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Crime Prevention: Community and Development Approaches

Table of Contents


Description of the community-based developmental crime prevention strategy.

Review of the research evidence.

Risk Oriented Crime Control

Risk factors prevention paradigm..

Prevention curriculum in schools.

Community-based organization.

Implementation challenges.



Introduction to Community-Based Crime Prevention

The crime prevention strategy is considered as the most effective strategy through which crime can prevent with a strategy in a community. In a community several types of problems take place and each of the problems carries each of the singular crimes to overcome from that crime or to prevent that crime the community has to follow some strategies through which they can resolve all the issues in a very significant manner. From the perspective of the community, the strategy has to undertake and to overcome all those issues the first thing that they have to look at or is the practices and at the strategies that they might follow in their future. The main concerning matter of this research paper is the community-based crime prevention strategy where the relevant strategies are mentioned to prevent the crime issues of the community. In Australia, several types of crimes happen and each of the crimes affecting the society and the community in such a way that it becomes difficult for them to overcome those issues. Crime prevention is not easy and it required many strategies and factors that help an organization to overcome those issues.

Based on this factor a case study is going to initiate through which the rest of the assignment will take place. The case study is based on the crime that most of the communities come across and have to find out the way through which they overcome that issue. At very first, a strategy has to undertake based on the case study, after that the strategy has to accept by the stakeholders of the community. The community makes a plan for the strategy and implements it in the community successfully for that they can prevent crimes and delivers a message for the community. All these things are going to describe here with their proper analysis and description. 

Description of The Community-Based Developmental Crime Prevention Strategy

In Australia, the community-based developmental proliferated in such a way that neoliberal privatization turns the social policy and takes it over the market for fostering cheaper and belter social; interventions. The community-based development targeted to reduce different types of crimes from the community so that they live and run a successful and crime-freeway. Each aspect of the community work for the better development of the society and in this case their involvement is underrated (Bradley, 2018). For a very long time, people are suffering from the issues and overcome the problems for future days. As per the development of the business the first thing that they are focusing on is the strategy through which the crimes can prevent the developmental communities. The strategy that decided to use is the CREATE model through which all the issues can solve very easily and fundamentally. As per the authors Homel, Freiberg & Branch, 2015, describe that the CREATE model is considered an outcome of the “Pathway to Prevention Project” and it is used for preventing the crimes of community-based developmental. There is a particular purpose behind using this model and it is for the “T2 Translation terms”. It is known as the prevention support system and used for the programs of “Communities for Children” that is a “Prevention delivery system”. This PDS operated by the “Department of Social Services” within 52 communities around Australia.

The CREATE model stands for “Collaborative”, “Relationship driven”, “Early in the pathway”, “Accountable”, “Training focused”, and “Evidence driven”. To develop a strong community this model of CREATE is the most effective and helps the school and the communities to prevent crimes. In school, several types of ragging, mental torturing, and these types of crimes happen and to protect the community and the school, the “Australian Department of Social Services” play the most effective role (Cooper et al. 2016). They identify the crimes and suggest the preventing way of the crime so the people can overcome it and develop a strong community for their future. Each of the factors of this model stands for their individual effects and curriculum. From the community perspective that is developing with time needs to prevent crimes for the sake of a successful life.

  • The community should collaboratively solve the crime issues so that in the future they do not come across those issues.
  • Through the relationship development, the community can prevent crimes from people’s mind and live a happy life together.
  • The pathway that follows needs to be appearing as soon as possible so that they can overcome the crimes.
  • The community has to be accountable because through it they can overcome their issues without any hesitation and problems.
  • Through proper training, the crimes can prevent by the communities and developed a strong community for the future.
  • Based on the evidence the community can do justice to the people who are suffering from the crimes and all the evidence are for the better future of the community.

Review of The Research Evidence

The case study that has been chosen here is based on the Community partnership that implemented the “Youth and Gang violence prevention policy” as the main focus of this article is on the “Risk Factor Prevention Paradigm”. According to the author Goddard, 2014, it can analyse that for preventing the risk from a community the best possible way is effective policies. The policies help to prevent the solution of the problem in a very effective way so that they can solve the issues and the problems. In the community partnership, different types of people are included and each of them facing different types of issues which as a result shows through the violence and some other criminalistics activity (Adams et al. 2019). For preventing the youth from criminalistics activity the prevention policy is the most effective, as per the development and improvement of the community several types of factors are included. In this research paper, the author describes a successful model through which they can resolve all the issues that they are facing in a very effective way. The author uses the RFPP model for preventing the crimes and risks and the risk model that focuses on the “Risk Oriented Crime Control” through which the risks can identify and control it for the future. Different types of risks are identified for the youth that affecting their future and their present because they are involving in different actions.

