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Assessment Task 1: Identify Human Resource Requirements

For this assessment task, you will research and obtain a strategic or an operational plan that outlines actions/implementation and measures. Based on your analysis of the plan, identify human resources requirements where appropriate and make HR recommendations to the management. In your recommendation, you will provide;

  • A brief synopsis of the plan and its strategic objectives

  • Human resource requirements

  • Justification of human resource requirements (e.g. How the new positions will help achieve strategic objectives)

  • Type and description of positions identified (e.g. employment and/or outsourced)

  • Required skills, knowledge and experiences

  • Internal and external consultation process

Ensure that you reference/cite all the external sources using an appropriate referencing system.

Business Overview/Background

SciTech is an information technology-driven company that works on the latest platforms for developing applications and software. The company has various departments for the work process like they have a designing team, research analytic team, marketing team, development team, testing, network and human resource management team. Work flow from designing to development team and then to the testing team. At last, the networking team does the maintenance work of the project. It is a medium-sized company with 400 employees working in different departments as mentioned above.

The turnover of the company annually is 10 crores. The company has worked for various clients since its inception. It was started in 2009 by Stephen Winchester with an aim to solve the real-world problems of the client by either making business online or creating a simpler application or software to run a business effectively. The mission of the company is to provide a leading edge of the solutions for long term benefits by understanding the client's requirement. The vision of the company states that to well equip young people with skills, inspiration and opportunities. 

Strategic Environment

The strategic environment plays a very important role in the successful growth of the business. A healthy environment full of strategies is the need of the hour. A non-strategic environment may result in conflicts and may degrade the growth rate of the organization. The HR manager and its team must ensure that all the employees are aware of the strategies that they have to follow while creating the project of the organization (Stewart and Brown, 2019). It will create a pleasing environment where employees will willingly work and put their hundred per cent towards the growth and wellbeing of the organization.

HR Needs and Requirements

Through the operational plan of human resource it was identified that HR needs and requirements include assessment and development centres, career management, competency development processes, counselling, discrimination, vilification and harassment advice, education and training programs, Industrial relations advice, workplace health and safety (WHS), personal and career development planning, rehabilitation and return to work, remuneration/benefits advice, self-analysis and self-assessment, staff selection, succession planning, teleworking procedures workers’ compensation, feedback, flexible work arrangements and Induction and orientation programs (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). The human resource requirements of an organization may vary depending upon the type of the company. Since it is an information technology-based company thus all the above-mentioned resources will be required.


There are a lot of other factors that need to be paid attention while defining the HR needs of the organization. These include whether the organization’s existing resources can be modified or there is a need for the new one in the market. What cost will it be to fulfil all the needs and requirements of the HR team? The resources already available in the organization are at the correct place or need to be arranged properly(Nankervis et al. 2019). And last but not the least important question of what human resources would be required by the organization.

Organisational Alignment

All the departments of the organization are aligned to the strategy, vision and mission of the company. It ensures that the business is running effectively on the purposes defined by the organization (Boon et al. 2019). The governance mechanism empowers employees, manages work, checks accountability and monitors the objectives of the organization. The SciTech keeps track of operational efficiency through effective organizational alignment.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria of the individual are based on the score achieved in different interview rounds. The first round of the interview is the elimination round. In this round employees are given a quiz which they had to solve within 30 minutes. All the individuals who score more than 50 % of the score are eligible to sit in the next round. The next round is group discussion. In this round, we give a general topic based on health, economy or information technology to the group. The group members then start the discussion based on the performance of the individual member the person is selected. The second last round of the interview is a technical round. In this round, the HR team asks some technical questions based on the position for which the candidate has applied (Rao, 2020).

As soon as this round is finished the candidate has to clear the HR round. In this particular round, the candidate is asked personal and emotional questions to check the patience, confidence and communication skills. If the candidate passes all the rounds, then he or she is selected to work with the organization as a casual employee and then later with the year of service the company makes him permanent. For fixed-term employees, there is the same procedure but if the candidate is well experienced in the field then he or she just has to clear technical and HR rounds.


