now leading two of the company’s major projects.


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