• Subject Name : Management

Society and Culture

Table of Contents


Part A: Theoretical Perspectives.

Part B: The Assessment Tasks.

Part D: Catering for all learners.

Part E: Teacher judgment and moderation.



Introduction to The Enactment of Literacy Curriculum Policy

This selected context is responsible for providing brief knowledge with clear image about the concept of assessment learning. Following that, the research developer of this context has found different aspects of assessment learning procedures which not in turn, only help the student but also the teachers. In addition, the research developer also provides brief information about the concept of benchmark assessment technique in order to develop the assessment criteria for the students.

Part A: Theoretical Perspectives

The research conductor of this context has able to deliver a justification in accordance with the chosen scenario. Based on the selected context, the research conductor firstly able to find out the research aim as well as objectives with the learning methods. Following that, the research developer has given its limelight on the aim of this selected module that relies on the student’s knowledge in accordance with the social and cultural literacy which in turn, effect on the student’s research skills. In addition, based on the research context, propagated by Hatayama & Tahara, (2018), this type of study methods also helps the researchers in order to promote the positive values as well as attitudes based on the social and cultural literacy. Moreover, the research conductor in this context has found out several objectives in association with the primary concern.

Based on the rationale for data-informed teaching, followed by Hanesworth, Bracken & Elkington, (2019), it is becoming one of the crucial aspects in learning procedure. This is because, it enables the teachers top identifying the student’s knowledge for further improvement. Following that, the multifaceted nature in accordance with the learning and achievements has been popular as the higher order of academic facts. Henceforth, the research conductor has chosen the selected assessment in order to improve the knowledge as well as understanding the ability of students. Following that, as per the research context, followed by Ruge & McCormack, (2017), the schools in Australia have used different types of dataset in order to gain the idea about the current standards as well progressive reports of their pupils individually.

Besides, the researcher has able to identify different methods that are applied in the given research context. These methods are known as integrated concepts as well as belief system and ideologies. In addition, the integrated concepts have developed on the basis of few facts such as fundamental course concepts, additional course concepts as well as values and symbols (Watkins & Noble, 2019). On the contrary, the belief system and ideology have built by analyzing the nature of the values of perceiving in accordance with the micro and macro levels. Moreover, the researcher has incorporated the secularism aspect in accordance with the Austrian society.

Part B: The Assessment Tasks

In accordance with the society and culture, it is known that the selected context have provided brief information about the appropriate assessment practice. Following that, the document of assessment practice has contained multiple information such as each of the assessment components have contained a specific weighing. In addition, the components of the assessment have been divided into three categories based on the weighing. Based on the research context, followed by Hashim, Ismail & Masek, (2017), the first category is called knowledge and understanding of course content which owns maximum weighing especially 50%. On the contrary, the other two components of assessment have been called application and evaluation of social and cultural research methods as well as communication of information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms which are owned for 30% and 20% respectively.

Furthermore, it is a quite heavy task for the research conductor to monitor the success criteria in accordance with their respective project. In this selected context, the researcher has able to identify or recognize different types of criteria through which the researcher can find out the progress set in accordance with the given task. These criteria are known as development of project outline, establishment of project goals with aim and objectives, build clear as well as appropriate deadlines to check the regular outcomes (Hardini, Setyarini & Harto, (2019). In addition, based on the given scenario, the researcher has found that the selected assessment has delivered a primary concern with few objectives which in turn, given its limelight on the outcome of the overall project.

In addition, the researcher has found other aspects in accordance with the success criteria for the given project. These aspects are known as socialization, commodification, community, content analysis, cultural diversity as well as equality and ethical consideration. Following that, there are different rationales in accordance with the assessment tasks. These rationales are developed on the basis of task design, learner’s outcome and many more. Based on the given scenario, the researcher has found different rationales in association with the knowledge of the students, application of different cultural methods as well as communication in accordance with appropriate forms (Clark et al., 2020). It is known that the activation of prior knowledge is an important factor for student because, it helps them to develop connections with available new information. On the contrary, the application of different cultural methods in educational system has been used to promote the value of individual pupil in accordance with their own cultural heritage as well as cultural diversity which in turn, deliver equal opportunities in accordance with the understanding of education.

Part C: Curriculum Integration

Based on the society and cultural understandings, it is known that there are presences of different types in accordance with the categories of an assessment task. These types are commonly known as formative assessment, summative assessment as well as assessment as learning (Bromley, Oakley & Vidovich, 2019). Following that, all these selected assessments aspects are used to understand the criteria for the student’s improvement. Appropriate formative as well as summative assessments help the teachers in order to collect a periodic report of the students which in turn, deliver brief idea about the improvement of the students as well as the comparison with previous best outcome.

Furthermore, the productive forms of feedback from assessment tasks is implemented in the schooling system in order to deliver a few objectives such as it motivates the students to complete their next assessment for near future, it also provides rewards specific qualities as guides the students in order to do better performance. Henceforth, there are four ways by which the institution s can implement the productive forms of feedback during the learning procedures. These ways are commonly known as reorganization of task, processing as well as self-regulation and self-level (Chapman, Wright & Pascoe, 2019). Besides there are presences of small scale and supporting forms of assessment which, act through parallel manner. Both these aspects work through systematic way in order to identify the strength as well as approaches with the given assessment. Moreover, both these aspects are lacking with time and resources in order to do the tasks.