It can be summarised at last that the need and requirements of the organisation are not constant. It changes with the change in the projects. The organisation must keep on transforming the requirements by regularly checking out what is required for the benefit of the organisation. The needs and the HR departments depend upon the project and clients. Since it is an IT solution that solves the real-world problems thus the requirements of the HR team will be different from construction or restaurant based companies.

If the organisation is looking for the employees, then all the candidates have to go through the SciTech selection procedure which is composed of five rounds. As soon as the candidate is found to be of interest, the human resource team selects them and he or she becomes part of the organisation. The organisation alignment strategy checks whether the company is able to walk on the guided path or not. It is important to ensure that the vision, missions and goals of the organisation are met by the employees through projects. SciTech with its phenomenal HR plan and strategies will reach the pinnacle of the IT industry in the business market. 


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Boon, C., Den Hartog, D.N. and Lepak, D.P., 2019. A systematic review of human resource management systems and their measurement. Journal of management, 45(6), pp.2498-2537.

Nankervis, A., Baird, M., Coffey, J. and Shields, J., 2019. Human resource management. Cengage AU.

Rao, G.V., 2020. A Review of Skill Requirements For Human Resource Management in New Age Dynamic Environment. Purakala with ISSN 0971-2143 is an UGC CARE Journal, 31(26), pp.31-40.

Stewart, G.L. and Brown, K.G., 2019. Human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

Assessment Task 2: Prepare an Employment Contract

Your employment contract will essentially include;

  • Position title and description

  • Conditions of appointment and type of contract

  • Key roles and responsibilities

  • Key performance areas and indicators

  • Personal and professional development options

  • Employee entitlements (Based on National Employment Standards)

  • Termination of employment

You can use the template provided to you in your Resources

The Position Title of Research Associate

Description of The Profile 

We are looking for a research associate who can find crux from research papers to implement the project requirements properly. We are not looking for an IT whisperer rather we want someone who can analyse the data and use it to inform and educate tech people. We want someone who is rabidly committed to excellence and takes feedback constructively. An expert who is flawless in completing the complex projects within deadlines.

Conditions of Appointment and Type of Contract

We are hiring you on the basis of a fixed-term contract. This fixed-term contract will be extended based on your previous performances and how you handled the software project that we have assigned to you. Fixed-term employees are protected and they get the same benefits just like a permanent employee. The payment offered to you will be fixed until the session expires. The contract will be signed by both parties. This kind of job contract is on a temporary basis. 

Key Responsibilities

Here are the roles and responsibilities that we expect from you during your tenure. 

  • You will work with the technical staff to make the product documentation easy

  • You would have to do intense research in the field

  • Deliver onsite training to explain the job roles to the other members in the team

  • You would have to document your analysis and findings of the project

  • Gather documents and content for creating technical document

  • Understand and properly use the research development tools to prepare the flawless document 

  • You need to maintain a balance between your personal and professional goals. We want you to pursue career goals and strive to achieve them.

Key Performance Areas and Indicators

The key performance of the individuals is measured on the basis of the weekly and monthly performances of the employees. Each and every employee of the organization will be judged on the basis of the time management, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, listening skills, written communication style, cooperation with other team members, focus and engagement towards the project, way to handle feedback and criticism and so on. The key performance indicators of the areas include timeliness, attention, creativity, and innovation, and consistency, ability to perform in all the key areas, time management and attention to every single detail. 

Personal and Professional Development Options

One of the easiest ways to improve the development process at the professional level is by attending professional training or sought after qualification. In addition to this, they can even take a specific role and gain a certain amount of experience in that field. On the other hand, the employee for personal development can volunteer any charity work in nearby places. Another way to improve one is to attain the profile of public speaking. 

