• Subject Name : Arts and Humanities


Gender inequality in the Australian working environment remains a major problem that hinders the advancement and prosperity of women, especially those from different foundations. This unavoidable problem envelops a gender pay gap, underrepresentation in influential positions, and different fundamental hindrances to professional success (Bottomley, 2020). Women's encounters are compounded by elements like race and disability, resulting in profound disparities. The obligation regarding tending to these difficulties falls on government divisions, Individuals from Parliament, and nearby associations (Foley & Cooper, 2021). To advance equality, it is vital to center on pay equity, leadership diversity, workplace flexibility, and anti-discrimination measures. This acquaintance highlights the dire need to make a more impartial and comprehensive workplace in Australia.

Group or Communities Facing the Issue

Gender inequality in the Australian work environment influences women from different foundations, especially those confronting crossing types of segregation. These people groups confronting the issue can be comprehensively ordered as follows:

  • Indigenous Women: Indigenous women in Australia experience gender inequality alongside racial segregation. They frequently face restricted admittance to schooling, medical services, and financial open doors, which obstruct their professional success and monetary security (Moreton-Robinson, 2021).
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Women: Women from CALD foundations experience novel difficulties, including language hindrances, social predispositions, and restricted acknowledgment of their capabilities. This results in limited career progression and unequal pay (Banks & Banks, 2019).
  • Women with Inabilities: Women with handicaps go up against numerous layers of separation. They frequently experience out-of-reach working environments and an absence of sensible facilities, making it challenging to get and keep up with work on fair terms.
  • LGBTQ+ Women: Gender inequality reaches out to LGBTQ+ women, who might confront separation in light of both their gender and sexual direction. This can influence employment, advancements, and the general work environment climate (Cech & Rothwell, 2020).
  • Rural and Remote Area Women: Women in rural and remote areas struggle with limited access to employment opportunities, healthcare, and educational resources. The urban-rural divide exacerbates gender disparities in these regions.
  • Elderly Women: More established women frequently experience ageism and gender-based segregation in the working environment, making it challenging to secure jobs and access career development opportunities.
  • Single Moms: Single parents are especially powerless against the gender pay gap and restricted vocation movement due to providing care liabilities, prompting monetary insecurity.
  • Young Women: Young ladies entering the labour force might encounter segregation, generalizing, and inconsistent compensation that can influence their vocation direction.

These people groups of women face remarkable difficulties that outcome in inconsistent open doors and results in the work environment. Tending to gender inequality in Australia requires a thorough methodology that perceives and mitigates the particular deterrents these gatherings experience. Advancing variety and consideration in the work environment is fundamental for making a fair and equitable society.

Responsible Body

The responsibility for addressing gender inequality in the workplace in Australia falls on multiple entities, including:

  • Government Divisions: A few government offices assume a part in tending to gender inequality, with the essential one being the Branch of Women (or the same) liable for propelling gender equality. Moreover, offices connected with business, industrial relations, and equal opportunity may be involved in addressing workplace gender inequality.
  • Members of Parliament: Elected representatives, especially those who hold portfolios connected with gender equality and women's issues, are responsible for pushing for and instituting approaches that address working environment gender inequality. These members of parliament can introduce legislation and support initiatives to promote gender equity.
  • Ministers responsible for Government Departments: Ministers overseeing relevant government departments, such as the Minister for Women, are key figures in shaping and implementing policies to reduce gender inequality. They team up with different clergymen and offices to incorporate gender equality contemplations into different strategy regions.
  • Local Associations and Women's Groups: Local organizations, NGOs, and women's advocacy groups effectively work to address gender inequality. They might offer help, backing, and assets to women confronting working environment segregation and team up with government bodies to advance change.
  • Employers and Industry Affiliations: Employers and industry associations also play a role in addressing gender inequality within their organizations. They can execute working environment strategies and practices that advance diversity and equity.

It is a collective effort involving these entities to address gender inequality in the workplace comprehensively. Collaboration between government bodies, elected officials, civil society organizations, and the private sector is essential to develop and implement effective policies, legislation, and initiatives that promote gender equality and create a more inclusive and equitable work environment in Australia.

Evidence of Inequality or Social Injustice:

Addressing gender inequality in the workplace in Australia is crucial to reduce inequalities and social injustices. Below are some academic sources and evidence that support the need for such proposals:

  1. Gender Pay Gap: The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) in Australia reported that the gender pay gap as of my last knowledge update in September 2021 was approximately 22.8%. This gap persists despite equal pay for equal work legislation (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2021). 
  2. Underrepresentation in Leadership: The Research and analysis has highlighted the significant underrepresentation of women in leadership roles in both the public and private sectors in Australia (Human Resources for Health, 2017).
  3. Barriers to Career Progression: Academic studies have explored the presence of systemic barriers, such as the "motherhood penalty" and gender stereotypes about leadership abilities, which hinder women's career advancement (International Labor organization, 2017).
  4. Intersectional Discrimination: Different Research has shown that Indigenous women, women from CALD backgrounds, and women with disabilities often face compounded discrimination, resulting in pronounced gender inequalities (Scholarly Publishing collective, 2020).
  5. Gender-Based Violence: The Studies have highlighted the prevalence of gender-based violence and harassment in Australian workplaces, affecting women's well-being and sense of safety (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2023).

These academic sources provide empirical evidence of gender inequality in the Australian workplace, including the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership, barriers to career progression, intersectional discrimination, and gender-based violence. They underscore the need for comprehensive policies and initiatives to reduce workplace gender inequality, promote diversity, and create a more equitable and inclusive work environment in Australia.

