Evaluating the both categories of the agent function such as selecting employees or recruiting, it has been identified that both operations help the HR management body enhance the overall operations and increase productivity in the environment. Being one of the HR managers, I believed that the selection process is much more important than the recruiting. The major reasons behind selecting the process over others are described below.
The selection process is very much essential which directly impacts the overall quality of the employees hired by the organisation in a particular environment. On the other hand, as opined by Hmoud, and Laszlo (2019), the recruitment is totally for the attraction of a potential candidate. Selection majorly involved the identification and evaluation of the most suitable individual for the job. It helps to emphasise the overall selection process to hire the employees with the right qualification skills and cultural field that provides a huge amount of support to manage their higher performance. This selection process is also helpful for managing the productivity of the environment by developing different types of roles.
Efficiency and cost are the primary factors for the overall selection process which help the management to get a good amount of productivity. The application of a comprehensive selection process helps to identify the proper candidates who are aligned with the overall job requirements and reduces the chances of hiring unsuitable candidates for a particular operation. As depicted by Kanagavalli et al. (2019), this type of selection process is also effective in improving the efficiency and minimising the cost. The application of a comprehensive selection process also helps to reduce the chances of hiring unsuitable candidates for a particular organisation. Investing a good amount of money for the important time is essential in thorough evaluation can be effective for the organisation. Different evaluation processes including assessment, reference check and interviews are being used for making the informed decision by avoiding the costly hiring mistakes.
Selecting the employees by analysing the fitness of employees with the organisation factors including goals, culture and values are very much essential for providing long term success in a particular environment. As opined by Backman, and Hedenus (2019), at the time of managing the recruitment, it has been identified that attracting a divert school of candidates and their overall selection process allow the customers or employees to ask different types of alignment process with organisations core ethics and values. Proper prioritisation of the selection process can be effective for developing an engaged and cohesive work force that shares the common vision which leads to improved employee intention, satisfaction and performance in the materials. Proper development of communication can be helpful for improving employee retention and enhancing the organisation of performance by huge amounts.
Every country has its own legal requirements which are very much critical for ensuring the overall hiring practice in a material. Through the application of physical compliance and regular screening in the hiring practice, the management body can easily check and provide different types of operations in a better way. As depicted by Muna et al. (2022), it is the qualification and analysing the skills can be helpful for the HRMs member to include the background check and which help to mitigate the risk of hiding in visual with the problems claims or background. This type of function can be the most effective one in managing the overall activities in defining the performance.
Evaluating different types of process of recruiting and selection, it can be clearly depicted that these processes are very much essential for building a talented workforce which can take precedence over the time of passing on identifying the candidate and ensuring the organisation of it by complying with legal and ethical practices (Williams et al. 2021). Investing a huge amount of money on the robust collection process, donation time table of contribution are getting their long term success in the organisation.
At the time of commencing the overall employment process in managing the new department, it is seen that there are different approaches that need to be taken for managing the overall activities. The major approaches taken by the management body are described below.
The first step that would be essential for managing the activities is related to the comprehension of job analysis. It is beneficial for the different rules of the new department to manage different types of activities. This type of functionalities can be the most effective one which outline the key requirements and skills required for completing the successful candidate. As analysed by Mugira (2022), the position description will provide better support to manage the foundation of selection and recruitment activities in managing various operations. This type of operation can provide the management a good amount of results in defining various results of managing the activities. The description of different positions in the job advertisement can be helpful for identifying their overall process in defining better results and to make a better team of operations.
For determining the requirement of the staffing in a new department, it is very much essential for getting the work for planning. Proper operation of the workforce planning can be helpful for assessing workload by considering the overall business growth and anticipated their overall demand. As depicted by Yong et al. (2020), it can be effective for estimating the number of employees required for a particular problem and to manage the desired skills set. The application of workforce planning can be the most effective one with managing skills to meet all the operational needs. Managing all the demand of the workforce can be the most effective one to meet different requirements of customers by increasing the talent pool of the environment.
Proper development of recruitment strategy is very much essential for attracting a large number of qualified candidates in a particular area. For attracting the qualified candidates to the job role, the management can follow various types of recruitment channels including social media platforms, online job boards and professional networks. Along with that, I would also like to consider the process of partnering with various types of recruitment agencies and talent acquisition for streamline the overall process. As illustrated by Hashemi-Petroodi et al. (2021), crafting the overall company job advertisement and providing a proper selection criteria would be the also essential part of the recruitment strategy that manage different types of operations in a better way. Management of recruitment strategy is one of the most effective ones which manage the overall operation of managing the diversity and attracting the talent pool for developing various operations.
After getting the applications, I would develop a better candidate selection and screening process which helps to involve various activities in a particular domain. Proper involvement conducting initial video or phone interviews, and short listing the candidate are the primary sector which are very much beneficial to fit with the position requirement (Liu et al. 2020). After developing the overall shortlisting process, it is very much essential to schedule in person interviews with the panel of interviews including the department managers and supervisors to shortlist the proper candidate for their personal role. Different types of other assessment methods such as presentations, behavioural assessment and skill test are very much essential and included to evaluate the candidate’s suitability and ability in a particular area. The application of background screening and reference check could be the primary factors which have been conducted for different types of final candidates before developing the employment ethics (Hongal and Kinange, 2020).
