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Leading, Management and Developing People

Executive Summary of Role of Appreciative Leadership

 The past few years have seen an unbelievable amount of growth and turbulence in global markets and this has affected the economy. This has propelled many companies and their higher executives to take into review the culture and organisational framework of their workplace into consideration. At any given point the employees of a company are its biggest asset. How a company handles its leadership, management, and development of its people play the biggest role in its operational strategy. By introducing the right motivation drivers, strong sense of belonging in the company and creating an environment that is conducive to success, a company can really encourage and build its organisational framework. In this repost we will be discussing four topics through which a company can push forward its project management. We are reviewing the company Woolworths is one of the largest and most successful supermarket chains in Australia. Even though it had its hiccups, Woolworths was one of the most successful companies in world setting the trend for modern retail services that supermarkets all over the world follow now. The core objective of Woolworths is improving customer perception, fulfilling customer demands across all age groups and attracting new customers. It aims towards improving its services by delivering world class operational efficiencies in a sustainable manner. The organisational framework and how it treats its employees at every level are matters of great interest. In this report, we will be reviewing these frameworks and coming up with recommendations based on our research and relevant literature review.

1.Introduction to Role of Appreciative Leadership

The creation of an organisational culture that helps individuals realize their true potential while working for a company is the most ideal way to enhance the whole project management. From developing middle management and senior leaders, there are a lot of levels to understanding the leadership, management and development of an organisation and its employees. In this report, we will be understanding the scope of the research conducted on the company Woolworths.

Through the proper analysis of the topics we have studied in LMDP course we will analyse how the company in the past and how it can perform to ensure maximum output, customer satisfaction and an enriching employee experience. In an ideal project management, it becomes elemental that the company realizes that it needs to make its employees happy so that they can work better and help the company even more (Warrick, 2017). Along with diversity and empowerment of all genders with each year it becomes the social responsibility of a company to ensure that its employee status is equal and well maintained. A company has to take stock of individual responsibility as well as provide a certain degree of autonomy while still maintaining a level standard operational procedure in order to make its operational framework fruitful.

2.Main Body of Role of Appreciative Leadership

Woolworths has an extremely dedicated human resources department. An organisation of that repute and status does not go this far unless it understands the psyche needs of not just the market. When it comes to their HR structure: there are three level- the functional, operational and strategic levels. The effective strategy of recruiting people who are suitable for that job has always been the top priority at Woolworths.

3.Developing Middle Management

The middle management at any company should be the most responsible strata of people. In terms of delegation of responsibilities, they have to take in to account the direct supervision of all its employees to ensure that work is being done in an effective manner, whilst following organisational procedures and the time limitations. They must show inclusive and participatory leadership that paves the way for better performances (Black & Venture, 2017). They are also responsible for the recruitment and selection of new employees. The middle management at Woolworths have taken the responsibility to review, oversees and participate of the retail practises according to the company guidelines. The operational strategy of the company is focused on supervision, design and resigning of the business operations for production of goods and services (Aldrin & Yunanto, 2019). Staff engagement here is managed by middle managers wherein they initiate and implement systems and programmes that ensure health and safety at work for all the individuals.

  1. Based on the company guidelines, middle managers should promote a culture wherein every employee feels valued and knows that the company is caring for them.
  2. Middle managers are also supposed to identify and address nay issues associated with the performance of the staff under them. they are responsible for this direct supervision and must report the every day operations to their higher authorities (Amrin et al., 2020) . This is crucial data that is needed for efficient project management.

4.Developing Senior Leaders

The senior leaders of any company are directly responsible for managing the growth of the overall organisation. Through their expertise and vision, they are the ones that propel the company idea forward. For company as reputed as Woolworths, its senior management is the one that is responsible for all its success. Effective leadership affects an employee’s relationship directly (Rehman et al., 2019). They impact employee motivation and the business operations of Woolworths almost actively.

An excellent leadership propel the organisation in a way that it starts increasing its profitability and productivity (Adams et al., 2017). Development of senior leaders is therefore of immense importance as it is this leadership that will map the organisational structure for the company so that it can perform better at the global market.

Woolworths recognised its company needs and raft development opportunities like any senior leader development programme should (Ganguly & RoyBardhan, 2020). A good senior leader understands the market condition and helps in steering the project management in a direction that will help them succeed (Khan & Ghouri, 2018). They are also the one that guide the middle managers, so it is very important that leaders recognise the ways in which the employees can function so as to increase company profits.

The problems that Woolworths faces are all due to certain management lapse committed by the senior leaders due to lack of foresight. Poor information. Lower productivity and inability to achieve performance targets based on market standards are some of the problems that can be easily solved by fast tracked decisions back by comprehensive data analysis of group reports of each of the stores.

