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Assessment and Development of Global Leadership Competencies

Introduction to Leadership Competencies Analysis

In every business environment, leadership plays a key role in augmenting an organizational effectiveness. It is the leaders that leads the organization towards growth and success effectively. Without an effectual leader, it will be difficult for the organization to reach set organizational goals and objectives efficiently. Concerning such fact, leadership competencies are the skills and behaviours of leaders that they put into action while leading the organization to reach success. It helps contribute to gain effectual and superior performance at the same time (Andriukaitienė et al., 2017). Utilizing the leader competencies approach, business organization can recognize and develop the next generation leaders effectively that assist in accomplishing organizational goals and objectives efficiently (Andriukaitienė et al., 2017). Relating to this, the main purpose of this report is to analyse the two leadership competencies that includes self-confidence and ethics. These two competencies are essential for any leader to adopt and have as it played a crucial role in ensuring organizational effectiveness and towards reaching organizational success subsequently. Besides, that identifying the conceptual, behavioural, and attitudinal aspects of leaders shall give a significant insight on how they effectively lead the organization with their effective competencies (Brohi et al., 2018). Thus, this report will provide in depth understanding of the factors associated while analysing the competencies of leadership effectively.

Leadership Competencies

Leadership competencies can be defined as the specific skills and behavioural factors of leaders that they gain, acquire, or have since birth which they use in achieving organizational goals and objectives effectively (Andriukaitienė et al., 2017). It has been said by many managers and organizational experts that a prime focus on promoting leadership skills and competencies helps massively in improving better leadership (Giles, 2016). However, the required skills based on particular event or position may alter depending on the leadership level within the organization as such. By using the leadership competency practice or application, business organizations can determine its effectiveness in achieving set goals and objectives effectively (Giles, 2016). The key leadership competencies include self-confidence and ethics which are considered as prime driver to organizational change and effectiveness at the same time. Self-confidence is an essential and vital trait of leaders which assists them to lead the organization with efficiency and confidence (Giles, 2016). Without self-confidence, it will be difficult for leaders to tackle complex challenges and issues which are likely to occur within an organization any time. During any type of crisis or challenges, it is the leader’s self-confidence that acts as vital component to provide effectual solutions to overcome such challenges and issues effectively. Besides, ethics is another key element that leaders must possess and enrich themselves with as it helps them to ensure value, integrity, and morals while achieving success and create a positive outlook on the society it serves (Giles, 2016). This indicates that identifying leadership competencies helps an organization to develop and enhance organizational effectiveness proficiently. On the other hand, organizations must define the attributes of leadership in order to create competitive advantage that are distinctive to a particular organization (Andriukaitienė et al., 2017). In the global environment, developing effectual and viable leaders helps creates a competitive advantage to lead the market efficiently and gain profit maximization (Giles, 2016). Thus, leadership competencies play a vital role in developing an organization with valued competitive advantage and provides utmost assistance in solving complex organizational challenges effectively (Brohi et al., 2018).

Conceptual Aspects

The concept of leadership indicates that it is a process through which a capable and efficient person with required skills and traits influences others to reach an organization’s set goals and objectives (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). Besides that, they direct the organization in an effective manner that makes it more planned and rational. This signifies that leadership is a process of influencing a group of workers or employees towards accomplishing set goals and objectives by mutual contribution of effort and value to the organization (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). On the other hand, it is essential to consider that leaders apply their effectual leadership skills and knowledge to the process of influencing others to work cooperatively which shall lead them to reach a common goal effectively. As stated in study by Giles, (2016), if a leader has a string desire and willpower to lead the organization as per his vision, then one can become an effectual and efficient leader (Giles, 2016). Developing leadership skills is a never-ending process that involves self-assessment, acquiring required skills, knowledge, and training to become a dedicated leader who effectively inspires others to work mutually to accomplish a common set goal (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). On the other hand, a leader influences others or employees of an organization by applying their attributes or qualities that they possess such as self-confidence, ethics, values, and character (Uhl-Bien and Arena, 2018). Without having such qualities, it will be difficult for a person or leader to lead the organization or others in a desired manner in order to improve effectiveness within the company. According to the great man theory of leadership, it states that leader not developed or made, they are born excellent leaders having appropriate traits to run and direct an organization effectively (Uhl-Bien and Arena, 2018). Besides that, in the 19th century, a famous concept of this theory states that leadership is an intrinsic quality that not every leader possesses or develops within. It involves the leadership qualities and skills that makes them proficient in influencing other and lead the people towards achieving a common goal (Uhl-Bien and Arena, 2018).

