• Subject Name : General Management

Personnel Management and Organisational Behaviour

Case Study Related Question:-

  1. Human capital of an organization is the assets that are not shown on the balance sheet of a company but they comprise the quality of a worker working in an organization. Human capital includes attributes like education of an employee, whether he is given a proper course of training, intelligence, skills, health as well as loyalty and punctuality of an employee [1](Kenton, 2020). It emphasizes that an organization should keep in mind the needs as well as the requirements of the employees in the organization. Human capital directly emphasized the quality of production. (Johson, 2018) In Art’s food, the company is only concerned about productivity and not about the needs of the employees of the organization.
  1. The position in which the staff of the educational area has found themselves is there is a lack of recognition by the management of the organization which is resulting in the decline of service. The organization is only concerned about meeting its goals, which the organization is doing effectively therefore, they are not concerned about the needs of the workers of the firm.
  1. The main reason of how this position is reached in the organization is the lack of interest of the employers to satisfy the wants and needs of the employee in the organization. If the situation gets worse and the employers do not take the necessary steps then Raquel will leave the organization as the personal objectives of her are not met and fulfilled in the organization which will ultimately lead to stress in the team working as the other members of the team like Annabel, Julia, Enrique and Elisabeth are the core of the team and all of them work under Raquel only. Hence the productivity of the organization will be affected directly.
  1. The needs that the organization requires now is that the organization needs an effective and efficient management system that not only take steps just to fulfill the needs of the targets of the organization but also keeps in mind the needs of the employees working in the company. In short, the needs of the employees as well as organizational goals should be both taken care of by the management or the employers of the organization.


  1. The stages of team development or team evolution in a wok field are as follows:-
  • Forming stage: - This is the first stage that involves the orientation of the team members and getting to know about the organization. At this stage, the people working in the organization look for leadership and authority. The members of the team interact with each other, to get to know to each other.
  • Storming stage: - This stage is considered to be one of the most critical stages of team evaluation. In this stage as soon as the individual personalities emerge, the production of the organization decreases. The team members disagree on different factors. To overcome this stage the team members should work together to overcome the differences and work on team ideas related to team tasks and goals.
  • Norming Stage: - This is the stage where the conflicts are resolved and unity in the team emerges back. The Performance of the team members is improved at this stage because the members start working in unity and they contribute more to achieve the team goals.
  • Performing stage:-At this stage the functioning of the team is organized and well functioned. There is a proper working environment in the organization and the employees are motivated towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives. The problems and the conflicts of the organization are dealt more constructively.
  • Adjourning stage: - This is the stage where the goals and objectives of a team have been met and accomplished. (Alsever, 2020)

Right now the educational area of the company is in the second stage which is the storming stage. There is a conflict of interest because the management is not concerned about the needs of employees of the team. The main aim of the organization is to achieve the targets without considering the needs of the employees. At this stage, the company needs to accept an individual’s needs to work effectively and productivity is achieved.

  1. A Formal team comprises the members who work for the organization to achieve the organizational goals whereas the informal team is formed by the employees to achieve their personal goals and needs.(Kukreja, n.d.) In the following case analysis of Food Art’s company, the formal team comprises Mr. Joseph font chief of operations, Mr. Roger founder and Director of the company, Joan the Salesman, and Elisabeth as all these people are not having any personal goals to meet and they are happy with the organizational structure. Whereas the informal team comprises Raquel Torra who is the director of the educational area, Enrique who is a salesman, Lorena, Julia, and Annabel. All these team members form the informal team as few of the members are not able to meet their personal goals and the rest are not happy with the management of the organization. Hence, all these members constituter an informal team.
  1. According to the theory of Meredith Belbin, a team in an organization is not a group of random people working on different objectives; on the contrary, it is a group of people who are working together. The role of each member of a team is not the same and it should be understood by the members of the team. Belbin had defined nine types of behavior which are known as ‘Belbin Team roles’. It is very important to first analyze what are the objectives of the team to decide which member of the team should be allotted to which particular behavior. The nine roles are as follows-
  • Resource investigator – These members bring back ideas and opportunities for the team. In this particular organization, Joan fits for the position of resource investigator.
  • Team worker- These members help the team to identify the work and help the members in achieving it. Anabel is the teamwork of the team.
  • Co-ordinator- They help in the coordination of the work of the team members and focused on the team’s objectives. Raquel Torra is the coordinator of the team.
  • Plant- These members are creative and help in solving problems in unexpected ways. Enrique is the plant member of the team.
  • Monitor Evaluator –These members make judgments when it is needed and takes up the team’s opinion in a different way. Joseph font is the Monitor evaluator of the team.
  • Specialist – These members acquire deep knowledge of the work that the team is doing. Raquel Torra is the specialist of the team.
  • Shaper- These members ensure that the team keeps moving and does not lose focus while working. Lorena is the shaper of the team.
  • Implementer – These members frame policies to work as efficiently as possible. Elizabeth is the implementer of this team.
  • Completer Finisher – These members find out the errors in the work to deliver the highest standard of work to the client. Raquel Torra can also act as a completer finisher for the team.

