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Quantitative Research Method

Table of Contents

Part One.

Problem Statement

Purpose Statement

Research Approach.

Explain This Approach.

Part Two.

Research Question.

Outline and Discuss the Data Collection Tool and Possible Analyses.

Part Three.

Data analysis.

Selected Research Approach and Data Collection Tool Is More Appropriate Than Other Approaches and Data Collection Tools.

Advantages of the Specific Research Approach over the Disadvantages of Other Approaches and define the Suitability of the Data Collection Tool


Problem Statement

In current years the organisations are suffering in a huge manner especially related to the overall COVID19 situation. Due to the pandemic, travel situations have been changed in a huge manner. On the other hand, the government has imposed strict lockdown rules and guidelines, by doing this; the government is trying to maintain its social distance which ensures health safety of the passengers. Moreover, based on this approach, the organisations are suffering on a massive manner, as the nationwide lockdown is creating an impact on their business value; therefore, the impact on the business sectors due to the COVID19 is a prime issue. There are other issues like financial impacts on the business sectors are evidently presents (Gössling, Scott & Hall, 2020).

The aviation industry, on the other hand, is suffering on huge terms, as new travelling restrictions are creating an impact on its business. The government has imposed regulations related to social distancing which has a limited travelling number. On the other hand, the passengers who used to travel on daily intervals have become conscious about their health as well, and due to this fact, they also limited their travel in current years. The limited travel values have impacted massively on the current employment scene along with revenue margin of Aviation industry as well. Based on all of this approach, it is quite evidently clear that the aviation industries are suffering on huge terms. Furthermore, the research paper is aiming to discuss these issues that are created by COVID19 on the aviation industry on global terms.

Purpose Statement

The prime purpose of the study paper is to learn about the impacts created by the COVID19 on the aviation industry, in current years the business sectors are suffering on huge terms while dealing with the impacts of this pandemic. Furthermore, the following research paper is aiming to discuss all of the issues that are created by COVID19 in the aviation industry. This impact has mostly created based on the limited travel guidelines due to the social distancing norms. Moreover, the companies are further, dealing with employment threats where many people are leaving their jobs due to income reasons (Nicola et al,. 2020). Another issue that is faced by the organisation is related to the fact that despite not working pilots is asking for money even for the holidays, this is creating a massive impact on the aviation industry and its revenue margin.

The following research paper is further choosing the subject to define all of the issues and its impacts in a detailed manner. By defining all of the issues on proper terms, the research paper is able to manage all its threats in an accurate manner. Furthermore, based on the analysis and the gathered information, the paper is able to present a proper mitigation plan that will be effective for dealing with the entire organisational threat in an accurate manner. Therefore, the importance of the issue in contemporary business culture cannot be denied as based on the result the organisations are able to impose positive changes to the entire industrial sector as well (Richardson, 2015).

Research Approach

The research approach in a project plays a vital role as based on the research approach; the project is able to plan its actions and procedures in a step by step manner. On the other hand, the research approach further defines methods related to the data collection, data analysis and its interpretation. Based on the data collection method, the project is able to learn about the procedure in which its important information and data being collected. Furthermore, the research paper also defines analysis method, in which the information will be defined, as based on both of the methods, the project is able to learn about the topic in a detailed manner, furthermore, depending on this approach the paper is able to define information in an accurate manner.

On the other hand, the research approach is known for providing proper data based on the information’s interpretation. The interpretation is responsible for defining the entire result in a positive manner. furthermore, according to the entire topic, it is quite evident that selecting a proper research approach is an important part, as based on this the project can provide a solution to its problem statement, which is dealing with the impacts created by COVID19 on the current aviation industry. Based on the result, the paper further presents recommendations which can be implemented in the industry in order to deal with all of the threats and issues in an accurate manner (Apuke, 2017).

Explain This Approach

According to the research approach definition and its overall benefits, the selected approach, in this case, is related to the Quantitative approach. With the help of Quantitative approach, the project paper is able to manage all its data collection method in a strategic manner. On the other hand, the quantitative research approach is selected in this project in order to define all the information regarding the statistical value. The statistical result is always helpful for dealing with information and data in an accurate manner. apart from there are different importance are also related to this research approach, for example, it is helpful for defining a higher sample size moreover, collection of data and information becomes easy and fast as well. On the other hand, this research approach is known for creating a focus on the facts of data rather than its assumptions.

Apart from these another important reason of choosing this method is related to the fact that it is helpful for collecting information from a huge sample, therefore anonymous yet collecting result can be presented with the help of this research approach. However, threats like a social dilemma, biased replies can create an impact, therefore, while conducting the project with the help of this method, the researcher needs to keep all the loopholes in mind, and based on them, it needs to implement its methods in an accurate manner for achieving the best study result (Stieglitz et al,. 2018).

