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Case Management Discussion



The initial professional understanding of client Maryn.

Role of a Case Manager

Overarching of the case management model

Practices relating to the case management approach.

Communication skills that I would like to use while dealing with client



Introduction to Maryn Case Study

A significant segment of the current standard of social work practice is case management where in any case, this field has neglected to sufficiently conceptualize its concept. According to the initial phase is to isolate it from the managerial structure that shapes the setting of the training, where its two main components are- empowering and facilitating. The job of the social case manager is to incorporate proper frameworks of care and interacting with a bigger social environment effectively.Bethell et. al. (2017), said that case management is a technique for offering types of assistance whereby a proficient social specialist surveys the necessities of the customer and their family, when suitable. It also organizes, facilitates, screens, assesses, and advocates for a bundle of numerous administrations to meet the particular customer's perplexing needs.Being mindful of one’s very own inclinations about the whole session as they may influence the result and also to move toward the procedure with a receptive outlook.

1. The Initial Professional Understanding of Client Maryn

Here, in this case of the client Maryn, a 33 old sole parent of three youngsters Joe (13), James (5) and Shell (2), as a case manager I recognised that she gets unknowingly overwhelmed at any situation.As per my perception to the overall analysis of Maryn, her presenting need at the intake stage comprises of the situations she is facing in her daily routine life.She is also worried about her child’s irrational upheavals. In addition to this, she drinks vigorously but is inspired to reduce the liquor consumption.

Mick, Joe’s dad, is an aboriginal man, has been engaged with Joe’s life since Maryn and the children returned to the region. He gives an occasional visit to Joe, being a dad. Maryn has cut off the association with Jim, the father of the more youthful kids around two years back. Maryn has no contact with him, this has been considered as an objective for misrepresentation and also not expected to be delivered for four more years. Maryn moved back to the neighbourhood two years prior reasoning that Maryn may get some assistance from Mick, which happens when Mick is visiting the area.

Maryn rents their reserved alcove room. This additional cash helps cover tabs. Maryn has quite recently gotten a power bill of $1000. When Maryn approached Barry and Betty, who are renting her back room, for cash for the power charge, they gave Maryn a container of wine and said they would pay soon. Maryn has been determined to have misery and is on a Disability Support Pension (Barry et. al. 2019). As of not long ago Maryn would possibly drink when out with companions on Friday night. Maryn's drinking has expanded over the most recent four months. Maryn at present beverages five or six stubbiest every night. Maryn regularly neglects to take the prescription for sadness.Joe has as of late began truanting from school and Joe's school marks have endured for the current year.

Maryn is feeling unsupported in dealing with Joe's delinquency, as Mick may be out for work most of the time. Mick feels that his activity is giving budgetary security to Maryn and Joe through the youngster uphold that is being paid. Maryn has a couple of good backings around. One of Maryn's companion's carries on with close by and she has begun going to a free PC course at the library. Maryn is at present jobless due to which she is feeling financially insecure, dependant on Mick for the same and hence want to discover a type of work of low maintenance. Maryn used to work all day in a regulatory activity before meeting Jim. Maryn has had a progression of half year easy-going one day seven days managerial occupations in the course of the most recent couple of years, all of which have worked out in a good way. Maryn is known to drink less when "in work", which helps me to draw conclusion that Maryn would perform better emotionally in her life if starts working again.

 Basically, a part time work would be more suitable in her case, since she need financial stability and need to look after her children at the same. This only one step would help her in many a way, including able to pay her bills on time, provide her children with financial security (Boss, 2016). In addition to this, being preoccupied with work and household chores all the time, she will be able to gradually leave liquor consumption. She would not have to be completely dependant on Mick or wait for her renters for bill payments or looking after her children which were adding her anxiety. In short, being employed is a solid solution to curb out many of her problems that were leading to depression. Along with this, with some patience and perseverance, Maryn would be able to eradicate her depression medications and her attitude towards drinking too.

2. Role of a Case Manager

According to Bradley et al. (2018), there are several skills and aptitudes that the case managers can make use of to achieve what is required for their client, and according to that a case manager develops their own style of playing out those abilities. In some cases, as per Coatsworth et al.(2015),this management competence is self-taught by encountering the major life experiences while others are found out hypothetically or learnt from theories. Some cases will be way simpler to ace than other ones.

Notwithstanding a lot of these skills or critical ability, the case manager is required to try various essential estimations and basic values to build a firm relationship (Coyne, 2015). These qualities ensure the case manager that the activities taken shows regard for those with whom they work.Outline for oneself the data that should be given and gotten. Assemble everything structures that require to be finished or marked during the active interaction and make a projectile rundown of inquiries that should be posed.

The instigation of such a help relationship with the referral sources and clients is vivaciously affected by the attitude of the case manager. Duncan et. al. (2016) said that, the manager’s personal skills in mindfulness, characteristics such as that of sympathy, optimism, regard and social sensitivity towards the mass are also significant determinants in helping out clients. Thus, an overall analytical and developed mindset is a necessity for a case manager in addition to the strategies utilized to carry out an effective case management. The whole cycle, as Epstein, 2018said, is to be followed to derive the maximal results from the client, this is, screening then assessing and stratifying Risk planning, executing proper care coordination, catching up at intervals, providing transitional care and finally communicating and evaluating the whole case.

