• Subject Name : Nursing

Working with Diversity - Question 1

In the Patrick Case, it is important to note that, the foremost thing which will be done include interest expression in the ethnic background of the students. In this regard, being a member of a residential home, the foremost thing to be done includes the need to work with the Children and Young People to assist them to school and new cultural environment of Australia.

Besides, the most suitable idea will be the engagement of Patrick in the Cool boys and rainbow program as it will be a three hours session on a daily basis for about two months. This program mainly includes role-plays and crafting activities for the exploration of emotions and development of coping strategical implications and social skills day by day by making new friends in a diversified cultural environment (Metusela, et al., 2017).

Working with Diversity - Question 2

Situation: 1

Social Factor for Barrier Creation

Cultural Difference; because Patrick was shifted in the school as a Sudanese refugee and it was not possible for him to make friends all of a sudden in the school. Besides that, students also didn’t like him because he was not like them (Pieloch, McCullough, & Marks, 2016).

Type of Impact

Cultural Impact is involved in this situation because his culture was not accepted by school individuals due to which he faced issues at the school.

Individual Impact

The individual impact of the school culture was negative on the condition of Patrick because his psychological wellbeing was disturbed in this way (Pieloch, McCullough, & Marks, 2016).

Family Impact

The behaviors which were involved from the family side were intended and unintended so much strength that he had pride for his culture.

Community Impact

The cultural Difference impacted in a negative way as diversity was involved there due to which probable future effects were also disturbed.

Situation: 2

Social Factor for Barrier Creation

Language Difference is another factor which provoked in the case study as it came to happen that he didn’t know about their language due to which he is not able to communicate his ideas. This is the same reason due to which he is neither able to read or write (Smith, et al., 2020).

Type of Impact

Social Impact is involved because the beneficiaries were not only Patrick, but other individuals were also included in the list as well; affecting his quality of life.

Individual Impact

The social factors such as language barriers developed issues for Patrick because his psychological wellbeing was disturbed in this way.

Family Impact

The family impact includes the examination of the present and past for the wellbeing of an individual. In this case, it is perceived that his past family has affected much on Patrick (Smith, et al., 2020).

Community Impact

The language difference impacted in a negative way as diversity was involved there due to which probable future effects were also disturbed

Situation: 3

Social Factor for Barrier Creation

Racism is the third factor which is faced by Patrick, and it is important to note that he was facing the titles of being a racist just because he was unique. He just wanted to show he was patriotic Sudanese and therefore, he also put up the Sudanese flag in his room as well (Liu, et al., 2020).

Type of Impact

Wellbeing Impact is involved because the outcomes for Patrick’s health were not suitable. Moreover, it also affected the school culture as well.

Individual Impact

Racism was the factor which made Patrick not be adjusted among all other individuals due to which his both physical and social life was affected in terms of emotions (Liu, et al., 2020).

Family Impact

The family has given a great sense of self-respect to Patrick due to which the impact is perceived to be positive, but other individuals have called it to be racism.

Community Impact

The language difference impacted in a negative way as diversity was involved there due to which probable future effects were also disturbed (Liu, et al., 2020).

Working with Diversity - Question 3

Strategies for Diversity Challenges

In order to resolve all the issues which have been raised due to lack of diversity among the individuals, following strategical implications must be followed:

  1. One hour of Soccer fame and one of the discussions which directly reflected the Sudanese culture as young and proud individuals(Shishehgar, Gholizadeh, DiGiacomo, Green, & Davidson, 2017).
  2. Formation of focused groups and discussion of issues related to the culture of inhabitation at the new place. It is because such discussions in Sudan are usually placed in the evening times when men usually sit together around any fireplace after they are done with their meals.
  3. After the soccer game, refreshments will be served, and all the issues discussed will be tried to be resolved as soon as possible(Shishehgar, Gholizadeh, DiGiacomo, Green, & Davidson, 2017).
  4. In the first four weeks of the mentioned program, I will include the documentary segment of on the theme, “Lost Boys of Sudan” for the encouragement of discussion.
  5. The documentary session will also involve the incorporated themes such as migration experiences, refugee experiences, grief, cultural shocks, loss and trauma all will be discussed. All of these elements will be more likely to encourage the people and know each other especially those who never met before and thus, development of new bonds is procured(Shishehgar, Gholizadeh, DiGiacomo, Green, & Davidson, 2017).

Working with Diversity - Question 4

In order to make Patrick identify his culture in the residential care environment, the foremost thing which will be done includes the fact that he will be treated on the basis of equality without any specific taunts based on the racism of differentiation of cultural implications. In order to make him identify, he is not in a unique place, the evening discussion program will be set. It is set as to consider himself a part of the residential care environment and discuss all the issues he has been facing. Besides that, another issue which is faced by Patrick in the whole situation was drug abuse. He didn’t want to go to the doctor because he didn’t even consider any individual to be supportive of him (Marley & Mauki, 2019).

