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Enterprise System

Executive Summary of Ernst and Young Global Limited Analysis

Ernst & Young is the largest professional services offering financial audit services. They provide financial assurance to the clients with taxation, consulting, and act as a service advisory. These accounting services attract an appropriate HR technology that is instrumental in serving the main purpose of consulting and services. The operations discussed in this paper address the rising competition level in the course of the offered existing market services. Attempts to mitigate market structure-based competition and issues related to supply chain procurement are discussed under the heading of an apt introduction by referring to the two case studies. All these emerging aspects and new trends are discussed with help from operations investment banking. This paper is instrumental in helping to manage the efficiency associated with the sales volume and the share of revenue that was acquired by the respective organization. This particular study will confer the issues associated with enterprise systems. It will go on to explain and describe the scope of common enterprise systems and assess the challenges associated with implementing enterprise systems and their impact on business. It will make sure that understanding of the enterprise system development is adhered in context to life cycle, from selection, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance.

Table of Contents





Introduction to Ernst and Young Global Limited Analysis

Ernst & Young Global Limited Liability Partnership or the EY is better known as a multinational professional company that provides financial services. It is the largest professional services firm. The organization function providing financial assurance to the clients with varied taxation concepts, the consulting, and relatedservices of advisory. The study will present two case studies in context to the services catered by EY. In recent years this organization has expanded in its organizational dimension and remained adjacent with related operational scale. The associated accounting services attract an appropriate HR technology instrumental in serving the main purpose of consulting and services. With approx, 270k employees EY’s network is spread all across the globe in 600 offices based in 100 countries.Thus this paper aims to address the field of strategic consultancy services in lieu of the two case studies based on EY. All the main types of services catered by them including theAssurance, Advisory, in addition to Tax Structure (EY Australia, 2020).

Discussion on Ernst and Young Global Limited Analysis

The scope and Success Metrics of common enterprise systems (e.g. supply chain, HRM, procurement, etc)

The Enterprise System associated with EY introduces the reader to understand the discussion based on its nature of conducting business. They cater to financial auditing services by addressing the issues associated with the organization's Supply chain procurement. The systems were instrumental in adopting SAP's based artificial Intelligence that aided in the process of enterprise planning. This planning process is due to assimilation with the aspect of digital transformation. This report analyses the outcomes that are based on the aspect of its digitalized transformation to attract new companies working in different LOB's especially the IT-based companies. In the process of doing so, they included an integrated business planning process related to the Management of Customer Relationship. These steps are further implemented using an assessment of the organization's finance functions.The organizationalsupply chain procurement has led to the implementation of the metric's variety in the direction of driving the business. HRM associated with the behavior of employees in Ernst & Younghelps to assess the internal audit process associated with the workingof EY (Behzadi et al. 2019).

It helps EY to evaluate the HRM processes and control business metrics associated with the organization. EY uses metrics’ variety based on its broad aspects. As per the first case study the nature of the Enterprise Systems adopted by EY and its issues are discussed with the proper planning, design and implementation of SAP. The chosen metrics in context to the supply chain procurement have been chosen properly by EY. They provision standard review assurances of the company and analyses the organizational procedures (Ergunova et al. 2017).

In context to the second case study, enterprise planning based on the digital transformation is adhered. It is important to generate the proper work insight based information associated with the complete process of EY’s business functions. Ernst & Young address the procurementrelated to the feedback from the design process. This includes metrics determination with a self-reporting process with parties responsible for the situational brief (Garina et al. 2019).

Case study 1

Nature of the Enterprise Systems adopted by EY and its issues

In the transformational supply chain procurement, setting up a business strategy depends on the organization’s attempt to amplify the operations associated with HRM in Ernst & Young. It takes the long-time analysis of functioning opportunities that are emerging out of a business. Building intelligent enterprise systems will let to the availability and implementation of technology in their supply chain procurementprocess. The enterprise system focuses on the complete process of transformation (Goloshchapova et al. 2017). The plan is to adhere to SAP technology to make its system more effective.

EY and SAP Intelligence (design and implementation)

The EY’s agile business strategy enabled instances by the application of SAP technology helping organizations to mitigate challenges associated with the onset of the digital era. The collaborative approach as mentioned in the case study number one is in assimilation with the companies SAP implementation approach. It is because the focus is more on the aspect of technological innovations and implements them in the HRM system. This will in turn help the organizations in intelligence gain with the agility level associated with the aspect of thriving in this era of HRM policy changes across the world (Kwilinski, 2018).