Behavioural Aspects

Behavioural aspects are an important factor to consider for leaders to determine their effectiveness in playing role of influencing others or employees of an organization to achieve goals and objectives effectively (Söderhjelm et al., 2018). The behavioural aspects of leaders signify the qualities and actions which make a person effective and efficient in organizing and directing people towards accomplishing common organizational goals. The prime goal and objective for any leader is direct people or organization towards success y building an effectual coordination amongst people that they inspire to work productivity towards achieving the set goal effectively (Söderhjelm et al., 2018). Concerning such fact, being humble, honest, and grounded in ethics are the fundamental traits that every effective leader possesses within themselves that make them better and effectual leaders to direct and influence people effectively. Besides that, there are other behavioural aspects of leadership that makes one effective and efficiently towards ensuring organizational effectiveness and accomplish goals positively (Li, Gupta, Loon and Casimir, 2016). Inspiring and motivating others is a key aspect for leaders to make sure that they are directing people in a right way to achieve success (Söderhjelm et al., 2018). On the other hand, solving complex issues and challenges is another behavioural factor that effective leaders possess which are essential to ensure effectiveness. The behavioural aspects of leaders are easy to understand; however, performing consistently is the key to identify their effectiveness towards solving issues and challenges effectively (Li, Gupta, Loon and Casimir, 2016). In addition, the behavioural theory of leadership is a different from trait theory as it has been developed by executing focused studies based in behaviour especially. The behavioural change provides every leader a definite and effective path towards increasing organizational effectiveness and motivating employees efficiently to work productively towards reaching goals and objectives effectively (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). Thus, this indicates that, the leadership approaches concerning behavioural aspects helps improve effectiveness efficiency among employees and others to participate mutually in ensuring organizational success and promote growth at the same time.

Attitudinal Aspects

An effective leader comprises of several aspects that ranges from knowledge to experience. Leaders may have positive and negative attitudinal aspects that determines their effectiveness towards prospering growth and success of an organization. However, it is evident that leaders with positive attitude gains massive popularity and effectiveness in creating a positive impact towards the people and society (Glasø, Skogstad, Notelaers and Einarsen, 2018). A leader’s main motive is to uplift people or organization from complex challenges and issues that they had been facing since long time or is been ineffectiveness in reaching their set goals. Concerning such fact, it is the leadership attitudinal aspects that leads the organization towards growth and success that includes their positive attitudes to achieve set goals. A good and efficient leader comprehend that attitude is the prime asset that help contribute towards gaining success for the organization. In addition to that, an effective and efficient leader should have the attitude of having positive communication with his peers and employees, gratitude towards other, motivating the team, showing compassion, and most importantly motivating others to reach the common goal with success (Glasø, Skogstad, Notelaers and Einarsen, 2018). However, it is also important to note that having a negative attitude towards other and while leading the organization may cause drastic decline in effectiveness and would lead to failure to accomplish organization goals and objectives effectively. According to a study by Jin, Seo and Shapiro, (2016), leaders having a positive attitude have recognized that their supporters or followers appreciate the individual relationship among them, whether it is based upon compassion, vision or incentive system (Jin, Seo and Shapiro, 2016). The study has also revealed that effective leaders carry themselves as champions who purposefully showcase their positive attitude towards solving complex challenges and issues. Besides they direct the organization as a whole to overcome from the hurdles that it was facing and leads to growth and success at the same time (Pradhan, Jena and Bhattacharyya, 2018). Thus, this signifies that attitudinal aspects of leadership is an important factor to consider while determining leadership effectiveness.

Behaviours that Managers Have Developed

Managers of the organizations are the one who takes the responsibility to lead the overall organization towards its set vison and prosper success consecutively (Mau, 2016). Behaviours of managers plays a key role in augmenting an organizational effectiveness. There are several effective and efficient managers like Goleman, McKee, Hielregal, Salovey and Mayer, Boyatzis, etc who have developed an effectual behaviour that has exhibited their leadership competencies effectively. Concerning such fact, every leaders or managers have the required skills, knowledge, and behavioural aspects within them that has made them effective and efficient towards leading the organization towards growth and success (Mau, 2016). Most importantly all these managers have tow leadership competencies in common which includes self-confidence e and ethics. Confidence is a key aspect that every superior and effectual leader possess within themselves. Performance and productivity are the prime aspects that every manager focuses on to develop and increase with organizations (Norzailan, Othman and Ishizaki, 2016). Managers like Goleman and other shows commitment towards reaching organization’s objectives and purpose (Podgórska and Pichlak, 2019). Besides that, defining goals and review them which align with organizational goals and objective is crucial for manager to develop and thus the same has been applied by the managers effectively. This is the reason that makes them effective and efficient leaders that encourages employees to prosper growth and success at the same time (Podgórska and Pichlak, 2019). Understanding the outlook of employees is also a vital aspect that managers develops within themselves as having an effective cooperation amongst managers and employees leads to gain organizational effectiveness. On the other hand, it is the self-confidence of leaders that helps them reaching such success effectively as without any type of confidence within, it will be challenging task for leaders to solve complex problems and directs the organization towards reaching goals (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). Hence, this indicates that self-confidence and ethics are the fundamental aspects of leadership competencies that very effectual leaders like Goleman and other have developed to accomplish success for the organization effectively (Seidel, Saurin, Marodin and Ribeiro, 2017).

