Set 1

Question 1

Human Relations Approach emphasizes mainly the individual desires and resulting actions of teams and individuals. This considers an interpersonal strategy for handling humans. This further depicts the company is composed of formalized and informal components. It can be said that the formal components of a company entail its structure while informal areas entail the collaborations between individuals. The features of this approach are as follows:

  • The employee is a human being who is also an associate of a team
  • The contribution of that employee is figured out as much by his physical capability as his readiness to work
  • Non-economic rewards are essential to make that employee a willing one.
  • Because of their social nature, employees formulate primary teams amongst themselves that do not adhere to any formalized principle.
  • A manager must stimulate the formation of such groups and utilize them as an additional factor to reinforce the formal company.
  • A manager should develop sufficient communication channels (formal and informal) with the employees and their teams. Also, he should obey a relation-based instead of task-based leadership style
  • Engagement in decision-making might also contribute to more outputs from the workforce (Taylor, 2023).

Difference between the Human Relation Approach and Scientific Management

The differences are as follows:

  • The scientific management approach treats workers like robotic machine while the human relations approach asserts that workers are human and hence they must be treated like humans and also concerned with the employee's need.
  • As per the scientific management approach, incentives are utilized to motivate workers. On the other side, the human relation approach stated that the corporate output is determined by the human relationships at the workplace and not by the technological and economic circumstances of work. It implies that when the relationship at work is good then the worker will be more inspired to their work and generate more than expected (Drucker, 2018).
  • The scientific management approach ties workers to adhere to regulations while the human relations approach stimulate worker to engage in decision-making and certify that the relationship is efficient at work.
  • Therefore, it can be said that the scientific management approach is more proximate to the workforce while the human relation approach is extremely open to the workforce through engaging in decisions.
  • Scientific management stimulates working independently wherein workers are assigned to perform a specific activity. On the hand, the human relation approach stimulate working as a team to develop a successful relationship within the workplace (Tirintetaake, 2017).

Question 2

Human resource planning is deemed the first and foremost step in the human resource management procedure. This indicates the procedure of evaluating and recognizing the desire for, and accessibility of human resources so the company can fulfill its goals. The emphasis of such planning is to certify that the company has attained the correct number of human resources, with accurate competencies, at the correct times, and in the right places (Collings et al., 2018).

Changes in HR Planning for Recruiting IT Professionals in Current Times

The changes are as follows:

  • Remote working and forthcoming patterns in recruitment: In the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the recruiters and employers of IT firms have identified a manner that works for each one and highpoint the perks of telework to keep each one engaged and contended. As the crisis showed the feasibility of remote working mainly for desk-based employment, flexibility has become as essential as salary in the view of IT professionals. In current times, the HR technologies progressively advocate the activities of remote screening, workforce training, and new IT individual hiring and onboarding. Therefore, the HR leaders during planning must proactively balance the hybrid as well aa remote groups to certify effective outcomes for the workers and business (Davidescu et al., 2020).
  • Since businesses dive profound into digital commerce, numerous organizations are on the search for novel types of abilities computed to expand digital product portfolios and develop client experiences that remove frictions and enable seamless involvement around platforms and client touchpoints.
  • Apart from the analytical abilities and a client-centric approach, the information technology firms are also putting a greater value on soft skills and corporate acumen not only for higher-level managers but for middle-level management and frontline IT professionals.
  • Technology offers a prospect for companies to enable a more inclusive work. On executing accessible technology, IT professionals might retain topmost talent, assist the bottomline and refine a company’s reputation (Akingbola, 020).
  • The IT firms in current times shift to RPA in the recruitment process. It usually helps these firms to refine the candidature experience and their workforces experience. Moreover, it can save the company’s money and improves the work of the company;s recruiting function. This software is capable to perform a massive set of recruiting activities which take various hours. When combined with the Artificial Intelligence, the RPA can source, scream, sort, and rank IT candidates to develop a pipeline of skilled worfkroces whic are probable to succeed in vacant positions (Stople et al., 2017).

