International relations is a subject studied all over the world. A growing subject - more of a career in itself - is made to study to understand the basic and changing relations within a country (federal and state), relations with other nations, and in context of military, trade, economy, political, cultural and any such dimension(s). An industrial relations assignment help students to assess their knowledge on inter and intra-relations of the countries under the subject, global issues pertaining to subject, and global impacts due to diplomatic relations. Further the assignments give the opportunity to the students to learn more about the dynamics to international relations under geo-politics, contemporary international politics analysis, power and security, global governance etcetera.

International Relations Assignment Samples

In this section, we have included some of the samples prepared by our International Relations experts to help students understand the various domains and subject covered by our International Relations assignment help team.

Kindly note that the following international relations assignment samples are for general reference purpose only. In any case, they are not to be used, distributed or edited without bringing the same into notice of

    Policy analysis Assignments

    Policy analysis Assignments sample

    In the given assignment, the student has to think from the perspective of an officer of Australian diplomatic corps, and recommend certain policies to a targeted institution of his choice. Here, one must know about the functions of department of foreign affairs and trade (DFAT). The whole background of Cold War needs to be explained under which the concepts of socialists and communists and other counterpart of capitalists must be made clear using literature.

    Here, our highly proficient international relations experts who are masters in such subjects can get your assignment the top marks that you desire. The other issue which one must know are the multi-lateral military arrangements of a country, and various other factors related to the stability in Asia-pacific. The role United States plays for governing the whole world and its interference in other regions (the core need of the US to become super power).

    Geo politics assignments

    Topics pertaining to such headings have wide range like minority-majority conflicts, political terrorism, funded instability, trading groups, etc.

    Geo politics assignments sample

    In the sample attached above, Genocide as a practice must be explained for a good start to the assignment. However, knowledge required here needs to be well-defined as concepts related to all such practices are used to create instability, which are practiced around the world. Studying the earlier cases, one can be aware of how a country gets affected in social, economical and political terms from inside, and the impact on its image and status in the outside world.

    Here, one extra point must be kept in mind. Other than a country having undeserved candidate ruling and causing failures, it is always its neighbours and powerful countries having more influence in that country’s geo-politics. This kind of in-dept knowledge is rare in answers, so here our experts are willing to share their expertise. The detailed and minor problems for one could be a major problem for a particular country's demography. The details may not draw a lot of interest and attention, but including such minute aspects contribute in making your assignment more qualitative. Some of the quoted cases by our International relations assignment writing experts include the Hazara community of Afghanistan, Baloch in Pakistan, Catolinia crisis in Spain, and Rohingyas in Myanmar.

    Global international events Assignments

    Global international events assignments question

    Such questions though seem very simple, but generally, they require the use of an authentic literature for backing, along with clarity in one’s knowledge of concepts like global financial crises, socialism, capitalism, Marxism, globalisation, and its impacts seen on developed and under-developed nations, separately.

    In this particular question, the writer must have in-depth knowledge of all the powers governing the world at a particular time, their policies, the changes that took place with time, and how the world was affected. It is too much to expect from a student, but not our experts, who are Ph.D. scholars, and some of them being former university professors are familiar with all the requirements which would help students to achieve better.

    Literature book Assignments

    Assignments related to literature are common to almost all fields and subjects, and international relations is not an exception. In such assignments, what is asked, is the crux of the understanding related to the nature of the text written by the author. One may have to go beyond the written words and look for the time period when a literature was written, and link the relevant information with the subject matter asked and written in the book/ novel or any other literature.

    Literature book assignments question

    This assignments is just to give a view, so, let’s discuss:

    Here the novel written by Francis Fukuyama in 1992 - The end of history and the last man - is to be discussed. IN this excerpt, specifically Cold War era has been asked to discuss which will be incomplete without the peripheral topics like socialism, capitalism and the issue that lead to the war.

    Basically, you need in-depth knowledge to tackle such assignments where literature has the utmost importance. Students have to understand his perspective, and what lead him to conclude the conclusions he made. Also a major attention needs to be given to the part of the assignments where one is required to find relevance of the conclusion in present terms. It again requires to go though recent literature published under such topics and thereby, making a conclusion. Our international relations assignment writing experts stay updated with the recent developments in literature to make your assignments loaded with substantially relevant literature.

    Mistakes to Avoid During International Relations Assignment Writing

    Use of unclear expression:

    While writing an assignment, your expression displays the frame of your mind. So, you would never want your professor to infer that you are confused with your assignment question even after the conclusion.

    Citing outdated resources:

    Usage of literature shows the foundation of your concept(s), which must be deep and clear. Using latest reference shows your interest in the subject and enhanced knowledge.

    Do not go biased with the literature:

    When asked for relevance, synopsis or any question related to a novel, book or text.

    How Will Your International Relation Assignment be Different from Your Peers?

    Our experts in the subjects are well-versed in all the dimensions of international relation as well as all the sister disciplines like geo-politics, demography and culture, administration and governance, and other inter-related subjects. Our experts have been writing similar assignments related to such topics since a decade, therefore, they are fully aware of the guidelines, sectional requirements etc. The assignment submitted by you would be having reviewed data from authentic source, detailed research and analysis, and various peripheral issues and miniscule details which would make your assignment look heavy in terms of knowledge.

    Our experts and writing and QA team would proofread all your assignments, also make sure that assignments delivered to you comply with all the guidelines. So, whenever you need a high-quality international relations assignments done, just remember, we are 24/7 available at your service to provide 0% plagiarism and 100% satisfactory assignment at just one click!

    So, trust My Assignment Services for your International Assignment Writing, and build a professional relationship with us for your overall academic excellence!

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