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Automated Coordination and Compliance Analysis

Executive Summary of Management Strategies

Quanta Services is referred to as one of the leading special contracting service company by delivering comprehensive infrastructural solutions for industries like electric power involving designs, repairs, and maintenance. In the context of the company, certain aspects have been defined in the following like that of the innovation strategies which assist the company in the building of innovation capabilities and here the way through which the company embraced innovation which affects the organizational innovative diffusion. In addition to this, the way through which the organizational research and development process gets easily managed along with the examination of the importance of intellectual property rights in the context of delivering engineering products and services.

The strategies have been developed by the global technology management strategies and in this aspect, the technology audits along with the technology transfers also turn out to be important in solving the organizational bottlenecks and hence tried to attain improvement in the engineering products and services. It can be stated, “We expect the combination to result in meaningful cost and operational synergy opportunities, including the integration of project and asset management functions, improved resource utilization, procurement, and administrative cost savings, and enhanced cross-selling and marketing opportunities.”

The additional company resources help it in maintaining the superior based service portfolios while acquiring superior organizational services along with improved flexibility. It has been also found that the management of the company can be stated as one of the leaders in the field of contract services through delivering end-to-end networking solutions involving designing, repairing so that the networking facilities can be maintained properly. This way the distribution, as well as the transmission for utility power producers along with the industrial customers, get maintained well.

Introduction to Management Strategies

Quanta Services is defined as one of the leading company contractors who is having a higher amount of skilled labor forces in North America. It delivers highly integrated infrastructural solutions in the context of utility, energy as well as pipeline industries. The management of the company individually performs more than around 85 percent of their work and at the same time also collaborates and communicates with customers so that cost certainty as well as organizational safety can be easily assured. Every decision and mission of the company is driven through best as well as more skilled workforces to generate better organizational success in the future (Andrew, 2017). The management of the company in the context of innovation focuses on operating the organizational business based on which safe execution along with delivering the best leadership so that the best quality and organizational value can be ensured. The different phases under the company get specialized into testing as well as maintaining high as well as low voltage substations, breakers as well as reclosers. The management of the company has been involved in planning the grid for successful estimation. The cloud-based estimation process of the plan grid technology has been designed to deliver maximum collaboration among all organizational parties. Quanta Services gets involved in the development of strong, innovative, and along with that the formation of entrepreneurial leaders (Quanta Services Inc, 2019).

Quanta Services continue to integrate itself towards the growth of its heritage through collaboration with the customers to be evolved in a better way through retaining the unique as well as decentralized modelling which will be turned useful since the beginning. On the other hand, it also continually strived itself in achieving a better business based on which the organizational growth and success can be easily achieved. The employees are the main part of the organization (Kendall, 2020). The company recruits and at the same time also empowers the best talents so that the best and talented employees can be retained within the organization. They are treated as the heart of the organization and the company also adequately empowers them so that the future potentialities can be easily developed and attained (Jackson, 2018). The shareholders of Quanta Services believe in its geographical diversification along with the uniqueness in the operation model so that long term value can be equally implemented towards the organization. “We self-perform more than 85% of our work, providing cost certainty, safety, and out-performance. We collaborate with our customers to provide them with innovative solutions. We strive for operational excellence and integrity by doing the right thing, the first time, every time, to ensure value and quality” (Quanta Services, 2019).

c) Explanation of innovation strategies assisting firms in the development of innovative capabilities and explaining how the selected organization embraced innovation along with the explanation of different factors affecting organizational innovative diffusion

In this aspect, the company has been invested in digital designing starting from controlling the documents along with the design progresses starting from sketches to the construction of the documents. In the context of scheduling, the company has engulfed itself into creating, assigning as well as prioritizing the tasks within a fixed frame of time. Through this, the management of the company gets involved in the development of innovation capabilities. Through this, innovation can get embraced. In addition to this, the management of the company also tracks the organizational signs of progress online and at the same time delivers the work plan as well as work schedule to entire organizational workers (Jackson, 2018). One of the primary innovative strategies that have been followed by the management of the company is fostering the innovation-based culture which makes the involvement of the support from the top management along with the setting of the strategic vision along with innovating the organizational culture with long term organizational focus through effective sharing of knowledge along with proper education as well as training services (Park, 2019).

Along with this, the other innovation strategies involve the active participation of the employees to extend business fields after linking the project along with the business processes. In this section, the employees should be developing certain attitudes towards the organizational changes and also in the context of framing strategic decision making along with strategic resource management. In addition to this, the factors which are responsible for organizational improvement are the increased market competition along with meeting the demand among the clients. The company has also got specialized itself in managing handheld techniques like that of handheld laser scanners along with lidar systems. The next-generation 5D building information model has been integrated by the company which helps in spanning project planning, construction of operations as well as maintenance. In the 3D model used by the company involves the use of upgraded techniques like geometry, spatial data, aesthetics, properties of both acoustics as well as thermal which helps in the development of the budget and also gets linked to the cost heads (Tabrizian, 2019).

