• Subject Name : IT Computer Science


  • The implementation of cloud computing in various types of healthcare sector has increased by a certain amount.
  • It offer different scalable and inexpensive environment for the processing of different healthcare data. 
  • The hybrid cloud environment with machine learning and artificial intelligence are very much beneficial for the healthcare industry and can provide advantages to organisations. 
  • The primary reason behind conducting this research is to identify the current & future state of using the ML and AI in the healthcare sector using hybrid cloud


  • Genetic data and medical imaging are the major examples of massive volumes of information that have been produced by healthcare institutions every year. 
  • The healthcare firms also need to be very much focused on the Health insurance portability and accountability act along with the Global data protection regulation (GDPR) for managing the data of customers. 
  • Therefore,it is very much essential for the organisation to protect all kinds of patient information and keep the records secure in the particular database.
  • Hybrid cloud infrastructure is currently seen as one of the popular technologies in the healthcare industry after the covid-19 epidemic.

Aim and objective


The major aim of the study is to examine the current and future state of integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence in the health care with hybrid cloud settings.


  • To evaluate the benefits and issues of healthcare businesses by adopting hybrid cloud system
  • To analyse the level of health organisations in using the hybrid cloud
  • To identify the uses of ML and AI for determining the current state of hybrid cloud system
  • To discover the potential advantages and disadvantages of using the hybrid cloud system with ML and AI in the health care sector

Literature review

  • Due to the celebrity of supplying the computer resources and the storage demand, cloud based technologies has a large solution for storing the data in a particular environment. 
  • Privacy and data security at the primary concentration in different public cloud environments.
  • Around 8.5% of the health care organisation are using hybrid cloud solutions at the current time (HIMSS analytics, 2016)
  • Due to the uses of artificial intelligence in different programs and daily uses, the large number of organisations are using this advanced technology for managing different types of operation. 


  • Using the method of genetic algorithm can help the computer program to walk different types of human functions. 
  • It is very much doubtful for the AI to launch proper operations to take over the Global function latest in the next generation. 
  • security and privacy of patient information are of very much significance in the healthcare business.
  • The term telemedicine is known as the major uses of electronic functions which use to provide medical treatment to the patient for this location.


This methodology chapter defines all kind of factors including the motivation and description, requirement analysis, framework and architecture designing

Different types of models such as Infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service are the key models discussed in the research methodology. 

  • Different types of uses such as public and private models are being used to analyse the overall method of using the Hybrid cloud. 
  • Among the major risks in analysing the technology implementation, privacy and accuracy issues, delivering robust safeguards, and less confidence in private information are the primary one

Results and discussion

  • Hybrid cloud environments, which blend public and private cloud infrastructures, provide the aforementioned benefits 
  • The collected data comes from a wide range of stakeholders, including healthcare experts, IT specialists, and administrators
  • There is a wide variety of knowledge and viewpoints represented by the wide range of years of experience (1–20) (Johnny et al, 2019). 
  • The participants' combined years of work experience are displayed in the "years of experience" column. There is a wide variety of experience and insight within the profession, as the range goes from one year to twenty.


  • 38 percent of the companies included in the survey are considering or actively preparing to use hybrid cloud infrastructure(Chauhan et al, 2023). 
  • This suggests that a sizable percentage of healthcare organisations are aware of the advantages of hybrid cloud systems and are taking steps to implement them. 
  • About 42 percent of respondents said their companies have hybrid cloud systems up and running. 
  • The table below summarises the participants' replies about the hybrid cloud adoption status of their respective organisations.
  • Twenty percent of respondents, however, said that their companies have not even contemplated moving to a hybrid cloud environment (Mohammed et al, 2021). 
  • The majority of hospitals currently have an electronic health record adoption rate of between 70 and 80 percent(Chakraborty et al, 2022)
  • Hybrid cloud usage varies widely among healthcare organisations, as seen by the results reported in Table. 
  • Hybrid cloud architectures offer the scalability to adjust the amount of computing resources available in response to changes in demand
  • Advanced Analytics and Predictive Modelling brought attention to the capability of hybrid cloud infrastructures to provide the necessary processing power and storage capacity for advanced machine learning and analytics algorithms.
  • This scatter plot illustrates the correlation between the percentages of EHR adoption and the quality-of-care ratings
  • It is clear from the figure that the various types of hospitals exhibit varying degrees of cost-effectiveness.
  • It is imperative that healthcare organizations give top priority to the deployment of stringent security measures (Lai et al, 2016).
  • Maintaining patients' confidence and privacy necessitates adhering to applicable legislation, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States.
  • Healthcare organizations must invest in the appropriate infrastructure, technology, and resources in order to effectively adopt and use AI and ML in hybrid cloud settings

Conclusion and Recommendation

  • This research set out to compare the current state of healthcare hybrid cloud infrastructures with existing theories and models
  • Hybrid cloud solutions were praised for their increased efficiency, decreased costs, and others
  • Participants agreed that utilizing AI and ML in hybrid cloud systems might lead to better patient outcomes,
  • The findings of this study are consistent with the literature that has previously highlighted the significance of data security and privacy in hybrid cloud settings.


  • Kshetri, N., & Voas, J., 2016. Healthcare information systems, cloud computing, and privacyissues.JournalofMedicalSystems,40(5),109.
  • Lai, P., Zhu, Y., Liu, J., & Zhang, X., 2016. A hybrid cloud architecture for health monitoring.IEEETransactions onCloudComputing,5(1),43-55.
  • Sharma, P., & Gupta, A., 2018. Hybrid cloud environment for healthcare: An exploratory study.InternationalJournalofComputerScience andInformationSecurity,16(3),63-68.
  • Tavares, J., Oliveira, J. L., & Padrão, N., 2017. Cloud computing in healthcare: A systematicreview.IEEETransactionsonCloudComputing,5(4),702-714.
  • Sharma,V.,Kero,A.,Sharma,H.C.andSemwal,P.,2023.AStudyOnSecurityOfIot:ProblemsSolvingUsingMlAndBlockChain.JournalofPharmaceuticalNegativeResults,pp.1311-1323.

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