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Internship Experience Working at The Prestigious Company of Furniture and Curtains

This internship report is a detailed explanation about my internship experience working at the prestigious company of Furniture and Curtains as an intern at the post of an Assistant Sales Office. With this internship my personality has completed changed from being a shy person and an introvert person to an extremely confident individual who is ready to face the world beyond. I had to do various tasks and activities mainly related to the field of sales and marketing like for example- client interaction, taking down invoices and quotations, responding to the mails, organizing and estimating the payments etc. All these tasks and activities have helped and assisted me grow in this field and also in my career endeavours that is to come forward in the near future in my life. Working as an intern here has also helped me to work on my weakness and turn those weaknesses as my strength. This internship has motivated and encouraged me to further pursue my career and dreams in this job profile with the experience that I got during the course of this internship at Furniture and Curtains working as an intern.

Internships have become an important and significant aspect of a student’s life in these modern contemporary times. It not just enables and helps an individual to get the confidence he or she needs but it also plays a significant role in getting first hand exposure in the realist world scenario. It helps a person to get experience which he or she may utilise in the near future and can utilise the experience gained into bigger much brighter projects and endeavours in real life. It helps an individual to gather his skills and knowledge to put the best foot forward into a real project in order to understand and comprehend things and facts given in a better way and efficient manner. The inconceivable thing and perspective about temporary positions is that it shows young specialists the specific endeavors and associations they are enthused about. Undoubtedly, even the experience of having a go at something new is unbelievably useful. Doing a temporary job opens an individual to new people in a more controlled and stable condition. Temporary positions give a charming desire to assimilate data and realities to understudies with small comprehension of the master world.

Now as far as I am concerned I have undertaken this internship as I feel that it can help and make me stand on my own a lot in the near future in front of others. I can voice and present my opinions in front of other people without any hesitation with the confidence that this internship has provided me.

Some of the points of choosing this internship as an Assistant Sales Office in Furniture and Curtains can be listed as follows:

  • Since I want to pursue my career further into the domain of marketing I have selected this position for myself. Marketing job is perfect and quite appropriate for both men and women in this society who are efficient, innovative, strategic, decisive, creative, have excellent communication skills. It is one of the most popular career choices amongst the youth. So the growth prospect in this field is quite high that is one of the biggest reasons to choose this opportunity of an Assistant Sales Office in such a prestigious company.
  • Another reason to add up in this regard is marketing is concerned with identifying consumer demand relating to products and services and developing ways to reach to the customers and enabling them to purchase and buy the products and commodities which we are offering to make the company profitable in terms of revenue and income. Thus making this internship all the more fruitful for future projects and endeavours that I will undertake. As it would guide and assist me in understanding and comprehending the needs and requisites of the customers who are considered as the sole “king” in businesses.
  • In addition to this, this industry of sales and marketing allows an individual to use the creativity level to reach new heights of success. Since this business sector is dynamic in nature the growth is high as the trends are changing very often which does not happen in other sectors of the market. Furthermore, it helps and assists the person to interact and communicate with the clients and customers that helps in establishing contacts for the future.
  • One of the biggest reasons people choose this career path is the opportunity to be working with one of the biggest and recognizable brands such as coca cola, nestle, Garnier, Apple etc. It also gives one an opportunity to specialize in specific fields of market such as market research, direct marketing, public relations, advertising, client assistance etc.

Marketing offers variety of jobs and occupations in different fields and domains to a person. For instance if a person is an extrovert and is not hesitant who likes working with people, career options include sales, brand, public relation, project management, risk management, advertising and other such fields. If a person is more of an introvert type and is shy, career options like market research analysts, business analysts etc are there where he or she gathers and collects data and examines the data gathered about consumer behavior and about the consumer’s tastes and preferences.

Marketing is identified with long haul openings. In contrast with certain occupations and calling which are short and exhausting, showcasing consistently has something to offer an individual. An individual's inventiveness will be at the most elevated level, and their cerebrum and brain will be even more dynamic in explaining complex undertakings. During the time spent promoting an individual should focus and thought on the new projects and find out about advertising mechanization programming and instruments. This will help and help an individual make their activity more productive and successful.

The marketing or sales career provides opportunities to grow in the working process, to get better position and status and higher income and salary. Most of the people start as marketing or sales assistant and then progress to marketing coordinator or sales coordinator and finally become marketing designer or general manager or a sales manager in a big multinational organization or company.

