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Sustainable Development Program - Part A

Development Plan

KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a brand associated with America listed among the world largest restaurant chain after McDonalds and is located globally in more than 120 countries. KFC is included in major fast food chain restaurants which provide services of fast food, fried chicken and also quick take away facility and works for better providence of food services to his customers (Darwis, 2020).

KFC provides fried chicken products only because the founder of KFC preferred chicken products rather than utilizing beef, mutton or lamb products in their menu to provide lesser or average products but the products with high quality and good taste. The specificity of KFC is to make fried chicken related products and utilize chicken in different amazing tastes in their products by serving different kinds and flavors of cluckers and burgers of average sizes with having specific product selection to develop new tastes specifying less oily fries and crunch in nuggets and fried wings as well as for flavoring pizza. The research and analysis on this report is processed comprises some specificities like identify the needs and responsibilities , design of goods, draft policy, quality management, sustainability, product stocks and food safety premises are selected for critical analysis of KFC. Providing efficient services, good taste and hygiene products are the initiatives of KFC from many years due to which they have developed a great value of their organization and also made their products valuable in global market to achieve a competitive place in the market (Tanudjaja, 2017).

Identification of Needs and Responsibilities

The requirements and responsibilities exists in a large scale including chefs of KFC very initially to make good food, order taking staff responsibility and quick delivery services are the initiatives to be processed in secure ways to deliver quality food to the door step of the customer. Employees of KFC have a number of responsibilities to perform and have acknowledgment about that they are working in an international level company which standardizes the food quality in global market for providing food in an efficient, secure, tasty and hygiene manner to make joyful moments for the customer with enjoying food at KFC. Especially, a cook of KFC should be initially well known about his job duty to make quality food by efficient cooking skills to make taste hygienic and good food for the customers who come to the restaurant in daily routine. Cook should take average time to completely prepare the order and always make fried chicken by following the guidelines of company and make usage of all the things in the products according to qualitative and quantitative instructions given by the company. Kitchen employees other than the cook have to perform duties on daily basis in fast ways to take orders frequently from customers, working fast to give the readymade order through drive thru window and also should be aware of cleanliness regarding to kitchen and dining to make environment clean and healthy to provide secure food services to their customers (Raju, 2020).

Gathering Information

KFC integrates the marketing and product strategies to increase the levels of production, marketing and social values to increase shared prices and number of its customer to promote KFC standards all over the world. . The specificity of KFC is to make fried chicken related products and utilize chicken in developing different amazing tastes in their products by serving different kinds and flavors of cluckers and burgers of average sizes with having specific product selection to develop new tastes in less oily fries and crunch in nuggets and fried wings as well as for flavoring pizza KFC invents such offers and products in tis food chain and menu to attract the customers attentions towards itself instead of other fast food companies. . KFC provides fried chicken products only because the founder of KFC preferred chicken products rather than utilizing beef, mutton or lamb products in their menu to provide lesser or average products but the products with high quality and good taste.

KFC major products include a variety of well-developed taste and quality fried chicken recipes in addition to fried chicken pieces wrapped and chicken wings with seasoned sanders consisting of herbs and spices. the larger order needed for fried chicken is available by the facility of bucket which has become a popular product in the food chain and menu of fast food and other products with large scale of sale include the chicken fillet sandwiches, wraps with salads and side dishes with French fries, deserts and soft drinks

Draft Policy and Food Safety

Kentucky fried chicken KFC regulates policies on the behalf of draft site allocations, planning limitations, development management, respect policies and some other enhancements issued by the food council because in some manner KFC is associated with the government health sectors and several other food sectors to work for the betterment of health premises , healthy diet and nutritional practices and exercise choices by working together to develop a health and hygiene environment by providing health food to society (Darwis, 2020). The policies regarding to food, healthy diet and providence of good services on which KFC works are as follows

