While talking about professional nursing practice, a nursing student needs to abide by several ethical and legal frameworks. These enable them to understand the concepts of patient-centred care and clinical decision making and relate them effectively. This is what the unit, NURBN1001 covers. Students are introduced to a number of consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making that play an important part in helping them reach the correct decisions for patients. Over a decade, My Assignment Services has played a vital role in the lives of students who found it challenging to attempt these assessments. Our nursing assignment help experts have guided them on Legal And Ethical Decision Making In Person-Centred Care that is the base foundation for this nursing unit. In this blog, we will be throwing some light on the quickest approach to write NURBN1001 consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making assessment answers.

Core Concepts to Understand Before You Start Writing the NURBN1001 Assignments

As discussed, there is a number of professional standards that form a major section of these assignments. Together with these standards, there are several other concepts as well that need a proper understanding before you begin writing these nursing assignments. Following are the 10 core concepts for consumer rights in clinical ethical decision-making assignment.

  1. Scope of practice
  2. NMBA Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses
  3. Consent and confidentiality
  4. NMBA National Competency Standards for Registered Nurses
  5. The Australian Charter of Health Care Rights
  6. 4 bioethical principles (Beauchamp and Childress)
  7. Duty of care and its breach
  8. Medical negligence elements
  9. NMBA National Competency Standards for Enrolled Nurses
  10. Regulation

These are the 10 concepts that are required for constructing a well-organised assignment solution. Do you know all of these? If not, then get started with these concepts and gain a decent knowledge of them. You can easily turn to our nursing assignment help experts for guidance. Together with scholarly degrees from various reputed institutions in the world, we also have a great industry experience of more than ten years, which makes us the best choice for catering to all your doubts.

Consumer Rights in Clinical Ethical Decision Making Case Study Analysis and Interpretation

Primarily, this assessment is based upon a Consumer Rights In Clinical Ethical Decision Making case study. There can be a variety of such case studies that cover some major issues in Legal And Ethical Decision Making In Person-Centred Care. The NURBN1001 Assessment 3 is an essay task for students that contributes 50% to the overall grades for this unit. Patient Doris nursing case study As you can see, this is the Patient Doris nursing case study. Before proceeding with this case study, students are required to complete certain steps that will help them complete writing an essay on this particular case study. These are:

  1. First of all, students need to watch a digital vignette recording.
  2. From that, certain legal and ethical issues need to be identified
  3. With the help of those identified issues, students then have to develop the NURBN1001 essay assessment.

This essay focuses on the four major ethical principles in nursing. So, it is important to get a decent knowledge about them before proceeding with the essay. Over the years, our proficient panel of nursing assignment writers has provided excellent academic guidance on all these principles which has enabled them to draft impeccable essays on consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making. Let us discuss the principles in brief now. These are:

1. The Principle Of Respect For Autonomy

The first ethical principle deals with ‘Autonomy’. Coined from “self-rule”, autonomy is something that needs to be respected by patients. The decisions that nurses take for the well-being of patients ought to be respected by them. Also known as the principle of human dignity, it states that a patient must not interfere with the decisions of a competent adult for their good.

2. The Principle Of Beneficence

This is the second principle of ethics that is covered in NURBN1001 consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making assessment answer. As per this principle, we must see good in every situation and every action. The nurse has to take appropriate steps for this. However, applying this principle means conflicting the previous principle.

3. The principle of nonmaleficence

“Not harm” is also known as the principle of nonmaleficence. As a nurse, they must prevent harm in the situation of patients. This is the third principle that the essay would be centred around.

4. The principle of justice

As a nurse, it is the main duty to treat patients equally. Nurses must handle every patient with equality and impartially. Without imposing unfair means, to treat every patient is what distinguishes a nurse from any other person. With the help of these principles, you might have understood the basic outline of the NURBN1001 consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making assessment answer. Our nursing assignment help experts have covered all these principles in the reference essays that we have drafted for students. Do you wish us to help you with the entire essay? Just send us the requirements. We will produce an impeccable essay for you at the earliest.

How to Draft the Consumer Rights In Clinical Ethical Decision Making Assessment Answer?

Some points need to be kept in mind while drafting these assessments. Our nursing assignment writers have been catering to these questions for more than a decade now. This is what has made us proficient in solving all the queries that you bring to us. Before proceeding with these essays, make sure you know about these points and you incorporate them in your NURBN1001 consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making essays.

  1. In the Doris nursing case study, make sure that you are aware of the ethical, professional and legal framework with the help of which you can easily underpin professional nursing in Australia
  2. Using multiple frameworks, the essay must talk about their applications and establish a relationship between the scope of practice and professional nursing practice
  3. There must be a brief discussion on the roles and responsibilities of professional nurses using the 4 main ethical principles
  4. Several responses need to be recorded that are the responses to multiple critical incidents and apply to the vulnerable population.
  5. Through the NURBN1001 essay, you must be able to investigate different methods of managing information.

If the essay that you write has all of these points in it, then surely, you would secure top-notch grades in them. For a decade, our nursing assignment help experts have drafted comprehensive reference assignment solutions for students adhering to all of these points and made it possible for them to reach a step closer to dream grades.

Place an Order Here and Get a Free Plagiarism Report

In this blog, we have touched upon the basics that you would require to write NURBN1001 consumer rights in clinical ethical decision making essay. However, there are several dimensions to this assignment that need a proper explanation as well. For that, you just need to get in touch with us and we will equip you with the complete essay solutions right at your doorstep. Apprehensive of authenticity? No worries, My Assignment Services makes sure to provide you with a free copy of the Plagiarism report to validate our original work. Not just this, there are several other value-added benefits as well that you can get your hands on, once you contact us. Contact us today and order your NURBN1001 Consumer Rights In Clinical Ethical Decision Making assessment  at budget-friendly prices.


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About the Author

Ellis Smith

Ellis Smith

My name is Ellis Smith and I am an MBA graduate and a senior management consultant. My strategic insights and leadership skills have contributed to the streamlining of several operations in the organization I have worked in. I helped companies to achieve their business goals and now I am working as a full-time academic writer to help students achieve their academic goals.


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