Foundations for Professional Practice

Clinical handover plays a crucial role in nursing care and management of the patient. This is based on documenting the turn of events of the patient, during their respective stay in the healthcare setting (Redley, 2017). This can also be deemed as an effective method for enlisting the details of the patients so that each team member can get a good follow-up from the information documented in the same. It can also be considered as a professional method, to acknowledge the ethical and legal considerations of working in the system. However, any error in the process of clinical handover can directly affect the patient and put their safety at risk. This research paper will help in pondering the difference observed in the data, pre and post standardization of the process of bedside handover (Wainwright, 2016). This will also be evaluated concerning nurse’s satisfaction rate concerning advances in the clinical handover process. The paper will also consider the process of clinical handover and its importance, concerning the National Safety and Quality Health Standards (NSQHS) of health (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2020). The conclusive part of this research paper will help in highlighting the overall values of bedside handover, as an integral part of clinical practice.

The data has very well-calibrated the details through the means of graphical presentation, in the form of comparison. The standardization of clinical handover in the healthcare setting is useful for improving the overall quality as well as the accuracy of the process of handover. The rate of nursing satisfaction can be observed to be directly associated with the efficient clinical handover. This can also be associated with the quality of care rendered to the patients by the nurses (Johnson, 2016). The data represents that with the inclusion of the process of nurse-to-nurse reporting, there has been an increased satisfaction rate in nurses. Over the due course of three months, the satisfaction rate was observed to have risen from approximately 7 to 9. After the standardization of the process of clinical handover, the rate of prevalence of interruption while providing hand over, was also observed to be reduced considerably. This is a crucial point to ensure patient safety with the process of improved clinical handover (Mannix, 2017). The overall deterioration can be reflected as 0.6% before implementation. However, after the post-implementation of the standardization process, it was observed at an increased rate of 6%.

Another concept that was evaluated in the report, following the nurse satisfaction rate, included the quality of the report generated. The details for this element were evaluated concerning the completeness of the report generated by the nurses, before leaving their respective shifts. This element also added to the increased satisfaction rate in nurses. The element of completeness of the report was increased from 7.4% to an approximate rate of almost 9%. This can also be helpful indirectly improving the overall clinical practice. The details were also increased in the clinical handover process and this element was evaluated as well. Due to the addition of a few details, the process was observed to be a lengthy one. The rate of this respective element was found to be increased to 6% in totality.

The role of effective communication between the team members is required to ensure an efficient clinical handover process (Manias, 2016). This is also vital to ensure the collection of details of the information that is necessary for managing patient care provision. Nurses can play a crucial role in this process, to ensure that strong interpersonal relations between the team members are established and therefore, effective communication standards are ensured. This is also one of the vital standards as directed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. As per the working of these standards, good leaders have an underlying responsibility to make sure that effective communication is established between the team members (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2020). Thereby, ensuring improved standards of patient care delivery. Effective communication will help in passing on the details professionally and completely, thus, leaving no space for any confusion or errors. This can also be a good method to interact with the patients and establish their role in the decision-making process. The process of standardization is a robust and positive approach to make sure that equal participation of each member is ensured and therefore, overall quality of care is maintained. The process of standardization will also help in developing set rules of guidelines to be followed for the future implementation process. This can also be vital for the continuity of care provided to the patients with improved quality of care standards ensured. The data presented graphically also indicated a positive inference. It highlights a positive impact with the help of effective communication between the team members. This has been keenly observed during night handovers as well and during a change of shifts. Communication has also been found to be useful for improving the way information transfer takes place (Yu, 2017). The same can be fruitful in improving the nurse’s satisfaction as it will help in reducing the time considerably for providing handover. This will render the best outcomes, in the case where the handover is to be provided with a change of shift.

