NLM stands for the National Library of Medicine. There is a term which is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is the practice of copying the work of someone else or taking the ideas of someone else and not giving him the credit of his work. This is dishonesty and it is considered a very serious offense. For this, there are serious implications if you are found guilty of plagiarism.

To avoid this problem, you can give citations and references in your work. References and citations are given in each and every subject. By giving citations and references, you give the owner of the thought or the work due respect and credit. There are different types of citation and referencing styles like APA, Chicago, Harvard, NLM, etc. The citations can be generated by their different software called citation generators. For citation of medicine and scientific facts, NLM referencing generators are used.

If you are facing issues with the use of NLM referencing style, you can take the help of our experts for NLM citation and referencing.

Read More: ACS Referencing Generator

Which Referencing Style Should You Use?

As mentioned above, there are different types of referencing styles. It depends on the instruction by your instructor or professor that which type of referencing style you have to use. They also vary according to the type of research journals and discipline that you are in or those you choose. For confirming the referencing style, you should first confirm the type of journal that you are going to select for citation. For biology or medicine, American Medical association can be used, for humanities, Chicago referencing can be used or Modern Language Association referencing (MLA referencing) can be used. Then what for the NLM citation style is used?

Uses of NLM referencing style:

NLM citation style is specifically used for kinesiology and medicine referencing. NLM citation and referencing is written by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Now have a glimpse of the unique features of NLM referencing style.

  • Journal abbreviations: While referencing style is NLM, the title of the journals should be written in an abbreviated form. For example, 'International Journal of Cancer' can be written as 'Int J Can'. If you are unsure of the title of the journal, then search for the journal on Pubmed database.
  • Authors: As per the NLM referencing guide for writing authors, you should keep in mind that all the authors are given credit and mentioned in NLM referencing style.
  • Format for writing dates: For mentioning dates in journal articles, the format used is [yyyy] [mm] [dd]. Generally, the first three alphabets are used for mentioning the month. If volume and issue are mentioned then you should end the date by putting a semi-colon and then in continuation you should mention the volume and issue. For example, 2019, May, 17; 2(7).
  • References: The references must be arranged in alphabetical order in NLM referencing style.
  • Page numbers: In NLM citation style, the page numbers are written in an abbreviated form and the letter "p" or "pp" are not used. Like 100&9 indicated page numbers from 100 to 109.

What Are The Rules for the Citation of Online Texts using NLM Citation and Referencing?

  • If you are using the word 'internet', then put it in box brackets like this & [internet].
  • You should give the date of citation after the date of publication of the article in box brackets.
  • If the page numbers are not mentioned in any article, then you must calculate the length of the article by making use of several paragraphs or the number of print pages or the screens.
  • Finally, make use of the phrase 'Available from' and then mention the URL.

Why My Assignment Services Is Your Best NLM Referencing Guide?

Some of the top qualities possessed by My Assignment Services are:

  • Best quality solutions at the most affordable prices.
  • A team of experts that work 24/7
  • 100% unique and plagiarism free work with a Plagiarism report
  • Multiple free revisions
  • Other exciting offers and freebies that can be availed right after placing the order

Our experts are well-versed with almost all the referencing styles and their assistance can be easily availed anywhere anytime. So, just log on to our website and place your order with the most reliable NLM referencing generator!

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