Question 3

Succession planning indicates the procedure to replace the company’s leaders and managers with higher caliber internal replacements. This is also about recognizing, establishing, and replacing workforces to make a prospective shift in responsibilities as smoother as possible. This planning is about the critical roles. Not every role is pertinent for succession planning. It must emphasize roles that are essential to the company’s competitiveness and endurance (Cavanaugh, 2017).

Benefits of a formal succession planning system in an Organization

The benefits are as follows:

  • Formal succession planning provides the answers to all the questions about preparing a person for the subsequent level in the corporate hierarchy. This further assists human resource experts to know and understand why a definite person must be established and trained to endorse to the subsequent level.
  • Formal succession planning is deemed a proactive strategy to fill a topmost position. This assists HR experts to predict issues in the process prior to getting initiated. It is extremely vital to evade negative and dysfunctional conditions.
  • This system within the company can reduce the randomness in the corporate procedures and managerial developmental moves and develops formal actions, processes, and procedures to advocate the practice of choosing the CEO and other higher management individuals.
  • Such a system can be helpful to further exploit computing devices, HRP software applications, and other techniques to advocate the recognition, development, and training of the people.
  • It assists human resource management to overcome the limitations of reactive managerial strategies and nurtures proactive managerial approaches to make the company a superior place to work.
  • This system also develops a rational foundation to make choices amongst skilled candidates. It further develops a definite association between corporate goals and HR strategic planning. It also surges the internal promotion prospects (Perrenoud, 2020).
  • Formal succession planning can nurture cross-functional development and enables the integration of HR planning elements, procedures, and processes. It also advocates associating formats, principles, evaluations, judgments, and discussions at their front.
  • Enabling workforces to comprehend who is inline to fill the position, and any variations to their individual expectations due to the switch offers stability for workers. It subsequently reduces any disruption from usual functions as a consequence of the worker transition. Moreover, stability can assist to make workers feel comfortable and safe which might possess the impact of increasing morale in the organization (Groves, 2019)

Set 2

Question 1

Five ways of individually evaluating an employee are as follows:

  • Psychological evaluation: This way to performance evaluation aims to assess how an employee may perform in the forthcoming instead of evaluating how they have performed in the past. The skilled psychologist carries out depth-in interviews, private conversations and other tests to evaluate an employee. The components which are analyzed using this way entail interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, intellectual traits, and others.
  • Behavioral checklist: In this method, a yes or no checklist is given against an array of traits.When the leaders perceive the employee has depicted a trait, a yes is ticked. In case they feel he has not depicted the trait, no is ticked. This method as a simple format and method has its emphasis on actual work-related activities and behaviors. However, there is no comprehensive assessment on how the worker is actually performing, nor does it discuss objectives. There is no doubt that this method of evaluation reduces the subjectivity. The limitation with this method is that it does not enable more comprehensive answers and evaluation of the performance criteria lest used with other technique (Dimoff & Kelloway, 2019).
  • 360-degree feedback: This method entails not only the direct feedback from the management but also from other members of team and others. It has the ability to offer a large picture of an employee’e performance. However, it runs a threat of taking in wider generalizations from external sources who might not know how to offer positive feedbacks. It is deemed a valuable workforce development technique since it provides a holistic view on strengths and weaknesses. It can be said that well-notified feedback from numerous sources exclusively leads to workforce development and growth (Ramdhani el al., 2021).
  • Rating scales: This method is an effective one which utilizes a series of pre-determined criteria which a manager utilized to assess an employee against. Moreover, every criteria is weighted so a measured score might be computed at the review end.
  • MBO (management by objectives): Such a type of evaluation is a nobel method which has gained popularity. This entails the worker and manager admitting to a range of achievable performance objectives which the worker will trive to attain over a provided time period. In the subsequent review, the objectives and how these have been fulfilled are assessed, while novel goals are developed. This method can create dialouge between worker and company and is empowering in respects of individual career development (George et al., 2021).