Proposal for Change: Promoting Gender Equality in the Australian Workplace

To address gender inequality in the Australian workplace, the following proposals can make a significant difference:

  • Equal Pay Audits: Mandate that organizations conduct regular equal pay audits to distinguish and redress gender pay holes. Straightforwardness in pay information can assist associations and representatives with tending to wage differences (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2023).
  • Gender Diversity Targets: Encourage organizations to set clear targets for gender diversity in leadership positions and on boards. This can be accompanied by reporting requirements and incentives for meeting these targets (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2023).
  • Flexible Work Strategies: Advocate for flexible work arrangements, like remote work, part-time choices, and occupation sharing, to help balance between serious and fun activities for all representatives. Advance a social shift that values results over face time.
  • Paid Parental Leave and Support: Expand paid parental leave policies for both mothers and fathers, making it easier for women to return to work without career setbacks. Offer subsidies or tax incentives to businesses that provide on-site childcare (Society for Human Resource Management, 2023). 
  • Mentorship and Sponsorship Projects: Execute mentorship and sponsorship programs that assist women with exploring their vocation ways and give valuable open doors to proficient turn of events.
  • Gender Sensitivity Training: Ensure that workplaces offer mandatory gender sensitivity and anti-discrimination training to create inclusive and respectful environments. This preparation should address oblivious bias and sexual harassment (Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2023).
  • Workplace Security Measures: Reinforce work environment wellbeing measures to forestall and address gender-based viciousness and badgering. Urge representatives to report episodes unafraid of reprisal (Society for Human Resource Management, 2023).
  • Intersectional Methodologies: Designer strategies and projects to address the extraordinary difficulties faced by women from assorted foundations, perceiving that they might encounter intensified separation.

These proposals aim to reduce gender inequality in the Australian workplace by addressing structural, cultural, and systemic barriers. By combining these strategies, Australia can create a more inclusive and equitable work environment where all individuals, regardless of their gender or background, have equal opportunities and are treated with respect and fairness.


In conclusion, addressing gender inequality in the Australian workplace isn't simply a question of value and civil rights; it is fundamental for the general prosperity and success of the country. The proof of gender pay gaps, underrepresentation in positions of authority, and barriers to career progression is undeniable. This inequality is compounded for women from assorted foundations who face various layers of separation.

The proposition illustrated in this plan gives a complete structure to change. They incorporate equivalent compensation reviews, gender variety targets, adaptable work strategies, mentorship projects, and schooling drives to cultivate a more comprehensive and impartial workplace. By embracing these actions, Australia can upgrade the work environment decency, monetary efficiency, and social union.

As there is strive for a future where gender should not be a determinant of progress, it is pivotal for government bodies, bosses, and common society to cooperate. A definitive objective is to make a general public where each person, no matter what their gender or foundation, can accomplish their maximum capacity and add to the flourishing of Australia.


Australian Human Rights Commission. (2023). Chapter 4: The nature of sexual harassment in Australian workplaces- Sexual harassment: Serious business. https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/chapter-4-nature-sexual-harassment-australian-workplaces-sexual-harassment-serious

Australian Human Rights Commission. (2023). Gender Equality. https://humanrights.gov.au/quick-guide/12038

Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. M. (Eds.). (2019). Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives. John Wiley & Sons. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ceGyDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR17&dq=Women+from+%E2%80%A2%09Culturally+and+Linguistically+Diverse++foundations+experience+novel+difficulties,&ots=TtMC2ImtoB&sig=RRYFtEV9Nz2ivxAs4f7wmqTNr2Y&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Bottomley, G. (Ed.). (2020). Ethnicity, class and gender in Australia. Routledge. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=_JnzDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=Gender+inequality+in+the+Australian+&ots=k2eTh0haaD&sig=LgVEzCH_QaEScIE8xD3ded81R6A&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Gender%20inequality%20in%20the%20Australian&f=false

Cech, E. A., & Rothwell, W. R. (2020). LGBT workplace inequality in the federal workforce: Intersectional processes, organizational contexts, and turnover considerations. Ilr Review, 73(1), 25-60. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0019793919843508

Foley, M., & Cooper, R. (2021). Workplace gender equality in the post-pandemic era: Where to next?. Journal of Industrial Relations, 63(4), 463-476. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00221856211035173

Human Resources for Health. (2017). Closing the gender leadership gap: a multi-centre cross-country comparison of women in management and leadership in academic health centres in the European Union. https://human-resources-health.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12960-016-0175-y

International Labor organization. (2017). breaking barriers: Unconscious gender bias in the workplace. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_dialogue/---act_emp/documents/publication/wcms_601276.pdf

Moreton-Robinson, A. (2021). Talkin'up to the white woman: Indigenous women and feminism. U of Minnesota Press. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6LlHEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT34&dq=Indigenous+women+in+Australia+experience+gender+inequality+&ots=HiaFvenKXz&sig=Fog1-S7urdqPAwqEHXTxrP7yEeU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

Scholarly Publishing collective. (2020). The Intersectional Challenges of Indigenous Women's Leadership. https://scholarlypublishingcollective.org/psup/ab-original/article-abstract/3/2/149/313770/The-Intersectional-Challenges-of-Indigenous-Women?redirectedFrom=fulltext

Society for Human Resource Management. (2023). Paid Parental Leave Policy. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/policies/pages/paid-parental-leave-policy.aspx

Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2021). Gender pay gap data. https://www.wgea.gov.au/pay-and-gender/gender-pay-gap-data

Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2023). What is workplace gender equality? https://www.wgea.gov.au/about/workplace-gender-equality

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