Research Question

The research question is an important part of any research project as it helps to understand the prime goal that will be achieved in the upcoming course of the project. Therefore, the research question that is associated with the project is, “What are the impacts created by COVID19 on the Aviation industry?”

Apart from this, there are few other questions can be identified in this paper such as:

  • What is COVID19?
  • What is Aviation industry?
  • What is the socio-economic dilemma created by COVID19?
  • What are the prime impacts that are visible in the Aviation Industry due to COVID19?
  • What are a few ways in which the threats of COVID19 from aviation industry can be mitigated?

Outline and Discuss the Data Collection Tool and Possible Analyses

Data collection is an important approach of current project scenario as based on proper data collection methods the researcher is able to collect information that is well suited for presenting a detailed understanding of the topic. Furthermore, the data collection is responsible for guiding the entire result in an accurate direction. The importance of data collection method from current project approach cannot be denied (Sutton & Austin, 2015). There are mainly two types of data collection method is found such as the primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The primary data collection method is known for collecting information from direct sources, while the secondary data collection method collects all its information and data from the indirect sources. The primary data collection method examples are like an interview, survey and others while in secondary data collection method, the information will be collected based on the help of proper different journals and articles.

On the other hand, the paper further defines a tool in which data will be collected. The tool mostly defines the process in which the information will be gathered. In this project, the subject is related to the impacts that are created by COVID19 in the aviation industry, therefore choosing the tool related to survey is helpful (Moser & Korstjens, 2018). The survey helps to gather a massive number of data that too by maintaining proper social distancing guidelines. On the other hand, the selection of survey tool has so many benefits to it, such as it is helpful for collecting qualitative feedback from the participants. Apart from this, collecting information with the help of this tool has another important aspect such as based on this method; the researcher is able to gather information from a large number of participants that too in a cost efficient manner.

In current times, when social distancing has become the utmost approach therefore taking help from this tool can be helpful for defining the entire organisational goal and its target in a positive manner. research is able to gather information from home by creating a survey link, the survey includes all the questions which researcher want to know in order to present a proper study result (Clark & Vealé, 2018). The research topic is dealing with the approach of COVID19 and all its impacts that are created by it. Based on the problem statement it is quite evident that the aviation industry is suffering the most due to this pandemic, as the government has imposed strict guidelines regarding travelling, that is applied in the air travelling as well. The rules like limited seats, social distancing and others are one of them, due to all of this approach the industry is suffering from financial loss. The prime aim of the research paper is to learn about the financial impacts, and further providing proper recommendations for the issues is an important need (Suau-Sanchez, Voltes-Dorta & Cugueró-Escofet, 2020.

On the other hand, the analysis method that will be adopted in this project is related to the quantitative method. With the help of this method, the researcher is able to present a result that is well supported by statistical evidence. The project is using the survey tool therefore, the method related to the quantitative approach will help for defining a result in a positive approach. On the other hand, the quantitative method has mainly two methods associated with it such as descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The descriptive analysis uses statistical approaches while inferential method uses variables to present the final outcome (Basias & Pollalis, 2018).

Therefore, based on the entire discussion it can be mentioned that the project will use a survey tool and the information will later be analyzed with help of quantitative method.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is an important part of the research project as in this section the collected information is analysed properly and based on the result the researcher is able to present an accurate result to audiences. In this project, the survey tool has been used to collect proper information. The data analysis has been done in the following paper with the help of quantitative method. Furthermore, to define the advantage of the selected methods 100 participants has been asked 6 different questions regarding the COVID19 impact especially on the aviation industry. By discussing all of the responses, the paper is able to define that selected methods and strategies are better than other methods.

Question 1: Are you a frequent traveller in the airline services?

Based on the survey result it is quite evident that among the participants 80 percent of them are travelling regularly in an airplane, while other 20 percent of them, are not that much a regular flight traveler.

Question 2: Did the COVID-19 pandemic affect your travelling experience?

The government rules regarding travelling have changed a lot, therefore the travel experiences are being compromised as well. Based on the result, 60 percent of them thinks that the traveling has been impacted a lot, while to 20 percent it created a great deal of change, similarly to rest 20 percent he changes has moderately impacted their travel experiences.

Question 3: Did the current pandemic put an impact on the aviation industry?

According to the survey result, 80 percent of the participants think that the pandemic has created a major impact on the aviation industry, while to rest of the 20 percent think that the change created by the pandemic on the aviation industry is moderately manageable.

Question 4:Do you think it is appropriate for travelers to travel in this situation?

Based on the survey result it is quite evident that 80 percent of them thinks that it is not safe as it will increase health safety vulnerability, while rest of the 20 percent thinks one can travel in emergencies but they need to follow strict government social distancing guidelines.

Question 5: How the companies deal with the impacts created due to the COVID-19 outburst?

Aviation industries taking various methods to deal with the threats, for example, 40 percent of the participants think companies are using limited travel seats while 40 percent think company has improved its policies, rest of them thinks the company has increased its health safety methods.

