Capstone Engineering
Topic Investigation via the Engineering Literature
Due date 17/03/2019
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Student No. n _________________________________________________________________
Draft Research Topic Title __ Seismic retrofit of low-ductile Reinforced
Concrete beams using Fibre Resistant Polymers (FRP) strips
Project Supervisor _____________________________________________________________
Your BEng Degree Major
Assessment Tasks
Draw a concept map of your research topic
Translate those key concepts into a search statement
Search for relevant engineering literature
Identify authoritative, reputable and reliable information sources on your research topic
Submit a summary analysis of three key references
Identity and categorize trends found in the literature
Explain what impact literature findings have had on the design of your project
Locate published authorities (acknowledged experts) in your field of research
Compile a reference list of the most useful literature on your topic.
25 Feb 2019page 1
9842495365751. Concept Map
Draw a concept map that defines your topic
Describe the objective and scope of your research topic.
To investigate the change in seismic efficiency of low-ductile reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with Fibre Resistant Polymers (FRP).
Take the terms and phrases from your concept map to develop and refine a search strategy.
25 Feb 2019page 2
984249722630Developing a Search Statement
Planning a search strategy
Separately identify the key concepts you wish to search for
1st Concept 2nd Concept 3rd Concept
Seismic efficiency low-ductile reinforced concrete beams Fibre Resistant Polymers (FRP)
Now list any synonyms (words with the same or similar meaning) that may also retrieve relevant information. List here any spelling variations e.g., colour / color tire / tyre harbour / harbor.
Synonyms Synonyms Synonyms
Seismic capacity nearly-brittle RCB Fibre Enhanced Polymers (FEP)
OR seismic resistance AND brittle reinforced concrete beams AND Fibre Strengthened Polymers
Where appropriate use the truncation symbol (the asterisk ) to truncate search keywords. Record search words that could be truncated, e.g., spectr will retrieve spectra, spectral, spectrometry, spectroscopy, spectrum, spectrums etc.
Reinforc, fibr, polym, and britt.
Structure your search statement using Boolean search logic operators (AND, OR, NOT).
Use parentheses ( ) so that you can order a keyword search. Enclose a literal text string in inverted commas to force an exact key phrase search. For example
(artificial intelligence OR fuzzy logic) AND (power AND (distribution OR transmission))
Fibre AND Polymer, Reinforced OR Hybrid Fiber Reinforced, Low-ductile NOT Weakness
25 Feb 2019page 3
3. Searching for Engineering Literature
Explore relevant engineering literature databases.
Name the most useful engineering literature database searched Identify this database (and if applicable, its delivery platform). For example, Inspec (Engineering Village) Transportation Research Information Database (TRID) ASCE Research Library Compendex (on Engineering Village).
Database Name Engineering Village
Comment on the scope of your chosen database and why it proved to be of high value to your literature search
This database features academic publications written by a wide pool of scholars including PhD students, Undergraduate students, professors, and research fellows. Its reliability is based on the fact that no academic article or journal is published until it has been reviewed by capable academicians corresponding to the subject being investigated. In addition, there is information on the number of other scholars who have cited the publication before. This gives further insight into the reputable nature of the article or journal. Over the years, it has been used extensively by scholars in all parts of the world. It boasts of articles in a plethora of engineering fields including Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Both peer reviewed originally published journals are available on the database. It also features books written by various academic experts. Being a web based platform, it is readily available online free of charge.
4. Identify Relevant and Authoritative Information Sources
List some key information sources applicable and relevant to your research topic. Attempt to include at least one, in each of the following three categories
Peer reviewed journal titles / Conference publications eng.capstone guide will assist
Pseudo-dynamic tests on a full scale four storey reinforced concrete frame seismically retrofitted with reinforced concrete infilling, by Taylor and Francis
Durability of fibre reinforced polymer under aggressive environment and severe loading, by Halim, Alih and Vafaei.
Seismic Behavior of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Cement Composites Beam-Column Connection with High Damage Tolerance
Engineering texts / Handbooks / Encyclopaedias eng.capstone guide will assist
Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings-Cpwd
25 Feb 2019page 4
c. Standards (or regulations) / Patents finding Standards ampPatents guides will assist
IEBC by the International Code Council
25 Feb 2019page 5
9842499080505. Evaluate and Analyse Three (3) Key References
From your search results select three key references. For each reference (typically these will be journal articles or conference papers or book chapters) provide an evaluation and analysis using the template below. Consider attributes such as currency, relevance, accuracy, authority and purpose.