5.Open Communication

Another indispensable part of leadership, management and development of people by its organisation is open communication. In order to have a standard operational operating procedure, it is mandatory that there be an open system of interaction and transmission of information so as to ensure uniformity (Kontoghiorghes et al., 2016). This is where proper project management and inclusion of enterprise systems come handy. For company that is spread all over the world, Woolworths sure does try to follow a uniform strategy and code of conduct via its employees. This is not just for the stores, even at the level of organisational set up, there are standard protocols that everyone must follow without fail.

Constant reviewing, company management, discussions and comprehensive analysis though every quarter helps the company realize its actual potential. At certain times poor communication is the only reason the right data cannot reach the higher management levels, which does not help them make the right decisions. At the fear of scrutiny and potential unemployment, employees at the working level may not divulge or engage in open communication (Taylor et al., 2019). This can lead to huge lapses in the formation of an accurate organisational strategy. Poor communication can lower employee morale and lead to decisions that might be completely detrimental for the organisation. Open communication is the tool that ensures that the entire organisation is moving in the same direction and following a standard procedure (Alzomia et al., 2019).

On field, in depth analysis of the collected data at every retail store can provide invaluable data to the senior management so that they can take decision about the operational procedures at every level (Yue et al., 2019). This in turn would help Woolworth to not just ensure smooth functioning of their current operations but also give them a glance in to what the future holds so that they can prepare better to meet the demands of the consumers.

6.Cycle of Excellence

The most important objective of any company is making a profit while ensuring customer satisfaction. By employing people who are motivated and retaining talented workers, an organisation can ensure that it will scale great heights. An ideal company structure motivates it employees to do better (Lau et al., 2017). It gives them a sense of belongingness where they feel motivated to perform better and help the company.

When a company nurtures the employees it has hired, it can help in creating a bigger impact on the entire project management process. This cycle of excellence is something Woolworths has been trying to follow (Boukis et al., 2020). They often succeed in creating a communal sense of feeling across the entire length of their organisational set up. But certain lapses in communication and management can sometimes affect the outcome.

Constant evolution and adapting to the changing trends is the only way a company can ensure that its employees stay up to mark and help in aiding the entire project management. It is up to the senior management to ensure how they propel their employees. Whether it is constant introduction of new skills or bigger responsibilities or engaging them in excellent team building activities they can ensure that the entire work force is involved in the process of management building (Ilias & Shamsudin, 2020). This positive re enforcement is what motivates them to do better.

7.Results and Discussion on Role of Appreciative Leadership

When it comes to the work culture and project management of Woolworths, the most important approach the company has taken is to work towards customer satisfaction and perception improvement through concentrated efforts (Naranjo-Valencia et al., 2019). This has often led to a bit of quandary as the employees may feel like they are a part of a bigger organisation that cares but their own personal needs and requirements from a job may not always be met. This is a major drawback as it might lead to even greater lapses of judgement which in turn will affect the business module of the company.

When it comes to its Human resource department, Woolworths is responsible enough to ensure that diversity and empowerment is maintained (Kalu et al., 2019). Their recent year performances are testimony to that. They try to provide reflective supervision that both challenges and supports and is always responsive to the employees diverse learning needs, professional expertise and experience and personal enrichment. Their focus is on constant evaluation of their consumer demands and response. Woolworths always tries to ensure that it addresses any or every breach of professional values, ethics, codes practiced by its employees (Skalicky et al., 2020). Woolworths initiates and implements systems to integrate open communication and transparency among its employees.

8.Recommendations on Role of Appreciative Leadership

The most important step a company can take in order to ensure successful management of operations is recognizing the needs and motivation of its employees. By working on bias training and keeping the technological aspects of new age into consideration (Alzomia et al., 2019). Woolworths should expand on its conceptual conceptualizations to eradicate societal issues and incorporate strategic viewpoints.

To motivate their employees, they should opt for the incentive-based programme and uplifting methods in which their performances are evaluated and guided by the company objectives (Yue et al., 2019). The most crucial aspect of this is involving the senior management to the immediate needs of the company workers.

If the employees feel involved in the success of the company activities and the organisational success, they will take up greater responsibilities and perform their duties.

Woolworths should also be aiming for a continuous innovation-oriented method evolution for its operations across the world so that it can keep up with the changing times. They should always be ready to understand the needs of the market and serve its customers with new approaches (Yue et al., 2019). The retail world is a dynamic world, high end companies must constantly evaluate their stance to ensure continuous growth and success.

References for Role of Appreciative Leadership

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Alzomia, A. A., Cready, C. M., & Andrew, S. A. (2019). Federal Employees’ Job Satisfaction: Does Transformational Leadership Matter? The Case of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. International Journal of Public Administration42(10), 810-822.

Amrin, A., Sahabuddin, C., Farida, U., & Yusriadi, Y. (2020, February). Leadership Role in Improving Responsibility of Employee's Work in Scope of General Bureau of Government of Makassar. In Proceeding of International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Social Sciences (ICONETOS) (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 44-47).

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Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2019). Bridging transformational leadership, transparent communication, and employee openness to change: The mediating role of trust. Public Relations Review45(3), 101779.

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