The use of 5D BIM technique gets enhanced through the process of augmented reality techniques via the wearable techniques. In this aspect, the physical objects get interacted with the data through the involvement of the gestures as well as voice commands. The other technical factors which are responsible besides the development of the innovation capabilities by the organization is the adoption of standardized designing as well as data reporting formats where the resources can be well dedicated and invested towards the building of the organizational capacity. The design integration as well as construction helps in driving the organizational innovation which helps in leading to the ever-changing world (The Economics Times, 2015).

The innovative factors of Quanta Services involve collaborating with the organizational team by bringing them so that the critical needs can get easily served. For the past years, the management of the company became the leader in the specialty infrastructural services through the development of innovative thinking as well as safer execution process which have turned the company into utilizing the space properly through the development of the safer teams along with capitalizing into macro industrial catalysts through maintaining focus on multi-year planning strategy (Quanta Services Inc, 2019).

The management of the organization getting capitalized into certain opportunities through fostering entrepreneurial business models and through close collaboration with the customers in developing infrastructural solutions through which the customer-centric needs can be met easily. Quanta Services capitalizes in opportunities through fostering entrepreneurial business models so that the infrastructural solutions can be met easily through solidifying the regional structures so that the customers can get better served where their service lines, as well as geographies, can get well expanded (Inc, 2020). This allowed the company in the development and adaptation of market conditions and thereby seizing the organizational opportunities. The management of Quanta Services gets involved in the construction of the strong as well as innovative and entrepreneurial leaders. It continues itself in following unique as well as a decentralized model where the best companies along with the skilled leaders got acquired by adding a balance sheet as well as certain resources for the company itself to strengthen itself so that it can grow during his tenure (Quanta Services Inc, 2019).

d) Importance of research and development in Quanta Services along with the examination of the importance of intellectual properties and patent indicators in research and development of engineered products and services

The research and development of the concerned company get involved in automation, operational assets as well as communications and distributions through which the organizational regulation, as well as effective compliances, can be well maintained. The research and development by Quanta Services have integrated micro grids along with non-wires alternatives which involve reliability and resiliency along with delivering the premium power quality with the help of which the delivery service and its quality can get readily improved. The development cycle in a micro grid can be defined as a certain form of interconnected loads along with the distributed resources of energy. In this connection, Quanta Services have been involved in generating quality designs along with the engineering services (Park, 2019).

The management of Quanta Services helps in providing the organization with adequate solution ranges where the primary objective is compliances and effectiveness. In this field, the company makes an involvement of industry-based technical expertise as well as certain business acumens to deliver organizational solutions effectively. Here long-lasting partnerships have been developed with the clients to face the tough challenges in the future. NERC CIP standards can be defined as a group of compliances and certain requirements based on which the security of the assets can get covered involving protection communications review as well as the system updates and upgradation (Kendall, 2020). The management of Quanta Services had also been successfully developed CORE suite of software tools and should be routinely stimulating along with analysis of the protection systems behavior through the involvement of simulation software applications. Actually, through research and development, CORE tools have been developed so that important challenges can be well addressed through the automation and involvement of software tools so that the advanced studies can be well conducted to interpret the larger volumes of data (The Economics Times, 2015).

Through Intellectual Property, the organizational market value can get enhanced along with the increased export of goods and services. This way, the finances can also get enhanced along with the commercialization of innovative products and services. The management of Quanta Services works with different managerial and leadership levels. The company has framed certain ways to leverage intellectual property through licensing properties. Here the successful companies like Quanta services have looked into certain avenues so that they can be able to make an expansion of the product offerings along with the enhancement of the sales revenue and hence forging into the new markets (The Economics Times, 2015). In addition to this, a patent is always focused on protecting the products and is also defined as an effective process or new product utilization with the help of valuable modifications as well as certain improvements. In addition to this, patents can also be defined as one form of typical output application-based research and development form through which the consistent rate of the changes in the technologies can be viewed and also can be achieved through the combination of different indicators.

A patent provides an adequate amount of details to allow an individual to be skilled enough. There exist international patent conventions like the 1973 European Patent Convention and the 1970 Patent Co-operation Treaty so that the applicants can get assisted in acquiring patents across more countries. Patents can be defined as a means through which the adequate incentives can be provided in the context of innovation of activities through the grant of important rights of the vendors (Park, 2019). The management of Quanta Services has developed a design patent which is a form of intellectual property that aimed in protecting whose focus is in enabling the patent holder in excluding others from the purpose of making, selling and also using as well as importing products which use the patented design that is of the same category.

Hence a design patent is especially helpful and useful where the consumers can be able to buy the products, not for the reason of performances, but also looks as well as feels. The management of Quanta Services is having a necessary expertise level to design, run, and at the same time also managing different forms of planned tasks as well as studying which involves power-based development and solutions, contingent analysis, loading the forecasts as well as stabilizing the voltage (Andrew, 2017). The energy industry assists the innovators in capturing a larger amount of the profit potential by the innovators. This leads to a monopoly power contribution.

e) Explanation regarding the global technology management strategies being adopted by an organization which helps in delivering engineering products and services along with technical analysis in the identification of bottlenecks and opportunities in engineering products and services improvement

The global technology management strategies by Quanta Services Inc get involved in value creation through value chain analysis for both of the customers, society, and personnel. These are certain aspects contributing towards value creation systems which can be described as one of the primary sources towards productivity, economic growth as well as enhancement of the wealth within the socio-economic environment. Companies like Quanta Services Inc get affected through continuous investment into the development of the technologies and also innovations which actually helps in the creation of the values and also leads to the industrial revolution (Andrew, 2017). This way, the company ultimately achieves its long term mission goals. In this context, the organization has induced certain technical aspects through which the organizational competitiveness gets enhanced at a higher level (Park, 2019).

