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Impact of Inbound Logistics and Outbound Logistics on The Supplier-Customer Relationship

Research methodology is defined as the technique, tools and procedure issued by the researcher to solve a research problem (Ørngreen & Levinsen, 2017). The research methodology helps the reader to understand how data has been collected for the research and further put into use and is analysed (Ørngreen & Levinsen, 2017). The research methodology is, therefore, one of the most crucial aspects of the research where it enables the researcher to research in a more systematic and organised manner. Along with this, the research methodology helps in providing a detailed understanding about the various sub-components that includes the research design, research approach, research philosophy, data collection methods, data analysis techniques, sampling methods and many more. Research methodology is crucial as it offers some of the key benefits to the researcher. Research methodology in this respect helps the researcher in effective decision making about how the research should be undertaken and the research objectives should be met. Along with this, the research methodology also helps in determining the cause and effect relationship where the researcher can identify the patterns, trends and the behaviour of the variables (Fletcher, 2017).

Moreover, the research methodology is considered to be one of the major chapters of the thesis as it can provide understanding to the reader about how the data would be collected and further how the data would be analysed and further subjected to interpretation. The research methodology also gives the work plan of the research which in turn helps provide training for the selection of the scientific techniques and tools. Furthermore, it is also helpful for providing training to choose the methods and the material that should be employed to provide a solution to a research problem (Kumar, 2019).

In this respect, the research methodology also helps in determining the nature of the study which can be qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research is the one where the research aims to collect information and data through communication and observation. On the other hand, quantitative research is the one in which the use of numerical data and figures is made to draw a conclusion and find answers to the questions of the research. The research on the topic "Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship" is qualitative in nature. the topic aims to determine the impact that the inbound and the outbound logistics can have on the relationship as held between the supplier and the customer. In this respect, the research will be based on communication and observation without considering any sort of numerical information or data based upon the research. the research on this topic will address the possible effect of the various activities that are a part of inbound logistics in a company on the overall management and also on the relationship that the company has with the suppliers and the customers. In addition to this, the research would also undertake the study of the effect of activities that are a part of the outbound logistics of the company on the overall management and the supplier and customer relationship. Thus, the use of numerical information is not possible and required in such a study where the qualitative variables would be identified and researched to reach to a substantial finding (Ngozwana, 2018).

As identified above an integral part of the research methodology is the research design. Research design is defined as the framework of the techniques and the methods that are applied by the researcher for progressing in the research work. The research topics is one of the key factors which help in choosing the appropriate research design for particular research. The research design is considered to be important as a part of the research as it provides for a sketch of the research process. the design highlights the number of steps that are to be included in the research to achieve the research objectives and the research aim (Leavy, 2018). fin this respect, there are five types of research design that includes the descriptive research design, correlational research design, experimental research design, review research design and the exploratory research design. The descriptive research design is one in which the research can describe the features of the phenomenon of the population under the study. Descriptive research design explains the characteristics instead of providing answers to questions such as why, when and how.

The descriptive research design has some of the key characteristics that include the fact that it can be employed in the quantitative research. along with this, the research design can be implemented in the uncontrolled variables or in scenarios where a cross-sectional study is to be undertaken (Ørngreen & Levinsen, 2017). The correlational research design is the one in which the researcher aims to understand the kinds of relationship that exists between the variables. In other words, it aims to determine the relationship if any that exists between two or more variables that are a part of the study (Meyers, Gamst & Guarino, 2016). The experimental research design, on the other hand, is the one where the researcher aims to undertake any kind of experiment which has a high validity and thus test a hypothesis to determine the finding of the research. On the other hand, the exploratory research design is the one in which the research can provide a clarification about the problem that is under the research. the research is suitable in scenarios where the researcher starts with a fresh idea and further uses the research as a medium to determine the issues while focusing on the future research at the same time.

The exploratory research design is considered to be inexpensive and open-ended in nature where this type of research design is usually applicable in the studies where there is no relevant information available from the past research. The research on the topic “Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship” would be undertaken by the use of the exploratory research design. The research design is appropriate for solving the problem under the study as it will help the researcher in exploring the characteristics of the topic of study. Along with this, the exploratory research design will further help in gaining open-ended responses from the respondents towards the research problem and therefore provide the researcher with a better understanding of the research and its processes. The descriptive research design is not suitable for the research as it involves the testing of hypothesis which is not required in this study.

Along with the research design, the research approach also occupies a significant position in the research methodology. The research approach is the procedure or the plan that is employed by the researcher and provides for the assumption related to the method of data collection along with how data is to analysed and also further interpreted (Marshall, Coleman & Reason, 2017). There are majorly two types of research approaches that include the deductive and the inductive research approach. The deductive research approach is the one in which the researcher aims to explore a phenomenon to test the validity of the theory in a diverse set of circumstances. Through the implementation of the deductive approach of research, the researcher starts with a social theory which is tested for its implications in different scenarios. The researcher, therefore, moves from general to a specific level and associate with a scientific investigation. The research approach, therefore, provides the researcher with an opportunity to test the hypothesis that emerge from the existing theories (Alase, 2017).

