Writing a research paper is a part of the academics of many technical courses like Management and Engineering. But, before you start writing your research paper, it is important to know a research paper outlinefrom an expert. A research paper is a document written by an individual(s) conducting a thorough examination of a chosen topic and presenting the key results of the same. It is an academic document that is a written representation of the author’s thoughts and scrutiny. The research paper can be an assignment for an undergraduate student, a thesis submission for a master’s student or a dissertation for a doctoral student. Hence, it is important to know how to write a research paper outline. This blog lays guidelines that any academic individual can follow in order to write a good research paper. Had this been the stone age and you were not aware of the outline of a research paper, there is a high probability that you would have been thrown to the dragon to please him. But, thank god that we live in the modern age of digital media. So, here is the Excalibur that can help you slay the dragon without even knowing a research paper outline. Yes, you read that right, laddie. Come here. *whispers* You can ask an assignment writing service to write your research paper for you.
Whoa whoa, hold your thoughts there. This is a party, enjoy it. Look around, check out the sights. Why are you so anxious to leave? Do you have a topic in mind that is aligning with the outline for research paper? If yes, you are one lucky man (or a woman). But, if you are lying in the higher intellectual section of the crowd, the ones who are going to pull an all-nighter to write their research paper, this is for you. Ready? Hit it! Select a topic that interests you,not your professor. Challenging topics are a cherry on the top but don’t challenge your own mind. It should challenge the arguments that already exist in favour of or against the topic. Understand your limits and the limitations of the topic that you have chosen. Don’t be like Peter W. from Deadpool 2, “I just saw the ad”. However, if you have been influenced too much, there is always a scope of saving yourself. No, there is no time machine like the one Cable wears, but there exist research paper writing experts.
You might not be as happy as this guy after choosing a challenging topic and witnessing an N in your research paper. Follow a converging approach to your topic. Starting from a generic discussion and focusing on a specific issue, that what you want to do. If you want to research why The Avengers is better than Justice League, consider all the options. Start from the general discussion of superheroes, aliens, good and evil, the usual mumbo-jumbo stuff. Then you talk about the characteristics of both teams, their strengths and weaknesses, how one can beat the hell out of the other, such things. It is just an example, don’t conduct research on this, please. Here’s the most important thing to keep in mind. Even more important than remembering Bandhu is tied up in the trunk of Dopinder’s taxi. Select a topic of your domain. Don’t consider yourself an expert on Surviving in the Jungle 101 because you watch Man vs Wild every night. You are an engineering student, do something better than just surviving in the jungle. Devise some cheap technology for someone to call for help if they get lost in a jungle.
You are a law student and a movie buff, don’t conduct a research on ‘Why Anabelle (2014) is the worst movie of all time?’. Instead, conduct a research on ‘What all The Judge (2014) got wrong in legal aspects?”. There are many research paper help providers onlinewho can assist you in choosing the right topic. Moreover, students even ask them to write research papers on their behalf!
Wait, there is something more. How does the benefits of writing an outline for research papersound to you? Yeah, that’s more like it. Here you go. If you prepare an outline beforehand, you don’t stand much chance. No, not in terms of passing the paper but the opposite! You will not be stuck like a tape recorder trying to proceed further than the aim of the research. By writing a research paper outline, you can keep a track of where you have to go and how to get there. This is important because while writing a research paper, students can get lost. Deviating off the track and steering back on the road knocking out a couple cars is only cool in Need for Speed, that won’t work in your research paper.
Writing a long research paper is a daunting task. With the help of a research paper outline, you can stay organised and focused on the objective of the project. You probably don’t want to insert new points in your already existing content. With the help of a pre-existing outline, you can easily write them in a structured and proper manner. Here is a secret for you, kid. If you don’t want to get into this much trouble, you can simply pay someone to write research papers in Australiaand relax on the weekend. Alright, here is the outline format. Huh! Very restless, you are. A research paper outlinecontains –
Many students don’t consider title as much important as other things. This is totally wrong. Shouldn’t be this way. A title is equally important as any other things that are included in the outline. Here’s a research paper outline exampleto prove it. Do you get it? Identifying a title is a part of the puzzle because it keeps you in place. If you don’t identify a title in accordance with the research you are going to conduct, you can already see an N coming your way.