Roger’s role as a boss:-

  1. The different types of power that Roger possess as a boss are as follows(Singh, 2009):-
  • Legitimate power- Roger has the power to assign power to the manager of the company to ensure the smooth working of the company.
  • Reward power: - Roger has the power to give or to make stay on rewards such as money, privileges, perks and, the status of a person in the organization.
  • Coercive power: - Roger on being the boss of the company has the right to make someone believe that he can be deprived of something if he does not comply with the actions of him.
  • Expert power: - Roger has the power to influence other employees based on knowledge, expertise, and the compatibility to perform the task in a better way.
  • Referent Power: - Roger has the power to identify the person that is less powerful for the organization. This power is constructively used for the benefit of the organization.
  • Reciprocal power: - This power is considered to be a highly effective power and many organizations prefer to use it. The organization frames some fundamental policies which the boss wants the employees to follow.
  1. The management functions that are performed by Roger are – taking effective steps to achieve the economic goal of the organization. He lacks the quality of being a good employer and director of the company as he is only concerned with achieving the economic targets of the company, keeping aside the personal goals and objectives of the employees working under him. This quality is not considered one such good quality of an employer and a team leader.
  1. The qualities that roger should work on to be a more efficient and complete leader are as follows:-
  • Roger should work on his communication skills from a leadership point of view. For a good leader, it is very important for the person to effectively communicate with all the employees that are working under him to achieve the goals of the organizations as well as the goals of the individuals are also met.
  • The quality of Gratitude always makes a person a better leader in the organization. Appreciating a person for the works that he has performed motivates the other person to perform better in the future. Roger should work on the quality of showing more gratitude towards his employees for better results.
  • For a boss to be a good leader, he must possess the quality of Empathy. The quality of empathy increases the level of effectiveness in an organization. Therefore, Roger should work on the quality of showing empathy to his employees.

Roger at the last should also work on the quality of respect. Treating the employees working under you with respect on an everyday basis is considered one of the most important qualities of being a good leader.

  • To improve the communication and motivation skills Roger should schedule meetings that emphasize on better communication, roger should show concern in the wants and needs of the employees working under him, he should be open to recommendations and the opinions of the employees working under him and at last, he should make strategies in a way that both the organizational as well as the employee’s personal goals are met simultaneously.
  • In the following situation, Roger would have to improve the quality of being more participative and transformational in leadership. In transformational leadership, the leader inspires the employees to perform better. In participative leadership, the leader includes the employee more the decision making to make them feel motivated which will directly affect the effectiveness of an employee. (High Peformance Leadership, 2020)

Empowerment Action plan for Art’s Food:-

  1. If roger will have a proper empowerment Plan, then the employees will be motivated, they will have better trust in Leadership, it will motivate the employees to perform better and the plan will provide better opportunities for professional growth.
  1. If Roger is more inclined towards the need of the organization and personal goals of the employees then the plan can be effectively achieved.
  • Roger should use the inspiration of being more grateful to the team, appreciating the employees for the work that they have done and, communicating with them more often in order to bridge the gap of communication between the leader and employee.
  1. The series of empowerment actions that should be followed by Roger for better functioning in the organization are:-
  • Suggestion Involvement where Roger is open to suggestions from the employees.
  • Job Involvement where the employees can have the freedom to decide as to how they want to work and roger to give them enough feedback for their work to motivate them to perform more efficiently.
  • High involvement where Roger should give importance to the people working at a low level in the organization to motivate them and appreciate them for their contribution to the organization’s performance.

List of References for Art’s Food Organizational Behavior Analysis

Alsever, J. (2020). Principles of Managment. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-principlesmanagement/chapter/reading-the-five-stages-of-team-development/

High Peformance Leadership. (2020). Retrieved October 6, 2020, from https://www.imd.org/hpl/leadership-reflections/leadership-styles/

Johson, D. P. (2018). Human Capital. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from webhome.abhu.edu: http://webhome.auburn.edu/~johnspm/gloss/human_capital.phtml

Kenton, W. (2020, September 4). What Is Human Capital. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from Investopedia.com: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/humancapital.asp#:~:text=Human%20capital%20is%20an%20intangible,on%20a%20company's%20balance%20sheet.&text=This%20includes%20assets%20like%20education,such%20as%20loyalty%20and%20punctuality

Kukreja, S. (n.d.). Types of Groups : Formal and Informal. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from https://www.managementstudyhq.com/types-of-groups.html

Singh, A. (2009, October 9). Organizational Power in Perspective. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from ascelib.org: https://ascelibrary.org/doi/10.1061/%28ASCE%29LM.1943-5630.0000018

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