Employee Entitlements

You will be given minimum employment standards that are provided under minimum wages and NSE in Australia. You will get the flexible working arrangements, parental and annual leave, public holidays, fair work information statement, community service leave, long service leave and other national employment standards in Australia. All the employees who are working in the national relation workplace system will get the benefits of NES. 

Termination of Employment

Under NES act all the employees who get selected for fixed-term basis will get information regarding the termination process. Employers must give a minimum notice period for the termination of employees and redundancy. The period depends upon the year of service the employee has given to the organization. The employees are terminated for redundancy reasons like the project for which they were hired is completed, there is no work for them, the technology on which the work is old, the business is bought by another company, the performance of the employee was not up to the mark and so on. The company in such a condition has to give some amount of money as redundant pay to the employees.

Assessment Task 3: Prepare a Service Contract

Assume that you are working as a HR Manager in the case/sample organisation and given the task to prepare a draft service contract for management’s approval for obtaining services of an external consultant. You will need to use the business context and needs to identify (or assume) the scope of service needed. Accordingly, you will draft a service agreement with the required details.

Your service contract will essentially include;

  • Job/Project description

  • Job/Project details including expected start and end dates

  • Key deliverables

  • Estimated project costs and/or fixed costs

  • Quality requirements

  • Quality measures and evaluations

  • Strategies to deal with variations in service delivery and approval process

  • In‐house training/support and implementation process

  • Conditions of work (e.g. OHS, Organisational Policies and Ethical Conduct)

  • Conditions of termination

  • Payment terms and arrangements

  • Warranty details, if applicable

Project Description

To develop software application that can collect the data of the entire country in a single data centre and extract the important information through data analysis for tracking the lifetime income of the individuals

Details of The Software Application

The project will start from June 2020 to Dec 2020. There is a need to create software within 6 months to get the lifetime earnings of any individual person with the help of a number generated during the first time registration on the app. It will help the government to keep track of the personal information of the people online. 

Start and End Date of The Project

  • The project will start in June 2020

  • The first module of the project will be delivered at the end of August 2020

  • The second module of the project will be delivered at the end of October 2020

  • And the final project will be submitted on 31st December 2020

Software Lifecycle of The Project

  1. The first step of the key deliverable is to gather the requirements of the software application. 

  2. After understanding the project requirements, the next step is to create a wireframe of the project and get the wireframe approved by them.

  3. As soon as the wireframes are generated, the project manager asks its teammate to start the coding for the project and deliver it in modules.

  4. Once the project gets completed it is tested to identify the hidden errors and bugs. 

  5. After the completion of the entire project, the final project is delivered meanwhile the organization sends modules of the project to the client so that they can see and make changes if they want in the project.

Key Deliverables

You will have to deliver and prepare documentation of the entire project that the company is looking for by looking closely at how the project is created and what all challenges and solutions were identified during the initial part of the software. You need to research the following questions described below to make the document effective.

  • Which language would be best suitable for creating this project?

  • What features must the project have to make it run flawless?

  • What problems did other people face while creating a similar app?

  • How to overcome the challenges faced by others?

  • How to analyse such large data and provide the findings? 

Estimated project cost

The estimated project cost after determining all the requirements will be approximate up to $3,000. 

Quality requirements

We want the highest quality of the work as we cannot compromise with our well-established clients who trust us for the service that we provide to them. It's your utmost duty to provide the best of quality services within the deadline provided to you. 

Quality measures and evaluations

We will weekly or monthly evaluate the quality of services provided by you with the team of our experts. They will evaluate the quality of work that you are providing and based on the findings they appraise the performance of the employees. Depending upon the project the experts will measure the service quality through in-app surveys, follow up surveys, social media monitoring and documentation analysis.

Strategies to deal with variations in service delivery and approval process

The very first strategy that we believe is that we deliver the projects before the deadline maintaining the highest quality. We strategize employees to do smart work as it is one of the best keys to success. 