 In order to become a youth worker support for Patrick, discussion topics are placed in such a way that consultation and support must be provided to the youth in order to be a part of the general Sudanese community. It is indicative here that some of the issues which are faced by refuges cannot be discussed until they not are given proper attention and sense of security. Though due to presence of some of the constraints, the group did not address all the community concerns on a wider level about the behavioral insinuations in which community leaders and young people are involved, still, an effort will be made to make him identify his culture (Van Holen, Trogh, Carlier, Gypen, & Vanderfaeillie, 2020).

Working with Diversity - Question 5

  1. When Patrick has been denied at the job on the local supermarket, it can simply indulge serious consequences because it will be more likely to develop racism and inferiority complex in him. For the meet up of his, he will definitely find another way and when it is not given by right means, he will either be included in theft or robbery.
  2. The issue of cultural Difference or racism is not limited to Patrick merely; instead, it is more likely to impact the social, cultural and economic norms of individual, family and community groups. This fact cannot be shorn off that racism majorly undermines the wellbeing and development of the individuals on community, individual and family level. It is more likely to destroy the physical, psychological and emotional health. Teens are especially vulnerable to discrimination because their development and growth are majorly dependent on social interactions and support(Wilkinson, Santoro, & Major, 2017).

Working with Diversity - Question 6

  1. In order to discuss the factorial implications, which have incorporated towards Patrick’s disengagement towards school, government organization and drug abuse, it is imperative to note that he is disturbed. He simply encompasses behavioral issues, homelessness, low educational attainment, poverty and being away from his family. Moreover, other factors in this regard include the transience and living out of the home without any care. Additionally, unequal treatment and racism have incorporated in this regard because the refuge background, breakdown of family due to which numerous relationship issues are developed in the course of disengagement(Graham, Minhas, & Paxton, 2016).
  2. It is important to note that all of these issues have directly impacted the lives of refugee’s students as inferior complexities will be developed among them and their lives will be unsettled this way impacting their personal and family lives in the worst manner. In this regard, it can be stated that educational disengagement and drug abuse is more likely to impact on the literacy, social participation and settlement. Currently, it is observed that Australian schools are not funded enough so that they may provide implications in which English may be treated as a second language with proper teaching and support, and this will make more likely to impact the community development of the country(Graham, Minhas, & Paxton, 2016).

Thus, it can be stated that educational interventions and lack of engagement which is shown by Patrick are impacting his personal and social life due to distraction of social and political condition with the issue’s procurement of racialization, resilience and acculturation. In this regard, such inappropriate disregard will impact the social and political conditions of the country, and the good practice approaches will be decreased. It is because no specific pedagogy and curricula are given to the students on the appropriate time (Graham, Minhas, & Paxton, 2016).

Working with Diversity - Question 7

In order to discuss some of the modes which can manage the needs of cultural groups with the development of unity, the following options are needed to be considered.

First of all, etiquette must be maintained as many cultures have their own specific etiquettes around the way they communicate different things. In this regard, it must be acknowledged that meet up of the cultural targets will be more likely to develop balance in the cultural groups. Such as maintenance of the degree of formality at the beginning of the communication between the individuals can be crucial in this regard(Alsubhi, Goldthorpe, Epton, Khanom, & Peters, 2020).

Working with Diversity - Question 8

In order to develop a culturally safe partnership with the local Sudanese community, it is important to note that respect and safety must be ensured. It simply involves that no Australian born facilitator should behave disrespectfully with each other while the discussion of sensitive topics. Factorial implications based on changed memberships can directly contribute in this regard because it is never feasible to discuss someone’s personal or painful topics without an understanding of boundaries and giving their consent to participate in such conversations (Dean, Mitchell, Stewart, & Debattista, 2017).

Working with Diversity - Question 9

  1. In order to assess the benefits which are more likely to be received by Young Sudanese people by attending the school, a research was conducted by Sellars et al. for the observation of the factorial implications which are imparted on Sudanese in order to be an Australian. This research implied all the implications of Southern Sudanese students in correspondence to the educational experiences. The research simply involved a review of the literature and meet up with the students learning needs in the Australian needs. It is observed from the research that it is referenced to one of the refugees experienced students who have been in Australian schools for over 15 years that development of psychological health and literacy competencies are most crucial competencies which are impacted by the complicated responsibilities (Sellars & Murphy, 2018).

