If you are a student studying the MSO4735 unit, you must have got the assignment of the data analysis. These assignments help you develop analysis skills and using that analysis to arrive at a decision. But it is easier said than done. Hence, My Assignment Services offers data analysis assignment help about how to write such data analysis report assignments.
I will explain to you everything that you need to know while writing MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solutions along with the sample.
A student sent me this assignment which was based on a situation describing the Living Wage Foundation of the United Kingdom.
Below is the snapshot.
If you have the same assignment, then you are in luck today. If you do not, you can still use this blog as a guide in writing your own MSO4735 data analysis report assignment answer.
Data analysis is not as easy as the online guides make them seem. Calculations and formulas and MS Excel, it all creates a mix of concepts in your mind. That is why, students like you take assignment writing help from the experts to prepare their MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solution.
But I promised you a guide and you will get one.
Jot down all the variables that you need in order to analyse the data fully. In the question file, these variables are -
MSO4735 data analysis report assignment answer will be based on the successful analysis of all the above variables.
The question file has given to you the data for SIZE, TURNOVER, LONDON, ECEMPLOYEES and ABSENT.
What about the rest? You have to calculate that.
How? By taking help of our data analysis assignment help experts.
You can do that with the help of MS Excel if your data analysis toolpack is installed and active. Open the excel book that you need to conduct regression for. Once open, you need to select the Data tab and select Data Analysis. For the multiple regression analysis in the MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solution, you need to insert the range for Y and X, select the desired residuals and hit OK.
Remember to use the correct data ranges for multiple regression analysis. If you are unsure of that, consult with a professional.
When you are conducting the regression analysis for the MSO4735 data analysis report assignment answer, you have to conduct one for ABSENT as well. Choose the independent variable as ABSENT and the dependent one as LW (Living Wage) and prepare a regression analysis.
Doing this will tell you whether Living Wage has any effect on Absenteeism of the employee or not.
This is a part of the MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solution that you have to prepare.
Here, you need support of other authors and researchers to ascertain if living wage is beneficial for the employer along with the benefit of employee. Also, compare the Living Wage with government’s National Living Wage and draw up which one has more advantages for both parties involved.
In the end of MSO4735 data analysis report assignment answer, you have to conclude whether the claims made by the Living Wage Foundation are valid or not. Also, you have to see if your organisation should voluntarily accept the Living Wage for its employees.
You can place a request with data analysis assignment help providers and ask for a fully solved MSO4735 data analysis report assignment answer. You can use that solution as reference to prepare your own assignment answer.
Or you can send a new request asking us for a 100% new, original and unique MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solution. We assure you will receive an entirely new MSO4735 data analysis report assignment solution prepared specially for you.
Hi! My name is Tony Smith and I am a Master of Fine Arts (MFA), and I work as an accomplished artist and a professor of Fine Arts. My distinct art style has been exhibited in galleries all over the world which inspire other students to do the same. That is why I have been working as an academic writer in Arts & Humanities for Online Assignment Expert to help all the needy students.
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