Therefore, it can be clearly depicted that the HR manager of this organisation properly manages different types of activities for organising the employees for the new department. Various types of activities can offer the organisation better results in defining the role of every manager and new employee in a particular department.
Doing my degree in the hospital industry, it has been identified that I am looking for the job of Front office manager which provides me a better accessibility of managing the overall activities. Being a front office manager in Accor Australia, my future job role includes the management and over-sighting of different operations of the front desk along with the case services which is one of the leading hospitality organisations in all over the world. In this role I have a proper responsibility for ensuring the efficient and more checking and check out process which helps to maintain high level of guest satisfaction in managing different activities. Coordinating with various departments can be also beneficial for them to manage for a better exception of customer service and handling the guests' concern in the hospitality. As illustrated by Dubey et al. (20200, coordination with the different departments can be effective on which helps to deliver the exceptional customer service and manage the reservation process that may arrive during the checking and check out of the primary focus of mine will be on development of positive and welcoming experience for the guest at the time of uploading the standard of Accor with proper professionalism and excellence. Accor hotels are very well known as one of the most important hotel industries in all over the world which has more than 360+hotels in Australia including Pullman, Art series and others. Doing a job in this role can provide me with a huge amount of opportunities to get a good amount of knowledge about the different operations of well known hospitality brands all over Australia.
The industry which I prefer to work in is the hospital industry of Australia. After completing the degree in the hospital industry, I want to be a manager of a famous hotel group in Australia to help the customers for mitigating their different types of issues. As depicted by Goh & Jie (2019), this industry includes organisations and businesses which provide accommodation, lodging and other related services to the customers and travellers in a particular area. It also includes resorts, hotels, bed and breakfast and other logic establishments along with the after the management companies and organisations to manage different types of the work. Every year, a large number of travellers and tourists come to Australia and book the Accor hotels in a particular environment. The important and overreaching industrialisation in this hospitality industry of Australia is the Accor hotel group which has more than 360 + hotels all over Australia. The major website of Accor hotels is known as https://all.Accor.com. This website provides a proper voice of the lodging industry all over Australia and works to identify the overall interest of their members. It also help to provide research resources and education to their member businesses that helps to shape the public policy which affect the industrial force of the collaboration and networking among the industry professionals in all over the Australia market. Accor hotels play a vital role in promoting the success and growth of their member organisation by providing representation and support at the industrial level to get a good amount of consumers.
Accor is very much well known as one of the famous hotel chains of Australia which operate various hotel brands. The professional organisation in Australia is the very much relevant to the hospitality industry which is specifically for the front office managers. Being one of the most important roles in Australia, Australian revenue management association (ARMA) is well known. The primary website for the ARMA is known as www.arma.org.au.
The ARMA is totally dedicated to the overall advancement of the management professionals within the hospitality industry of Australia. As an overall front office manager, being the member of ARMA can be beneficial for me with different reasons that are described below.
This professional institution provides different types of educational workshop resources, conferences and seminars which are totally focused on different types of revenue management and practices. This opportunity also allows the members of this organisation to enhance their skills and knowledge in the revenue management that is essential for optimising the profitability and hotel revenue of the environment. Being one of the potential members of this professional institute, I will get the opportunities to learn several things as per the overall requirement of the management.
This ARMA organisation also provides a proper platform for the collaboration and networking among the professionals in the different types of revenue management field. Joining the organisation as a front office manager, I can easily connect with the industry exports and pears along with the potential mentors by developing available relationships which can lead to developing a proper inside in a particular environment. This type of functionality is a good way to develop career opportunities and professional growth in a particular area of operation.
The management body of ARMA also helps to keep their members informed about the different types of best practices in the state Trend and Technology advancement in the overall revenue management body of the organisation. Through the application of publication, online resources and newsletters, members can also get a better opportunity to stay updated on the pricing strategies, marketing dynamics and distribution channel which impact the overall revenue optimisation of the organisation.
Being one of the major members of ARMA, recognition and credibility of the front office manager can be the most effective one which helps to maintain the professional profile. This type of functionalities also demonstrated the continuous learning and staying up to date with the industrial practices which can be valuable for the advancement and career progression opportunities in the overall Australia.
Therefore, it can be depicted that the ARMA plays a crucial role in empowering and supporting the revenue management professionals of the hospitality industry. It offers networking, industry insights, and other professional development opportunities to the front office managers to do their work in a better way.
Hmoud, B., & Laszlo, V. (2019). Will artificial intelligence take over human resources recruitment and selection. Network Intelligence Studies, 7(13), 21-30. https://seaopenresearch.eu/Journals/articles/NIS_13_3.pdf
Kanagavalli, G., Seethalakshmi, R., & Sowdamini, T. (2019). A systematic review of literature on recruitment and selection process. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(2), 01-09. https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/268004252.pdf
Muna, F., Ferdous, S. M., & Azam, A. (2022). Impact of Political Influence in Recruitment and Selection Practice; Evidence from Maldives Civil Servants. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(7), 848-859. https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/download/11206/7232
Williams, B. R., McAfee, D., & Connell, S. D. (2021). Repairing recruitment processes with sound technology to accelerate habitat restoration. Ecological Applications, 31(6), e02386. https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/eap.2386
Backman, C., & Hedenus, A. (2019). Online privacy in job recruitment processes? Boundary work among cybervetting recruiters. New Technology, Work and Employment, 34(2), 157-173. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1111/ntwe.12140
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