According to Ferguson,2016, the most essential personal values and skills required to be addressed in the case management are interviewing skills, teaching, collaboration and negotiation, critical thinking, advocacy. In addition to this, monitoring the delivery of services, quality of care, quality engagement with the clients and understanding their strengths priorities and challenges, cultural diversity, quality of life, self-determination and choice, evaluating the outcomes, case management service termination (Garbarino, 2017).

3. Overarching of The Case Management Model

At the beginning stage of the case management, i.e. is the Identification stage,Grey et al. (2015) helped me to understand that the customer or client unit, say or family, goes to the consideration of a social worker case manager.The team of expertise dealing such issues, or network volunteers offering help to weak or dysfunctional families. Distinguishing proof can occur from multiple points of view, every association will choose how these distinguishing proofs and admission happens (Haine-Schlagel, 2015). In the event of initial screening, the client and their unit require any assistance, a more complete assessment of their qualities and necessities is finished by settling upon standard working systems (Harris, 2018).

According to Livingstone et al. 2015, appraisals implies gathering data and afterward examining it and further communicating with the client to mutually figure out in which direction is the help and backing required. The case manager or social worker cautiously listens to their client in this stage to comprehend the whole circumstance from the beginning, to discover the solutions and needs. The case plan is the vital part, because structuring out how to execute the steps to achieve the fruitful target, is to be created with the clients. This stage plots the explicit activities needed to address the issues and objectives recognized by the client, by whom and when they ought to be taken, to ensure a fitting assistance (Masten,2018). Also, at regular intervals the plan needs to check to make it work and bring about intended effect.

 This stage is then followed by the implementation phase where supportive counselling and intensive care through communications is delivered to the client where major issues are thoroughly addressed. Munro, 2019, says that this method of respecting and promoting client’s strengths and helping them build self-esteem, to work upon their individuality and gain stable emotional functioning, is truly effective. Then finally, the case to be closed when the targeted goals are met, or they are no more feasible or relevant to be approached further or the client’s demands can be met by any other case manager (Neubauer, 2016).

4. Practices Relating to The Case Management Approach

Since, there are various issues and circumstances lingering around the lives of the young people that may severely affect their wellbeing. Addressing these various categories of issues, the approach towards the case management also varies in accordance with the sector of the dominant issue (Tye-Murray,2019). There might be several circumstances where numerous clients are confronting a comparable issue, so the reaction might be helpful to analyse for the entire network, instead of evaluating the cases at the individual level. In other words, in comparative circumstances, a framework level case approach would be more fitting for the case manager that an individual methodology.

Again, acc. to Webster-Stratton, 2018, in some other approach, the application of that certain approach on a broader level may turn out to be wrong even at the screening stage. The condition to this is that the broad cycle probably won’t be fitting incorporate crisis circumstances, thus the issue required to be tackled by a solitary, one-off intercession. Models may incorporate serious emotional wellness emergency or expected damage to self or others, where the reactions are required right away. Here, in the case study of Maryn, the situation can be analysed at a broader level, for a sample of the cases possessing the same issues of a population can be perceived in general. This is because, many family issues in the present scenario are dealing with these common problems pertaining to the emotional disbalances that are hampering their wellbeing. Hence, the social help worker or the case manager associated with the execution and management of the whole cycle of the case are urged to work intimately with their clients to recognize their qualities, shortcomings and openings with the point of expanding flexibility. 

5. Communication Skills that I Would Like to Use While Dealing with Client

Here, in this case, the communication and advocacy skills that I would like to bring in accordance to the role of a case manager will help Maryn to overcome her emotional shortcomings due to the family issues. The distortions in her communication is all because of her values, attitudes towards the negative impact of many past life situations(Whalley, 2017). Her changes in personalities due to the biases and belief systems out of the challenges she is facing. The assumptions she is making out of the experience of any such situations, background etc. Apart from this, verbal and non-verbal communications are also to be thoroughly scrutinized as a case manager.

With certain people, correspondence boundaries might be more prominent. Projection of the voice and intelligible articulation of words can help conquer a portion of the boundaries experienced with people who have hearing weaknesses. It is the duty of a case manager to successfully succinctly synthesize the required information from their clients, referral sources or collaterals by closely communicating with them. This is because, communications help understand the other person in details, to analyse their problems.

Maryn’s way of communication is partly impaired due to high consumption of liquor out of her stress. People do communicate consistently through non-verbally too i.e. through their body language. Research suggest that this channel of non-verbal communication plays a vital role in understanding better what the client want to say actually. These gestures include voice tone, facial expression, spatial arrangement, eye contact, way they touch, cultural differences, expressive movements and so on. But in the present era, communication is not only limited to these forms of verbal and non-verbal only. Case managers also arrange telephonic method of communication or using the written form via mails and authorizations.

Conclusion on Maryn Case Study

Thereby, from the above analysis, we draw the conclusion that case management is a reaction to the unpredictability and fracture of wellbeing and social assistance conveyance frameworks. Despite the fact that the case managers help with evaluating and organizing administrations, the scope they can facilitate and the alternatives that are accessible will change broadly. In any case, these executives work mirrors the program’s financing and legitimately influences their expert control, extent of customer care, and way of mixing promotion and cost regulation duties.

References for Maryn Case Study

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