On the other hand, the inductive research approach is the one where the researcher aims to propose theories at the end of the research process through gaining of observations. Inductive research approach helps the researcher to reach a particular conclusion through the undertaking of various steps of the research. the inductive research starts with the gathering of information and data as per the topic of the research or as per the topic of interest. The collection of data is further followed by the development of a theory that helps explain the pattern of data. The implementation of the inductive research approach helps the researcher in following a specific procedure of undertaking research where the researcher begins the research with a set of observations. After this, the researcher moves forward to a general set of propositions arising from the experience from a set of specific experiences. Therefore, this approach enables the researcher to move forward from data to a theory where a theory is induced from the research. the research on the topic "Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship" would be undertaken by the implementation of the inductive research approach. This research approach is appropriate for the research as it will facilitate the researcher in determining a theory based on the information collected and further analysed. Therefore, the pattern of information can be utilised for future research on similar topics (Marshall, Coleman & Reason, 2017).

In addition to this, the research methodology also includes the research philosophy. The research philosophy is the belief held by the researcher about how the data collected, analysed and the used on a specific phenomenon. The research philosophy is crucial for determining the confidence that the researcher holds on the research and further boosts the credibility and the reliability of the research. the research philosophy leads to the development of knowledge which in turn depends upon a set of assumptions. The research philosophy provides for the practical considerations that are linked to the selection of the topic of research. two types of research philosophies include interpretivism and positivism. Interpretivism research philosophy is the one which the researcher aims to interpret the elements of the research. such researcher believes that the reality can be assessed through the constructions such as consciousness, instruments, language and the shared meaning. the research philosophy also employs several methods which in turn helps in focusing the research on meaning to reflect a diverse set of aspects and viewpoints of the issue.

The philosophy is socially constructed with weak prediction and understanding which helps in adding to the relativeness of the issue (Alase, 2017). On the other hand, the positivists' research philosophy is the one in which the researcher aims to consider only the factual information and data that is gained during the process of the researcher through observation. The positivists' research philosophy thus limits the role of the researcher to the collection of data and interpreting the same in the way they achieve the research objectives. The research on the topic "Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship" would be undertaken by the implementation of the interpretivism research philosophy. The research philosophy would help to interpret the elements of the research. such researcher believes that the reality can be assessed through the constructions such as consciousness, instruments, language and the shared meaning (Cazeaux, 2017). The research philosophy would not limit the role of the researcher to the collection of data only but will help in the effective interpretation of the information as well.

Along with this, the data collection forms one of the most important aspects of the research methodology. Data collection is defined as an integral process undertaken during the research, data collection is the process where the researcher gets involved in the gathering of information that would help reach the conclusion and findings. Data collection provides the researcher with the data based on which the researcher undertakes the analysis to determine the answers to the research question and therefore aim the achieve the research aim and objectives. Data collection is undertaken in all the researcher irrespective to the nature of the research or the type of research design that is being implemented. Two major types of data collection includes the primary data collection and secondary data collection (Kennedy, 2017). The primary data collection is the one where the data about an issue, phenomenon or aspect is collected for the very first time. The data is collected from the first-hand sources while keeping the specific research project or issue in consideration or mind.

The data is original in nature and is specific to the problem that is being studied in the research. primary data collection can be undertaken by the use of some of the key methods such as interview, Delphi, projective, questionnaire or observation. All of these methods help the researcher in collecting first-hand information specifically for the research. on the other hand, another data collection method is the secondary data collection, the secondary data collection is the one whether the researcher gathers a set of information which already exists in some of the other source (Paradis, Brien, Nimmon, Bandiera & Martimianakis, 2016). The secondary data collection requires the researcher to go through the existing piece of writing and literature to collect the required information and further make use of the same for the specific purpose of research. the set of information already goes through some of the statistical analysis in the past and thus the researcher may require to interpret a lot of data and information for the specific purpose of the research. the secondary data collection can be undertaken by the researcher through the collection of data from the existing sources such as newspaper, magazines, government websites and portals. Along with this, the researcher can also make use of some of the scholarly pieces such as books, articles, journals and thesis.

the research on the topic "Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship" would be undertaken by the implementation of the. primary data collection method. This method of data collection is most appropriate for the research as it would help the researcher in gathering frits hand information directly from the source. The researcher will undertake an interview from the respondents who will be the mangers on the supply chain in the leading multinational companies. The mangers of the supply chain would be asked several questions which would help the researcher to reach the research objectives. To ensure that the confidentiality of the respondents, the researcher would research without revealing the name and the personal information of the respondents. While gathering information and data, the researcher will make sure that the interview does not include any question which can hurt the feelings and the sentiments of the researcher. The researcher would protect the information as collected during the time of the interview and would not try to change any of the responses for obtaining personal gains in the research (Blumenberg & Barros, 2018).

