Part A Individual Learning Reflections

Integrity and Ethics Management within Australian Sport

In sports, integrity refers to the manifestation of values and ethics that are liable for promoting community confidence that comprises honest, and fair performances, and outcomes. For instance, issues of unethical practices and cheating came and have become a consistent feature of human sporting behavior or competition. Ethics imply the process of discovering, questioning, and defending purpose, principles, and value. It is associated with finding out and staying true to the uncertainty, challenges, and temptations.

The Astros case involved a conspiracy of setting up the camera for capturing the signals for sending the live feed for the team’s dugout. The technology was used by Houston Astros that resulted in violation of various rules of MLB (Major League Baseball) during the seasons of 2017, and 2018. The case illustrated unethical practices used by the team to have leverage. Another instance is bullying and racism by National Hockey League coaches where illegal videotaping was used by New England Patriots and many other incidents occurred that highlighted ethical challenges that took place within the sports world. These illustrate that there is a need to behave fairly and act with integrity (Ohio, 2020).

I think that the new rules, government framework (National Integrity framework), Ethical decision-making framework, and laws that have been created in Australia must be strictly enforced for addressing the issues of integrity that prevail within the sports.

The legislation was passed via the Australian federal parliament named Sports Integrity Australian Act 2020 which enabled the formulation of the central agency for dealing with sports integrity and ethics issues within the Australian sport system (Australia, 2023).

Doping Regulations within the High-performance Sport

Dopping is defined as the usage of banned substances within competitive sports. PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs) is another term utilized for enhancing athletic performance. The different classes of drugs are banned by the organization and the list might vary, it includes anabolic steroids, peptide hormones, street drugs, beta & alcohol blockers beta-2 agonists, etc. For example, Rhonex Kiprupto (Kenyan distance runner) was suspended for doping according to Athletics Integrity Unit. Andrej Martin (Slovakian tennis player) had a 14-month ban for breaching the doping rules. Astana (Kazakhstan’s weightlifter) has been banned for the time period of 8 years for doping. There are many more instances where high-performance players have violated the doping regulations developed by the respective authorities (AP News, 2023).

The Anti-Doping Code, WADA became effective in 2004 that was supposed secure the fundamental rights of Athletes within the doping-free sport so that fairness, equality, and health of Athletes can be promoted worldwide. I found that the legislation that is being given must include severe actions so that the practice of drug usage can be completely avoided by the players (AMSSM, 2023). The bans and suspensions have not provided an effective outcome as still these practices are being utilized by the players to enhance their performance in the sports.

Sports Integrity Australia is working for ensuring that Australian athletes and sports adhere to the World Anti-Doping Code. The code has provided respective information, regulations, and guidance on athlete testing, supplements within the sport, and anti-doping processes and violations.

Athlete Well-being and Safety

Athletes have to go way beyond their mental and physical health to address the competitive feats and for entering the high-performance environment they do not consider their health as a priority. I think that performance has been prioritized within the sports cultures instead of the well-being of the athlete. There are a range of issues that lead to compromise within the athlete’s safety, health, and well-being. For example, mental health difficulties that comprise depression, and anxiety might further lead to suicide, head trauma, CTE, concussion, emotional, physical & sexual abuse, etc. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, international cricketer Marcus Trescothick, Olympic cyclist Victoria , etc are a few elite athletes who were impacted via MHD (Physiopedia, 2023).

Here, I will consider another instance where one out of the five elite rugby athletes reported that they will not take medical health if they were upset or experienced problems. They will be fine to go to a psychologist for goal-setting or performance reasons, rather than taking assistance for depression. It results in engaging themselves in unhealthy coping mechanisms (Montero et al., 2022).

The athletes' advisory committee was launched in Australia for ensuring that the Athletes raise their voices on critical matters so that the future of athletics can be shaped across Australia. I have found that the National Careers Week initiative was made by the Career Industry Council across Australia that aims at celebrating careers, assisting in career development, and promoting the career development of all Australians that include athletes (Australia, 2023).

Inclusion and Diversity Management within High-performance Sports

Inclusion is defined as when people feel, respected, and valued irrespective of their personal circumstances, and characteristics. Diversity implies what makes individual unique and comprises beliefs, life experiences, backgrounds, and personality that makes them who they are. The ASC (Australian Sports Commission) is promoting a safe environment under which the staff will be empowered for making complete contributions of their thoughts, energies, experiences, and talents.

I found that different codes, and policies are there through which each athlete can be aware of the ethical and legal responsibilities and rights so that procedures can be delivered for elimination of the child protection issues, discrimination, harassment, and inadequate behaviors. For instance, Laurel Hubbard was selected for the Olympic Games in 2020 for weightlifting and is the first transgender woman. Another instance is British Transplant Games gave 1000 athletes the opportunity for competing in distinct sports due to the health issues that led to the transplant (Pollard, 2022).

There are territory/state and federal anti-discrimination laws that make harassment and discrimination unlawful in the context of sexuality, race, national, ethnic, or ethnoreligious background. The IOC released in late 2021, the Framework on Fairness, Inclusion, and Non-discrimination on the basis of sex variation and gender identity.


AMSSM. (2023). Doping: Sports medicine today . DOPING | Sports Medicine Today.

AP News. (2023). Doping . AP NEWS.

Australia, A. (2023). Athlete Wellbeing & engagement . Athlete Wellbeing & Engagement | Athletics Australia.

Australia, S. I. (2023). National Integrity Framework - .

Montero, A., Stevens, D., Adams, R., & Drummond, M. (2022, March 11). Sleep and mental health issues in current and former athletes: A mini review . Frontiers.

Ohio. (2020, July 31). Athletic directors must strategically manage ethical issues in sports. discover how Ohio University’s Master of Athletic Administration prepares graduates to run successful athletic programs. Ohio University.

Physiopedia. (2023). Mental health of elite athletes . Physiopedia.,ongoing%20competitive%20pressure%20to%20perform.

Pollard, M. (2022, October 4). Diversity in Sports: Why it Matters .

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