In context to the supply chain procurement process it describes the mechanism of enterprise planning. These are characterized by the transformational strategy of EY based on agile. Alongside the co-creation of different HRM-based techniques, the materials used range from different sizes and scales associated with the investment’s nature. It is instrumental in demonstrating the understandingassociated with the enterprise system. Going further it addresses the development of a product’s life cycle. It possesses multiple impacts on their planning process associated with the conducting of joint investment patterns to address the required talent levels. Technology impacts the overall strategy that focuses on the solution (Minaev et al. 2017).

It addresses bigger problems and includes long term results. Their resulting impact on the HRM let to the rise of an organizational strategy’s execution. The process is further derived from the selection process and the implementation of the contextual acquisition process. It also refers to the maintenance of the product’s life cycle (Mixer, 2018).

Case study 2

Enterprise planning based on the digital transformation

The newly innovated phase is associated with digital technology that is related to innovative activities. It is instrumental in leaving a lasting impact on the organizational strategy that deals with the different opportunities levels and faced threats by the contextual organization. As an organization, it has tried dealing with the new adaptation of innovative phases in the advent of digital evolution in the supply chain procurement process. According to () this is one of the most critical aspects of the organization's survival (Pererva and Kobielieva, 2016).

Outcomes-based transformation in the digital world (design and implementation)

The related infrastructure associated with the aging nature of the organization's supply chain procurement depends on different legacy systems based units. These units mainly direct the purpose associated with the prevention of the risk and challenging factors associated with EY. All the contextual business-based HRM's associated roles are instrumental in enabling a better form of integration amongst the employees. It helps in the smooth functioning of the operating business hence is considered as in the form of a supply chain transformational business strategy associated with the agile methodologies. It is also instrumental in depending on the business insights that involve higher grades of innovation while protecting the core activities that determine the whole business process associated with the outcomes (Rahman and Bobkova, 2017),

The planning process based on EY’s in the implementation of SAP offers the below mentioned organizational roles like:

  • Agile Business Sector’s Customeris addressing the whole reinvention process considering the aspects of supply chain procurement
  • organization management associated with EY’s Finance sector is largely dependent on Agile methods of business

It is instrumental in addressing the transformation process and finds appropriate solutionsfor the problems associated with EY.

Integrated Planning of Business (case study 1 and case study 2)

The Ernst & Young’s supply chains are not considered to be linear anymore; this is instrumental in the formation of an important system of the network. Al these are directly associated with the aspect that is in direct relation with the entry to the digitized world. In the modern business environment, the supply chain procurement associated with most organizations is at considerable risk. The risks mitigate the creation of a complete visionary approach which will instigate the organizational visibility. It will be instrumental in the process of effective planning that is further based on managing the scenario associated with the management of demand as well as the supply of their services According to the contextual second case analysis it also let to a rise in inventories (Rykhtikova et al. 2018)

EY’s integrated business approach is directly associated with the functions that refer to the fundamental pillars addressing the organizational preparation for a few months during their foundation period. Going further It depends on key aspects that follows:

  1. The aspect of Visibility is associated with the E2E approach while dealing with the real-time digital world's dynamics related to the dashboarding techniques.
  2. The particular planning of a problem scenario that assesses the supply chain capabilities along with their management patterns.
  3. The management demand's pattern is associated with the sensing of demand that prioritizes the measures.
  4. Supply Chain Management is associated with the inventory scale associated with the management of cost and designs that are assigned to a particular network.

Customer Relationship management (case study 1 and case study 2)

The consumer pattern’s behavior changes across the globe with a forecast in the year 2018, which was estimated to be more than 2.4 Trillion dollars. This was spent in the context of online retail sales that are spread globally. The customer’s expectations rise with the time resulting in both B to C and B to B business transactions in ventures that focus more on customer’s experiences. To plan effective enterprise planning the important share’s value is maximized in context tocustomer’s demands.The organization transfersthe advantages of supply chain management technologies that are simplified.They refer to the component in the direction of utilizing them effectively(Shatalova et al. 2016)

The service offering side of Ernst and Young largely enables a marketing style under the SAP program that suites the style of catering a smooth customer experience. It aims to reflect the customer's perception in regards to the business process in which the business vision is achieved through the assimilation of significant changes. Supply chain procurement is made in the application of EY’s customer review system. This also helps the organization to go along with a purpose-driven transformation process that demands the use of Marketing or Business Calculator's implementation (Siebel et al. 2017).