How Self-Confidence and Ethics Leads to Superior Performance

Self-confidence is a prime necessity for leaders to take effectual strategic decisions, risks, and reach set goals effectively. In every business organization, irrespective of its size and nature of business, confidence amongst leaders or manager is the key aspect for ensuring organizational effectiveness (Seidel, Saurin, Marodin and Ribeiro, 2017). Concerning such fact, leaders’ main goal is to influence others or employees within an organization and for that self-confidence plays an effective role in assuring growth and success. Having a self-confidence within, leaders required a self-image that is full of positivity and integrity at the same time (Seidel, Saurin, Marodin and Ribeiro, 2017). Thus, possessing and showing self-confidence while tackling nay critical issue or challenges encourages others to pass the hurdle positively without having nay loopholes or turn backs. This indicates that self-confidence of leaders or manager in taking effectual decisions and steps to solve issues leads to superior performce of the overall organization and the employees respectively (Megheirkouni, 2017). On the other hand, ethics and integrity is another important factor that every leader must acquire and possesses within themselves (Cumberland, Herd, Alagaraja and Kerrick, 2016). Ethics is a vital and essential aspect for leadership competencies as it the people or society that the leader is directing, thus, having values, beliefs, and ethics is necessary to augment effectiveness. As stated in study by Kelidbari, Fadaei and Ebrahimi, (2016), in every business organization, the performance of the employees is considered as vital and essential factor (Kelidbari, Fadaei and Ebrahimi, 2016). Relating to such fact, ethics plays a significant role in ensuring organizational effectiveness that leads to improve staff performance effectively (Kelidbari, Fadaei and Ebrahimi, 2016). It helps combine employees and leaders together in respect to values and ethics considerably that encourages them to work diligently towards achieving common goal of success and increased performance. The study reveals that it is the honesty, respect, justice, integrity and society that drives the ethical leadership effectively in gaining superior performance from its employees in reaching organizational goals and objectives effectively (Norzailan, Othman and Ishizaki, 2016).

Conclusion on Leadership Competencies Analysis

Leadership competencies plays an effectual role in augmenting an organizational performance. The traits, skills, and knowledges of leaders are the key components that helps them to achieve growth and success for organizations. Relating to such fact, self-confidence and ethics are the main factors that every leader must possesses to create a competitive advantage for the company and lead the market effectively. A leader’s main motive is to uplift people or organization from complex challenges and issues that they had been facing since long time or is been ineffectiveness in reaching their set goals. In addition to that, an effective and efficient leader should have the attitude of having positive communication with his peers and employees, gratitude towards other, motivating the team, showing compassion, and most importantly motivating others to reach the common goal with success. By looking at how the effective managers like Goleman and others have developed leadership competencies has given a significant insight on the effectiveness of self-confidence and ethics in leadership. Being a manager of an organization, it is important to develop and possesses this kind of competencies as they are effective towards accomplishing effectiveness and gaining superior performance form its employees and overall organization.

References for Leadership Competencies Analysis

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Brohi, N., Jantan, A., Qureshi, M., Bin Jaffar, A., Bin Ali, J. and Bin Ab Hamid, K., 2018. The impact of servant leadership on employees attitudinal and behavioural outcomes. Cogent Business & Management, 5(1).

Cumberland, D., Herd, A., Alagaraja, M. and Kerrick, S., 2016. Assessment and Development of Global Leadership Competencies in the Workplace. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(3), pp.301-317.

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Glasø, L., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G. and Einarsen, S., 2018. Leadership, affect and outcomes: symmetrical and asymmetrical relationships. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(1), pp.51-65.

Jin, S., Seo, M. and Shapiro, D., 2016. Do happy leaders lead better? Affective and attitudinal antecedents of transformational leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 27(1), pp.64-84.

Kelidbari, H., Fadaei, M. and Ebrahimi, P., 2016. The Role of Ethical Leadership on Employee Performance in Guilan University of Medical Sciences. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 230, pp.463-470.

Li, Z., Gupta, B., Loon, M. and Casimir, G., 2016. Combinative aspects of leadership style and emotional intelligence. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(1), pp.107-125.

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Megheirkouni, M., 2017. Leadership competencies: qualitative insight into non-profit sport organisations. International Journal of Public Leadership, 13(3), pp.166-181.

Norzailan, Z., Othman, R. and Ishizaki, H., 2016. Strategic leadership competencies: what is it and how to develop it?. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(8), pp.394-399.

Podgórska, M. and Pichlak, M., 2019. Analysis of project managers’ leadership competencies. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 12(4), pp.869-887.

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Seidel, A., Saurin, T., Marodin, G. and Ribeiro, J., 2017. Lean leadership competencies: a multi-method study. Management Decision, 55(10), pp.2163-2180.

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Uhl-Bien, M. and Arena, M., 2018. Leadership for organizational adaptability: A theoretical synthesis and integrative framework. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), pp.89-104.

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