Is your head throbbing with pain at the idea of writing an assignment on zoography? Do you need experts’ opinions? We heard your plea as ‘My Assignment Services’ brings you zoography assignment help from top experts.

Zoography or, in simpler terms geography of animals; it is an offshoot of biology and physical geography. Moreover, it is a vast subject that comprises plant geography, taxonomy, palaeontology, ecology, and landscape science. It deals with the geographic distribution of animal species.

Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species’ in 1859, was the breakthrough in the field of zoography. There were some equally significant works in this field. P.Sclater and A.R. Wallace, two British scientists’ work ‘a founder of zoography’ was important. Furthermore, Schmarda put forward 21 zoographic regions in 1853, while Woodward presented 27 Earthly and 18 Marines, Murray presented 4 regions in 1866, and many more zoographic regions were proposed.

P.Sclater (1858) and A.R. Wallace (1876) acknowledged the paramount zoographic regions: Aethiopian( Afrotropic ), Palaearctic, Indian (Indomalayan), Nearctic, Australasian, and Neotropical.

These zoographical regions, also known as faunal regions are described based on distinctive animal life.

Fauna Regions

Palaearctic Region

This region covers most parts of Europe and Eurasia, north of the Himalayas. This zoographic region comprises 136 vertebrates’ families, 100 mammals’ species, and 174 species of birds. Some of the important animals found in this region are arctic-fox, red-fox, crocodiles, lizards, moose, deer, horse, camel, etc.

Aethopian Region

This region covers major parts of the African continent, but it excludes the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, it stretches over Madagascar Island. This zoographic region includes 174 vertebrates’ families, 140 mammals’ species, and 294 birds’ genera. Some of the important animals of this region are zebra, giraffe, lions, cheetah, monkey, elephants, etc.

Indian Region

This region stretches from the South Himalayas to South-East Asia. Climate wise, this stretch comes under the tropical region. This faunal region includes 164 vertebrate’s families, 118 mammals’ species, and 340 birds’ species. Some of the important animals of the Indian region are elephants, rhino, tigers, deer, etc.

Nearctic Region

This region covers North America, Greenland, and the Canadian Islands, west of Greenland. This zoographic region is also commonly known as the Arctic Fauna Region. Nearctic Region comprises animals like Kangaroo, hedgehog, mule, mouse, bison, wolf, etc.

Australian Region

This region sprawls over the Australian continent, New Zealand, New Guinea, and adjoining islands. This region includes 141 vertebrates’ families.

Objectives of zoography

  • The most important tool of zoography is Cartography. Every known habitat of species present on Earth is marked on a map. This is the primary objective of zoography- the variety of species, their characteristics, and other properties. Changes in climatic behaviour lead to the changes in their regions to settle and broaden their range. This causes variation in their patterns.

  • The second objective is to find the characteristic of a country’s fauna with the help of composition and distribution.

  • Furthermore, outlining various ecological groupings into which the species of a specific zoographic region lies. Species only found in a particular fauna are called endemic species.

The human race is responsible for the drastic changes in the fauna in the last few centuries. Several animal species have been exterminated and are now extinct.

Animal Geographic

Animal geography is a subspecialty of the nature-society/ human surroundings offshoot of geology, and also comprises the larger interdisciplinary umbrella of “Human-Animal Studies”. It can be defined as the analysis of the compounded entangling of human-animal relations with space, region, habitat, and landscape or, it can be characterised by the investigation of where, when how, and why nonhuman animals bisect with human societies.

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