Implementation of ES from both case studies will lead to

Assessment of the Finance Functions

 In context to the implementation of an effective and efficient financial function, Ernst & Young uses SAP guidelines. These guidelines add efficiency to the financial functions associated with their esteemed global client base. Ernst & Young works with clients in the way of implementing one of the most innovative solutions types in the direction of addressing business challenges.The challenges include supply chain management problems associated with the revenue share’s recognition considering the transfer policy associated with their pricing (Siebel et al. 2018)

The basis for strategic decisions taken by the workforce

Uninterrupted forms of inheritance systems, including their HR teams, can reach insightful levels associated with their workforce. Different pressures regarding the level of fidelity, the transparency of the approval order type, and the cost structure. The companies modernize their recruitment process to reflect the role of different online channels in the recruitment process.

As part of this effort, EY provided a combination of combined prosperity rates as well as mentoring skills to people around the world. As an organization, the implementation of the advisory method will take place alongside highly experienced consultants (Streltsova et al. 2019).

Challenges and Issues associated with implementing enterprise systems that affect the supply chain of the firm and disrupts the operations

The EY’s main risks relate to its functioning process that relates to the External Risks in context to the Supply chain:

  • The demand risks are associated with the unpredictable C2Cbased demand structure.
  • Supply chain Risks are caused by the interruptions in the product’s flow within the supply chain.
  • Environmental Risks related to the different economic, as well as social aspects associated with climatic factors thatpose a threat due to terrorism's rise.
  • Business Risks are caused by a lack of stability or accrued sales structure with other suppliers.
  • Physical plant-related risks rise in the physical facility and are associated with the aspects of regulating compliance.

Internal Risks present in the supply chain

  • Risks in the manufacturing process thatled to its rise owing to the disruptions or danger’s threats in their internal operative scale in context to the business process.
  • Mitigating the contingency risks associated with the removal of contingencies due to a fault in the process of production.
  • Organizational culture-based Risks are mainly associated with the particular tendency within the organizational culture to hide or delay any negative information in context to the EY.They tend to delayreactions to unexpected events.

Successful adoption of the enterprise system to reduce the level of friction on the supply chain of EY

The measures that are undertaken include efficient disruption management from occurring in context to the company's supply chain management. It considers the impact of the business analysis to address the supply chain’s mitigation impacts. It analyzes impacts as well as identifies importantbusiness sector based processes in an attempt ofattaining the organizational success metrics. It is related to the key elements that deal with the financial sector's disruptions(Watts, 2018).

The situational disruptions can be internal as well as external mitigationstrategies associated with the EY’s:

  • Managing the company's inventories in the way of managing efficiently the relationship with the supplier associated with different units.
  • The elements associated with the process of ordering as well as the purchasing of Earnest and Young's decisions in regards to the supply chain procurement process.
  • The staffing element in this line of business is associated with providing organizational services to the financial sector.
  • It is instrumental in helping to manage the efficiency associated with the sales volume and the share of revenue that was acquired by the respective organization.

Conclusion on Ernst and Young Global Limited Analysis

This is to conclude that this paper aims in the direction of strengthening the financial standards associated with the management process of EY. It is considered to be important for EY to place effective challenge handling techniques. The challenges in the process of maintaining supply chain management can be mitigated through their timely identification. With the shortening of the period associated with the disruption, measures will ultimately lead to the minimizing of these challenges impact on the business. Next comes the mitigation strategy that includes the different human, financial as well as materialistic resources identification. All these are available and are considered to be important in the direction of effectively carry out the associated with the business activities. It must indicate in the direction of the triggers that are instrumental in efficiently implement the planning process. It can further be concluded that the organization's interest is in regards to the addressing of their stakeholders as well the investors. As mentioned in this paper EY also uses the appropriate metrics in relation to the organizational phases.

References for Ernst and Young Global Limited Analysis

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