• Subject Name : Nursing

Role of Nurses in Relation to Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity has been considered as one among the long-term health problems which is very common among the children of Western countries (Rabbitt & Coyne, 2012). Childhood obesity is one of the major preventable public health issues in which nurses play a significant role. Nurses’ play a fundamental role as they help the public in understanding the social-environmental determinants of obesity. Along with this, they are potential in reducing the stigma for the overweight and obese children. Their significant role is in partnering with the nutrition health experts in order to develop as well as research the effective outcomes regarding the effective obesity and health promotion strategies and programs (Beal, 2016). Nurses also have a major and a significant role in helping the parents as well as the children by providing them appropriated nutritional advice along with certain effective as well as attainable weight management programs for the obese children. This entails certain approaches that tend to decrease the caloric intake and increase the physical activities among the children. Their plan of actions is always focused on the whole-family approach as for an obese child it is difficult and a challenging task to modify or change their physical or dietary habits; so this challenge could only be overcome when nurses uses whole-family approach and the child would be supported by his family (Rabbitt & Coyne, 2012). It been seen as the reason behind a child being obese is his parents who lack knowledge regarding the healthy eating and cooking and sometimes it is their unhealthy lifestyle behaviours that results into their child being obese so, counseling the parents to let them understand the severity to alter such lifestyle behaviours (Laws et al., 2015)

References for Obesity Prevention in Early Life

Beal, J. A. (2016). Childhood obesity. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 41(1), 59-59.

Laws, R., Campbell, K. J., Van der Pligt, P., Ball, K., Lynch, J., Russell, G., Taylor, R., & Denney-Wilson, E. (2015). Obesity prevention in early life: An opportunity to better support the role of Maternal and Child Health Nurses in Australia. BMC Nursing, 14, 26. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-015-0077-7

Rabbitt, A., & Coyne, I. (2012). Childhood obesity: nurses' role in addressing the epidemic. British Journal of Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing)21(12), 731–735. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2012.21.12.731

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