Clinical Leadership

Post 1

The nursing profession requires extra skills and professional compatibility to improve the clinical practice but developing all the skills that help to justify the professional role in the profession. There are different clinical skills and one of the skills that improve the care process includes clinical leadership which is important to work collaboratively to deliver quality care. One of the studies presented by Solman (2017) added that nurse leadership is one of the important skills in nursing. Nurses are expected to present the effective clinical leadership which includes proactively perform the data-mining process followed by an analysis that is important for the decision-making process related to the patient care. The nurses should improve the cognitive capabilities which help to improve the safety in the work practice to improve the patient outcome. Leadership is considered to be effective in the nursing profession as it helps in developing the skills that are important to plan, utilizes resources and predicts the potential risk to decrease the risk for the patient. Moreover, the study presented by Scully (2015) discussed that clinical leadership is considered to be important skills in the nursing profession as it helps to improve the support in the clinical practise and increase will for the transformation to improve the care process. Clinical leadership is considered to be important in the nursing as it improves the individual ability of self-discipline, flexibility, vision for development and channelizes team energy. The lack of clinical leadership will directly decrease the quality and safety of care delivered by the health care professional.

Another study presented by Saleh et al. (2018) discuss that every individual has a different trait which directly frames their leadership style concerning their unique working pattern. One of the leadership styles that can be adopted by the nurses includes Relational leadership style that helps the individual to coordinate with other team members to achieve the common goal. Preferential leadership style is another leadership style that includes individual preferences toward self-belief and practises skills to improve the quality of the care. The third style is the Ineffectual leadership style that which includes the controlling behaviour of the leader over different activities to hold the credit for the profit of the care process. The findings reveal that clinical leadership is one of the important traits of the nurses that need to be adopted to improve the clinical practice.

Post 2

Autonomy is one of the important ethical principles that help to empower the individual concerning the working practises. The patient’s autonomy is important but nurses’ autonomy also plays an important role in clinical practice. One of the studies presented by Labrague et al. (2018) discusses that professional autonomy is considered to be an important aspect that helps to increase the positive working pattern and it improve the patient outcome. Nurses with effective leadership are expected to enhance individual autonomy concerning the care of the patient. Professional autonomy is considered to be an important aspect in creating a positive working environment that is important of the individual growth and better delivery of professional services. The respect of the professional autonomy helps the increasing the job satisfaction, organizational commitment and better work performance which is demanded from an employee.

Moreover, another study presented by Santos et al. (2017) discussed that autonomy in the nursing profession is considered to be complex skills as sometimes clash occurs with the patient autonomy which can lead to negative consequences. The nurse’s autonomy helps them to engage in professional development and improving practise that is necessary to deliver quality and safe care. One of the studies presented by Yeganeh et al. (2019) added that there is lack of awareness concerning the importance of nurse’s autonomy in professional practise that is indicated by the data presented in the article which revealed that only 6.7% of the nurses are aware of the importance of autonomy in the profession and improving the working pattern. There is a need to improve the professional autonomy of the nurses which help them to justify the professional role by revealing the professional competent skills that are important to improve job satisfaction. The researcher added that professional autonomy improves individual decision-making ability and empower them to continuously improve practise to deliver quality care. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2017) proposed nursing standard and first standard state that nurses are expected to evaluate, accesses and understand the all the available evidence to improve the quality and safety of the care process. The nurses are expected to use their skills in the clinical setting to improve the working practices which lead to better health outcome of the patient in the care. The findings presented reveal that professional autonomy plays an important role in the nursing profession in improving the decision-making ability of health care professionals.

Post 3

Innovation and change are important aspects of the sustainability of any organization and in health care, it plays a major role. Nurses are the major player in the innovation and change as they are in direct contact with the patient and health team which increase their perspective today change. According to Kaya et al. (2015), nurses play a major role in innovation and they are engaged in the activities which are important to identify and implement the innovative idea. The role of the nurses in the health care is considered to be very important and increase their perspective to identify the gap in the practise that need to be addressed by the change or the innovation to improve the clinical practice. Nurses are expected to adopt the innovative practice which is important to meet the current requirements of the health care sector by improving the working practises. Innovation helps the nurses to add the different aspect to the clinical practice which is expected to improve the quality and safety of the clinical practice to fulfil the clinical need of the patient.

Moreover, another study presented by Thomas et al. (2016) discusses that nurses are expected to actively engage in the innovation practise which is required to improve the clinical practice which is important to increase the quality of care. The increase interaction of the nurses with the patient increases their ability to critically analyse the care perspectives to identify the issue with the services that need to be improved the health care services. Innovation helps the health care sector to improve the perspective of the services concerning the patient issue and it helps to increase patient satisfaction concerning the care perspective. Nurse role in the innovation is important to improve the quality of services and they are the major workforce thus change need to be adopted by them to identify the benefit of the innovation concerning the patient health status. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2017) proposed nursing standard and the third standard state that nurses are expected to maintain the capability of the practice. The third standard state that nurse is expected to actively engage with the profession and work over the review or feedback to improve the practise that is important to improve the quality of the care. The findings presented reveal that innovation and change are very important in the nursing profession as it helps to improve the quality and safety of the care. 

References for The Importance of Recognising Inherent Values

Kaya, N., Turan, N. & Aydın, G.Ö. (2015). A concept analysis of innovation in nursing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 1674-1678.

Labrague, L. J., McEnroe-Petitte, D. M. & Tsaras, K. (2018). Predictors and outcomes of nurse professional autonomy: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 25, 1-8. DOI:10.1111/ijn.12711

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2017). Registered nurse Standard of Practise. Retrieved from:

Saleh, U., O’Connor, T., Al-Subhi, H., Alkattan, R., Al-Harbi, S. & Patton, D. (2018). The impact of nurse managers’ leadership styles on ward staff. British Journal of Nursing, 27(4), 197–203. DOI:10.12968/bjon.2018.27.4.197 

Santos, É. I., Alves, Y. R., Silva, A. C. S. S. & Gomes, A. M. T. (2017). Autonomia profissional e enfermagem: Representações de profissionais de saúde. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 38(1), 1-8. DOI:10.1590/1983-1447.2017.01.59033 

Scully, N. J. (2015). Leadership in nursing: The importance of recognising inherent values and attributes to secure a positive future for the profession. Collegian, 22(4), 439–444. DOI:10.1016/j.colegn.2014.09.004 

Solman, A. (2017). Nursing leadership challenges and opportunities. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(6), 405–406. DOI:10.1111/jonm.12507 

Thomas, T.W., Seifert, P.C. & Joyner, J.C. (2016). Registered nurses leading innovative changes. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3). DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No03Man03

Yeganeh, M. R., Pouralizadeh, M. & Ghanbari, A. (2019). The relationship between professional autonomy and moral distress in ICU nurses of Guilan University of Medical Sciences in 2017, Nurse Practise Today, 6(3), 133-141.

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