In house training

In case you find any difficulty in performing the key roles and responsibilities, in that case, we can approach us and ask for training. We will find all measures to provide you with the best assistance possible or will help you get the online sessions from the experts. In case there are a large number of employees who require similar training then we will even provide in house training for the same. 

Conditions of work

We will provide you with the utmost atmosphere where you can develop your professional and personal skills to the fullest. We will provide you with an employee-friendly environment where you can enjoy and work simultaneously. You can contact the HR department at any time for further assistance. 


Employer party can terminate this contract by giving the gross salary and ask to serve a notice period of 45 days from the day of the termination.

If the employee in an event is found to breach the terms and conditions wilfully in that case the company can carry out the lawful action against that person. If employee found guilty the company can even terminate the employee forth without giving any prior notice. During the tenure, you are not allowed to draw, accept or endorse any cheque or bill on behalf of the company. 

Payment terms and arrangements

During the course of your work, you may be asked to bear the training and certification expenses on your own. In any event, if you plan to leave the organization in such case you would have to reimburse the entire amount that the company has invested in you for improving your skills. 

Conditions of hire

Any false statement or information given from your side will terminate you without giving prior notice. During your tenure, you would agree to work on the project that you are assigned to irrespective of the skills and technical nature of the project. 


You will be kept on probation for 90 or 180 days from the date of the joining based on your designation and performance in the company. The company will monitor your performance on a weekly or monthly basis. Employees who will excel in their performance will get ample opportunities and will be suitably appraise periodically. 

Assessment Task 4: Project: Prepare a Human Resource Management Plan

HR need assessment

HR need assessment is an assessment of the organisation, structure and group of people who are going to be a part of the organisation. There are different ways by which an HR manager can find out what all things are required by the organisation like they can survey, create interviews or else can perform a research on human resource requirements which include career management, counselling, assessment centres and so on. 

Key strategies to meet HR needs

Human resource needs vary from an organization to the other. Let’s suppose if the organization is big and geographically dispersed in such a case the HR will have to meet the needs of the people by conducting all the operations remotely. Whereas if the organisation is small then, in that case, they must do the performance analysis, organization analysis, content analysis cost-benefit analysis in the premises itself. In addition to this, HR can also use the popular SWOT analysis of the organization and of the employee to meet the needs. 

Roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in the plan

There are a lot of areas where the HR manager has to focus these include 

  • Administrative Efficiency

Under this section, it is the duty of HR to handle activities like salary administration, report preparation, staffing, policy interpretation and implementation and so on.

  • Employee Contribution

This is a partial role of HR to advocate for employees and help them to do better day by day. The support provided by HR will help the employees to become more competent in the market. It is their duty to proactively make employees learn and develop their skills ahead. In addition to these, HR must also create an employee-friendly organization and foster a culture in which employees feel a bit valued.

  • Capacity for A Bringing in The Change 

The next important area of HR is to manage, transform and change. They can bring change in culture, environment, and policies and so on. The major role in this section is to identify problems and challenges and to build a relationship of trust between all the stakeholders of the organization. It is the responsibility of HR to embrace and create an atmosphere of change which can be adhered by every person of the organization.

  • At Last Execution and Development of Strategies. 

HR connects all the strategies created by them to the business strategies. They execute all the strategies in the organization with a good intention of increasing productivity and profitability. HR must keep business strategies on a higher priority. 

Expected service standards and specifications (e.g. Job Description)

We are looking for a research associate who can find crux from research papers to implement the project requirements properly. We are not looking for an IT whisperer rather we want someone who can analyse the data and use it to inform and educate tech people. We want someone who is rabidly committed to excellence and takes feedback constructively. An expert who is flawless in completing the complex projects within deadlines.

KPIs for delivery of HR services within the HR department

KPI’s of HR services include the following services.

  • To calculate absenteeism in the organization

  • To calculate employee’s productivity rate on monthly, quarterly or yearly basis.

