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Leadership and Decision Making

Table of Contents


Stage One – Research.

Leadership Behavior

Leadership Traits.

Power and Influences.

Leadership Model

Second Stage – Leadership Development Plan.

Self Confidence.

Strengths and Weakness.

Team Leadership skill

Stage Three – Feedback.

Leader’s Feedback.




Introduction to Leadership Development Plan

From our daily life to achieving industrial goals, leadership is very important to work within a collective workforce. Good leadership can develop a good team spirit and enhances the effectiveness of the team to achieve the projected goals. Many joint endeavors failed due to the failure of leadership. Hence it is fateful that a joint venture can succeed with an ideal leadership. Generating good qualities of leadership, corporate sectors, and business ventures are taking advantage in their business operation. It is a process to guide a group of people towards a fixed target and make them follow specific rules and codes to achieve that target. The behavior and attitude of a leader are very important to influence the group of the people he is leading. To have essential qualities is a sign to motivate the group members with positive vibes. Having emotional intelligence and self-control power, a leader overcomes internal and external barriers that pose a threat to the success of the team spirit.

Stage One – Research

Leadership Behavior

The behavior in the spectrum of leadership is extremely important to take care of because the behavior of a person makes them the leader and loved by all the other person with whom he or she will be working and in this scenario, it can be seen that there are particular behavioral aspects which are necessary to be conducted with a leader (Bratton, 2020). There are many examples of leaders whom I think are perfect to fit into the position and their behavior, as well as influences, inspire as well as Nelson Mandela. the behavior of a leader should be honest with the people with whom that person is working and the leader should also be confident in the different decisions which are being made (Bratton, 2020). leaders should always be approachable and even they should address the potential issues before they become a significant problem. The leaders can be addressed as a person to whom all the people go when they face a problem and from that person, a particular solution is expected an in this case scenario it can be seen that I am inspired by the leadership behavior with leads to the critical success of any organization motivates the people and even inspires all the people and the members with whom the work is being done and also support is given (Bratton, 2020).

Leadership Traits

Western, S. (2019) proposes that self-assurance, trustworthiness, and respectability, and drive are fundamental characteristics for pioneers. Right off the bat, pioneers with fearlessness can create inspiration and cultivate certainty among supporters and are regarded. Besides, a pioneer with genuineness and respectability can construct a beneficial connection among them and their representative through the trust encouraged (Western, 2019). In conclusion, pioneers with drive can start and guide hierarchical undertakings better as they look for accomplishment. Aside from the basic attributes, a pioneer additionally encapsulates other compelling administration qualities, for example, being a talented communicator, emphatics, eagerness, humor, energy, adaptability, flexibility, and mental fortitude (Western, 2019). During my perception, the essayist communicated his eagerness and aspiration for most elevated operational proficiency through his vitality and enthusiasm. He generally guaranteed that his representative's works won't go unrecognized by continually giving helpful inputs to them. For example one of the laborers proposed to change the design of the sequential construction system so as to improve creation effectiveness, pioneers actually affirmed her thought and gave useful criticisms to improve and upgrade the recommendation (Western, 2019). These activities will permit the representatives to remain propelled, fortify positive conduct, and guarantee a solid and sound culture inside the group. He generally depicted himself as a vivacious pioneer and his colleagues could feel his inspiration and aspiration towards accomplishing his operational objectives (Goodwin, 2019).

Power and Influences

By going through several personalities of the leaders and several articles in journals that have been read It can be said that there are five bases of power that are seen in the context of leadership. The first type of power rewards the second type of power is coercive, the third type of power is legitimate, the fourth type of power is referent and the fifth is expert power. The relationship between a leader and the other members of a company or an organization can be studied through the possession of all the power which is seen in the leaders and how it is being acted on the relationships (Antonakis and Day, 2018). All the powers and influences that are used by the leaders come with different types of positions which have to be looked into in this specific criteria and it can be seen the powers such as reward power or legitimate power have certain power position and the way leaders use it to have a significant effect on the relationship of the leader with the other members of an organization (Antonakis and Day, 2018). Through all this, it can be seen that the power and influence of leadership always affect the different mindsets and the different problems as well. It is also suggested that there are many types of influences which are called rational influence, the principle of scarcity, the authority with expertise, asking for what you want, developing allies, etc (Goodwin, 2019).

Leadership Model

The particular leadership model which will be used in this case scenario is transformational leadership. Transformation and leadership can be described as the model or style of leadership where a leader is a person who inspires the followers of the people with whom the work is being done. In this type of leadership, the followers or the people with whom the leader is working has a different type of vision and the work or aim of the leader is to encourage them and even empower them so that the people who have that particular dream can achieve it (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018). in this type of leadership style, it can also be seen that the leader also serves sometimes as a role model for the vision of the people with whom the leader is working. there are certain advantages of these leadership styles which is the employee turnover rate is on a positive side (Goodwin, 2019). The next advantage which takes place with transformational leadership is that high value is expected in the vision of the corporate or the organization and even the morale of the employees is experienced in a high manner as well. High value on certain relationships is also seen through transformational leadership (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018).