  • Premium production procedure
  • Food quality and standards
  • Health responsibility deals
  • Salt reduction in food menu
  • Removing all the artificial fats from its menu
  • Engaged with Food standard agency
  • Healthier choices to be offered
  • Responsible approach to global market
  • Availability of healthy and hygienic diet

Approved Policy

KFC is processing to raise the standards and work for the advancement of sustainable footprints by taking some important steps and initiatives to be followed like efficiency of water and energy, packaging, food recovery, waste reduction and recycling should be enabled to improve environment conditions. KFC is helping the environment in such a manner due to which several emissions of gases results in reduction. is associated with the government health sectors and several other food sectors to work for the betterment of health premises , healthy diet and nutritional practices and exercise choices by working together to develop a health and hygiene environment by providing health food to society.

Product Stock

KFC is willing to develop his own advancement and standards in food industry and global market to follow guidelines from the company privacy and policies to lessen the quality risks and maintain the standards and qualities of food and fried chicken in a secure manner by classifying the principles of hospitality, cleanliness and efficient services. Moreover, food choices and fried chicken menu is continuously making products and giving fast food services in the global market but KFC have also processed a menu for vegetarians with the addition of meat in their menu to attract large number of customers who were cut off from the KFC till meat section is not. Other than the dining customers the drive thru order facility should be done in a fastened manner to take orders frequently and kitchen employees should made food ready in average given time (Panjaitan, 2019).

Food Stock

KFC is working as a leading brand and big force in fast food industry in global market having thousands of franchises in different locations of the world and covers a big range of expenditures than other fast food restaurants. KFC sustainability report ensures that KFC is helping our environment with several health practices and making their place larger in the hearts of stakeholders of day to day business. Its large working scale makes it association and worldwide engagement with the imports and exports the products related to food and kitchen material including specific machinery. KFC major products include a variety of well-developed taste and quality fried chicken recipes in addition to fried chicken pieces wrapped and chicken wings with seasoned sanders consisting of herbs and spices. the larger order needed for fried chicken is available by the facility of bucket which has become a popular product in the food chain and menu of fast food and other products with large scale of sale include the chicken fillet sandwiches, wraps with salads and side dishes with French fries, deserts and soft drinks. The products imported in a large scale comprises waterproof sheet material, injected machinery, lock bolt fixed products and metal based adhesive system directly imposed for the fastener business activities in accordance to the stock market share prices. A part from food products related machinery and for fasten business materials the materialistic things are utilized associated with the section of civil engineering materials for construction purposes include tunnel excavation materials, tunnel interior designs, equipment tasks and reinforcement works (Mujahid Uddin, 2020).

Consult to Stakeholders

KFC and Yum brands are doing many efforts to improve the environment and processing for the betterment of sustainability for many years Working as a partner in an associated support of nextgen KFC is willing to raise the standards and work for the advancement of sustainable footprints by taking some important steps and initiatives to be followed like efficiency of water and energy, packaging, food recovery, waste reduction and recycling should be enabled to improve environment conditions. KFC is helping the environment in such a manner due to which several emissions of gases results in reduction. Also KFC has facilitated the environment by saving 1700 tons of co2 in electric and heating work by keeping less usage of fossil fuels for saving thousand tons of co2 in an average amount in every year as well it saves more than 3000 tons of co2 emissions by keeping less usage of oils in transport emissions. KFC is working on recovery and recycling of products to make them reusable for the next time. Plastic products are recycled to for further usage and design a plan for the betterment of sustainable packaging and for decreasing the amount of wastes and damaged material. Fiber based packaging in various efficient manners are processed by KFC from several years for recycling of products to reuse them further to join anti biotic free movement as it is joining from many last years. For the reduction of bone in sourced chicken related to antibiotics used for the human medicine and several plastic consumptions with plastic straws with paper and plastic bags and other sustainable sections including cups, bowls and sporks (KOBELCO KFC, 2016).