You’ve understood why titles are important, haven’t you? Let us proceed further then. On your right, you can see a group of primates trying to figure out how to write a research paper outline. Dear god, they’ve figured it out! Of course, they did, that is why you are reading this blog. Here is what they learnt. The body is the soul of your outline. Get this wrong and the devil himself will come to claim you. Write paragraphs, points and sub-headings to divide your content. That way, you won’t mix up your own thoughts. Expand your points that you opened the paper with. You have to be a one man army here, write your content, question it and then answer it yourself. If you decide that you need a research paper writing expertto get you out of here, the choice is wise. This is the time when you should sit down with a pen and paper and open your laptop, sipping down cans of red bull. When you read reference papers, jot down the key points simultaneously. This helps because you won’t have to take down all the points in one go. You don’t want to be like this dude from the movie Alien (1979) who is trying to kill a large number of alien predators in one attempt. Also, he died. So, yeah, you can fail by adopting this strategy.
Every thing in the world has to end. Every single thing. Even Game of Thrones is ending, so why shouldn’t your research? Hence, conclusion forms the final key of the research paper outline. Do not try to be over smart in this section because a lot of plans have backfired. No new findings and ideas should be pinned here. The only thing the conclusion does is allow your reader to know what your research was about without having to read the entire paper.
Yeah, in a way you wave your readers goodbye here in formal statements with a farewell gift.
This section is the dessert for this party because here you will actually get to know how to make an outline for a research paper.Every research paper includes the following four parts –
The importance of using a title has already been explained above. The only difference here is that you write the title on a whole page rather than scribbling it on the top. Always include the title of the paper, a running head, the name of the author (you), and the name of the institution that backs your claims. Do not use unnecessary abbreviations in the title. If writing ‘Coz’ in place of ‘Because’ gives you more happiness, let your happiness be ruined. Grades matter more here.
Once you are satisfied with the title page you have created, move on to the next page. Here you create an abstract. Abstract holds the position of a movie trailer in the research paper. You tell your audience what the fuss is about, how it is going to take place and what you can expect at the end. Take special care while writing your abstract. If you do not deliver what you have promised, you’ll be “Ned Starked“ by the readers.
Introduce your topic with love and ease. Let your readers savour the taste of the topic. Build up the tension and release the flow block by block. Do not bombard the readers with ideas and concepts. This is only going to repel them and your hard work of 2000 words is going straight down the drain. Start explaining the generic topic and then enter the narrow caves of specifics. Use in-text citations wherever necessary, obviously where you are citing the work of a different author. Mind it, boy, that not using references and citations will bring you harm. Whoever you are, they will find you and they will fail you. Furthermore, you will be expelled from your university and sent back home. If you are a local of the place, you will go there. If you are an international student, you will be deported.
On the contrary, these risks can be easily avoided with the help of a small trick. By asking an assignment writing companyto write your research paper for you, of course!
You CANNOT forget to include references in your research paper. You just cannot. Mind these words. Register them in your mind. Writing references is as important as adding salt to a dish. Strictly follow the referencing style mentioned in your assignment question and arrange them in alphabetic order. Here, the citations of a research paper titled ‘The Medical Research Paper: Structure and Functions’ written by Kevin Ngozi Nwogu in various styles are mentioned as an example.
Nwogu, Kevin Ngozi. "The medical research paper: Structure and functions."English for specific purposes16.2 (1997): 119-138.
Nwogu, K. N. (1997). The medical research paper: Structure and functions.English for specific purposes,16(2), 119-138.
Nwogu, Kevin Ngozi. "The medical research paper: Structure and functions."English for specific purposes16, no. 2 (1997): 119-138.
Nwogu, K.N., 1997. The medical research paper: Structure and functions.English for specific purposes,16(2), pp.119-138. Hopefully, you’ve got what you came looking for. If you need further assistance with writing a research paper outline, do not hesitate to drop an email to info@myassignmentservices.com or learn more on our website. Our Assignment Help Experts are available 24x7 to help you out, either on the website chat box or WhatsApp.
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