Health Informatics

Executive Summary of Radio Frequency Identification System

The changing health care and increasing demand of the patient increase the chances of error in the care that directly lead to the poor patient health outcome. Health informatics has been an important collaboration between the informatics and health care sector which eventually improve the clinical practice to increase the accuracy of the results. Radio Frequency Identification has been one of the aspects of health informatics that lead to better clinical practise and lead to an improved patient health outcome. Incorporation of the Radio Frequency Identification system will help the organization and health care professional to improve the care aspect for the patient.

Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification System

Health informatics is a branch that directly conjugates the latest technology in the health care sector to improve sector functioning. The health informatics has been a boon as it improved the clinical practice of the health care professionals by decreasing the response time (Aickelin et al., 2019). The health care sector has improved the delivery of the series and attitude of the health care professional still many areas need to be improved to increase the efficiency of the services concerning the patient health status. There is a need to update the clinical practice which will improve the perspective of the care that is required to address the patient health care issue (Maphumulo & Bhengu, 2019). Radiofrequency identification is the type of health informatics system that uses wireless technology to identify the location of the object that needs to be traced. It uses electronic tags that are stick to the particular object or patient to identify the location of the individual and improve the care services (Ajami & Rajabzadeh, 2013). The report is going to critical justify the Radio frequency identification and further improvement that can occur to increase the utility in the health care sector.


The health care sector is changing to increase the perspective of the care but here are still some flaws that have to increase the complication for the patient and health care professionals. One of the issues is the patient safety that needs to be on the priority of health care professionals to improve the quality of care. Another issue that leads to the decreased efficiency of health care professionals is the lack of coordination that directly decrease the accuracy of the care delivered to the patient. The lack of tracking of the patient location in the hospital premises increases the chances of negative event that can occur due to carelessness toward a patient that can deteriorate patient health status (Martinez et al., 2019).

Another issue that arises is the delayed care to the patient that occurs due to the lack of health care professionals at that particular time and no information about their presence in different wards. The delayed care of the patient can increase complication, especially in the emergency department thus there is a need to improve the increase the availability that will help to deliver the right care at right time. The lack of timely care delivered lead to the blockage of the access that directly increases the complication for the patient. There is a need to improve the tracking of the health care professional so that availability can be increased at the time of urgent requirement of the care (Reid et al., 2015).

Another aspect that needs to be reviewed to increase the quality and accuracy of the results includes a medical error that increases the complication for the patient. The error done by the health care professional intentionally or unintentionally directly reduced the safety of the patient in the care which leads to poor health outcome (Duarte et al., 2015). The medical errors are considered one of the most negative events in the clinical practise as it increases the risk for the patient health status. The organization and health care professionals are expected to improve the safety of the patient during the care so that there are no chances of intentional medical error which can increase patient complication (Ahmed et al., 2019).

These three aspects need to be improved to increase the safety and quality of the care provided to the patient so that health care services can accurately assist the patient in the care. There is a need to improve the tracking of the different individual and objects that are important to deliver the quality and safe care which can be done by adopting Radio Frequency Identification technology in the workplace

Improvement in The Workplace

One of the methods that can help to improve the health care working pattern is the Radio frequency identification technology that has been a boon to patient care. One of the studies presented by Jones T. L. (2012) added that Radio frequency identification is a wireless technology that helps in the automatic identification of the location by utilizing the microelectronic tags which are directly related to the object or the individual. The researcher added that the concept of the Radiofrequency identification comes from the electromagnetic theory that helps to track the location of the individual or object connected with the tag. The researcher also discusses that it is considered to be preferred method for the incorporation in the health care sector is due to its focus over the identification of the location of the object and movement history that helps to trace specific location. The article discusses that it simultaneously records the time and motion that directly increase its utility in health care. The article discussed also added that it helps in recording the movement of the nurses and patient simultaneously that help to record to keep a record of the patient and nurses coordination to improve the safety of the patient. The findings are supported by Haddara & Staaby (2018) added that Radiofrequency Identification is one of the next-generation technology that is important to track the location and improve the data collection process. The article also discusses that radio waves are utilized to capture the signals that are generated via the tag that is associated with the individual or object. The researcher added that three components are associated with the Radiofrequency identification includes a tag that is stick to the object or location, a reader to collect data and middleware which store information. The researcher added that some advantages that are associated with the Radiofrequency identification that includes patient identification, patient tracking, staff monitoring and drug compliance.

The study presented by Chetouane, (2015) discussed that Radio Frequency Identification is a wireless technology that utilizes the electromagnetic waves to record the data. The signals are generated from the tag that is recorded in the interrogators and help to identify the location of the object linked to the tag. The article discussed that three processes are integrated into the Radio Frequency Identification include Context, Capture and Control that in collaboration helps in the working. The context part of the technology explores the environmental aspect that is important to integrate into the Radio Frequency Identification. The next section discussed by the researcher is capture aspect that includes the selection of the different equipment that is important to effectively generate the signals that are important for the Radio Frequency Identification. The last aspect discussed in the article is the control which deals with the real-time control over the data that is collected via signals generate through tags. 