Second Stage – Leadership Development Plan

Diagnostic Tools - Among the various diagnostic tools that were required for the developing a leadership plan and to assess the strength and weakness of a leader mainly focus was put on four to better reflect on the leadership skills. They were emotional intelligence, self-confidence, team leadership skill, and how well a leader performs in a diversified workplace (Hickman and Akdere, 2018). These are tools that assess not only the leadership skills from a technical basis but also at a cognitive level.

Self Confidence

The self-confidence dimension was weak as the skill to perform different tasks was lacking as a part of being a leader. A level of skepticism was working on the mind as to whether newer tasks could be fulfilled or not. But with the leadership development plan which helps in recognizing the weakness and through activities and constant endeavors helps in turning the weaknesses into strength thus further boosting the confidence (Margahana, 2019). The fear of rejections and the failures in fulfilling the roles and responsibilities assigned was another weakness that was depleting the self - confidence that was feeble in me from the very beginning. The rejection and failure challenge therapy was a boon that helped me prepare for situations where it was needed to be more confident and accept the reality in a better way. It would not only prepare one for the worse but would also increase the confidence level and the zeal to do better. It is very necessary for one to speak up more often and to let the thoughts flow that they can form bonds and exchange of ideas take place too (Margahana, 2019). In any leadership skill, development communications are an important part and it is greatly suggested that through different projects and interactive sessions these are undertaken for boosting confidence.

Strengths and Weakness

Being aware of the social environment that one is a part of is an important social awareness skill and is very crucial for an individual to develop proper leadership skills. As a leader, there is a high level of social awareness present and that is best evaluated through the emotional intelligence that is possessed. Mutual empathy and understanding are skills that are imperative in understanding society and developing social awareness in an individual (Eva et al., 2019).Through the figure in the appendix that talks of leadership development it can be seen that I possess good emotional intelligence and understand the working of the society and being aware of it. For a leader it is extremely important that he or she places himself or herself in the place of the individual and then makes a comment after fully understanding the situation. As a leader it is important to cultivate a level of trust and understanding with the members of the group but that is only possible when the leader is understanding and reasonable. Maintaining good relationships with team members helps in avoiding conflicts that might arise in the future (Eva et al., 2019). As per the self confidence test that has been taken the weakness of the leader is that he or she is not confident of his or her behavior and interactive skill. Thus the team led by such a leader will result in lower productivity. The lack of self confidence has shown up during important decision making as well as presentations in front of the management. The weakness needs to be mitigated to achieve greater heights (Eva et al., 2019).

Team Leadership Skill

For any leader, the real test of leadership comes to test with the team development skill that one possesses. Confidence is the foremost important trait that is available as a part of the team development skill. A leader who is confident of his own ways will be able to lead the team in a better way (Chen and Rybak, 2017). Besides that, the leader from time to time has to take many roles, sometimes that of a facilitator, sometimes a negotiator. Thus a leader needs to be flexible enough to be able to carry out these roles in an organized and skillful manner. Lastly, being decisive is another important requirement for the leader for team development (Chen and Rybak, 2017).Thus through the leadership development plan the activities and the feedback will help not only developing oneself as a leader but also in incorporating good team skills.

Emotional intelligence -The emotional intelligence of any individual is basically dependent and in general consists of four dimensions. Since the emotions that given us are largely based on our surroundings therefore the four dimensions are awareness of self and the others, which is basically the social awareness (Serrat, 2017). Here, it can be referred to that Mandela spent a good amount of time planning and retrospecting how he would improve or act upon the country's situation. While in the leadership development skill score the other three dimensions scored well the part on self awareness and the recognition of the strengths and weakness is something that can be made better. The diagnostic tools in that regard have been of immense help in developing the emotional intelligence dimension and being self aware but it is advisable to keep in mind the external as well as the internal factors that help in development (Serrat, 2017).