Reference 1 -- Use APA(or an alternative citation style agreed with your supervisor such as the IEEE citation style)
Sarker, Priyanka amp Begum, Mahbuba amp Nasrin, Sabreena. (2015). Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Structural Retrofitting A Review. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB). 39. 49-57.
How does this paper relate to my topic
It dissects a topic that is closely related to the one being addressed in the project proposal. Most notably, it discusses the impact that fibre polymers have on the structural integrity of various structural elements including beams and columns. This is closely related to the subject under discussion in the project proposal, where the effect of retrofitting low-ductile reinforced concrete beams is being investigated. The article highlights the various ways in which the structural stability of beams and columns made of either steel or masonry can be enhanced by means of fibre reinforced Polymers. Such information will prove to be pivotal in understanding how the strength of retrofitted low-ductile reinforced concrete beams can change if they are reinforced with Fibre Resistant Polymers.
What key findings are reported
It highlighted the fact that a number of structures in seismic wave prone areas are susceptible to being damaged by an earthquake. Further, the article also revealed that many buildings in earthquake prone areas have been damaged following an earthquake. This laid the foundation for coming up with ways to make them more seismic efficient by incorporating fibre resistant polymers.
How does this paper relate to other work in the field
Over the years, ways to enhance the seismic efficiency of structures have been sought after. A number of researches have been conducted to come up with buildings that can resist the effects of seismic waves during earthquakes. So far, the use of fibre resistant polymers has proven to be a reliable method. The paper highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the polymers, laying the foundation for improving the method in the future in steel and masonry structures.
Interpret important figures / tables / illustrations (cite the page number).
In all the structures that the paper has reviewed, the structural integrity of beams was observed to have been improved as well as the seismic efficiency after retrofitting with fibre polymers. Such information is clearly indicated on pages 56 and 57.
List other references to investigate further (a good paper can often lead to another).
Bansal, P., P., Sharma, R. (2019). Behavior of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint Retrofitted Using UHP-HFRC. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 195
25 Feb 2019page 6
General notes / observations on this papers attributes.
The paper reviews a number of structures that have been reinforced with fibre polymers and provides evidence to back the idea that such a move is indeed a perfect way to enhance the seismic efficiency of structures. All the information highlighted in the paper is clear and the explanations are concise. It is a very reliable source of information.
Reference 2 Use APA (or an alternative citation style agreed with your supervisor such as the IEEE citation style)
Ilki, Alper amp Demir, Cem amp Bedirhanoglu, Idris amp Kumbasar, Nahit. (2016). Seismic Retrofit of Brittle and Low Strength RC Columns using Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Cementitious Composites. Advances in Structural Engineering. 12. 325-347. 10.1260/136943309788708356.
How does this paper relate to my topic
It discusses the impact that fibre polymers have on the strength of brittle and low strength reinforced columns. Most importantly, it highlights the fact that the low strength and brittle reinforced columns are strengthened by the addition of the fibre polymers. This is closely related to the subject being investigated in this project proposal.
What key findings are reported
It highlighted the fact that the initial strength of the brittle and low strength reinforced concrete columns is indeed much lower than the one that was recorded after reinforcing with the fibre reinforced polymers. According to the paper, the ductility of the structural elements was largely enhanced after retrofitting, resulting in delayed buckling.
How does this paper relate to other work in the field
For many years now, the search for a means of enhancing the structural integrity of reinforced concrete structural elements has been ongoing. The findings of the paper clearly provide sufficient evidence to back the idea of using fibre reinforced polymers.
Interpret important figures / tables / illustrations (cite the page number).
It revealed that reinforced concrete beams and columns with strengths under 10 MPA are unable to resist the effects of earthquakes. On page 340, it clearly shows how the strength of retrofitted columns increases to more than half that of the columns without fibre polymers.
List other references to investigate further (a good paper can often lead to another).
Xue, Junqing amp Lavorato, Davide amp Bergami, Alessandro amp Nuti, Camillo amp Briseghella, Bruno amp Marano, Giuseppe amp Ji, Tao amp Vanzi, Ivo amp Tarantino, Angelo amp Santini, Silvia. (2018). Severely Damaged Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns Repaired by Turned Steel Rebar and High-Performance Concrete Jacketing with Steel or Polymer Fibers. Applied Sciences. 8. 1671. 10.3390/app8091671.