Risk Oriented Crime Control

ROCC or “Risk Oriented Crime Control” leads the community to identify the controlling process through which the risks can of crime resolve. The youth of the community involved in different actions through which they need to overcome so that they never face any issue that creates problems for the community. As per the author O’Malley, who research the community risks and defines that the risk model can improve the society from the risk prediction and work for the better development and improvement of the processes through which they can include different types of new things for their future. The youth of the society in the future and if the youth involve in crimes then it becomes a great threat to their future. To protect the youth from crimes and crime risks this particular model is the best possible way.

Risk Factors Prevention Paradigm

Through this model, the risk can prevent from the community. The youth are suffering from different criminalistics activities where they choose the wrong path and doing everything wrong. To overcome those issues first of all the issues need to identify and calculate how they are affecting the organization from these activities. The prevention of the issues is the most important factor and to prevent the issue of the organization facing different problems. As per the development and improvement of the risk of crimes the society plays the most significant role and help the youth and encourage them to want they want but in a formative way. The society has to be careful about the fact that the youth does not go in the wrong way.

Prevention Curriculum in Schools

In schools, different types of crime tales take place which left a deep effect on the students and they get affected both mentally and physically. Thus, the school premises should aware of the thing and they have to take some initial action so that can prevent the issue. To overcome that issue the first thing that is important to know about the actions that happen in schools, the students ragging each other, tortured them, force them to do something that is not right and good, and force them to do different things (Belackova, Roubalova & van de Ven, 2019). From the article of O’Connell, it is identified that the schools should careful about crime prevention from the school premises so that the students can work without any problem or mental illness. For the students, their main focus should be their study and learning and they should involve themselves in crime, and the school authority and the parents of the students should aware of this thing and they should guide the students in the right way and inspire them to do the right thing that is good for their life.

Community-Based Organization

In Australia, the community-based organization looks at the organizations and their activities through which they can resolve all issues. The communities of organizations should care about the most effective things through which they can overcome their problem that t time considers as a crime. The communities have to work hard to prevent crimes from society. As per the development and improvement of the business structure, the first thing that is needed to care about is the strategies and the effect that they follow for the future. For a very long time, the communities are working on crime prevention and in this case, they implement different preventing policies but they cannot overcome it (Adugna & Italemahu, 2019). As per the improvement of the community, it is the best possible way. In this case, the strategy of CREATE can use for removing all the crimes from society and develop a strong connection with society. The most effective way is the strategies that they follow for the future and use inappropriately in society for the future days.

Based on these factors it can say that the organizations and the schools should give care of the effectiveness of the society and to the community. For overcoming the issues the first thing that is important to include is the aspects than the policies through which they can overcome the issues and resolve it for the future of the youth (Hodgkinson & Farrell, 2018). The youth are the most important part of the community and the community so targeted to implement new strategies and the practices that guide them to a better community where no crimes exist. To remove crimes from the soviet different types of models are used and that makes the process more conceptualized. 

Implementation Challenges

At the time of implementation of the strategy that is undertaken for crime prevention is the “CREATE model” through which a community can prevent crimes. But, at the time of implementation, several challenges develop and those challenges are –

  • Challenge of knowledge: When the community implements this strategy for crime prevention, people might be cannot communicate with it properly because they do not have any idea. If people do not have the proper idea then how could they accept it and work according to it in their life and prevent crime from society (Heslop et al. 2017). But the “Community Crime Committee” will help people to know more about it and inform them how the strategy will work and how much they will be benefitted from it.
  • Challenge of behavior: When the community implements this strategy, people will behave differently. Not every person will accept it and follow it and their behavior will change because of different reasons, either they did not accept the strategy, or either they did not understand what the main purpose of the strategy (Stefanovska, 2017). But in this case, CCC plays the most significant role and they encourage people to accept this strategy because it is very much useful and they will get benefit from it. Therefore, they also inform people that this strategy is only for preventing crime from society.
  • Challenge of politics: The politics is also affected by the strategy because it is for the community and the community has to care about politics. The involvement of community and acceptance of the community creates a lot of problems for the community. If somehow politics did not accept it then it becomes difficult for them because they cannot control crime in the community (Harrison et al. 2020). However, CCC will inform politics regarding the issues of the community and how the strategy can help to prevent it and for this purpose, they are looking for different things.
  • Challenge of economic: The strategy also affected the economy because at the time of implementation it requires economy and in this case, the government plays the most crucial role (Homel & Masson, 2016). But the government is not ready to pay the economy for the strategy and at that time CCC plays the most significant role because they consoler the government so that they can pay the money for the implementation of the strategy.
  • Challenge of culture: This strategy has a great effect on the culture of the society because society has to make them prepare to implement the strategy and work for the strategy. The CCC shares the benefit of this strategy to the culture so that they can accept it and work according to it. Their main target is to describe all the factors and important things through which the crime can prevent from the community.