  • To increase the turnover rate of the organization

  • To increase the internal promotion of the employees so as to boost their performance index. 

  • To provide effective training facilities for all the employees so that they can increase their skill set. 

  • To reduce the recruitment and other expenses of the company

  • To enhance the rate and quality of the hiring individuals. 

  • To measure an employee's innovation index as it is very important for measuring the overall success of the organization. 

  • To conduct an employee engagement survey and thereby understanding the satisfaction level of the employees. 

Cost of recruitment (approx.)

Cost of hiring a new employee in the organization is very high as there are a lot of hidden costs included in it. Such as advertising cost, in-house recruiter salary, third-party recruiter fees, sign-on bonuses, travel expenses and so on. But it should be noted that the cost of hiring a skilled employee is far less than hiring an unskilled employee who can leave the organization at any time without giving any prior notice of the act. HR managers must always try to find the right employee by taking the right decision for the organization. It can be done by closely listening to the interviewee, judging their soft skills, technical knowledge and so on. The average cost of hiring a new employee in the service-based industry is $1000 dollars. 

Cost‐benefit analysis for the purpose of calculating ROI

It is the duty of the HR manager to calculate the cost-benefit analysis of training and projects undertaken by the group of employees in the organization. It includes all the cost starting from the raw or basic material required for creating the project to the cost of training provided to the employees for enhancing their skill for the project. It is the cost-benefit analysis of the company that helps the HR to find the go or no go points for further investment. This indicates that the major purpose of CBA is to find out the ROI of the organization.

Feedback and continuous improvement processes

After evaluation of the individual employees, the manager must give them their performance index in the form of a scorecard. Though telling feedback is not at all easy at the HR’s part but the HR needs to find out ways in which the employee takes the feedback as a challenge and try to break it in a positive manner. It is HR’s duty to give both negative and positive feedback of the employee at the same time. After the feedback, they must counsel employees so that feedback cannot have a negative impact on the emotional front of the employee. Moreover, it is a continuous improvement process which will go on.

Ethical and legal requirements

Members of the HR department have all the powers in their hands. They can use it against the other employees of the organization in case they found them guilty. They can take action against the employees if they share some confidential information to an outsider. They can take the legal action of blacklisting the employee if he or she is found to be breaking the code of conduct of the employees like sexually harassing females, bullying juniors and other similar offences. It is important within the organization to maintain ethical behaviour. Ethical behaviour here means the way employees take their responsibility, maintain the integrity and resolve conflicts that occur within the organization. In response to this, the HR managers must be accountable while taking decisions of the organization. 

Key policies and procedures (Hiring, termination, promotion/reward etc.)

HR manager and its team create different policies of hiring, rewarding and terminating employees. They create certain criteria based on which they evaluate the person's performance and make the decision based on the result received. If the employee is performing extraordinary hard then that one should get the reward in the form of some kinds of incentives. If the employee is not performing well consistently they can be terminated by the organization at any point in time. But in such situations, the HR manager should prior inform them about the action that they are supposed to take. 

Performance Appraisal Process

In every organization performance appraisal process is different. Most of the organizations nowadays are calculating performance 5 times in a year. Four at the end of the quarters and one after completion of one month. Based on the performance the person is recruited at a higher position with an increase in the salary.

Strategies to deal with underperformance

HR must help the employees by providing training in the areas where the employee is underperforming. They must also try to bring some innovative measures to boost the lost confidence of the employees by continuously motivating them to take the challenge and prove themselves.

Action plan

Human resource managers can come up with various action plans depending upon the needs of the organization like staffing programs, improving customer services and communication between people who are directly and indirectly attached with the company’s service. It is usually done by establishing regular meetings, conducting training sessions, launching schemes, improving financials and so on. All these are mandatory for the HR team to take into action. It is important for them to see and create meaningful work starts in the organization. The ideas kept in the action plan may vary depending upon the need and size of the organization. 

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Human Resource Management Assignment Help

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