Your assignments are not able to go from good to excellent?

Is writing an informative speech is not an easy task for you and you are confused about what to write and how to write?

Are you not able to identify what topic you should choose for your assignment that is unique and intriguing?

Are your ideas running low on fuel and you are not able to push them any further?


Setting Up the Date – What is informative speech?

Well, as the name suggests, any speech that gives information is called an informative speech. But that is too lame for a definition that you already knew, yes?

So, what different thing should I tell you that is never heard before? Something that is hot and sizzling to your ears.

Let me search in my bag of tricks and come up with something while you enjoy this Jason Momoa image.


[rustling noises]


Sorry guys but there is nothing new. But what I have found is a way that your informative speech topics should be chosen. I know you are going to pick one of the 50 that I give to you, but the kid who is looking for ways to choose your topics; this one is for you.

Booking A Place For The Date – Tips For Choosing The Right Informative Speech Topics

Choosing the right informative speech topics for your informative speech can be a little over the head. But you know what they say, you have to win a battle in the mind before you fight it in the field. So, half your battle is already victorious when you hit the nerve with the right informative speech topics.

I am sure you want the people to cheer while listening to you, right? You want your speech to be remembered for the generations to come like “I Have A Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr.

Protip 1: Know Your Audience

The first thing to deliver a bombing speech is knowing you will you be delivering it to and what demographic profile does your audience belong to. You cannot talk about “Impact of Superhero Movies in Scientific Development” in front of a group of 6-year olds.

Know what will the intellect level of the audience be and what they already know. You don’t want to be Sheldon Cooper in front of an audience filled with Penny.

Protip 2: Understand What You Know

Before you start speaking like the President addressing a United Nations convention, you need to think and understand what you already know. Think what informative speech topics intrigue you and what ignites the speaker within you. Sit and think what topics you can talk about. It maybe politics, literature, global issues, economics or something else.

Protip 3: If You Want to Experiment, Be Cautious

You can choose informative speech topics that you don’t know about already but you want to know. But at the same time, you have to decide if your audience also wants to know about the topic or not. If you are way too obsessed with discovering the ways to teleport, then you have to think if your audience is also interested in the same or not.


A group of students who are not all interested in what is happening around them is certainly not interested in your or Einstein’s theories of a possible time travel. You don’t want to be booed in front of the whole class. So be cautious if you are experimenting or our consult with a professional to learn how to make a boring topic interesting.

Here Arrives Your Date – 50 Informative Speech Topics

Here are a few categories you can choose your topics from –

  • Automotive
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Current Affairs
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Ethics
  • Finance
  • Food and drinks
  • Healthcare
  • International Affairs
  • Literature
  • Media
  • Nature
  • Politics
  • Religion (my personal favourite)
  • Science
  • Society
  • Supernatural
  • Technology

Each category contains several informative speech topics and I am going to point out the best ones only –


  1. Buying a car vs leasing a car.
  2. How to increase the mileage of the car.
  3. Why change car’s oil after regular interval
  4. The evolution of motorcycles
  5. The evolution of cars; from driving to sending in space


  1. Three stages from a shop to business
  2. Why train your employees to increase their performance
  3. Effect of leadership on employee productivity
  4. The benefits of affiliate marketing or multilevel marketing
  5. How to increase more sales than your competitor


  1. How to communicate effectively within a business
  2. How to be more persuasive in your speech
  3. Simple conversation etiquettes
  4. Why you should smile while talking
  5. How to resolve communication barriers

Current Affairs

  1. Effect of Trump’s policies on global relations
  2. Poverty status of top Australian cities
  3. Oil countries and their monopoly powers
  4. National happiness index, what is it
  5. Johnson and Johnson knew about the presence of asbestos in baby powder


  1. Carbon dioxide emissions and taxes
  2. Economic growth of developing countries in the last 10 years
  3. Effect of demand on the price of agricultural products
  4. Education and why it is important for economic growth
  5. Inflations, how can it be controlled from going out of control


  1. How can multimedia technology be used to make classrooms more interactive?
  2. Why should students not be allowed to eat food during class
  3. Advantages of multiple languages in school
  4. How can learning experiences for children with a disability be made better
  5. If participation is what matters, why do judges give marks


  1. Is truth always greater than any lie
  2. Being angry vs being right
  3. Is lying for greater good really a thing
  4. Should children be beaten as a punishment?
  5. Is being tolerant is same as love


  1. How to save money on income tax
  2. How to save yourself from credit card fraud
  3. The stock market, the basics
  4. How to deal with student money problems
  5. How to manage life with a limited cash

Food and drinks

  1. Why growing your own food is better
  2. How to make a cocktail
  3. Why should you become vegan
  4. Different types of coffee andtheir effect
  5. Which wine goes with which food


  1. Why steroids are not allowed in sports?
  2. Identifying insomnia
  3. How to behave with someone suffering from Alzheimer’s
  4. Organ transplant, is it safe
  5. How to ensure a healthy life in this rat race like life

International Affairs

  1. How to help the refugee crisis
  2. The impact of US satellites spying on global citizens
  3. How Japan solves its problem and what should we learn from them
  4. Why Africa is underdeveloped despite an ocean of resources
  5. Why should we abide by the United Nations policies


  1. William Shakespeare, why did he write tragic plays
  2. How to write a story
  3. Literature and vampires
  4. How did HG Wells inspire a lot of modern creations
  5. Why Victorian era is preferred by the poets to study


  1. How is your favourite movie or tv show is created
  2. Books that made terrible movies
  3. Why advertising is necessary for a movie
  4. Are movies portraying facts wrong
  5. The best TV shows of this decade


  1. Politics and pollution, a war
  2. Small steps to prevent pollution making bigger difference
  3. How can recycling be made simpler
  4. How much has global warming rose and its effect
  5. How can turning vegan help the environment


  1. Should immigration not be allowed anywhere in the world
  2. A strong opposition in legislation is necessary
  3. Gun laws and their need
  4. Role of Reserve Bank of Australia in maintaining financial status of the country
  5. Why leaders of the country need to create healthy international relations


  1. Bible vs Bhagavad Gita vs Holy Quran
  2. Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life
  3. Why the new generation shunning religion
  4. Christian worldview – why is it important
  5. Does Jesus still exist


  1. What is the proof of the big bang theory
  2. How old actually is earth
  3. Is colonisation of mars possible
  4. Theory of relativity and its usefulness
  5. Interesting facts about human body


  1. Are doctors and athletes making way too much money
  2. How to behave in different social groups
  3. Discrimination and its effect in 21st century
  4. How to distance yourself from boring people in a party without being rude
  5. Why should you make extra effort with introverts


  1. Bermuda triangle’s mystery
  2. Is telepathy real
  3. Bigfoot, a legend or reality
  4. Are we actually living with spirits
  5. The world on the other side, does it really exists


  1. Road building process
  2. Artificial intelligence in our daily lives
  3. Human brain on the way to become a computer
  4. Smart phones and dumb humans


Yeah, no kidding. If there is anything that you did not get or want to understand with more details about informative speech topics, I am available right here. Or you can send me your assignment details here and I will see how I can help you.

Let me know down there if this blog was helpful and how can I help you in the future.

About the Author

Yumi Adachi

Yumi Adachi

My name is Dr. Yumi Adachi and I have a Ph.D. in Social Science. I am a sociologist, specializing in studying cultural dynamics and social changes. When I am not working as a sociologist, talking about the research and giving lectures, I lend a helping hand and my voice to Online Assignment Expert for helping out students and researchers from the social sciences.


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