Primary Healthcare Nursing - Part A


Nurse’s play a major role in primary health care (PHC) sector and they are the major care providers for the patient thus there action plays an important role in the patient health outcome (Smolowitz et al., 2019). The report is going to discuss the role of nurses in PHC and health promotion plan.

PHC Role

The nurses are the major players in the health care role in primary health care belong to child and family health nurse. The nurses use the strength-based approach to improve the child and family health nurse by helping them empowering both to improve the self-management process. The nurses play an important role in antenatal care, postpartum care, perinatal mental health and overall family care. The nurses in the primary health care provide the right health care services to the child, mother and the family followed by helping them to improve skill to increase health status (Johnston et al., 2020). Nurses in the primary care involved with the child and family also play an important role in monitoring and improving early childhood health with wellbeing. The different role that is delegated to the nurses in the child and family care includes helping in child growth and development, maternal mental health, build parental capacity and supporting the family. Nurses play an important role in improving understanding of the parents in prioritizing the health care aspect that is important to improve the health of the child (Fraser et al., 2016).


The nurse role in child and family health started from the pregnancy as antenatal care is considered to be an important care aspect for the pregnant women and child. Nurse work in collaboration with the pregnant to help them to understand the importance of different care aspect to improve their health status. Antenatal care is important to support the health of the mother by routine assessment, right care and reducing the health care issue that is the duty of the nurses (EBCOG Scientific Committee, 2015). Lack of antenatal care increases the chances of risk for the deteriorated mother health that increase the mortality rate of the baby. The nurses are expected to collaborate with the pregnant mother to improve the health by providing the right intervention that helps to improve the delivery and health of the mother after delivery (EBCOG Scientific Committee, 2015).

After the delivery nurses are expected to provide immediate care to the mother and the baby that is important to decrease chances of any complication. Nurses involved in child and family care are expected to partner with the patient to understand the specific need of the family that can be delivered by using a person-centred approach. The nurses in the primary care are expected to provide the right maternity care that helps to reduce the post-partum complication like depression, haemorrhage and hypertension which lead to deteriorated health of the mother (Murphy et al., 2018). New-born care is also one of the major responsibilities of the nurse in the child and family care as the new born baby is very susceptible to acquire an infection that can deteriorate baby health. The nurses are expected to assist the new mothers in breastfeeding process and conduct the new-born resuscitation. The baby after the delivery may develop symptoms that are important to differentiate the sick new-born and this is also the responsibility of the nurse in managing the symptoms to improve the health (Murphy et al., 2018).

The collaborative care in the child and family is very important to help the parents to understand new-born care aspect by providing equal support to the new mother health. The nurses are in continuous contact with new-born baby and family that directly increase their understanding concerning their need that needs to be refined to improve self-postpartum care (Ahmed & Manzoor, 2019). Nurse actively engages in the educational intervention for the postpartum duration which helps them to empower the new mother to improve their baby health and growth by equally paying attention to their health. Nurses are expected to help the family and mother to understand different strategies that can be used to balance the health of the mother and baby to improve the overall health status of the family. The nurses help the whole family by improving their understanding and implementation of the different strategies that will help them to adopt the change in the family (Ahmed & Manzoor, 2019).

Primary Healthcare Nursing - Part B

Brief Description

The chosen health education resource for the work in the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool that helps to analyse and evaluate the patient educational material. These resources help to analyse the understandable level of the educational material that can be utilized by the patient from different background to understand the key message. This resource also helps to analyse the actionability of the educational material that can be implemented by the patient from the different cultural background.

Consumer Group

The consumer group of the health promotion resources will be the mothers and family members as they are going to get the educational material that needs to be incorporated to improve the future care process. The article presented by Wagner & Washington, (2016) discusses that mother and family members should accurately understand and implement the information present in educational material that will help to improve the quality of new born care. The health care professionals are expected to improve the cultural competency in the care to provide cultural specific educational material so that easy implementation can be done.

Intended Purpose

The purpose of the use of Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool use in health promotion is to identify the gap in the educational material that need to be improved to provide the quality material to the patient (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2017). It helps to identify the best educational material that scores the best on assessment which is suitable for the patient care and which can easily be implemented by the patient. The study presented by Vishnevetsky et al. (2018) added that the main purpose to use the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool in the health promotion process is to determine the patient ability to use the educational material to improve the health status.