Stage Three – Feedback

Leader’s Feedback

Initial leadership plan and leader’s feedback structured the final leadership plan. To improve leadership skill, feedback from an industry leader is taken and as per his feedback, for leadership it is necessary to have self confidence to lead a group. If a leader does not have much confidence, it is impossible for him to lead a group with motivation. It is advised that, for leadership development all the necessities and areas of development should be noted down. Focussing on the opportunities, obstacles to the achievement can be removed with elaboration. However, from his viewpoint, the practices for development are fair enough, still some of the aspects and plans need to be reconsidered and restructured for better outcome (Hou and Fantoni, 2017). A good leader not only focuses on the opportunities in front of him but also creates opportunities for his members. To develop such skill, he suggested to question the opportunities and to focus on the risks associated with opportunities (Wang et al., 2016). By challenging the available opportunities, a good leader understands the situation and makes decisions accordingly. A leader should have a strong presence in front of his teammates and to build a stable appearance leader should forecast his strengths and hide his weakness from his teammates. Also he advised to practice mock leadership so that casual faults cannot disrupt the leadership skill in the working field. Body language and personality influences the spirit and impression of the team members about their leader. Personal grooming and communication skill development are very good options to build good leadership skills. Communication skill, mostly the virtual communication skill, needs to be upgraded to communicate with more people and speaking power is another area that needs to be focused, as per feedback.(Nicolaidou et al., 2016). As a well defined and short speech is much more attractive than a long and boring speech. To enhance the engagement of the group, it is necessary. Series of queries were asked to me about my goals and activities. He advised me to restructure the goals as per strengths and weaknesses. Some of activities are not aligned to my goals, my strengths and these activities are not useful for development rather these activities impact self-confidence. Stability in thinking and decision making is important before every action and it needs to be practiced in every day’s action to improve leadership quality. Knowledge on different cultural backgrounds can be helpful for a leader. As a leader, it may happen to handle various people from different cultural backgrounds.


Feedbacks and comments from experts, industry leaders, friends and close ones, increase the confidence (Zell et al., 2020). And evaluation of self-confidence and other traits are essential for personality development and leadership skill development. Critically evaluating the leadership skill of generous minds of history as well as of contemporary great leaders, offers a strength of mind. Besides critical evaluation of these great personalities, the analysis of own skills is more preferable to evaluate the progress of development. real -life theories and scores of self-confidence analysis tests offer an opportunity to evaluate the spirit. Self-awareness is essential and analysis of self-awareness is accessible from the daily life experience and regular habits (Tischieret al., 2019). Personality is also another way to analyse self-awareness.

Conclusion on Leadership Development Plan

 Leadership is not an easy job. To have a good leading capacity, it is essential to achieve some specific personality traits and qualities, to focus on the behaviours and decision making capability. Self -evaluation is an opportunity to analyse the strengths, weakness connected to leadership skills. Consultation with renowned leaders is a great opportunity to make a more effective way of grooming. Good leadership skills can create a beautiful future in the corporate world as well as in another workplace. Leadership is not only relevant to the workplace and work related achievements, but also well connected to regular life, very common life. A good leadership skill enhances self-awareness, self-confidence, flexibility, which are essentially useful for life. To develop niche specific development, more focus should be kept on that specific industry. Field relevant knowledge is essential to become a knowledgeable leader of that field.however, from overall analysis, it can be concluded that focussing on the strengths and weakness, one can develop a good leadership skill that will be helpful for future.

References for Leadership Development Plan

Antonakis, J. and Day, D.V., 2018. Leadership: Past, present, and future.

Bratton, J. ed., 2020. Organizational leadership. SAGE Publications Limited.

Chen, M.W. and Rybak, C., 2017. Group leadership skills: Interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy. SAGE Publications.

Eva, N., Cox, J.W., Herman, H.M. and Lowe, K.B., 2019. From competency to conversation: A multi-perspective approach to collective leadership development. The Leadership Quarterly, p.101346.

Gandolfi, F. and Stone, S., 2018. Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), pp.261-269.

Goodwin, D.K., 2019. Leadership: In turbulent times. Simon & Schuster.

Hickman, L. and Akdere, M., 2018. Effective leadership development in information technology: Building transformational and emergent leaders. Industrial and Commercial Training.

Hou, Z. and Fantoni, I., 2017. Interactive leader–follower consensus of multiple quadrotors based on composite nonlinear feedback control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 26(5), pp.1732-1743.

Margahana, H., 2019. Self Efficacy, Self PersonalityAnd Self Confidence On Entrepreneurial Intention: Study On Young Enterprises. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1), pp.1-12.

Nicolaidou, M., Karagiorgi, Y. and Petridou, A., 2016. Feedback-based coaching towards school leaders’ professional development. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education

Serrat, O., 2017. Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 329-339). Springer, Singapore.

Tischler, L., Giambatista, R., McKeage, R. and McCormick, D., 2016. Servant leadership and its relationships with core self-evaluation and job satisfaction. The Journal of Values-Based Leadership, 9(1), p.8.

Wang, B., Qian, J., Ou, R., Huang, C., Xu, B. and Xia, Y., 2016. Transformational leadership and employees' feedback seeking: The mediating role of trust in leader. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 44(7), pp.1201-1208.

Western, S., 2019. Leadership: A critical text. SAGE Publications Limited.

Zell, E., Strickhouser, J.E., Sedikides, C. and Alicke, M.D., 2020. The better-than-average effect in comparative self-evaluation: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 146(2), p.118.

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