Understanding People and Organisations

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to conduct intellectual reasoning such as; understanding meanings, recognising difference and similarities between two elements and concepts, understanding prevailed generalities and understanding the situations when generalisations are not appropriate (Myer, 2016). From this definition, I understand that emotional intelligence is the foundation of human behaviour. There are four categories of emotionally intelligent people; emotional management in oneself and other, accurately identify the emotion, formulate emotions and their meanings and those who correctly enable thoughts by using emotions (Myer, 2016).

To analyse my emotional intelligence, I conducted a global EI test. The score out of 10 was; self-awareness: 6, self-management: 4, Social awareness: 7, Relationship management: 4. I found taking the emotional intelligence test very useful and interesting. I always thought myself to be socially unaware, however, the result shows the opposites. The global EI test revealed that my self-management and relationship management ability is less.

Self-management comprises of self-control, controlling impulsive and disruptive emotions, maintaining integrity, being responsible, adaptable and flexible to changes and overcome any hindrance and achievement-oriented. Although I consider myself to be an honest and responsible person, sometimes I feel my impulsive and disruptive emotions to be overpowering. It makes it harder for me to gain better self-management. The relationship management comprises visionary and inspiring leadership, helping other, clear and convincing communication, motivating and leading others in a new direction, managing and resolving conflicts, strengthening and maintain relationship and effectively collaborating with teammates to achieve mutual goals. This is the area of emotional intelligence which I need to pay attention to and develop to succeed in my professional practice. In future, when I will be leading any team, I need my relationship management skills to be strong to motivate, lead and inspire my teammates and resolve any conflict.

The global EI test revealed that my self -awareness and social-awareness domain is strong with a scope of further development. Self-awareness is the core of emotional intelligence. Self-awareness includes recognition of one’s emotions as well as their impact on others, the ability to evaluate one’s strength and weakness accurately and having positive and strong self-confidence. I often do self-reflection which enhanced my self-awareness. However, I still think that my ability to recognise my emotions is somehow very week. Social awareness encompasses understanding the emotions and feelings of others, the ability to identify the culture and life of the organisation and recognising the requirement of clients and working according to it. I believe that empathy is very important for a person to conceive to reflect kind and caring behaviour. I am well able to realise the needs and requirement of others and the organisation’s culture and politics to build decision-based on it. Schutt & Loi, 2014 stated that the better emotional intelligence has a positive effect on job satisfaction and growth (Schutt & Loi, 2014) and reduces work stress and burnout (Mikolajczak, Menil, & Luminet, 2007) which is not something I have thought about lately.

It can be concluded that the extent of exactness of the global EI test in my context is almost accurate. The domain of my emotional intelligence which I believe to be week was not that bad. Although to be successful in my professional life, I need to focus more on my weaknesses as self-management and relationship management plays a crucial role in defining the growth of career and reducing work stress and burnout.

References for Emotional Intelligence Ability Model

Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R., & Salovey, P. (2016). The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence: Principles and Updates. Emotion Review, 8(4), 290–300.doi:10.1177/1754073916639667 

Mikolajczak, M., Menil, C., & Luminet, O. (2007). Explaining the protective effect of trait emotional intelligence regarding occupational stress: Exploration of emotional labour processes. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 1107–1117.

Schutte, N. S., & Loi, N. M. (2014). Connections between emotional intelligence and workplace flourishing. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 134–139.

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