The dynamic changes along with the technical developments help in the strategic formation within the organizational enterprises in the context of modern techniques. The management of the organization gets involved in design management as well as document management along with the quality control with the operational management along with the enterprise based planning systems. The opportunities of Quanta services involve constructing and maintaining everything starting from generating the stations along with the substations and also managing the distribution lines so that highly skilled as well as the trained workforce can get easily connected based on which the world-class quality execution can be possible. In this aspect, the organization got involved itself in both integrated as well as co-ordinated actionable insights through which the business development can be made easily (The Economics Times, 2015). The development as well as the technology leveraging helps in maintaining the organizational competitiveness along with the maintenance of the balanced investments into the resources and capabilities through which organizational diversification can be possible. The factors which are responsible behind the development of technology strategy comprised of both integrative as well as general forces and through this the business attractiveness gets enhanced (Quanta Services, 2019).

In addition to this, the technology transfer is itself defined as one of the valuable mechanisms based on which the engineering industry can be able to accelerate its innovative activities and at the same time gaining competitive advantages through co-operative activities. For a company like Quanta Services, technology transfer turns out to be important since it helps in the development of an early-stage intellectual property into certain tools so that it can be directly integrated through the research community. Through this, the technological advancement in the knowledge can be easily accessed based on which reputation for research as well as innovation can get effective by licensing the technology (Berg, 2019).

The technological transfer materials help in developing a powerful lever concerning innovation. Around one-third of technical construction cost contributed towards the development of materials. The primary aim of the technical audit to identify the company related strengths and weaknesses which is hampering the company’s innovation processes and practices. The other purpose of the Innovation Audit is in analyzing the innovation capabilities as well as the integration of the innovative maturity after taking the support from the innovation consultant (Berg, 2019).

To detect the engineering bottlenecks, technology readiness levels can be treated as one of the effective methods to estimate the technological maturity in the context of the Critical Technology Elements at the time of the acquisition process. Through the technical audit as well as technological transfer, it has been found that Quanta Services Inc is only compatible enough with its existing business model and not able to understand the expansion of the adjacent product segments. Again there also exists a higher attrition rate in the workforce as compared to the competitors who are on the training and the employee’s self-development. In this order, the management of Quanta Services fails in building the internal feedback system from the sales team. In this regard, the management of the organization had lost the market share under the niche categories (Berg, 2019).

After careful analysis and audit, it have been found that the company is having certain risk-oriented factors like the increase in the construction as well as the maintenance costs. The management of Quanta Services also undergone intense competition where it has faced a problematic situation with the other competitors in the market at the time of survival. Again the organizational volatile political environment has been faced by the management of Quanta Services along with the emerging low economic markets and also the rising cost of raw materials (Tabrizian, 2019).

Conclusion and Recommendations on Management Strategies

It had been learned from the entire discussion that the management of Quanta Services always gets surrounded by the people coming from various diversified classes who are having different backgrounds, skill sets along with different beliefs. It has been found that Quanta Services is always committed to welcoming ideas which makes the individuals think regarding the creation of the boundaries so that the employees can progress every time in both business and their lives.

“Everything we do is built around our people. We know that the more ideas and conversations we bring to the table, the better result for our customers and the industry as a whole. As the largest infrastructure solutions provider in the industry, we are geographically and socially diverse. We foster a culture that embraces people from all backgrounds — and comes together as one Quanta family”. In the future, the company is trying its best in performing in the outdoors. Along with this, it has also been found that Quanta Services is responsible enough in minimizing the impact on the environment and also securely providing the services.

The company is already having environmental stewardship and should try to attain environmentally sensitive projects that can be attained. Quanta Services should also care about those communities where it is always committed to providing both corporate as well as operational unit levels. The concerned company always shows commitment and should continue its collaboration with organizations having the same values with the help of which the organizational potential can get easily expanded. At the same time, the company always feels excited to collaborate with certain organizations namely Women’s Energy Network, Association of Women in Energy.

References for Management Strategies

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Available at: [Accessed 13 August 2020].

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Available at: [Accessed 13 July 2020].

Berg, S., 2019. Identifying first signals of emerging dominance in a technological innovation system: A novel approach based on patents. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 146, pp. 706-722.

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Park, O., 2019. High-commitment HRM system, HR capability, and ambidextrous technological innovation. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(9), pp. 1526-1548.

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The Economics Times, 2015. Relevance of intellectual property for business. [Online]
Available at: [Accessed 13 August 2020].

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