• Subject Name : Management

How business sector and you as a professional can advance sustainability goals

I underwent business and sustainability studies during my advanced level academics examination which rendered me the knowledge of the role business and self can play in advancing the sustainability goals in the society. One of the major goals set for businesses to advance sustainability is the decrease in the rate of harmful gas emissions. The report from The Guardian, (2017), highlights that companies play a key role in driving the constant climate change in the current times. This helped me understand that the higher the rate of carbon or greenhouse gas emissions in the environment, the higher would be the harm caused to the environment. Therefore, to advance the sustainability goal it is vital to aim towards carbon reduction projects by businesses.

Furthermore, a study from Online (2023), reflects that the primary goal of businesses is to make better profits since history. However, in today’s world business success is complex requiring entrepreneurs to value the Corporate Social Responsibility goals as well. Thus, the sustainability goal should be to change the policies and procedures of the business creating an impact on society such as adopting cloud computing and making less of papers for document storage. This helped me learn that I personally can be involved in sustainability goals by saving my documentation and notes on my PC rather than making use of paper. This will help in saving the environment by saving the greenery and forests.

The report from UN Global (2023), highlights the steps undertaken by the UN government in concern of reducing the harmful impact caused by large industrial businesses to the society. Strict actions and protocols have been investigated to be followed to help ensure that businesses are fulfilling their CSR towards the environment. The reflection of how business leadership is important to manage sustainability actions has been learnt. I gained the knowledge that increasing sustainability through the help of running a business requires anti-corrupted strategies and transformational leadership to be followed. As an individual, I would ensure that business sustainability is advanced with the help of grabbing knowledge about what professionals and practices will help in fulfilling my duties towards the environment and thus follow the same as well in real-time practice.

Furthermore, the study reflected in The Guardian, (2020), helps in understanding that the emissions from industrial background in Australia are noticeably high. This has resulted in a higher level of harm to the environmental quality of the nation. In this connection, there is a need for industrial businesses and people in the Australian region to keep a mark on carbon emissions and adopt sustainable manufacturing practices to help advance the sustainability goal in the nation.

Furthermore, I have understood that I can work with the advancement of the sustainability goals with the help of realigning the sustainable practices and strategies in my day-to-day life. For this purpose, I would need to identify the areas wherein I can render my effective commitment to the project toward positive achievement of sustainability. Take, for instance, I can involve myself in recycling and reuse of household items which is possible, reducing the use of plastic and switching to organic products along with ensuring that my household waste is effectively managed. This approach can also be followed by modern-day businesses in terms of identifying the key areas of improving business sustainability through commitment and designing sustainable projects such as the use of organic materials in manufacturing of the goods (Pro Quest, 2023).

In addition to this, businesses can feasibly improve and advance the sustainability goal with the help of encouraging remote work practices. This is because allowing employees to work from home will work towards a reduction in the need to physically commute to work. This, in turn, would help in saving both time and transportation (Atlassian, 2023). Thus, the less would be the transportation use, the less would be the harmful gases released from the automobiles used to commute. Nonetheless, I as an individual can also be involved into the sustainable practice of travelling more by walking and less by private vehicles to short distances which would help in reducing harmful gas emissions to some extent,

Last, but not least, the practice of conserving water both in professional and personal life will help in advancing the sustainability goals. This is because water in the current times is observed as one of the scarcest resources in diversified parts of the world. In this connection, individuals alike me can ensure that only the needed water quantity is used along with the businesses ensuring that only the required amount of water is consumed for manufacturing practices.


Atlassian. (2023). Productivity <https://www.atlassian.com/blog/productivity/what-is-parkinsons-law#:~:text=Parkinson's%20Law%20is%20the%20adage,their%20time%20with%20trivial%20matters.>

Online. (2023). Sustainability Skills. https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/sustainability-skills

Pro Quest. (2023). Sustainability. https://www.proquest.com/docview/2664633122?parentSessionId=V2NnyjPX6jJh%2FmweCiTU3It90

The Guardian. (2017). Sustainable Business. <https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change>

The Guardian. (2020). Australia News, <https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/09/when-it-comes-to-emissions-the-too-small-to-matter-argument-is-absurd-reckless-and-morally-bankrupt?CMP=soc_567>

UN Global. (2023). Global Compact. https://unglobalcompact.org/

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