Cosgun, Cumhur amp Mangr, Atakan. (2018). CHALLENGE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL MECHANICS 4 (4) (2018) 159-175 Earthquake performance of collapsed school building under Van-Tabanli (Mw7.2) earthquake A R T I C L E I N F O. Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics. 4. 10.20528/cjsmec.2018.04.004.
General notes / observations on this papers attributes.
Generally, the information highlighted in the paper shows that the strength of retrofitted columns and beams does increase by an appreciable degree. The manner in which the research was conducted and how the data was presented is quite perfect. Therefore, it is a very reliable source.
25 Feb 2019page 7
Reference 3 -- Use APA (or an alternative citation style agreed with your supervisor such as the IEEE citation style)
Chindabaram, R. , S. , Agarwal, P. (2015). Seismic Behavior of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Beamcolumn Joints. Materials and Design. Vol 86, 771-781
How does this paper relate to my topic
It discusses the seismic efficiency of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious structural elements and normal beams that have not been retrofitted with fibre polymers. The paper lays the foundation for understanding the role fibre polymers play in as far as enhancing seismic efficiency is concerned. Therefore, it closely related to the project proposal.
What key findings are reported
According to the paperaposs findings, the hybrid fibre reinforced structural elements have higher tensile strength and strain, they have a lower rate of post yield degradation, they have a higher ductility, and a much higher damage tolerance capacity than ordinary reinforced concrete structural elements.
How does this paper relate to other work in the field
Many other works in the field have been focused on how to improve the structural integrity of various structural elements and especially making them seismic tolerant. The findings highlighted in the paper provide a means of enhancing the seismic efficiency of reinforced concrete structural elements such as beams and columns. Therefore, it has made insurmountable contribution to the success of similar researches in the field.
Interpret important figures / tables / illustrations (cite the page number).
One notable highlight in the paper on page 778 shows microscope image of internal cracks of a conventional concrete beam and a hybrid fibre reinforced type after being loaded. In the former, more cracks are formed than in the latter, indicating that the hybrid fibre reinforced structural elements have higher tensile strength and strain than the conventional ones.
List other references to investigate further (a good paper can often lead to another).
Hajarul Falahi, Nur amp Abdul Halim, Nur Hajarul Falahi amp C. Alih, Sophia amp Vafaei, Mohammadreza amp Baniahmadi, Mahmoud amp Fallah, Ali. (2017). Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer under Aggressive Environment and Severe Loading A Review. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 12. 12519-12533.
Kandekar, Sachin amp S. Talikoti, R. (2018). Study of torsional behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with aramid fiber strips. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering. 10. 10.1007/s40091-018-0208-y.
Segura-Castillo, L., Monte, R., de Figueiredo, A., D. (2019). Characterisation of the Tensile Constitutive Behaviour of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete A new Configuration for the Wedge Splitting Test. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 192
General notes / observations on this papers attributes.
This paper clearly reveals how hybrid fibre reinforced structural elements tend to bear more loads than the conventional ones. In particular, it illustrates why this is the case using microscopy evidence. It finally underscores the fact that the use of fibre polymers to enhance the seismic efficiency of structures is indeed a good idea owing to its effects such as enhancing the tensile strength and strain.
25 Feb 2019page 8
6. Literature Synthesis and Impact on Your Project Design
Categorize major findings (issues, trends or themes) apparent in this your preliminary investigation of the literature.
First of all, the papers reveal that conventional structural elements lack the much needed seismic efficiency and thus often end up being damaged during earthquakes.
Secondly, the experiments aimed at comparing the seismic efficiency of conventional structural elements and those that have been retrofitted with fibre polymers have revealed that the latter possess a higher seismic efficiency than the former.
Additionally, the information highlighted in the papers reveal that countless benefits are associated with the use of fibre polymers higher tensile strength, higher strain, more corrosion resistant, and low rate of post yield degradation.
It is also clear that achieving higher seismic capacity depends on the choice of the fibre polymers. Therefore, the hybrid types tend to offer more seismic efficiency than the regular ones.