It is assessed by the research that when these complexities are undertaken by education, with the students who have passed these situations, the only solution to incorporate in this regard is the successful settlement, assimilation and acculturation. In the presented research, a bigger picture has been portrayed about the factors of how schools are usually failed and how students miss the opportunities just because not belonging to the diverse backgrounds. In this regard, it is important to note that privileges must be provided to the individuals under the specific class and culture. Here, recommendations are made in the course of the build of policies and concentration over the pedagogical practices which not merely respect and acknowledge and capabilities and strengths to the refugee’s students (Sellars & Murphy, 2018).

  1. In order to suggest strategical implications, the following domains are considerable.
  • Avoidance of racism by avoidance of slang can be incorporated in this regard. Others should not have felt that they don’t understand what you are saying or they don’t know about the context or the meaning of your slang(Shishehgar, Gholizadeh, DiGiacomo, Green, & Davidson, 2017). I will use the correct words in the slang to avoid racism. In this way, these strategies will assist in promoting the youth service. Besides, such strategies will also assist in benefiting the young Sudanese people to become highly interested in attending school.
  • Another important element in this regard, which can be incorporated includes the factor of speaking slowly even though English is such a common language in the situation of cross-culture and it is never a good idea to speak at the normal conversation speed(Shishehgar, Gholizadeh, DiGiacomo, Green, & Davidson, 2017). In this way, the audience will easily understand the main context of the youth service. Besides, the audience would also be able to understand the major benefits of the service to their practice of attending school. In this way, I will consider both of these strategies to improve the implications of this service for the youth. 

References for Resilience of Children with Refugee Statuses

Alsubhi, M., Goldthorpe, J., Epton, T., Khanom, S., & Peters, S. (2020). What factors are associated with obesity‐related health behaviours among child refugees following resettlement in developed countries? A systematic review and synthesis of qualitative and quantitative evidence. Obesity Reviews, 21(11),. From https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/obr.13058

Dean, J., Mitchell, M., Stewart, D., & Debattista, J. (2017). Intergenerational variation in sexual health attitudes and beliefs among Sudanese refugee communities in Australia. Culture, health & sexuality, 19(1),, 17-31. From https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13691058.2016.1184316

Graham, H. R., Minhas, R. S., & Paxton, G. (2016). Learning problems in children of refugee background: A systematic review. Pediatrics, 137(6). From https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/137/6/e20153994

Liu, J., Mansoor, Y., Johar, J., Kim, S., Sidiqi, A., & Kapoor, V. (2020). Strengths-based inquiry of resiliency factors among refugees in Metro Vancouver: A comparison of newly-arrived and settled refugees. Social Science & Medicine, 263,. From https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953620304627

Marley, C., & Mauki, B. (2019). Resilience and protective factors among refugee children post-migration to high-income countries: a systematic review. European journal of public health, 29(4),, 706-713. From https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article-abstract/29/4/706/5149703

Metusela, C., Ussher, J., Perz, J., Hawkey, A., Morrow, M., Narchal, R., & Monteiro, M. (2017). “In my culture, we don’t know anything about that”: Sexual and reproductive health of migrant and refugee women. International journal of behavioral medicine, 24(6),, 836-845. From https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12529-017-9662-3

Pieloch, K. A., McCullough, M. B., & Marks, A. K. (2016). Resilience of children with refugee statuses: A research review. Canadian Psychology/psychologie canadienne, 57(4),, 330. From https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-51980-011

Sellars, M., & Murphy, H. (2018). Becoming Australian: a review of southern Sudanese students’ educational experiences. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(5),, 490-509. From https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13603116.2017.1373308?forwardService=showFullText&tokenAccess=pPSnmSirrKfXBBevD4rr&tokenDomain=eprints&doi=10.1080%2F13603116.2017.1373308&doi=10.1080%2F13603116.2017.1373308&journalCode=tied20

Shishehgar, S., Gholizadeh, L., DiGiacomo, M., Green, A., & Davidson, P. M. (2017). Health and socio-cultural experiences of refugee women: an integrative review. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 19(4),, 959-973. From https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10903-016-0379-1

Smith, L., Hoang, H., Reynish, T., McLeod, K., Hannah, C., Auckland, S., & Mond, J. (2020). Factors shaping the lived experience of resettlement for former refugees in regional Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2),, 501. From https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/2/501

Van Holen, F., Trogh, L., Carlier, E., Gypen, L., & Vanderfaeillie, J. (2020). Unaccompanied refugee minors and foster care: A narrative literature review. Child & Family Social Work, 25(3),, 506-514. From https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cfs.12716

Wilkinson, J., Santoro, N., & Major, J. (2017). Sudanese refugee youth and educational success: The role of church and youth group in supporting cultural and academic adjustment and schooling achievement. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 60,, 210-219. From https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0147176717301724

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