A reflective essay refers to a kind of essay where the writer has to write his own opinion about any giventopic. Reflective essay writing is the most common kind of assignment given to students in Australia. In areflective essay, the writer has to write his own personal view about a topic. However, reflective writingis not that easy a task, as after working part time jobs and studying for continuous evaluation testsstudents do not have the time or energy left to write an assignment. Hence, they tend to search theinternet for a good reflective essay sample.

This is where My Assignment Services comes into the picture. We are the best when it comes toproviding academic services to students across the various universities all over Australia. Are you lookingfor a reflective essay sample? You have come to the right place. If you want to know how, read on!

Reflective Essay Writing Sample Solved by My Assignment Services

Our team of academic writing experts have solved and written a number of essays for students across various universities in Australia. Here is an assignment that was written by our reflective essay writingexperts. It was required to write a reflective analysis of the learnings gained by articipating in groupactivities in the class. The reflective essay written by the expert talks about how teamwork is importantfor the growth of an individual, as well as of the whole group. The tasks were mostly distributed on thebasis of the strengths and weaknesses of the members of the group. These were identified by the teamleader.

In the essay, references to Maslow’s Need Hierarchy were made, as it helped in understanding that theneeds of the individuals need to be fulfilled before the needs of the group. Moreover, if the lower needs(Psychological, Safety and Social) of the individuals in the group are fulfilled, only then will themotivation to fulfil the higher needs (self-esteem and self-actualisation) arise. Any individual will workfor the ‘greater good’ only once he has attained his own goals.

To write this assignment you are required to analyse the learningexperience that you have received by participating in the group activities of yourchoice. Choose any group work that you have participated in whilst studying at theUniversity of Westminster.


From the insights, I gained in group work. A team can be defined as a group of peopleworking together for a common objective. For teamwork to be effective in achieving the desiredresults then the members must collaborate and agree in all aspects of the team. Teamwork isvery applicable in different sectors and very effective in delivering excellent results. In thisregard, this is a reflective essay on working in teamwork. The ideas written in the essay reflectsthe experiences gained in the presentations on professional competency module. The essaycontains literature borrowed from the Tuckman’s and Belbin’s theories. In addition, the essayalso contains theories and information on critical thinking skills, skills development for management and business, the expected organizational behaviour, employability skills and theMaslow Hierarchy.At the end, the essay contains a conclusion based on the summary of the keyfindings.

Reflecting on the Teamwork using Different Theories and Ideas

Forming a team was the most critical section in teamwork. The procedures and processused in the formation of the teams reflected back to the Maslow Hierarchy Needs. The groupfocused on self-actualization needs (McLeod 2014). The group interest was for self-fulfilment andgrowth basing in the account of the studies and also personal experiences (McLeod 2014). Thegroup members appreciated the uniqueness of every person and their need for personal growthand development. The motivation for self-actualization defined individuals roles in the group. McLeod (2014) argues that self –actualization individuals have a unique perception ofuncertainty and reality. They are capable of working in groups and accepting others opinion. Inaddition, the self-actualizers are centred on problem-solving, sense of humour, spontaneous indecision making and objective about life. These are important factors that shaped the teamworkand provided ideas for creating effective teams in the future.

The team was very systematic in decision making. Belbin team roles theories werereflected in each aspect of the team decision making (Belbin.com 2016). The theory factorssuch as norming, performing and adjourning were very evident (Belbin.com 2016). As thesefactors developed it was possible to learn communication skills, especially when contributing todecision making (Belbin.com 2016). The process of talking and listening was important indeveloping presentation skills. Writing on the different presentation notes was instrumental indeveloping writing skills. These skills are expected to reflect in the future employment.

One ofthe most important aspects that developed from the group work is the ability to work with different members and agree. It is an area that improved confidence and helps in theapplicability of critical thinking skills. As discussed by Cottrell (2011) one of the critical thinkingtechniques is the ability to evaluate the arguments, views and opinions presented by membersof a group. In addition, the critical thinking skills are more elaborate in the ability to challenge thegroup views and provide an informed decision (Cottrell 2011).It was possible to evaluate groupmembers' opinions and provide an informed decision. These features were essential in thegroup and are also important in bracing my roles as a future manager (Gallagher 2013). Thegroup was very exposing in inculcating elements of creative planning and managing tasks whichare also very important in defining and exemplifying future roles as a manager (Gallagher2013).The teamwork was also effective in the development of interpersonal skills.

Working,associating, communicating, presenting and discussing issues in the team was very effective informing, improving and developing interpersonal skills. Working on the computer for thepresentation was good at informing computer skills. It helps in increasing proficiency in Ms Wordand PowerPoint. Effective leadership skills such as adapting to change, reliability, encouraging a positive attitude, honesty, and learning fast were also developed in the teamwork (King andLawley 2013). In the course of the teamwork, it was possible to understand others views,difficulties, challenges, and use personal wits for encouragement.

