Health Research

Health is an absolute state free of any infections or toxic effects caused by external or internal factors, which is a common perception of health; Reality is far different from what we think about being healthy. We tend to confuse physical health with mental health, but both of them coexist; the physical ailment is, in fact, manipulation of the mind.

Importance of awareness on mental health:

Physical health is directly dependent on mental health; Doctors advise physical exercises, medications, therapies, along with medication to fulfill the needs a healthy mind in a healthy body. One cannot heal without understanding this relation of mental health with physical health. According to author Julius Ohrnberger, we use certain scales; one is the Centre of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES), while the other is Activities of Daily Living (ADL) to explain the relationship between physical and mental health. CES measures mental health while ADL measures physical health. Many significant effects direct and indirect effects are found for both forms of health. One’s past affects other’s future and vice versa. (Julius OhrnbergerEleonora FicheraMatt SuttonTwenge et al., 2017). Healthcare policies must aim at the direct and indirect connection of two phases of health.

A professional healthcare worker cannot appreciate the management of issues without proper knowledge of mental issues. Mental illness accounts for 13 percent of total global ailment load, predicting that depression alone will make the percentage. Deficient mental integrity is linked with poverty, poor business ideas, substandard education, and worst physical health. Increases in physical well-being are dependent on the growth of mental peace. Problems in attaining mental peace can lead to further complications like social and economic disasters. A person with a poor mind will not try to improve his/her living standards. It will lead to greater physical issues like poverty, unemployment. Similarly, after affecting the economic norms, social issues will rise like a disturbance in the family system, the inability to support loved ones, and dishonesty. (Harris, 2020)

Stepwise, learning can make a good nurse. The relationship between mind and body applies to the healing ability of a patient as well. The patients cannot understand the severity of the disease without thinking about it. For example, a diabetic person easily turns towards depression when he/ she takes the stress of daily management like difficulty in keeping a normal blood sugar level. Some more factors in such cases are poor diet plans, occasional tension with a physician, and fatigue during exercise. The patient’s condition gets worse when he/she feels that ideal goals are impossible to attain. What happens in such cases is physical damages overcome the mind’s peace. The patient feels retreated in thinking. Disease are like diabetes and asthma through a body-mind association. The risk factors of asthma are rooted in tragic life events. Any negative event of life can change the enormity of allergens entering the respiratory tract, which later causes allergy. Later on, unforeseen asthma attacks can induce anxiety and fear. The patient feels prone to ordinary changes in regular life (Ala M. Abojaradeh, 2019). Asthmatic patients would not try to walk in the garden, fearing an attack. He/she will feel uncertainty in a healthy state. The patient is at an increased risk of depression. Similarly, the patient would take the minor effects of drugs seriously. Such a condition will result in a complicated case, making it impossible to treat.

Importance of understanding in Nurses regarding Recovery Model:

Nurses are a vital part of every healthcare system throughout the world. A well-trained nurse would help a physician to diagnose and treat his patients. The mind-body connection not only applies to the course of the disease, but it predicts recovery as well. The recovery model is an integrated and individual-centered approach to mental health (Snow, 2010). The model has become popular in the last few years and gained the status of standard a standard model. It has two principles

  • Retrieval from mental disease is practicable
  • Patient directed retrieval is most constructive

The recovery model comprises of a fundamental concept of belief. A patient recovers when he/she accepts that a certain therapy can cure the illness. An example is the Placebo effect. A patient comes with a complaint of infertility. After a thorough examination of a structural defect, the patient has advised medication, which mainly contains dietary minerals and some neutral substances. This prescription merely induces a positive thought that specific drugs will treat the issue. Results are mostly good because the patient believes in therapy.

On the other hand, another effect named Nocebo occurs. The patient’s condition worsens when he/she believes that medication is causing side effects. In reality, a drug does not aggravate the condition. Both of these effects indicate the need for understanding the phenomena.

Nurses can manage their patients well after going through this knowledge of mental health. All the nursing students must develop this skill of managing patient through his/her mental care to enhance their practice. In the absence of this skill, they can never reach the root cause of diseases. Counseling is an important part of health care workers’ training. There are several diseases, which are treated with neutral drugs and counseling. A patient feels satisfied when a nurse reassures about recovery. Counseling can treat various depressive states. For instance, a girl comes with an acute case of poisoning. Before discharge, a nurse or a doctor would counsel her not to repeat this incident. They will allow her to tell the reason behind the incident. The nurse cannot head towards the reason unless she gets to talk to her patient. The bonding between patients and caretakers develops after having a comfort zone between each other. This relation works on the principle of mental bonding. Through a proper bond, nurses can help avoid future health issues sourced from mental problems. (Sarah Lyon, 2020)

Nursing focuses on forming a comprehensive perspective of making self as an important element of the healing process. Each nurse must help towards mental recovery through a mind channel. When the relationship is fair, there is a course of goodwill and ease of involvement. This perfection can be attained by getting basic knowledge of the mind-body relationship. (Sarah Lyon, 2020)

Importance of Mental Health Examination:

