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Women Empower Women

Table of Contents


Research Background.

Vision Statement:.

Research Rationale.

Research Objectives.

Theories and models.

Methods and procedures Identifying key stakeholders.

Research questions.

Data Collection..

Primary evidence.

Ethical Considerations.


Introduction to Empowerment of Women’s Social and Economic Theories

According to Mckinseys Global Institute 2018, the report shows about the contribution of women to India's GDP is one of the lowest in the world (18%), and increasing women's participation in Workforce can have an incremental influence on it. Insufficient support at home (23%) absence of strong network (59%) and skill gap (36%) were found robe the 3 biggest barriers for second-career women (Nilanjana & Mint, 2019). Survey found that the two biggest motivators for women wanting to return to their career being Financial Security and to capitalize on their education. NASSCOM research states that only 9% of Indian startup founders are women (Sindhu, 2017). The need for the promotion of employment which is based and oriented with the vocation skills and training for the adolescent girls and women from the community. This is the reason why the introduction to the community ‘Sakhi’ will be taken place.

Sakhi is one of the leading Corporate Training and Employability Consulting Firm in India. They offer systematic and handholding training to qualified women in seeking jobs.

Organizational and societal performance will improve if more women take up leadership roles as they will initiate changes in the decision-making process (Foster et al., 2018). Moreover, the participation of women in leadership and management roles will increase ROI and organizational improvement. (Sindhu, 2017)

Offerings by ‘Sakhi’:

  • We at Sakhi, believe to provide a responsive, supportive and innovative place for women by increasing their opportunities in the professional world.
  • Building the capacity of current and potential women leaders of cooperatives by equipping them and making them familiar with the required skill set to stay in the market.

Research Background

Indian women workforce participation has fallen from 42.7% in 2004-2005 to 23.3% in 2017-18. The reasons being social constraints or economic factors. As per the economic survey, approximately 60% of women in the age group 15-60 years are confined to home. Women continue to face innumerable obstacles to enter a career. This is the reason why the mission of this organization is to fight against the vulnerabilities faced by women in social and economic aspects. We as an organization, plan on strategizing women empowerment programs to add meaning to the life of women. The district council in India has a lot of difficulties in meeting the population along with the social-economic facilities like water, healthcare, education, housing and other economic opportunities. According to Ghai (2018), the dependency ratio can be approximated roughly at 78 per cent for women as per 100 males. The employment in fields such as Agriculture, Business Operations, Elementary Occupations can be estimated roughly at a low. 

Vision Statement: The main vision that the organization has is rather simply related in assisting women to make them realize about the full social economic potential generated in families respecting the dignity of women.

Research Rationale

There is no denying that women constitute almost one half of the population of the entire world. The social, economic and political status can be considered to be lower than that of men in almost many countries including that in India. It is safe to say that the status of socio-economic women in a given society depends basically on the treatment of social society towards the same. The problems in Indian women are undeniably multifaceted, women are burdened with a lot of cumulative inequalities which act as a result of socio-cultural and other economic discriminatory practices.

In India, there is always a constant problem that a woman faces and that is the lack of income, inadequate business skills and low capitals. According to Foster et al. (2018), the majority of our population usually composed of women who are engaged in petty and small business. The main reason lacking for the same is that they are not provided with the social and economic factors which are required to succeed. Similarly, youths are there who are founded to be unemployed along with the lack of capital and inadequate post-primary school-related centres where they must be provided with a space to develop and enhance their skill sets which will assist them in getting jobs for the future. Women leadership programs lack proper research and must help women ways to identify and connect with their values and purpose. The challenge is to bring a structured approach and a framework for the need of female empowerment with the help of training in the vocational skills which can bridge the gap between imparting skills, knowledge and personality in their respective fields.

The present proposal will help Sakhi explore the potential of the program and structure a successful mentoring model. This research will analyze the application of the key competency skills and also identify the pitfalls of mentoring and modify the program accordingly. The model can be of interest to research academicians who could do further research on the model and assess the effectiveness and value of the present model. Furthermore, it will promote women empowerment by equipping women with career competencies which will improve the economic status of the women in India. Enhanced entrepreneurs’ hips and Employment opportunities will encourage funding for women startups in India.

The present study can be helpful to organizations/HR managers handling diversity issues and structure their mentoring programs in a way to build and retain its women leader, In India, there is a shortage of women enhancement and skills owing to lesser pay scale for the jobs done for women. This is basically because a lot of women right from the very start have been advised to get married as soon as they finish college. According to Cornwall (2016), around 65% of women are married before the age of 24. This is wrong on many levels as this does not hold room for women so as to work on their careers and enhancement of their skill sets. This just simply leads to lessing the women in the aspects socio and economic status in society and are left dependent on their parents or spouses. This is why we strive to make this world a better place and work together so as to make this world a better place.