Required Procedure

KFC requirements comprises standardization of the food quality in global market for providing food in an efficient, secure, tasty and hygiene manner to make joyful moments for the customer with enjoying food at KFC. Especially, a cook of KFC should be initially well known about his job duty to make quality food by efficient cooking skills to make taste hygienic and good food for the customers who come to the restaurant in daily routine. Cook should take average time to completely prepare the order and always make fried chicken by following the guidelines of company and make usage of all the things in the products according to qualitative and quantitative instructions given by the company.

Sustainable Development Program - Part B

Development Plan

The development plan of KFC is processed in several strategically and marketing methods in classifying demographic, psychographic, geographical and behavioral manners to keep noticing the marketing values. KFC integrates the marketing and product strategies to increase the levels of production, marketing and social values to increase shared prices and number of its customer to promote KFC standards all over the world. . The specificity of KFC is to make fried chicken related products and utilize chicken in developing different amazing tastes in their products by serving different kinds and flavors of cluckers and burgers of average sizes with having specific product selection to develop new tastes in less oily fries and crunch in nuggets and fried wings as well as for flavoring pizza KFC invents such offers and products in tis food chain and menu to attract the customers attentions towards itself instead of other fast food companies. . KFC provides fried chicken products only because the founder of KFC preferred chicken products rather than utilizing beef, mutton or lamb products in their menu to provide lesser or average products but the products with high quality and good taste. By processing production strategies, operating producers, costs and human resources to execute and judge external and internal marketing methodologies and testing strengths and weaknesses in a specific manner (Darwis, 2020).

Sustainability Policy

KFC imposes much sustainable packaging methodologies in its all branches to facilitate its customers through global commitment processed for the sustainable catering wares reuse and made recoverable of plastic products and consumer faced packaging for betterment of their packing criteria. KFC is helping environment by following environmental sustainability principles and representing the serious issues to recognize by public to prevent from several different health disorders. KFC is giving acknowledgment to several other factors. . KFC is working on recovery and recycling of products to make them reusable for the next time. Plastic products are recycled to for further usage and design a plan for the betterment of sustainable packaging and for decreasing the amount of wastes and damaged material. Fiber based packaging in various efficient manners are processed by KFC from several years for recycling of products to reuse them further to join anti biotic free movement as it is joining from many last years (Bin Zain Asman et al., 2020).

Implementation of Development Plan

KFC is doing his business by assuring the level of their hospitality and quality of products and staff working in the restaurants by engaging a close interrelation with all of its franchises and suppliers of food and also they works for the betterment in keeping average costs, innovations and risk management. KFC ensure the business strategies and workers caring strategies through good and applicable wages, benefits, hour laws and regulations and improve working benchmark standards by paying fair and reasonable wages also for over work and maximum hours and forces no one to work for more than limited hours and have quality staff with a number of workers in between the work is to be divided and no one have to work more than his abilities. The most appreciating thing about KFC that their staff and workers means to them too much and due to this reason they have facilitated their workers to report anything about which they are worried they can tell everything to them by giving them a proper confidential helpline called speak up (KOBELCO KFC, 2016).

Responsible Sourcing

KFC fried chicken menu is continuously making products and giving fast food services in the global market but KFC have also processed a menu for vegetarians with the addition of meat in their menu to attract large number of customers who were cut off from the KFC till meat section is not other than the dining customers the drive thru order facility should be done in a fastened manner to take orders frequently and kitchen employees should made food ready in average given time (Ashary, 2019).

Schools Sustainability Program and Education Awareness

KFC is working well to provide an environment to schools by organizing a sustainability program and by doing extra activities and visits in primary and secondary education sectors and seminars are organized for mind counseling of students for specific awareness regarding to save the natural resources to improve the environment and processing for the betterment of sustainability for many years. Working as a partner in an associated support of nextgen KFC is willing to raise the standards and work for the advancement of sustainable footprints by taking some important steps (Ahmad, 2020).

References for Kentucky Fried Chicken Analysis

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