Bedside handover can be another effective method that can be used to collect the information directly from the patient (Malfait, 2018). This one-on-one interaction can be fruitful in schematically collecting the details of information and including all of the information possible. This can also be deemed as one of the best possible patient-centered care approaches, as it will help in narrowing down the respective needs and specifications of the patient. This can also be an effective method of the transition of care provision. Thus, ensuring better healthcare outcomes with improved patient care quality and increased job satisfaction in nurses. Along with the inclusion and improvement of this method, constant monitoring is also required to reduce the chances of errors while data collection. The method of bedside handover is one of the most efficient ways patient’s details can be obtained. This is because of the main reason for the ease of access to the patient, with a direct approach to him. The process not only involves the patients but also involves the family members in the process of details collection. This allows the family members to be an integral part of the decision-making process as well. This also provides a sound means for the nurses to build a healthy relationship with the patient and his family members (Tobiano, 2018). The bedside handover process is also a more efficient manner of collecting information on a prompt basis. The details can be easily updated and documented in the form, for the next person to have a look at the same. It is also an effective method to cater to the patient's needs and concerns on an emergent basis. The same can be conveyed to the next healthcare professional aligned with patient care. The help of family can be very helpful in collecting information, where patients are not in a state of mind to provide with the details. The role of the family can also be beneficial to be involved in the process, especially in cases where the patient is either suffering from multiple comorbidities or complex conditions (Marmor, 2017).

The paper can be concluded by reflecting that bedside handover is an effective method of collecting the details of the patients. It can not only help in improving patient care quality but can also help with improving the nurse satisfaction rate. The process of standardization of clinical handover can be effective for both patients and nurses. It can also be improved with the help of effective communication between the team members. Ensuring good communication between the team members can be deemed as vital as per the defined NSQHS standards of patient care (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2020). This is also helpful for improving the overall standards of working for any given healthcare organization. For attaining improved quality of patient care and coordination, the process of clinical handover should be effectively standardized and should be promoted to be practiced with the bonds of healthcare regulation. It can also be vital in improving healthcare outcomes for patients. Thus, helping the nurse to nurture a robust and positively interactive interpersonal relation with the patient and their family members.

References for Evidence-Based Practice

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. (2020). National Safety and Quality Health Standards Available at:

Johnson, M., Sanchez, P., & Zheng, C. (2016). The impact of an integrated nursing handover system on nurses' satisfaction and work practices. Journal of Clinical Nursing25(1-2), 257-268.

Malfait, S., Eeckloo, K., Van Biesen, W., Deryckere, M., Lust, E., & Van Hecke, A. (2018). Compliance with a structured bedside handover protocol: An observational, multicentred study. International Journal of Nursing Studies84, 12-18.

Manias, E., Geddes, F., Watson, B., Jones, D., & Della, P. (2016). Perspectives of clinical handover processes: A multiā€site survey across different health professionals. Journal of Clinical Nursing25(1-2), 80-91.

Mannix, T., Parry, Y., & Roderick, A. (2017). Improving clinical handover in a pediatric ward: Implications for nursing management. Journal of Nursing Management25(3), 215-222.

Marmor, G. O., & Li, M. Y. (2017). Improving emergency department medical clinical handover: Barriers at the bedside. Emergency Medicine Australasia29(3), 297-302.

Redley, B., Botti, M., Wood, B., & Bucknall, T. (2017). Interprofessional communication supporting clinical handover in emergency departments: An observation study. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal20(3), 122-130.

Tobiano, G., Bucknall, T., Sladdin, I., Whitty, J. A., & Chaboyer, W. (2018). Patient participation in nursing bedside handover: A systematic mixed-methods review. International Journal of Nursing Studies77, 243-258.

Wainwright, C., & Wright, K. M. (2016). Nursing clinical handover improvement practices among acute inpatients in a tertiary hospital in Sydney: A best practice implementation project. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports14(10), 263-275. 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-003170

Yu, M., & JA Kang, K. (2017). Effectiveness of a role-play simulation program involving the Isbar technique: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today53, 41-47.

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