Research Objectives

The main aim and goal of the project of Sakhi is to provide the women with a social-economic status. However, to clearly describe all of the objectives, there are some of the specific objective as mentioned as under:

  • Improved social status of women in India
  • Enhanced opportunities for women especially for entrepreneurship and informal employment.
  • Increased access for women about the services such as capital and financial.
  • To encourage self-employment by providing the women associated with us by assisting them with related training and exposure-related visits.

Theories and Models

  1. Social learning theory: This theory explains various factors like genetics, external events, learning experiences which leads to task approaches skills and job placements. This theory also considers the impact of different social factors influencing the career selection process. It argues that career selection is a mutual process wherein the people select occupation and vice versa. It also points out that people must be motivated to explore new career opportunities and learn relevant skills.
  2. Team-based mentoring model: This model is about collective mentoring involving communities of mentors. Online and in-person mentoring (Mujahid, Ali, Noman & Begum, 2015) through digital platforms (Montgomery, 2018), can be multigenerational or can exist with the result of the peer group (Cornwall, 2016). Here the focus is more on mentees rather than mentors as in traditional dyadic model (Montgomery, 2018; Thomas et al. 2015).
  3. Associate model:  This model comprises and expects the goals are defined by the mentor, monitored and in the end
  4. Adaptive model: This model focuses on developing skills to meet the demands of the organization leading to both professional and personal development and has a high dependency component.
  5. Reflective model- this model lacks a framework as it's a holistic approach where both mentor and mentee are interdependent benefitting both (Devi, 2019), giving and receiving feedback on both professional and personal development.

The above models are unlikely to find a solution for career progression as the challenges are not simple and unique to even/ individual.

Methods and Procedures Identifying Key Stakeholders

Clear communication of roles and responsibilities of all relevant stakeholders will help reduce misunderstandings of roles and expectations of participants (Nisser & Ayedh, 2017). Regular reporting of all the operations to all the stakeholders will be done to ensure smooth implementation of the project. Explaining the purpose of the program and strategic plans to achieve the goals at the initial stages will ensure their commitment throughout the length of the program. Constant feedback and opinions from all key stakeholders will be accepted to get the maximum outcome. There are various job roles which are as mentioned as under for the stakeholder:

  1. CEO Founder: Approves the project and assigns program responsibilities to Executive manager. Develops modules for TOT
  2. Partners: Assign resources and define goals and objectives to the team and overview the program.
  3. Executive Manager: Is responsible for setting goals and deadlines and later in assigning them with the responsibilities to Administrator, coordinate, to oversee the development of the program, review and evaluate the progress of the program.
  4. Administrator Supplier: The link between interns and mentors and manages the design of brochures and applications, track and schedule meetings, documentation.
  5. HR Coordinator: Tracks application, manages communication with applicants and Administrator.
  6. Coordinator: He will provide support for chief mentors and mentors for the successful implementation of the TOT Provides all assistance to mentors, review and evaluate program assignments, ensure attendance of all the mentors and encourage mentors to submit assignments on time and inform any difficulties faced by the mentors to the coordinator.
  7. Interns: coordinating and hosting interviews, Training updating records, creating forms and mails.
  8. Mentors: Participate in all training sessions, learn the key competencies and model, closely work with chief mentors and coordinator, provide feedback and suggestions for further improvement.

Research questions

  • What holds women back from working or advancing their career path and what helps women return to their career?
  • What are the key elements in a successful mentoring program?

Data Collection

The research will be conducted involving 10 women leaders keen to help other women advance in their career. They will be taken through the 10 competencies model and will have to prove their competencies through various activities and assignments. Evaluating the existing key competency model and modifying it accordingly. Mentors should be able to guide 5 mentees. They must share their can stories of personal change and guide mentees through the 10 key competency models as a journey for reflection and self-discovery. They will also encourage mentees to seek out feedback and look within for a change by identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Record the progress and suggests the effectiveness of the current model. Mentors should know when to remove the scaffolding as the journey progresses (Nisser & Ayedh, 2017)

Primary Evidence

Qualitative research through Focus groups and questionnaires will be followed to gain an in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by women to achieve their goals, their education level, existing skills, their thoughts and beliefs. This data allows us to understand what women need and expect from a mentor.

Secondary evidence from various Government reports and other publications to analyze and ascertain relevant factors yoke considered in the present mentoring program. Referring to other organization's reports Success rates of mentoring programs can be identified, their methods and the minimum period to initiate a change in the Olertte.PS.

Weekly meeting

With founder and partners to brief about the weekly developments and to explain further steps. Daily meetings with the coordinator and manager to review the day's progress

Biweekly meetings for mentors and coordinator to discuss the challenges and also to sham knowledge through peer learning. Mentor meet Public Events Monthly twice for increased visibility as well as opportunities skill enhancements, expand career vision. Assessments done by chief mentors to identity weak spots and find remedies on the completion of the TOT and develop a strategic action plan accordingly.

