Very large scale integration, also abbreviated as VLSI is the process of designing an integrated circuit (IC) by combining multiple transistors into a single chip (System on chip). The growth and expansion in VLSI began with the development of the transistor. The complexity of the VLSI design is dependent on the number of transistors which are used in the semiconductor.

Students aspiring to pursue their higher studies in Electronics and Communication (ECE) Engineering get a lot of assignments based on ASIC like interconnecting capability of transistors, rectifying designing errors, implementation of logic, ASIC chips and more.My Assignment Serviceshas been assisting students with high-quality reference assignment solutions on all these topics for more than ten years now.

What IsVLSI Design Flow?

There has been tremendous growth in the electronics industry due to the very large scale integration process. With the advent of VLSI, there has been a rise in the number of applications that are built on integrated circuits (IC). These include computing, consumer electronics, telecommunication, image and video processing etc. VLSI is a complex topic that has a lot of aspects to consider while writing assignments. This is the reason a lot of students requirehelp with VLSI design assignmentfrom experts. The basic foundation upon which these assignments centre around is theVLSI design flow. If you are unclear about this, then you can simply seek ourVLSI design assignment services.

Now, let us talk about this concept in detail.

vlsi design assignment 1

As you can see in the image above,

  1. Specification comes first. This includes giving a description of the functionality, interface as well as the architecture of the digital integrated circuit that needs to be developed.
  2. After this, ourVLSI design assignment help experts create the behavioural description that come handy in analysing the entire design in terms of different specifications. These include performance compliance to the set standards, functionality etc.
  3. Then, by making use of HDLs, RTL description is made and this is done to test the functionality of the design. After this, we make use of EDA tools.
  4. Using the logic synthesis tools, ourVLSI design assignment expertconverts the RTL description to a gate-level netlist.
  5. In the end, we prepare the physical layout for the design.
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3 Major Levels Of Abstraction That Are Supported By Verilog

Verilog falls under the category of a hardware description language (HDL). With the help of this programming language, it becomes easier for students to describe a digital system such as a microprocessor or any other VLSI design system.

As per ourVLSI design assignment experts, a VLSI design system is supported by Verilog at multiple levels of abstraction. The three major ones are as follows:

1. Behavioural level

This level contains behavioural algorithms that are executed one by one. The main elements in a behavioural level are blocks, functions and tasks. Also, there is no priority given to the structural realisation of the design at this level.

2. Register-transfer level

Designs that are made using this level talk about the characteristics of the system. This is done with the help of operations and all the information that is transferred between the registers.

3. Gate level

Under this level, logical links are used to describe the characteristics of the VLSI system. This means that only values like 0, 1, X and Z can be used in this as these come under the basic logic gates.

The Y Chart: An Important Concepts For These Assignments

The levels that ourVLSI design assignment helpexperts have discussed that can be easily captured with the help of a model known as the Gajski-Kuhn Y-chart.

vlsi design assignment 2

By applying this model, it becomes simpler to study the three levels. On the radial axes, we have all the three major domains, which are the Behavioral domain, the structural domain and the Physical domain.

If we notice the image shown above, ourVLSI assignment expertdefines the architecture chip at the top level (outer ring). going further into the lower levels or rings, the details of the design are explained.

If you want to understand the finer details of this model, then you can simply seek ourVLSI design assignment servicesand clarify all your doubts from our experts.

What is The Design-Hierarchy Structural?

This is another model that comes handy in case of VLSI design assignments. This works on the principle of “divide and conquer”. using this model, ourVLSI design assignment expertpanel breaks the entire task into simpler chunks until it reaches the primitive level.

vlsi design assignment 3

As it is shown in the above image, we have designed a 16-bit adder for a student who requiredhelp with VLSI assignment. Here, the complete 16-bit adder gets divided into sub-parts of 4-bit adders. Again repeating the process, we reach the last step.

When ourVLSI design assignment help expertsintegrate the simplest units, this is what we get for you.

vlsi design assignment 4

However, several other aspects need to be considered while dealing with these models. If you require complete assistance from us, then you just need to ping us all the requirements of your VLSI assignment and we will get back to you with the entire reference assignment solution within a few hours.

Which Are The Most ImportantVLSI TopicsThat Are Covered By OurVLSI Assignment ExpertPanel?

As discussed, the scope of VLSI is extensive. Thus, several topics fall under this. However, ourVLSI design assignment helpexperts have narrowed down the list into a few of them that are considered to be the most vital ones, when it comes to writing assignments on VLSI design.

Following are the topics that students bring to us when they requirehelp with VLSI assignments.

  1. Digital VLSI Design
  2. VLSI signal processing
  3. Applied algorithms for VLSI CAD
  4. Low Power VLSI Design
  5. Signal VLSI Design
  6. FSM
  7. PLDs AND FPGAs design techniques
  8. Using transistors for implementing switching functions
  9. Boolean simple gates and their truth tables
  10. Transistor current equation
  11. Design and analysis of NMOS inverters
  12. Photo-mask construction
  13. Performance characterization of circuit
  14. Calculation of R and C for capacitance
  15. Voltage transfer characteristics

These are the most complex, yet the most crucial topics where students requirehelp with VLSI assignment. However, we have also handled a plethora of other concepts related to VLSI as well. We possess scholarly degrees in engineering from various reputed universities all across the globe and industry experience of more than a decade now. So, you can simply turn to our VLSI design assignment expert panel for guidance, if you get stuck at any point.

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What MakesMy Assignment ServicesStand Apart Among The Crowd?

We completely know the technicalities that these assignments contain and have exhibited an excellent command over all the nuances associated with VLSI design assignments. Coming from an engineering background, our experts are a pro at providing high-qualityVLSI design assignment servicesto students all across the globe.

Not just this,My Assignment Serviceshas also possessed an exemplary record in furnishing students with all their requirements. This is the reason we keep on updating our value-added services to suit the interest of students.

When you place an order with us, you can get your hands on a free copy of the Plagiarism report with each assignment, an overview of the entire assignment before payment, partial work for free, live one-on-one session with experts and many more benefits.

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