Mental health is stigmatized in every society ignoring the fact that it is equally important as physical health. The mental health examination is an important part of clinical assessment in neurological practices, which a structured path for determining a patient’s psychological state and functionality at a certain time under the specific condition, which further allows a counselor or a doctor to make correct diagnosis and formulation for the betterment of the patient. The main purpose of MSE is to provide a detailed description of an individual's mental state with the combination of all the data collected about the patient’s history and personal details further measure come in the palace, which will help in ensuring better mental health conditions in future with the right treatment (Hajar Mat Jani, 2011). MSE is mostly misinterpreted with MMSE, which is mini-mental State Examination, which is a brief neuropsychological test mostly used to find out dementia; however, MSE is a derivation from psychopathology which was an assumption based philosophy where patient’s description was taken as a measure to check its mental state which was later considered as an unauthentic procedure. Assessment of mental health gives a complete description of the way you think, feel, and remember whatever happens in your life; there is no fixed procedure to assess the mental state. Usually, it is a series of questions that are related to yourself and your views on life or in general. The core purpose of mental health is to:

  • Make a diagnosis of your mental state and conditions.
  • Initiate a differentiation between physical and mental problems.
  • Assess a person’s stress management capabilities.
  • How a person reacts when a situation is not in his hands?

The basic consideration of the test is to evaluate health and emotion attachments, detachments of the patient, which can help in bringing the balance with gains and losses. Awareness regarding mental health is as important as it is regarding any other illness. Mental Health examination gives a core idea regarding the mental conditions of patients; it serves evidence of symptoms and signs on any mental disorder, which can save a patient from dangers like harming themselves or any other human being. Further, it elaborates a lot about the capacity of any person to bear and react when things don't go right and how they are going to react to different scenarios. Following is the basic information Acquired through MSE:

  • Collection of data that includes personal information, medical history etc.
  • Observation of behavior of patient by the consultant
  • Providing a Framework of collected data, doctors' observation and diagnosis of the disorder or any mental health conditions.

In a publication, Pinel, which is known as the father of modern psychiatry, has given some advice to equals, to pause mismanagement in mental health cases, great extensive integrated knowledge is a must-have which comes with great observational skills. On the other hand, mental status testing requires great cooperation from patients end it is highly suggested placing mental state test at the end of the procedure after the development of some trust levels and an association between consultant and the patient, imposition of any kind of systematical procedure pressure can display unpleasant attributes from the patient's end.

Steps to be taken by Nurses to engage and support person with mental issues:

The mental health examination is important while taking a comprehensive test of a person because a healthy mind can sustain a healthy body; a sick mind results in the sickness of a body. A mental examination usually consists of mixed questions about your take on different situations and scenarios, and when things are not going in favor of what is your reaction on that. While asking you questions regarding your mental health, the doctor will be paying attention to how to look, what is your face is displaying, and how you are speaking when answering. A diverse range of elements affects patient health, incorporating those diverse ranges of attributes in nursing practice can result in positive experience regarding their mental conditions. (Lisa B. Dixon, 2016)

Janice and Samprit should be following basic assessment tests which include a systematic gathering of data, documentation regarding the collected data, designing a framework of a plan considering current condition to take care of person having mental issues. Nursing assessment includes both particular and impartial evaluation and collection of data, which also includes temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, etc. which helps with future needs and treatment procedure selection.

Nursing Process, which both Janice and Samprit are supposed to follow includes:

  • Detailed initial assessment includes all the initial data related to family, history, surgical procedure ever taken by respective person, medication history, and if a person ever had any psychosocial history.
  • An analysis which is based on initial history with the use of clinical or medical judgment.
  • Designing a framework which will follow a path from history to the procedure that needs to be taken to achieve positive results.
  • Implementation of the designed framework.
  • End Evaluation about the progress made so far, and what more we can do to cure a person’s mental health.

The purpose of the nursing assessment is the assurance of essential parameters that need to be taken for the betterment of a person’s health and care. Janice and Samprit should be concerned regarding the completion of the patient’s care procedure which includes completion of documentation once data is collected, uploading data assessment sheet on doctor’s portal, in case there is some additional information that needs to be there in the records mention that as well. As nurses get to spend a lot of time with patients, which leaves a major impact on patients, in in order to improve patients care quality, nurses need to know what role to play for effective nursing. Janice and Samprit should take extra care of patients with mental health issues by developing a collaborative, friendly relationship with their patients and treat them as a family. Researches have observed a recent growth in the patients with mental health condition with the care observed by nurses and aimed to develop a systematical procedure on the training of nurses regarding the health care of patients with mental health issues., Mental health nurses need to have physical healthcare-related knowledge, skills and attribute which can contribute towards the betterment of patient who needs special care. A systematic review following mental health issues with the involvement of an electronic database with a righteous amount of training can change the history of people's mental health issues.

References for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Interventions

Ala M. Abojaradeh, J. S. (2019). Effectiveness of community-based mental health education programs on mental health issues awareness level among students in Jordan. Mal J Med Health Sci , 54-59.

Hajar Mat Jani, R. Y. (2011). An Improved Online Mental Status Examination System and Mental Health Diagnostic System. Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences(AISS).

Harris, M. A. (2020, Jan 16). The relationship between physical inactivity and mental wellbeing:.

Julius OhrnbergerEleonora FicheraMatt SuttonTwenge et al., 2. 2.-L. (2017, 11 8). The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis.

Lisa B. Dixon, Y. H. (2016). Treatment engagement of individuals experiencing mental illness: review and update. World Psychiatry, 13-20.

Sarah Lyon, O. (2020). The Recovery Model.

Snow, S. (2010). Psychiatric and mental health nursing interventions. Philadelphia, PA: In W. Austin & M.A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric and mental health nursing for Canadian practice (2nd ed.).

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Nursing Assignment Help

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