The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool is considered to be a suitable tool for determining the use of educational material to improve health education as it helps to increase the readability of the educational material. The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool is suitable to differentiate desired and undesirable characteristics that are linked to the educational material which directly impact the health education (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2017). The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool is important to identify the utility of the educational material for the patient as it is important to improve the action of the patient concerning the care aspect. The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool help the assessor to identify that individual cultural and health literacy level can match the quality of the educational material (Murphy et al., 2019). The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool is important to reframe the educational material to improve the health literacy of the patient. The patient information concerning the educational material is important to improve the health status of the patient by following the instruction in the educational material (Shoemaker, et al., 2014). The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool will help to evaluate the educational material that is provided to the mother and family so that they can implement the care to improve the health of the baby and mother.

Benefits and Challenges

The health care resources that are used in the health promotion aspect have both negative and positive aspect related to the implementation in the population. The health promotion is a strategy that is utilized to empower the population health thus balancing benefit and challenges is important to implement it (Silva et al., 2014). The benefit and challenges associated with the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool are related to the individual and organizational level.

Benefits of Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool:

  • Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool help to identify the quality of the educational material concerning the patient background
  • It helps to improve the educational material actionability for the patient by providing the best educational material
  • The Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool evaluates the understandability of the educational material that is important to improve the understanding of the patient concerning the educational material.
  • It helps to balance out the health literacy of the patient and educational material quality so that patient can easily understand which lead to better implementation of the care strategies.
  • Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool will help to improve the patient health status as they can follow the instruction in the educational material.

Challenges of Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool:

  • The poor skills of the health care professional can hinder the Patient Education Materials Assessment which can lead to low-quality educational material to be given to the patient.
  • The poor support of the organizational team can also decrease the right use of the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool which will decrease the accuracy of the educational material concerning the patient health.
  • The lack of resources concerning the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool decreases the implementation of the health resources in the clinical setting.
  • The poor guideline for the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool can also hamper the assessment process and lead to poor results.
  • Biasness in the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool can hamper the results which can lead to an unnecessary change in the educational material.

References for The Public Health Importance of Antenatal Care

Ahmed, H. & Manzoor, I. (2019). Knowledge about the importance of antenatal care among females of child bearing age living in a suburban community of Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences35(5). DOI: 10.12669/pjms.35.5.1256

EBCOG Scientific Committee (2015). The public health importance of antenatal care. Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn7(1), 5–6.

Fraser, S., Grant, J. & Mannix, T. (2016). Maternal child and family health nurses: Delivering a unique nursing speciality. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 20(12), 2557–2564. DOI: 10.1007/s10995-016-2081-2

Johnston, R., Sunners, J. & Murphy, E. (2020). Child and family health nursing: A workforce profile. Journal of Nursing Management. 28, 532–539. DOI:10.1111/jonm.12953 

Murphy, G. A. V., Gathara, D., Mwaniki, A., Nabea, G., Mwachiro, J., Abuya, N. & English, M. (2018). Nursing knowledge of essential maternal and newborn care in a high-mortality urban African setting: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 28(5), 882-893. DOI:10.1111/jocn.14695 

Murphy, J., Vaughn, J., Gelber, K., Geller, A. & Zakowski, M. (2019). Readability, content, quality and accuracy assessment of internet-based patient education materials relating to labor analgesia. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 39, 82-87. DOI:10.1016/j.ijoa.2019.01.003 

Shoemaker, S. J., Wolf, M. S. & Brach, C. (2014). Development of the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT): A new measure of understandability and actionability for print and audiovisual patient information. Patient Education and Counseling, 96(3), 395–403. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2014.05.027 

Silva, K. L., Sena, R. R., Belga, S. M., Silva, P. M. & Rodrigues, A. T. (2014). Promoção da saúde: desafios revelados em práticas exitosas [Health promotion: Challenges revealed in successful practices]. Revista de saude publica48(1), 76–85. DOI: 10.1590/s0034-8910.2014048004596

Smolowitz, J., Speakman, E., Wojnar, D., Whelan, E.-M., Ulrich, S., Hayes, C. & Wood, L. (2015). Role of the registered nurse in primary health care: Meeting health care needs in the 21st century. Nursing Outlook, 63(2), 130–136. DOI:10.1016/j.outlook.2014.08.004 

Vishnevetsky, J., Walters, C. B. & Tan, K. S. (2018). Interrater reliability of the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool (PEMAT). Patient Education and Counseling, 101(3), 490–496. DOI:10.1016/j.pec.2017.09.003 

Wagner, D. L. & Washington, C. (2016). Patient satisfaction with postpartum teaching methods. The Journal of Perinatal Education25(2), 129–136. DOI: 10.1891/1058-1243.25.2.129 

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