The group work was almost important in educating about practical skills such as riskassessment, taking notes, and minutes of every meeting. The skills were important indeveloping interpersonal and teamwork skills, leadership skills, negotiating and persuading,organizational, self-confidence, self-awareness, listening skills, verbal and writtencommunication, record- keeping and minute-taking (Learning and Information Services 2013).

The presentation section was very enriching in the understanding audience which is a veryimportant skill in future employability (Learning and Information Services 2013). In addition, thepresentation skills were very important in the development of the information technology skills, organizational and planning skills, self-reliance and confidence, audience awareness andlistening skills, verbal communication and understanding information as presented by thedifferent audience(Learning and Information Services 2013).

The defining role for each team was also an important process. The nine Belbin teamroles were evident during the formation of the team (Belbin.com 2016). The nine roles wereclustered into fewer roles that fit the team members. It was a process of identifying the strengthsand weaknesses as witnessed by each member of the team (Belbin.com 2016). The strengthsand weaknesses were important in identifying the team coordinator whose responsibility was todefine the activities of each member of the team. To avoid confusion a monitor evaluator wasalso of importance in the team. The key function was to weigh the views of every member of theteam and help to make the concrete decision for the presentation. The main strengths that weresought for in the area included accuracy in judgment, discernment, strategic and soberness(Belbin.com 2016). The team also required an implementer whose responsibility was creating astrategy for the team and ensuring that the strategy was observed to the end. The mainstrengths identified were organizing, efficiency, reliability and practicability(Belbin.com2016).The teamwork was also ideal for teaching research and analytical skills.These skills are very transferable in improving future role for a manager (Williams 2016). It waspossible to learn skills for self-improvement, self-confidence and prioritizing (Williams 2016).

Other important skills developed in the teamwork included the ability to avoid confrontation in a group setting.Working as a team was also important in the development of social skills (Toseland &Rivas 2004). In the team, it was possible to listen to one another and provide a genuine criticismthat encouraged growth and development. The networking among the team members openedan opportunity for future multitasking. In general, teamwork was very important in learning aboutbuilding outcomes and relationships. It also possible to learn and appreciate diversity in thinkingand acting as witnessed in the groups (Toseland & Rivas 2004). The teamwork was veryimportant in educating on defining team roles through identifying the strengths and theweaknesses of every person (Toseland & Rivas 2004). It was easy to develop skills in providingfeedback, mentorship, and coaching. In addition, teamwork was important in developingproblem-solving skills and strategies (Toseland & Rivas 2004). It was possible to set personalgoals and visions (Williams 2016). The group work assisted in the development of monitoringand evaluation skills that are important for future employment (Williams 2016). Most important isinculcating the personal confidence and knowledge with the aim of developing vision and ideas.

Teamwork taught members about taking responsibility for their roles at the personal, the sociallevel and also at the job level (Williams 2016). The issue of managing time was also fullydeveloped in the teamwork. It was possible to learn about taking initiative and formingconstructive decisions. The team roles were important in teaching on setting goals anddeliverables. It was also efficient in understanding personal life capabilities. It now easier toorganize, analyzes, and collect information a value that will be marketable for futureemployment. Throughout the teamwork skills such as enthusiasm, ability to manage activities,ability to see and respond to open techniques and ideas, the ability to accommodative change,contribute in a learning environment, communicate using different mediums and application ofknowledge learnt in the University for personal and technical issues were paramount(Williams2016).


In conclusion, teamwork is in school is very important in the development of life skillsthat can be used for future employability. In regard to the requirement of the course, it waspossible to identify important skills learnt in the course of teamwork. For instance, it waspossible to learn critical thinking, problem-solving, working and appreciating diversity, differentcommunication skills with their importance and technical skills that are essential in working out arole as a manager. In addition, during the teamwork formation and presentation; differenttheories seem to agree with the achievements made and realized in the teamwork. Forinstance, using the Belbin team roles the forming, performing and adjourning it was possible to make a decision about the role of each individual in the team. In addition, using the MaslowHierarchy of needs theory it was possible to appreciate what motivates every individual in theteam and their roles according to their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, teamwork wasimportant in impacting important skills such as time management, problem-solving, criticalthinking, and networking.

Best Reflective Essay Writing Help

My Assignment Services is the best when it comes to online reflective essay sample help providers. Students across various universities in Australia have been using our services since the last ten years.After availing our services, they always earn HD grades in their assignments, thanks to the academicwriting team working with us. These writers have been delivering excellent and flawless assignments toour clients, the students. They are PhD degree holders and scholars, and hence know how to tackle allkinds of academic assignments related to various subjects.

If this reflective essay sample was not enough to help you with your assignment, fret not! Come to us,and our team of academic writers will write it for you. Our team of Quality Assurance checks eachdocument for plagiarism through anti plagiarism tools like Plagiarism, in order to ensure that you get 100%original and plagiarism free content.

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About the Author

Chery Baker

Chery Baker

Hi, my name is Chery Baker, a MBA graduate who writes case studies for a review board. My ability to analyse complex business scenarios and presenting them clearly and concisely have helped me to connect with the students who highly regard me for both academic and professional understanding on Case Study.


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