Question 2

Implementation of HRIS

There is no doubt it is not possible for companies of certain size to operate without a powerful HRIS (Human Resources Information System) that offers valuable views into the organization’s workforce. This system enables management and HR managers to make data-informed decisions which refine workforce gratification and retention. It is said that with the accurate HRIS, businesses can emphasize on their essential corporate goals while certifying that their human capital is well-managed and involved. Notably, purchasing and implemenying a new HRIS is extremely expensive. The costs might involve HRIS training efforts and ongoing maintenance. The add-on features are main factor which surges the costs of HRIS implementationn (Junaedi et al., 2020). Other things which can surge the price of HRIS are mentioned below:

  • Recruiting competencies: It is essential to figure out that a recruiting feature in an HRIS is deemed a separate price. Such a fee is typically based on numerous forces like the number of open job applications.
  • System integration: The integration of HRIS with other systems like attendanvce systems might lead to pose supplementary costs. The integration needs extra developmental time and resources to certify that the systems can converse with one another successfully. When HRIS selected by company does not integrate ideally with any provision at workplace, it might require to capitalize in upgrades to the technology to ensure everything is agreeable.
  • Implementation fee: Based on the chosen vendor, a company is probable to pay a single time set up fees. Such a change might encompass configuring the solution relying on the desires, implementation, associating with external vendors, and authentic training and assistance. The vendors which provide enormous technological assistance and training resources might charge a greater price than those offering minimal support.
  • Compliance needs: HRIS vendors which specialize in compliance and regulatory needs like those associated with labour legislations, might charge more for their services because of the specialized expertise needed.
  • Constant training and support: The company’s initial set up fee must entail training for the workforces, relying on the provider, it might need to pay for supplementary support.
  • Data migration: Shifting data from a current HR system to a novel HRIS might be time-taking and intricate procedure. The costs of data migration might change relying on the size and intricacy of the company’s data (Iwu et al., 2021).

Question 3

Employee welfare indicates a term which has been hanging the company’s image. It denotes to a term entailing numerous services, advantages, and facilities offered by the workforces to the worker for his worth living. The motive of the employee welfare is to bringing the development of the entire personality of the employees to make a superior workforce. Thse facilities offer superior mental and physical health to employees and hence endorse a healthier workplace setting. It is also defined as anything performed for the comfort and refinement, social, of the workers over and above the salaries paid that is not a requirement of the industry (Chadha & Mishra, 2021).

Impact of Welfare Benefits on Business of a Company

There is no doubt that workforce turnover might cost the company money and time and might place the organization’s positioning on the line. The welfare benefits leads to the happiness of workers and the happy employees are less probable to leave their jobs. This can contribute to declines worker turnover and enhanced stability in the company. Moreover, the company which takes care of its workers is appear as more compassionate that can refine the image of business in the eyes of the civilians. Also, capitalizing in employee welfare can secure the business’s money in the long-run via declined workforce turnover, superior workforce health, and enhanced efficiency (Wei et al., 2020). A happy staff can forge a healthy environment that greatly leads to workforce retention and gratification. Assisting a progressive corporate culture with comprehensive benefits and HR practices might foster loyalty. It might assist the company to keep a team of excellent individuals who are ready to go above and beyond as the company does the same for them. By nurturing a really considerate environment which emphasizes on workforce welfare, businesses not just retain current workers and acquire new ones, they also purchase brand loyalty (Ichsan et al. 2020). For example Starbucks Coffee brand pays more than minimum wages on average irrespective of what nation the coffee brand is in. The all-inclusive healthcare choices and stock options are simply accessible and are quire abundant. The brand is known that it pays for education. Such sort of welfare awareness develops business awareness which has extremely positive relations. The employee welfare benefits affect the retention rates in the business. It is said that the higher the wage for the position, the higher the costs are to rehire and retrain a novel individual (Ferrell et al., 2020).


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