After that, the researcher has identified the presence of diagnostic tools in accordance with the literacy and numeracy testing. These testing tools are error analysis of literacy progress monitoring data, curricula-specific diagnostic tools as well as analysis of student’s work and many more (Hashim, Ismail & Masek, 2017). Based on the above-mentioned tools, the education ministers or authorities have incorporated these tools within their tasks to recognize the improvement of the student’s learning skills.

Part D: Catering for All Learners

As per the context of the given scenario, the research conductor of this context has able find out the outcome of the implementation of the assessment program in accordance with the local cultural considerations. Following that, based on the implementation programe, the research developer of this context has given it limelight on few aspects which include culturally responsive assessment, student learning outcome statements as well as assessment approaches. Following that, the given scenario of the assessment provides brief information about the glossary in accordance with the society and culture (Kleij, 2019). The glossary includes different elements such as communication technologies, community, cultural diversity as well as cultural transmissions with evolutionary change. All these selected aspects are responsible to give its focus on the transmission of the cultural values such as language, symbols, normative behavior and many more. Henceforth, the overall pupil of Australia including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can able to gain the learning understandings.

Following that, the research developer has addressed the contribution aspects of the assessment programme. In addition, it is known that the assessment has played a critical role in accordance with the student’s learning as well as development of a well-being. Assessment in teaching helps the teacher to gain insight knowledge about the understanding ability of pupils which in turn, help them with further guidance in order to improve their quality (Moss, Godinho & Chao, 2019). On the other hand, assessment in student life by providing brief knowledge about the understanding ability which in turn, effects as a motivation to become a better version of themselves.

Part E: Teacher Judgment and Moderation

The benchmark process has been considered as the measurement for performance of the students. The benchmark process generally used for identifying the internal opportunities and improvement. The bench mark process here has been considered for the evaluation of the assessment process. The bench mark generally has a few types such as internal benchmarking, competitive benchmarking and strategic benchmarking (Ballard, & Tommelein, 2016). The internal benchmarking has been considered as the practices which have ben analyzed for the improvement of the students. As an example, it can be said that the comparison of performance such as the assessment evaluation and the processes that have been used for, he successful completion of the assessment.

 The competitive benchmark that has been mentioned here generally referred to the comparison of methods that have been used for the identification of the issues of the students. Strategic benchmarking is a process that has been used for identifying the performances and practices for adapting the methods and procedures (Teinemaa et al., 2019). The benchmarking process will be applied only then when a subject will be chosen and the management team will be in responsible position for decision making procedures. The current process that have been in measure of benchmark process will be documented and that will be used for comparison (Adams, Scarneo & Casa, 2018). The assessment will be held and then the progress will be analyzed and a progress report will be created for the measurement of the students.

The following benchmark will be applicable the teachers will be capable of identify and measure the learning outcome from the students. The statistical method will be applicable here where the data of all students will be collected and here the data refers to the marks distribution of the students from the assessment (Augusto et al., 2018). The judgement that will be analyzed by the teachers will be evaluated for identifying the weakness and strength of the students. The main aim of the assessment is to identify the issues and point the issues to the student. The benefits of this benchmark process are the students can easily be about their strength and weakness and thus they can have the opportunity to rectify themselves. Here, the benchmark process is responsible for collecting the data from assessment report. The following data will be collected from a wide range of school and hence it will be used for improving the approach from the student background such as how they identify their problem.

Conclusion on The Enactment of Literacy Curriculum Policy

The following report is based on the learning outcome from the assessment and how the student will be measured as per their skill by busing benchmark procedures. Hence, the report has been discussed about the identification and justification of assessment schedule and the reason of scheduling the assessment. However, the success criteria of this assessment have also been given and the ay the assessment has been designed for the process has evaluated. The following report has also addressed the success milestone and has been discussed how that has been adjusted. Moreover, the curriculum integration has been included where the unit presentation of the assessment has been discussed.

References for The Enactment of Literacy Curriculum Policy

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Augusto, A., Conforti, R., Dumas, M., La Rosa, M., Maggi, F. M., Marrella, A., ... & Soo, A. (2018). Automated discovery of process models from event logs: Review and benchmark. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering31(4), 686-705.

Ballard, G., & Tommelein, I. (2016). Current process benchmark for the last planner system. Lean Construction Journal89, 57-89.

Bromley, T., Oakley, G., & Vidovich, L. (2019). The enactment of literacy curriculum policy by early childhood teachers in two Australian schools. Literacy53(3), 160-169.

Chapman, S., Wright, P., & Pascoe, R. (2019). Purpose, value, and practice in Western Australian schools: Understanding misalignment in arts learning. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy16(2), 120-140.

Clark, M., Adams, D., Roberts, J., & Westerveld, M. (2020). How do teachers support their students on the autism spectrum in Australian primary schools?. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs20(1), 38-50.

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