Question 6:Do you think that the present situation will subside in a few months?

The survey states 75 percent think it will not be better while 25 percent are still hopeful for quick situation recovery.


Based on the entire result it can be mentioned that in current years the pandemic has created an impact on the organisational culture. Moreover, the survey result is clearly showing that the aviation industry is one of the most affected industrial sectors, due to nationwide lockdown the travelling has almost stopped furthermore the health guidelines and social distancing rules are creating an impact on the current travel approaches. Survey result further states that participants think that this is not the best time to travel due to health safety. Furthermore, based on the survey result it is quite evident that the aviation industries are taking few measurements as well, all of these measurements are proved to be one of the important techniques that are helping the company deal with its threat in this severe time.

Selected Research Approach and Data Collection Tool Is More Appropriate than Other Approaches and Data Collection Tools

According to the entire research methodology it can be mentioned that the paper has selected the quantitative approach. This approach is obviously more suitable in this project compared to the qualitative approach. With the help of quantitative method the research paper is able to present a result that is well supported by the evidences and statistics. This is the main reason which is why the research paper has chosen the quantitative method compared to qualitative one. Moreover, the data analysis process and its conducting method are comparatively easy in selected method. The time saving quality of the quantitative method is another important benefit which is driving the selection decision regarding the research approach (Brannen, 2017).

On the other hand, in order to collect proper data and information, the survey has been selected as a tool. Moreover, the prime reason behind selecting the tool compared to other tools like interview and group observation is it is time efficient and budget friendly. In the time of pandemic, using interview is quite difficult, as in many times the participants are unable to give transparent response due to ethical boundaries, in survey as response are anonymous therefore the participants are able to be totally transparent with their replies. Moreover, in current project management, the survey is used, as via email, created survey link can be sent to everyone, and they are further response to the link depending on their time (Soni et al,. 2017).

Therefore, these are a few important points which motivated the researcher to select quantitative method along with the survey as a data collection tool. Moreover, based on the entire research analysis it is quite evident that the current COVID19 situation has created a major negative impact on the aviation industry, which has made them suffer financially in a huge number (Sharma & Nicolau, 2020). Therefore, by selecting survey direct information from both customer and employees can be gathered, whereas the quantitative method is responsible for presenting direct information with proper evidence along with the statistical information.

Advantages of The Specific Research Approach Over the Disadvantages of Other Approaches and Define the Suitability of The Data Collection Tool

The prime disadvantage of interview method is related to the ethical boundaries, due to this fact the researchers often unable to get the proper information, as in direct face to face question answers managers are not allowed to be fully transparent due to its company policies. Another major disadvantage related to the interview method in the current pandemic is organizing face to face interview is quite difficult. Therefore, using the interview method cannot be used. Apart from this, other loopholes like the interview are time taking and budget taking as well, and therefore low budget project like this cannot afford this method. On the other hand, if anyone decides to take an interview via Skype or phone call, they need to face issues of connectivity and engagement. Gathering everyone together at a particular time, in this current pandemic situation is quite difficult. These are a few disadvantages and loopholes found in the interview tool, therefore the benefits of the survey are helping to mend these threats from data collection method in an accurate manner (Park & Park, 2016).

The survey as a data collection tool has so many benefits associated to it, for example, the survey gathers a massive data in an anonymous way which makes the information more accurate and effective to deal with. Furthermore, the survey is time efficient as well as it is budget efficient which makes the entire project a proper way of learning about transparent opinions. Apart from this, by using a survey collecting a huge sample of response by maintaining social distancing can be done. Therefore, the researcher is using the survey as a data collection tool compared to the interview method, and the reason for choosing this tool is well defined with the help of proper advantage and disadvantages.

On the other hand, the project chose a quantitative method, as qualitative data analysis method has few disadvantages to it, for example, the method is never well supported by the statistical responses or data. Furthermore, in most of the case, the responses are highly related to the experiences of the researcher which is making the result a biased one. Furthermore, in many cases, by using this approach, the researcher has lost important data and information. Replicating the result in the case of the qualitative method is hard as well as in many times this method is often known for creating misleading results too. These are a few disadvantages and loopholes found in the qualitative method, therefore the benefits of the quantitative method are helping to deal with the issues of data analysis method in a proper manner.

Furthermore, the quantitative research approach has so many benefits associated with it which are driving the force of selecting this method as the prime mythological approach. For example, the quantitative method presents a statistical result; therefore the accuracy of the response is comparatively much higher. Furthermore, rapid data collection can be done in this method, which is scrutinized in a proper manner that later helps to present information which is well supported by the proper documents and information (Antwi & Hamza, 2015).

Based on all the above mentioned factors the research paper has selected the survey along with the quantitative research approach, in order to define the impacts created by COVID19 in the aviation industry.

References for The Impact of Covid in Aviation Industry

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