Describe and explain what impact these findings might have on the direction, focus or scope of your research project.
The findings highlighted in the papers reveal that more research is supposed to be carried out in this field. In particular, focus should be given to learning about the cheapest ways to install the fibres, determining whether the strength of the fibres can be improved even further than it currently is, and providing more information on the lifespan of the beams and other structural elements reinforced with fibre polymers.
7. Published Authorities
Researchers who have published on your topic
Name up to three (3) published authors who are clearly expert on your topic. State why you believe they are expert. You can usually judge this from the extent and quality of material they have published. If it is given, list their latest institutional affiliation (i.e., where they work). Your expert may have a professional web page that lists their recent publications, their experience and engagement with the research question / problem.
Idris Berderhanoglu
Idris is an associate professor at Istanbul Technical University. As an expert in Structural Engineering, he has published a number of journals addressing various challenges within the field of Civil Engineering, with emphasis on structural engineering. His work in fibre polymer technology has been instrumental in cementing the place of such products in the field of structural engineering. He holds a PhD in Structural Engineering.
Cem Demir
He is a reputable research associate at the Istanbul Technical University where he works alongside several others in the field of structural engineering. Demir holds a PhD in Structural Engineering and boasts of countless articles in finite element analysis, materials engineering (including but not limited to fibre polymer technology), and structural analysis. Therefore, he is an expert that is worth trusting.
Alper Ilki
He has extensive research in seismic effects on structures. Having been a PhD supervisor for many years, he is more than capable of providing viable advice on researches pertaining to this topic. He has authored over 50 articles on this subject and nearly 150 conference papers. Further, he has also contributed greatly to the creation of regulations for the assessment of high risk seismic structures. Currently, he is heading the department of Civil Engineering at Istanbul Technical University.
8. Reference List
Cite (using APA style or an alternative citation style agreed with your supervisor such as the IEEE citation style, which is widely used in electrical, electronic and computing publications) at least eight (8) of the most relevant and useful references you have read on your project topic. This will likely form the basis of your project report reference list. This list should be in alphabetical order, by first named authors surname.
25 Feb 2019page 9
Bansal, P., P., Sharma, R. (2019). Behavior of RC Exterior Beam Column Joint Retrofitted Using UHP-HFRC. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 195
Chindabaram, R. , S. , Agarwal, P. (2015). Seismic Behavior of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Beamcolumn Joints. Materials and Design. Vol 86, 771-781
Dasgupta, Ankit amp Tech, M amp , Scholar. (2018). Retrofitting of Concrete Structure with Fiber Reinforced Polymer. Volume 4.
Hajarul Falahi, Nur amp Abdul Halim, Nur Hajarul Falahi amp C. Alih, Sophia amp Vafaei, Mohammadreza amp Baniahmadi, Mahmoud amp Fallah, Ali. (2017). Durability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer under Aggressive Environment and Severe Loading A Review. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 12. 12519-12533.
Ilki, Alper amp Demir, Cem amp Bedirhanoglu, Idris amp Kumbasar, Nahit. (2016). Seismic Retrofit of Brittle and Low Strength RC Columns using Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Cementitious Composites. Advances in Structural Engineering. 12. 325-347. 10.1260/136943309788708356.
Kandekar, Sachin amp S. Talikoti, R. (2018). Study of torsional behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with aramid fiber strips. International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering. 10. 10.1007/s40091-018-0208-y.
Sarker, Priyanka amp Begum, Mahbuba amp Nasrin, Sabreena. (2015). Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Structural Retrofitting A Review. Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB). 39. 49-57.
Segura-Castillo, L., Monte, R., de Figueiredo, A., D. (2018). Characterisation of the Tensile Constitutive Behaviour of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete A new Configuration for the Wedge Splitting Test. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 192
Construction and Building Materials, Volume 192
Xue, Junqing amp Lavorato, Davide amp Bergami, Alessandro amp Nuti, Camillo amp Briseghella, Bruno amp Marano, Giuseppe amp Ji, Tao amp Vanzi, Ivo amp Tarantino, Angelo amp Santini, Silvia. (2018). Severely Damaged Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns Repaired by Turned Steel Rebar and High-Performance Concrete Jacketing with Steel or Polymer Fibers. Applied Sciences. 8. 1671. 10.3390/app8091671.
25 Feb 2019page 10
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