The study presented by Reid et al. (2015) discussed that Radio Frequency Identification has been an important next-generation technology to improve patient safety in the care. The article discussed that it is considered to be one of the modes that are responsible to improve the health care services delivery which leads to better safety in the care. It is considered to be one of the essential methods that help in improving the safety of services like medication administration or blood sampling. The researcher added that Radio Frequency Identification method has been an essential mode to identify, track and monitor the blood product from the donor till the transfusion process to decrease the chances of complication. The study presented that it helps to improve the flow of different services related to health care in the organization that is framed to improve the safety of the care. Moreover, the study presented by Adibi, (2015) added that Radio Frequency Identification has been also utilized in improving the medical adherence of the patient which improve the right dose and fix the time for the medication. The medication bottle that is labelled with the tags can help the reader to trace the information related to medicine that helps the health care professional to keep a track of the patient adherence to the medication. The article also added that Radio Frequency Information has been an important tool to identify the hazardous situation that directly increases the complication for the staff and patient. The researcher added that there has been a great scope of the application of the Radio Frequency Identification system in improving the health care services which are important to increase the safety of the services.

According to Billingsley & Wyld, (2014) Radiofrequency Identification technology should be actively implemented in the health care setting to improve the organization working pattern that will improve the patient health status. The researcher added that tracking ability of the Radio Frequency Identification technology has been utilized to improve the management of the health care service delivery which lead to patient safety in the care. The article presented that Radiofrequency supply is important to keep a track of the pharmaceutical, medical equipment and different supply that are necessary to support the patient health status. The article discussed that not only improve the patient safety in the care but it potentially improves the health care professionals working pattern which is necessary to themselves be safe and others by improving the practice.

The findings presented by Abugabah et al. (2020) suggested that Radiofrequency Information technology can be implemented in the health care workplace to improve the clinical practice which directly increases the patient health outcomes. The health care professionals are expected to reduce the barriers associated with the implementation of the Radio Frequency Identification to increase the proper implementation in the clinical practice. Different barriers are associated with the Radiofrequency Identification system that occurs at three-level individual, departmental and organizational level. The individual barriers include lack of skills, poor information about technology and lack of motivation. The departmental barriers include poor support from seniors and lack of teamwork in the department. The article presented those organizational barriers that reduce the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification system is lack of resources and poor management system that hamper the implementation process. The findings from the article reveal that there is a need to decrease the barriers associated with the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification.

The report can be concluded by adding that the issue in the health care setting needs to be addressed by the right implementation of the Radio Frequency Identification. The lack of coordination, patient safety and medical error can be improved by increasing the incorporation of the next-generation technology in the service. The poor health care services delivered by the health care professional lead to the poor health outcome of the patient. Radio Frequency Identification is one of the powerful health informatics applications that are important to improve clinical practice. Radiofrequency Identification helps the health care organization to improve the tracking of the object and individuals to improve the delivery of the care process. The Radiofrequency Identification process helps the health care professional to improve the track of the patient and different medication aspect that are important to decrease the medication error. The organization need to improve the working pattern by the implementation of the Radio Frequency Identification system is working to decrease the chances of human error that will lead to quality and safe care. Health care professionals are expected to reduce the barriers in all the three levels that are important to effectively engage the technology in working to improve the clinical practice.

References for Radio Frequency Identification System

Abugabah, A., Nizamuddin, N. & Abuqabbeh, A. (2020). A review of challenges and barriers implementing RFID technology in the Healthcare sector. Procedia Computer Science, 170, 1003–1010. DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2020.03.094 

Adibi, S. (2015). Mobile Health. Springer Series in Bio-/Neuroinformatics.839-870. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12817-7 
Reid, E., King, A., Mathieson, A., Woodcock, T. & Watkin, S. W. (2015). Identifying reasons for delays in acute hospitals using the Day-of-Care Survey method. Clinical Medicine (London, England)15(2), 117–120. DOI: 10.7861/clinmedicine.15-2-117

Ahmed, Z., Saada, M., Jones, A. M. & Al-Hamid, A. M. (2019). Medical errors: Healthcare professionals’ perspective at a tertiary hospital in Kuwait. PLOS ONE, 14(5). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0217023 

Aickelin, U., Chapman, W. W. & Hart, G. K. (2019). Health informatics—Ambitions and purpose. Frontiers in Digital Health, 1(2), 1-3. DOI:10.3389/fdgth.2019.00002 

Ajami, S. & Rajabzadeh, A. (2013). Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and patient safety. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences: The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, 18(9), 809-813.

Billingsley, L. & Wyld, D. (2014). How can radio frequency identification technology impact nursing practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45. DOI: 10.3928/00220124-2014.

Chetouane, F. (2015). An Overview on RFID Technology Instruction and Application. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(3), 382–387. DOI:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.111 

Coustasse, A., Cunningham, B., Deslich, S., Willson, E. & Meadows, P. (2015). Benefits and barriers of implementation and utilization of radio-frequency identification (rfid) systems in transfusion medicine. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 12.

Duarte, S., Queiroz, A. B., Büscher, A. & Stipp, M. A. (2015). Human error in daily intensive nursing care. Revista latino-americana de enfermagem23(6), 1074–1081. DOI: 10.1590/0104-1169.0479.2651

Haddara, M. & Staaby, A. (2018). RFID applications and adoptions in healthcare: a review on patient safety. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 80–88. DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.012 

Jones T. L. (2012). Radiofrequency identification: exploiting an old technology for measuring nurse time and motion. Computers, Informatics, Nursing: CIN30(9), 463–472. DOI: 10.1097/NXN.0b013e3182545418

Maphumulo, W. T. & Bhengu, B. R. (2019). Challenges of quality improvement in the healthcare of South Africa post-apartheid: A critical review. Curationis42(1), 1–9. DOI: 10.4102/curationis.v42i1.1901

Martinez, Z., Koker, E., Truchil, A. & Balasubramanian, H. (2019). Time and effort in care coordination for patients with complex health and social needs: Lessons from a community-based intervention. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 15, 142–148. DOI:10.1016/j.xjep.2019.03.002 

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