NUR231: Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing Case Study Assessment Answer
May 07, 2019
Author : Ellis Smith

In your quest of conquering the nursing syllabus like a charm, we show you a one step ahead journey by providing NUR231 Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing case study assessment answer. The following case study is given to help a student understand and enhance the knowledge about Monoclonal antibodies which are responsible to locate tumor cells and kill them. The drugs which are used in chemotherapy such as Cisplatin and Docetaxel can work in different ways to stop tumor cells from diving any further by bringing them on a rest or die. We have the right individuals who can help you writing Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing case study assessment solution. Let’s look at how our nursing experts solve these assignments efficiently.

How To Solve Nur231 Cisplatin And Docetaxel Nursing Case Study Assessment?

So, we are given a case study about a 78-year-old male, Nigel, who is suffering from the primary stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. He has been experiencing shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which gets treated with Cisplatin and Docetaxel IV medications. NUR231 Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing case study assessment asks various types of questions regarding the knowledge that you have gained. Our NUR231 assignment experts go about in solving this case study step by step as given below:

Question 1 - From your knowledge of pathophysiology, explain the links between Nigel’s lung cancer, difficulty and metastases.

To answer the following question, our NUR231 assessment case study experts tell you to identify the pathophysiology of lung cancer and its associated symptoms. You need to have a full grasp on the particular concepts of which relates to the symptoms in the following case. Otherwise, you may avail the option of NUR231 - Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing case study assessment done by our experts at affordable prices.

Question 2 - Consider Nigel’s secondary liver cancer - how might this impact on the pharmacokinetics of his chemotherapy medications?

Given the following case study has been laid out, our NUR231 - Cisplatin and Docetaxel Nursing case study assessment experts tell you to have a grasp on the knowledge about these effects in their metabolism. One such impact could be the development of toxicity for which the nurses perform various kinds of Liver Function Tests (LFT) assessments.

Question 3 - Describe how his chemotherapy medications can be effective on treating his lung cancer.

For the aboveNUR231 case study assessment question, you need to identify the effects of the medications that the patient has been undergoing. As he has been listed with Cisplatin and Docetaxel IV infusion in every three weeks, along with Morphine IV, Ondansetron and Dexamethasone, you may be able to tell you that these medications work through the whole body by working on different parts of the body where there is a probability to attack cancer that has been spread. Therefore, it is advised to students to go through every clinic classes seriously. However, if any doubts come up, you can always contact NUR231 Nursing assessment experts and get your problems eliminated in one go.

Apart from these, the following assessment has more answers and we have less space to go about. Therefore, we recommend you to contact our experts who are experienced in the following discipline and always ensure that you understand every single aspect of the assignment through our online assignment writing or live tutoring sessions.

Get the Full Solution of NUR231 Nursing Case Study of Nigel

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About the Author

Ellis Smith

Ellis Smith

My name is Ellis Smith and I am an MBA graduate and a senior management consultant. My strategic insights and leadership skills have contributed to the streamlining of several operations in the organization I have worked in. I helped companies to achieve their business goals and now I am working as a full-time academic writer to help students achieve their academic goals.


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