From this internship at such a big marketing company- Furniture and Curtain at the position of an Assistant Sales Office I have learnt a number of skills and abilities which has definitely brought a change into my personality and also in career graph. These abilities that I developed during the course of being an intern can be listed as following:

  • Communication skills- from this internship my communication skills are acquired in any type of marketing and therefore in this case, I have acquired efficient communication skills when communicating with potential customers giving details of the furniture and curtains. It has also helped in maintaining fluency in my language skills also.
  • Negotiation skills- As a person who wants a career in marketing, a person has to negotiate with customers on the prices of the various commodities as well as negotiating on the quality of the goods. This internship has helped me acquire such qualities at the very best.
  • Creative and Innovative skills- an internship involves boosting the operations and activities of the company and therefore through this, I may gain creativity skills on improving the quality of goods and commodities depending on the requirements by customers as assessed through marketing research and assessment.
  • New and upgraded capacities and how to utilize them: There will be different taking in which I have picked up from this position of an Assistant Sales Office which incorporates the information for finishing the errands and honing aptitudes. This internship at Furniture and Curtains has helped in testing my aptitudes which are created and check how they work in reality.
  • Taking productive analysis in a positive manner: It is notable that nobody likes to be scrutinized during the assessment of the presentation. During the course of this internship that with the assistance of a helpful analysis I have gotten about a portion of my slip-ups. This has been taken by me from a constructive perspective for my own improvement and development in my future endeavours.
  • Relational aptitudes: With the help of this internship it has assisted me with developing solid working associations with the customers which will help me in the near future to expand my efficiency and productivity in the upcoming projects in my life.

In regard to the skills and abilities that I have learnt in this internship can be listed as:

1.) Gain valuable work experience

The hands-on work experience that I have being an assistant in Furniture and Curtains is significant and can't be acquired in a homeroom setting, making this one as one of the significant additions during temporary positions of each understudy. Since I have the chance to apply obtained information in the homeroom to genuine work encounters, and see how those conversations contrast, in actuality. As an Assistant Sales office I had the open door also to observe first-hand the everyday employment obligations they I can hope to experience sooner rather than later. Notwithstanding learning the spent significant time in advertising and deals, adaptable abilities, for example, correspondence, cooperation, and PC capability have likewise been acquired by me, completely setting me up to enter the workforce after my examinations.

2.) Giving myself an edge and competition in the job market

One of the most significant intern position benefits is that school graduates who as of now have some work involvement with the type of a temporary position stand apart to potential businesses which have helped me as an assistant here. A temporary job experience makes an understudy more attractive as they for the most part require less preparing and can deal with and tackle more duties. I may likewise get a higher beginning compensation than the individuals who don't have temporary job understanding and are entering the workforce or beginning another profession.

3.) Network with professionals in the field

In the working scene, it's everything about who an individual knows and has contact with. As an assistant, I will be encircled by experts in the business. Intern positions are something beyond about winning credit, getting an evaluation in the curricular or in the resume, or bringing in cash; temporary jobs give a chance to gain from the individuals around me, pose inquiries, and intrigue. The experts that I experience during an entry level position can be my future partners or the associations with my first employment when I launch my vocation sooner rather than later.

4.) Gain confidence

Intern positions permit an individual to try out explicit procedures and techniques learned in the study hall before entering the reasonable working world. It's a chance to apply what an individual has realized in a protected domain where slip-ups are normal - as opposed to took in the most difficult way possible in my first occupation out of school after my examinations get over.

5.) Receive financial compensation

The greater part of the internship jobs are paid which implies I can increase significant work understanding just as bring in cash both simultaneously. A paid entry level position will give cash to subsidize my school educational cost and different costs and uses.

What are the key strengths and weaknesses that I found out and resolved during this internship as an Assistant Sales Office?

As an intern, I got to discover certain skills that I was not able to do so in my four walled classroom. Let it be known that a classroom setting and work setting is two different aspects, in the work setting an individual have to discover things all by oneself with a little help and assistance from the boss/manager heading him or her, and in internship a person will be able to do that.

One of the strengths I have developed during the course of this internship is the solid knowledge and skills with regards to my chosen field (that is, Sales and Marketing); I have also developed the skills in knowing more about technology and equipments. This is very critical when my future job requires strong technical background. This strength can be reflected by my good performance in the task and activities assigned to me by my superiors.

Independency can be considered as the other one of my biggest strengths. Independent working ability involves some important skills and capacities such as problem resolving skills and researching skills and abilities. If I have encountered difficulties, to overcome them, I can do researches through the Internet to find possible and effective solutions and answers to the problem, and apply what I have learned in my research to come up with a solution.