Sampling with is last but not the least components of the research methodology is also crucial for ensuring the success of a research and ion adding to the ability of the researcher in meeting the research objectives. Sampling is defined as the process employed by the researcher to select a specific set of people from the population (Etikan & Bala, 2017). The process is statistical in nature where it has the selected sample is considered to have an ability to represent the sample effectively. The selection of a sample is very significant for adding to the quality of research and in further ensuring the sample can help the researcher in meeting the research objectives (Kohler, Kreutler & Stuart, 2019). Sampling, therefore, highlights how the elements of the population would be selected and also represent the respondents. Sampling techniques add to the effectiveness of the researcher where the type of sampling technique that is selected in the research process helps in gaining confidence over the research. In this respect, there are majorly two types of sampling techniques which includes the probabilistic sampling and the non-probabilistic sampling technique.

These techniques are helpful for the systematic selection of the sample by the researcher. The probabilistic sampling technique is the one where every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected in the sample and represent the whole of the population in the study. The non-probabilistic sampling, on the other hand, is the one where every unit of the population does not get an equal chance of being selected in the sample and thus represent the population in the study (Lamm & Lamm, 2019). The probabilistic sampling method is further divided into several methods which include random sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling and systematic random sampling. The random sampling as a part of the probabilistic sampling is the one where the unit from the sample is selected at random without unbiasedness from the side of the researcher. The cluster sampling is the one where the heterogeneous grouping of the statistical population. the total population is divided into groups and then random sampling is undertaken. The stratified sampling, on the other hand, is the one where the population is divided into groups known as strata and random sampling is implemented in each of the strata to obtain and form the sample. Systematic random sampling, on the other hand, is the one where the elements are selected in the order frame of sampling.

In addition to the probabilistic methods of sampling, the non-probabilistic method of sampling also includes some of the key types. Some of these include convenience sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling and the selection sampling (Elfil & Negida, 2017). The convenience sampling is the one in which the researcher selects those elements from the population which are close to hand. The researcher finds it convenient to select these elements as these can represent the population in the best way possible. The quota sampling is further a type of non-probabilistic sampling where the researcher aims to create a sample that can represent every element of the population and thus the researcher selects the elements with the required set of qualities or traits (Refail, 2018). The snowball sampling is further the one in which the researcher employs the participants for the study or test to find out the potential participants due to the difficulty of findings such participants on their own. The research on the topic "Impact of inbound logistics and outbound logistics on the supplier-customer relationship" would be undertaken by the use of random sampling technique.

This sampling technique would be appropriate for the study as it will allow the researcher to give equal chance to every element of the population of being selected as the sample and further would reduce the biases involved in the research. the random sampling would aid the researcher in ensuring that every element is allowed to represent the population. Random sampling will also aid the researcher in influencing the results of the research to any extend (Elliot & Valliant, 2017). To research the use of random sampling, the researcher will, first of all, prepare a list of companies that would help in gaining an understanding of the research problem and addressing the same effect. To select the companies among the list, the researcher will make use of the random sampling which would provide each of the company with an equal chance of being selected in the sample. This will help the researcher in a creating a sample of companies which would be approached to achieve the research aim and objectives. The researcher would also make sure that the sample can respect every company that was a part of the sample and thus provide the research with the best outcomes and findings in the research.

References for Capstone Project

Alase, A. (2017). The Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA): A Guide to a Good Qualitative Research Approach. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies5(2), 9-19.

Blumenberg, C., & Barros, A. J. (2018). Response rate differences between web and alternative data collection methods for public health research: a systematic review of the literature. International journal of public health63(6), 765-773.

Cazeaux, C. (2017). Art, research, philosophy. Taylor & Francis.

Elfil, M., & Negida, A. (2017). Sampling methods in clinical research; an educational review. Emergency5(1).

Elliott, M. R., & Valliant, R. (2017). Inference for nonprobability samples. Statistical Science32(2), 249-264.

Etikan, I., & Bala, K. (2017). Sampling and sampling methods. Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal5(6), 00149.

Fletcher, A. J. (2017). Applying critical realism in qualitative research: methodology meets method. International journal of social research methodology20(2), 181-194.

Kennedy, A. M. (2017). Macro-social marketing research: Philosophy, methodology and methods. Journal of Macromarketing37(4), 347-355.

Kohler, U., Kreuter, F., & Stuart, E. A. (2019). Nonprobability sampling and causal analysis. Annual review of statistics and its application6, 149-172.

Kumar, R. (2019). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Sage Publications Limited.

Lamm, A. J., & Lamm, K. W. (2019). Using non-probability sampling methods in agricultural and extension education research. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education261(1), 52-59.

Leavy, P. (2017). Research design: Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and community-based participatory research approaches. Guilford Publications.

Marshall, J., Coleman, G., & Reason, P. (2017). Leadership for sustainability: An action research approach. Routledge.

Meyers, L. S., Gamst, G., & Guarino, A. J. (2016). Applied multivariate research: Design and interpretation. Sage publications.

Ngozwana, N. (2018). Ethical Dilemmas in Qualitative Research Methodology: Researcher's Reflections. International Journal of Educational Methodology4(1), 19-28.

Ørngreen, R., & Levinsen, K. (2017). Workshops as a Research Methodology. Electronic Journal of E-learning15(1), 70-81.

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