Review meetings to address individual areas of growth and action plan to sort those challenges Assessments done to check the progress


Aug 15 - Aug 30

Phase 1: Understanding the problem

  • Arrange virtual meetings with two P411506 of the Organization, discuss the company's goals and objectives.
  • Discuss the proposed changes, evaluating the existing models, devise a strategy, set goals and dedicate roles and responsibilities, discuss the requirements, budgeting.
  • Calls for applications for mentors through social media and company websites

Phase 2: Implementing the change

September l - September 30

  • Scrutinizing the applications
  • Selecting the right candidates
  • Assessing them through psychometric test
  • Calls them for interview giving assignments to check the seriousness of the candidates Sign code. conduct once assignments are submitted
  • Start the training check the progress evaluate

Phase 3: Evaluating the program

October 1- October 05

  • Evaluate the training check for pitfalls find remedies
  • Evaluate and conduct pilot Run for the whole process
  • Evaluate the process


Task to be done


Phase 1


Aug 15 - Aug 30

Phase 2

Implementing change

Sept 1-30

Phase 3


Oct 01-05

Ethical Considerations

While doing action research one ems St become a "political entrepreneur" (Koko, 2017) by involving in two tactics: performing and back staging. Inform and sensitize all stakeholders regarding the purpose and need of the present study and explain clearly as to how the collected data is going to be used in the present study. Maintain close relationships with the partners of Sakhi so that they don't withdraw the program. Build relationships and establish trust with HR Manager, interns, and mentors who might exhibit a lack of cooperation as the workload increases. Gather accurate data from interns and Administrator by reflecting and correcting them

behaviour with them. If there are opposition parties, then use Lewin's force field analysis comprising steps. Journal and describe the issue. Write the desired change.

List the political forces that support the change and restrain the changes.

  1. Analyze the strength of the forces.
  2. Focus on the opposing forces and analyze which needs attention.
  3. Strategies to reduce these opposing forces.
  4. Adherence to the rules and regulations of the organization throughout the research to maintain credibility and gaining trust from the partners and key stakeholders.
  5. Deprive using personnel records, copyrighted documents and intellectual properties without the permission of the organization
  6. Respect the privacy of all stakeholders.
  7. Share data, methods and procedures, reports, results, only with the consent of the stakeholders. Promising confidentiality and the freedom to not participate in the present study for them. (David & Teresa, 2005).

Conclusion on Empowerment of Women’s Social and Economic Theories

To evaluate the processes of the organization, we have also identified various causes for women and their social-economic vulnerability which can be done about the needs that are identified keeping in mind the socio-economic status of women in India. There is no denying that the women are always found to be treated as the victims of losses in the enterprise of business owing to the inadequate education and the entrepreneur skills which are required to run a business. The socio-cultural norms and the values can be given the reason why there are women who have less power to decide when it comes to utilizing the property of families and their several other resources irrespective of the contribution and treatment.

References for Empowerment of Women’s Social and Economic Theories

Cornwall, A. (2016). Women's empowerment: What works?. Journal of International Development, 28(3), 342-359.

David & Teresa. 2005. Doing Action Research in your organization. London: SAGE Publications.

Devi, S. (2019). Women Empowerment: Important Articles and Movements. Raj Rajeshwari Journal of Psychological & Educational Research, 45.

Ehrich, L. C., & Hansford, B. (1999). Mentoring: Pros and cons for HRM. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 37(3), 92-107.

Foster, D. G., Biggs, M. A., Ralph, L., Gerdts, C., Roberts, S., & Glymour, M. M. (2018). Socioeconomic outcomes of women who receive and women who are denied wanted abortions in the United States. American journal of public health, 108(3), 407-413.

Ghai, S. (2018). The anomaly of women's work and education in India (No. 368). Working Paper.

Hansford, B. C., Ehrich, L. C., & Tennent, L. (2003). Does mentoring deserve another look?. In Human resource management: Challenges and future directions (pp. 219-228). John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Montgomery, B. L. 2018. Mentoring beyond Hierarchies: Multi-Mentor Systems and Models, Michigan State University and Stephani C. Page. Duke University

Mujahid, N., Ali, M., Noman, M., & Begum, A. (2015). Dimensions of women empowerment: A case study of Pakistan. Dimensions, 6(1).

Nisser, A. H. I., & Ayedh, A. M. A. (2017). Microfinance and Women’s Empowerment in Egypt. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 2(1), 52-58.

Sindhu. 2017. These female leadership programs are helping bridge the gender gap. Retrieved from httos://­gen4er-ga0-in-indias-startuos/#157b99902805 Koko, M. A., Maishanu, M. M., & Hassan, A. (2017). Women Entrepreneurs’ Accessibility to Growth Capitaland Socio-Economic Development in Sokoto State, Nigeria.

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