One of my biggest weaknesses to be considered is the limitation and disadvantage of my oral communication skills and fluency in conversing, maybe it’s because I was belonging to the timid and shy type of student who rarely talks and communicates in class with my other fellow classmates, and I have went to a work whose oral communication skills is very much challenged.

Second, thing was as I was the type of person who doesn't have the initiative to do a certain work, and I will just wait for someone to tell me work on this and that, even if I know it in my mind that it really is one of my duties which needs to be done by me. However, I have come to overcome this as my internship was going on. Maybe because I was just the type of person who is very shy an introvert in nature, that is why I do not take up initiatives and wait for my boss or supervisor to tell what to do next during the course of my internship as an Assistant Sales Office in Furniture and Curtains.

Do you wish to continue to serve in this industry or company? Give a reason for your answer.

If I am given an opportunity to continue to serve in this industry my answer would be a big YES. The reason being an internship is always recognized as an important factor for individual’s recruitment either within same company or in other company in the future. It allows students to learn few things about a real-job or can say, internship offers a kind of environment to all aspirants to get some real work-life experience so that they can get some idea about how they need to do a job. Most individuals interns wish to continue to work in the same company because it allows to get a job opportunity easily as compare to seek a job in open market where it’s too tough for new comers to get a job opportunity so in beginning, settling down in internship company help individuals to get a full-time company, build confidence by showing work without struggles and problems of finding jobs, the interns get familiar with some staff members since they are connected from internship that allow them to take their help easily, and lastly, they can add their experience in their resumes so that they can find a better job in future.

So it hardly matters that in which company interns do their jobs in beginning though they should consider their own specialization and do prefer to take a job in same company in which they have got an internship opportunity.

 Also, if individuals get jobs in their internship company then it does not only help the interns to get job easily though it increases their confidence, and market value because any company hire interns only if they feel they have worth of hiring that obviously it help interns in their next interview positively and at the same time, they build their confidence about how they are skilled and capable of starting with job immediately after internship within the same company. So, interns wishes to continue to work in their respective internship company that doesn't only give a platform to start with a job but also help the interns to build and grow their confidence about real work-life experience. The points and major reasons that I can list for doing the job as an employee in this company are:

  • I am considering and would be very grateful to do a job as an employee in the Furniture and Curtains because it’s too easy to join the same company as comparison to finding a job as a new comer in the market that's little bit tough and tedious. As each and every day the competition in the market is growing at large so to find a perfect job with good environment and wok culture is absolutely worth it.
  • It helps me to impress others by adding professional experience in my career that ultimately helps me to get a good job profile easily in future.
  • As I have worked as an intern so my bosses know me well that's why they hired me that help will them to a build reputation and goodwill by giving excellent work that ultimately help and assist to make a good career start.

What was the internship company- Furniture and Curtains specializing into?

Working as an intern in Furniture and Curtains the company I got to know it specializes into production and manufacturing of custom made goods comprising of curtains, sofa sets, cushions and other items related to furniture. The company also undertakes repairing of the damaged goods as well. Like repairing of sofa, chairs, and motorcycle seat cushions, speed boat seat cushions, curtains etc.

What roles and responsibilities you were assigned during the course of the internship in the company Furniture and curtains?

Working as an intern in the field and domain of sales and marketing at the position of Assistant Sales office in Furniture and Curtains I was assigned a number of activities and tasks. Mainly my activities were centred to customers based. These included as being a client relationship officer handling all the problems that the customers are facing and requirements that the customer is requiring and needing in his or her particular goods and commodities. Also another activity in regard to clients was much related to the field of sales as I had to provide a detailed description and explanation of the product and also had to list the best of its qualities along with the price of the product the customers wanted to buy. I had to convince them with my utmost pursual into buying the product and goods manufactured by the company to increase the share of revenues for the company. Working as an Assistant Sales officer I also had to keep the information of the product up to date so that the information can be delivered to the client as soon as possible.

As a mediator I had to explain the grievances and the problems that the customers were experiencing either it was product related issues or any other issues with regard to the corporation from the side of the company to the higher management. This was an essential process so that the clients problems were resolved immediate and the customers stayed loyal to the company.

In addition to this, I also had to keep a record of the mails and handle the mails and in fact do mails to the customers regarding the price of the product, its availability to them and other sales related enquiries to the customers. I had to make sure the clients are well attended and had to respond to the mails done by the customers like sending them the quotations, invoices regarding the commodities etc.

As an organizer I had to take note and keep the record of the total payments received during the day when I was on duty by either the clients, or other debtors. I also had to tend to the need of my fellow new upcoming colleagues so that they can take a note of the customer’s requirements and needs and there was no room for miscommunication or misinterpretation.

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