Conclusion on Community-Based Crime Prevention

Based on the discussion that makes the above helps to come to a conclusion from where it can analyze that the community faces different types of crimes which cause a lot of issues. All the issues are defining here with their proper analysis and description and make it clear that the case study is based on the community and their strategy of crime prevention. For preventing the crimes a particular strategy has undertaken and based on the stately the best of prevention takes place through the case study. Each and every aspect of the case describe with their proper analysis description. From the perspective of the case study, the evidence is mentioned those are used here and the implementation challenges are also described here. When the chosen strategy is going to implement in the community how they can communicate with it is the main concerning matter of the research paper. However, it can point out that each and every factor is very much important for this research paper and the points are described in a very effective way.

References for Community-Based Crime Prevention

Adams, D., McKillop, N., Smallbone, S., & McGrath, A. (2019). Developmental and sexual offense onset characteristics of Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous male youth who sexually offend. Sexual Abuse, 1079063219871575.

Adugna, M. T., & Italemahu, T. Z. (2019). Crime Prevention Through Community Policing Interventions: Evidence from Harar City, Eastern Ethiopia. Jurnal Humaniora31(3), 326-337.

Belackova, V., Roubalova, M., & van de Ven, K. (2019). Overview of “home” cultivation policies and the case for community-based cannabis supply. International Journal of Drug Policy71, 36-46.

Bradley, J. (2018). Youth mentoring as a viable crime prevention strategy: Evidence and Ontario policy, with reflections from some mentors (Doctoral dissertation, Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa).

Cooper, T., Scott, J., Barclay, E., Sims, M., & Love, T. (2016). Crime prevention and young people: Models and future direction for youth night patrols. Crime Prevention and Community Safety18(4), 266-283.

Goddard, T. (2014). The indeterminacy of the risk factor prevention paradigm: A case study of community partnerships implementing youth and gang violence prevention policy. Youth Justice14(1), 3-21.

Goddard, T., & Headley, A. (2015). Community-based organizations and crime prevention. Oxford handbooks online in criminology and criminal justice, 1-28.

Harrison, M., Walsh, P. F., Lysons-Smith, S., Truong, D., Horan, C., & Jabbour, R. (2020). Tradecraft to Standards—Moving Criminal Intelligence Practice to a Profession through the Development of a Criminal Intelligence Training and Development Continuum. Policing: a journal of policy and practice14(2), 312-324.

Heslop, C. W., Burns, S., Lobo, R., & McConigley, R. (2017). Developing a framework for community-based sexual health interventions for youth in the rural setting: protocol for a participatory action research study. BMJ open7(5).

Hodgkinson, T., & Farrell, G. (2018). Situational crime prevention and Public Safety Canada’s crime-prevention programme. Security Journal31(1), 325-342.

Homel, P., & Masson, N. (2016). Partnerships for Urban Safety in Fragile Contexts: The Intersection of Community Crime Prevention and Security Sector Reform. Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Paper No17.

Homel, R., Freiberg, K., & Branch, S. (2015). CREATE-ing capacity to take developmental crime prevention to scale: A community-based approach within a national framework. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology48(3), 367-385.

O’Connell, M. (2002, September). Crime Prevention Curriculum in South Australian Schools: A study of programmes, materials and initiatives. In Role of Schools in Crime Prevention Conference, Melbourne (Vol. 30).

Stefanovska, V. (2017). Community-based crime prevention: Prospects and threats. БЕЗБЕДНОСНИ ДИЈАЛОЗИ/SECURITY DIALOGUES ISSN 1857-7172 eISSN 1857-8055 Година 8, Број 1, 2017/Vol. 8, No. 1, 2017, 81.

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